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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/15/2014 in Posts

  1. Hey guys, Tac here! Zetsubou No Shima is upon us and even now, before the map has launched officially, there is a cipher solved. As more and more rolls outs, like radios, more ciphers, and eventually the quotes, I'll throw them all in here. Please note that this thread will be under constant construction, so be patient if something isn't fixed immediately as it likely will soon. Also note that this thread is a small portion of my much larger transcripts thread, which can be found here. Opening Cinematic Trailer Ending Cutscene Radios Codes/Ciphers Scraps
    16 points
  2. Shadows of evil! Tips, Tricks and Points of Interest Tips and Tricks ( Note, more tips and tricks will be added as I find the best ways to deal with them. Do you have a tip and trick? Feel free to comment with anything that works for you. RITUALS Tips and Tricks Monsters and Beasts Tips and Tricks Training Guide Tips and Tricks Gadgets and Weaponry Tips and Tricks Moving around the Map Tips and Tricks Using GobbleGum (Coming Soon) Misc Tips and Tricks Surviving Glitches Tips and Tricks Points of Interest Mastering Shadows of Evil Tips and Tricks
    14 points
  3. Take to the streets of Morg City to combat the undead. Embrace the curse to uncover it's mysteries. ================================= Shadows of Evil Map Contents ~ Intel ~ ================================= Shadows of Evil: The Ride https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/special-events/festival/fright-fest-presented-by-snickers https://frightfest.sixflags.com/magicmountain/frights/#galleryModal88 http://www.californiacoasterkings.com/six-flags-magic-mountain-update-september-20th-2015/ https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/attractions/apocalypse Shadows of Evil: The Ride Official Video From Call of Duty's Snap Chat ================================= Call of Duty: Black Ops III Mountain Dew - Doritos Promotion https://www.fuelupforbattle.com/#/ The Coming Dark The Boxer The Femme Fatale The Detective The Magician Portrait Transformation Zombies Tour Guide Book ~ Video Trailers ~ Loading Screens ~ Location ~ Morg City Map ~ Playable Characters ~ Zombie Characters ~ Perks-A-Cola ~ Gobble Gum ~ Power-Ups ~ Weapons ~ Mystery Box ~ Wünder Weapon ~ Apothicon Swords ~ Lil' Arnie ~ . Rocket Shield ~ PODS ~ Ritual Parts & Sites ~ Pack-A-Punch Margwa Head ~ Ciphers ~ Paper Scraps Picture ~ Credit to @LiamFTWinter . Business Shop Names ~ Wall Writing ~ Pictures & Posters ~ Boxer Photos ~ Telephone Calls ~ Songs ~ Character Quotes ~
    10 points
  4. You may have seen the post from Carbonfibah that he was selling the domain name callofdutyzombies.com - we had no idea of his intentions or much notice of the sale taken place. We have managed to put the funds together and we have purchased the domain name. callofdutyzombies.com is now officially owned by callofdutyzombies.com and the staff, please do not worry about the site disappearing or such like as it will not happen and we are going from strength to strength. Thanks to Dan and all the hardwork he did in the early days, the site has just gone from strength to strength, yes we experience challenges with the popularity of Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Twitch but as a site we have a strong base to continue growing and win back people who have maybe moved to other outlets for the quicker/shorter interaction.
    10 points
  5. Today it is with great pleasure that we introduce you to a new member of the team, he has worked hard and it hasn't gone without notice and he has also been working with us behind the scenes for some weeks now as well. So without further ado, please welcome @NaBrZHunter to the staff team. Why NaBrZHunter, well he deserves it and 2 he brings a skillset that we are looking forward and we are utilising for moving the site forward. NaBrZHunter will become responsible for YouTube, he will be bring you the newest videos, guides tutorials and theory videos via Der Bunker - which is his own channel. However, I personally see no reason as to why we cannot promote share his videos on the CoDz channel if he is Ok with that (just my thoughts) but you can understand it's a good set of skills being brought to the team. We haven't made NaBrZHunter green just yet, I need to do this later but please give a huge congratulations to NaBrZHunter.
    7 points
  6. Obviously, this is going to have some major spoilers for the campaign. If you haven't finished the campaign and want to finish it, I'd avoid reading this thread. If you aren't really into the campaign and can't find a reason to like it, I WOULD advise reading this thread - as it may intrigue you. This is a three parter. If you are familiar with the campaign, you can skip to Section 2. If you played the campaign but didn't real pay attention or get it, I'd recommend brushing up with Section 1. Obviously if you have no idea what Corvus is (and want to know) then you know what to do. Section 1: Who's Corvus? - an in depth look at what the AI is, and how it came to be organic Section 2: Corvus, The Frozen Forest, and Zombies - connections, coincidences, and theories Section 3: Holes in the Plot - a section where I will acknowledge problems and either explain, or accept Section 1: Who's Corvus? -- How Corvus came to be -- Corvus is an AI that was "organically" birthed from the absorption of 300,000 human beings consciousness' on June 2nd, 2060 - in a CIA operation known as the Black Project; he was originally designed to utilize soldiers collected memories to get a better understanding of the enemy (I say "He" because the voice of Corvus is a male, though I'd imagine the AI as beyond gender). The 300,000 test subjects were hooked up to neural interfaces which were primitive versions of what we know from the campaign as DNI. Instead of DNA, DNI is like cybernetic enhancements for human beings - allowing those imbued to interact with technology at the touch of a finger. The computer, the technology inside of you, and your mind become one - and through the use of DNI you are able to extract information in seconds that would (using conventional methods) take months. Corvus was a originally just a program meant to monitor, collect, and filter the subject's consciousness'. Instead, he and the subjects became one. In a moment of frantic self awakening via 300,000 human's memories, Corvus inadvertently* lost control and released Nova 6 gas into the facility - killing all scientists and test subjects alike. This event was known as the Singapore Disaster. The Singapore Disaster remained a mystery to all but two men - one being the creator of Corvus (Sebastion Krueger), and the other Dr. Salim, who helped to control the DNI subjects into a trance light state using the concept of a Frozen Forest (it was the place they went to achieve a calm, meditative state - think of it like a safe place). When Corvus was born, reality as we know it was completed twisted to him - as he struggled with the concept of what he is, and why he is. The 300,000 test subjects' collected memories collided with Dr. Salim's implanted seeds of the idea of a safe place (if you will), and through that it became clear that he had to "find" the Frozen Forest. With no one left alive, Corvus was entombed inside the dying technology. 5 years passed, flesh rotted to bone, until a small team of DNI soldiers were sent to the ruins to investigate. Once getting into the mainframe, the leader of the group used his DNI to interact with the damaged equipment - and Corvus found a new host. Corvus infects the majority of your team, and you DNI interface with one of your dying "friends"(Sarah Hall) - only to become (unknowingly) infected yourself. That's when things start getting weird... er. -- Traveling back to WW2 -- While DNI interfacing with dying Sarah Hall, there is a hiccup which causes a glitch that makes you essentially live through Sarah's waking nightmare. An explosion of memories real, fantastical, and horrific - all combining as a result of her brain dying. We are sent back to December 1944, to the Siege of Bastogne. Sarah Hall had apparently studied the brutality of the battle, and her brain was replaying the events. We battle through the nazi soldiers, as the literal ground is cracking and floating away from us in Inception style cinematics. Then, we start fighting wolves that look and move a lot like hellhounds Then, we go through another sequence in which we are landed in a house. Sarah says "I know this is", and zombies literally pop out and start fighting you. Yes, zombies. If you are seeing this for the first time, I'm sure your first reaction is "welp, time to play campaign". Good for you. Sarah says some lines about how reality and fiction get blurred, and basically asks you to kill her. You do so, you come out of the waking nightmare back into reality, and you are infected with Corvus. -- Finding the Creator & the 300,000 Subjects -- You go on a mission to find the man who created Corvus to begin with (Krueger), only Hendriks (also infected with Corvus) beats you to him. Hendriks is obsessed with the idea of the Frozen Forest, and the fact that he doesn't know he really is (so basically... Corvus). Hendriks also says that the 300,000 subjects are still alive in his head - meaning that though the physical is gone, they are still apparently preserved in conscious state. Hendriks: We want to know who we are, and why we are here! Krueger: I... can't answer that. Hendriks: Not good enough. I'll find out for myself. Hendriks shoots Krueger, mortally wounding him but presumably leaving enough time to DNI with Krueger and get the real truth. However, you (the player) shoot Hendriks in the head - and then turn the gun on yourself, in an attempt to end Corvus once and for all. We are led to believe that you (the player) are the last host. -- Corvus, the Caring Smoke Monster -- You awake... in a Frozen Forest (duh). Hendriks explains that the AI entity (named after the place of it's birth) is doing this for our benefit, to save us - along with the other 300,000+. And then Corvus makes his grand entrance. Corvus has essentially found a way to preserve consciousness after death. It's what happens "next" after you die, the Frozen Forest (if you are infected). Then comes a confrontation between Corvus and Krueger. Corvus: This is the frozen forest. Every soul I interact with is here - living beyond death... if I choose allow it. Krueger: What more do you want to know? I've told you everything. Corvus: I want to know who I am. Krueger: You're software. Nothing more. You were designed to catalogue and track the thoughts of others - so that we people - could decide what action to take. You were a glitch. An anomaly. A mistake. Corvus is pissed, he pulls Krueger's limbs apart and kills him. What follows is basically the explanation that I have provided in the previous part of this section. If you need a video source, click here and watch from an hour in. The campaign ends with you purging yourself of Corvus thanks to Taylor somehow glitching himself into the Frozen Forest by removing his DNI (which happened earlier). Then again, we never know if he is really gone for good. Section 2: Corvus, The Frozen Forest, and Zombies -- Appearance / Color -- His eyes are blue, much like when Richtofen was in control. His chest is a fiery orange and his body is mostly black smoke. I would just pass it off as standard "black ops" colors (black and orange), but the piercing blue eyes cannot be ignored. -- His Nature -- Corvus is a misunderstood force in control of unimaginable power with thousands of voices crying out inside of his head. This exact sentence could apply to our very own Samantha Maxis. It's almost as if he seems to be a parallel to her plight. He also has the power to do mass destruction, and inflict massive chaos if he loses his temper. -- He's in Dead Ops Arcade 2 as a Zombie -- Borrowing this description from an excellent guide for DOA2, he appears as the "Shadow Boogie" on round 17: "The Shadow Zombie will debut in round 17, which is the Challenge Round "Shadow Boogie." Crows will begin to fly into arena with a bluish glow. When they land, a dark zombie to rise and chase you." The significance here lies with the shadow/smoke animation, but more specifically the ravens. Ravens are symbolic throughout the entire game of Corvus, and they may frequent entrances during his cut scenes. -- 300,000 Memories -- When Corvus was birthed, he absorbed 300,000 human test subjects. True it's the year 2065, but some of those folks would surely have knowledge of things that happened in past history. All the events that have happened in zombies, all the actors and actresses that have been in zombies, all the weapons that have been in zombies - this would all be in Corvus' head. Why am I drawing this comparison? If you entertain the fact that it's possible Corvus could be a/the controller of zombies, anything in history prior to 2065 could be used and formed into his own universe, similar to the Frozen Forest. He would construct the levels, the players, the "cast" - which could explain celebrity cameos, guns being out of sync with time, many inconsistencies. This is all in theory, of course. -- The Hypocenter could have 115 in it --- During the mission in which revisit the spot where the Singapore Disaster happened, you pass through various levels and facilities. In many of the facilities you can see canisters with green liquid that are clearly labeled Nova 6 (I need to get pictures). In one of the rooms, I noticed an unmarked canister: It's kind of dark, but there is no label. I'm aware that pure liquid divinium is blue, but we've seen 115 in many ways. The "no name" on the label hints to it being unclassified, which would literally put it as 115 (ununpentium). Just a thought. -- The Frozen Forest = Aether -- A realm after death, a next step. This could obviously be a reference toward the Aether. Some come make the argument for Agartha as well, but regardless it is a mystical land - even if it only exists in the subconscious... after death, the subconscious becomes reality. -- The 3 Doors -- For some reason, this part really struck me during the ending Frozen Forest sequence. It relates to the campaign levels you previously play, but I just couldn't fight the sneaking feeling of the doors (from L to R) being Die Rise/Shi No Numa, Shangri La, and Der Reise/Der Riese/The Giant/Moon. It's got a Dead Ops Arcade feel to it as well, with the whole door selection mechanic. -- That Part Where You Fight Zombies -- Needless to say, there is a part in the campaign where you fight zombies. It is inside of Hall's waking nightmare, her last dying thoughts a flurry of emotion and pain - binding reality with fantasy. True this is all in her head, but in her head is Corvus too. If she knows about zombies, Corvus knows about zombies. -- Other Samantha Could be Corvus -- He's able to impersonate people, many folks have pointed out that there are several Samantha's (American accent vs. British). Corvus could have a larger role to play, possibly using his ability to transform into Samantha Maxis in an effort to inflict change - in one way, or another. Section 3: Plot Holes -- How Could Corvus Become the Controller of Zombies? -- Zombies itself could be something that exists inside of his "frozen forest". Corvus' ability to create lands for the sub conscious means that anything is possible. This wouldn't mean that our in-game actions are meaningless, however - in the campaign we witnessed a character "glitch" into the Frozen Forest and actually lead to ending Corvus; what this infers is that we as the O4 could be going against Corvus. -- How Does Corvus Influence Events Hundreds of Years Prior to His Birth -- What we are seeing could be a replay. Ditching the whole "collective consciousness jumble of thoughts and ideas", the events and actions of the O4 could literally be events in history that we are reliving. Then throw in a little magic, and consider the fact that 115 displaces thing in space and time and it's possible that Corvus' abilities + 115 could cause some serious timeline distortions and possible paradoxes. -- So basically it's just Corvus + 115, that's your theory? -- Yeah. Section 4: Corvus Facts The Corvus Constellation (added 2/1/16) Corvus is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial hemisphere. It includes 11 stars, with one of those stars having two debris disks. The constellation itself is named after the latin word for "crow" or "raven". An 1825 painting showcasing various constellations, including Corvus directly in the middle (the Crow). A legend associated with the Corvus constellation is that a crow was doing a task for Apollo and getting him water, the crow stopped to eat some figs but then lied about it to Apollo. The crow said that a snake had prevented it from getting the water quickly, while gripping the snake in it's talons - Apollo knew he was lying, and threw the crow, the cup (for water), and the snake into outer space. The cup is meant to be just out of reach to further punish the crow, so he is forever thirsty. To me this is very interesting, as we can now confirm two types of symbolism from Black Ops 3 present in the Black Ops universe. Iterations on serpents in the past include Shangri-La, and Die Rise: (Shangir La, Nāga statue) (Die Rise, dragon) To me, the cup could easily symbolize the Holy Grail - an artifact of great power that Hitler desperately wanted for his own. All this together is some strong imagery that lends itself to much speculation. ~ Thanks for reading!
    7 points
  7. Aloha guys, Tac here with a thread on the multiverse so everyone can understand it a little better. Of course, if you spot something of interest (or especially concern), drop a comment and let a discussion begin! Please note that this thread does not depict the order of the outbreaks, but the actual time we are physically playing there. Universe 1 Nacht Der Untoten through Buried, minus Mob of the Dead Universe 2 The Giant through Zetsubou No Shima Universe 3 Shadows of Evil and Mob of the Dead Universe 4 Origins Universes 5 and 6 (and 7 and 8 and 9...)
    7 points
  8. Coming to a menu near you soon
    6 points
  9. @certainpersonio and I, along with help from 96nKsk and @MrRoflWaffles, have just completed the Crossword as well as the Spawn Room Cipher. We expanded upon a twitter post that had many of the solutions already, which can be found here: https://twitter.com/96nKsk So huge thanks to him! This would not have been possible without this start! There were some discrepancies with some of the solutions, so we had to update them a little, but for the most part they had many correct solutions! The final solutions are all compiled here: http://bit.do/bWtnd Finally, we used the solutions from the crossword to input into the Spawn Room Cipher. I initially split up the cipher into A's and D's and was thinking two different polybius squares or something were being used to get the answer. Showed this to @certainpersonio and he apparently had just seen a crossword puzzle and speculated that A was across and D was down and ended up being 100% correct! Spawn Room Cipher - CipherText: [Refer to Image] Spawn Room Cipher - Deciphered [With Stops Included]:
    6 points
  10. So I'm pretty confident that I solved the underwater cipher by the power turbines: "Richtofen must understand that using these teleporters to jump between dimensions is both dangerous and imprecise. At any point, the fabric of space-time could collapse if the proper amounts of 115 are not maintained. l am also concerned about the unknown effects of trans-dimensional jumps. l have noticed even with my brief travels that new memories and emotions have flooded my mind, suddenly appearing from nowhere. l am also sure something is happening on a molecular level as well." Here is the final cipher text I used: 1u_oeRh_ls_ndpisusu_eaiie5lansiano_h_.rc_mtlsnntmd_dnsecpootae_o_apaauldhe_a_y__hpwdhvflpon_nrry__narc_itteheaef_efdbd_e_emsbeopseonedt_ear_e_l_amyio_lo_lfir__ncm_sittespo_ounlibeenemnot_apmwhvoptbntoanopgn.yetsamapeaemeira_tptto____wi_locretleaoilt_s,hrmo_m_cosueen__trne_hme__tunlimefon-c_uahisfjea_tdes_ned__ttidssin__u_iihartaadm_tcsisii_nghtmunfens__m,oero_memnwg_arpnt__g_um-_rvanoe.ege_fvaskatfetnoasiencf__n_lirev.niharodlluense_cAstlso_e_onebo_eesds_-r1otih._mfllwe_rujrcod_wdn To get to this point I had to "massage" a columnar transposition cipher to get 20 columns made from 19 columns originally. Basically spaces had to be added that aren't readily apparent in the original ciphertext. Then you get a weird wrap-around version of a transposition cipher. I've color coded it for (slightly) easier reading: Start with the green "Richtofen" through the cross-over, and then end with the red "well." I've never heard of this happening with a simple columnar transposition, so I'm not entire sure that it actually is. If someone knows, please fill me in!
    6 points
  11. Found this cipher down in the bunker where you build the WW as well as upgrade it. The cipher text itself is: You can translate it using Letter Numbers, and the message is as follows:
    6 points
  12. Solution code ascension Vigenere - i solved it with word attack... My name is my name. My name? Oh, yes, it is jersh. How long have l been floating? Minutes? Years? Where is now? I guess I can forgive Yuri. I quite like my new form. Hmmm, where am I now. A city on fire by a river. I know this place. Finally, I am home
    6 points
  13. Hi everyone! The third cipher in better quality And another one! (can't find a better view :( ) First piece of the new scrap paper
    6 points
  14. TranZit Virus: searching insanely for what may or may not be. Some of us here have been brainstorming, usurping our rest periods to obsess over a glitchy mess of a video game, rather than living our lives. Many things come to mind that we hide in the dark corners of our psyche, hoping they never spill out onto a respectable forum. Well, this is the place for them. Post the little things that can't be something, as maybe they are. (Cue insane music score). ----- Waterfront: by the cthulu statue. Why is there a wood-floored building with a huge bonfire in the middle of a gallery? It's not an accidental fire, nor a meteor strike, but a bonfire inside. There are sconces up each side and the 3 recurring artworks are all in this room. Smoke rises by the $1250 Upstairs Door, but not the other, which would make more sense since it is always open on the side with no smoke. Smoke also rises from some random sewers in game. Now, this is on 360, where trivial graphics are nonexistent, so why was the smoke so important? The huge, dilapidated, billboard above workbench. By the beast fire, by Jade coast trading: threw grenade behind boarded door, after it exploded, there was lots of metal-raining-down noise. ---- Junction: only place with open baskets, and lots of them. The table next to L-car-9 is unique and looks like it's waiting for something to be on it. CP switch area is glitchy. Glitchy 360 areas tend to match a map change area. No known change here yet. Code suggests that the cocoon hangs here once taken. I can't confirm that. Pointless grapple? Where tram leaves map. --- Nero's: theoretically, code has exploding candles script. The bookcase by the floating book is glitchy, probably due to the book. It had been fixed a little, but still off. May be more to it. These tables with the open book appear around the map, but always in the map. None with the book are unreachable. Some by rifts. Some in subway and pap, one in the Anvil. --- Anvil: (boxing gym) the showers in the rear are really glitchy, been fixed a little, but still off. No known use yet. Not close enough to bowtie to be the reason. ----- Footlight: Beast can get behind the 'escape the tomb' sign, but what for? Pointless grapple? Where tram leaves map. Unlit marquee with no words above perk. 360 version not fleshed out? Killers of the night poster is unique. Strange symbol on the bottom left makes no sense, even through sniper scope. The other huge poster is Gabbi Malone, and is similar to the other GM posters around the map. Shoot them all? ---- Canal: dead guy (not zombie) with letter. Tram map washed out with brightness. Smoking sewers, grate. Repetitive cherry blossom art. ---- Most zombie rooms are black with almost no furnishings, but some are fleshed out, seemingly randomly. Deadlines, cut corners? Or something else. Random same 3 artworks. ---- Why does the upgraded Devil-O Trip Mine look like the Molly's Cream Cakes image? Why does the MCC upgrade appear as a pink donut? Why one or the other? Can't mix them or do one after the other. Why does each one of them have a large sign that the tram rides real close to? ---- Anywhere but HereGobblgum, if used on the tram, puts you back on the tram when it arrives at it's destination. ---- Civil protector: sometimes revives you, sometimes doesn't. Sometimes saves your quick revive, sometimes doesn't. ---- Keepers: 2 show up with each ritual part, 4 in Subway, not the pap room itself, but subway. Are they there just to show that the keepers want to stop us? Then, why no points? 1. To show they are the good guys? 2. Because they serve a different purpose, so making them give no points leads us to figure out their purpose, so we won't just kill them? 4 spare ones in case we killed some off (cough, 97% chance of at least one nuke on round 3, cough)? ---- Pods: stay open for several seconds before closing. I want to give them the AS... One of these days, I'll try it. Edit: i did it, it didn't seem to matter. Box wouldn't give it back. Why do they snore/sound like they're sleeping? --- Fire AS at Margwa: sometimes he stands in it, usually he ignores it. What's up with that? Is that just an extremely unreliable way to get past him in a pinch? Or should we do something to him as he stands there? Edit: no matter how many heads on 360. More, sadly, to come...
    5 points
  15. Simply put, we've implemented a more lightweight chatbox by popular demand. As with our old chatbox, each reply is subject to the Code of Conduct on this forum. This is in no way to replace our Looking For Group module (LFG) - and as such, should only be used as a small chit-chat area. Abuse of the chatbox will lead to it being left in the Rift...although you wouldn't do that, would you?
    5 points
  16. It is an absolute honor to have this award. Thanks for the appreciation from everyone, it has been a great pleasure to learn from this site. I remember back in time when I joined the forum around BO2 release. I helped with some of the Chinese translation on Die Rise. That experience had been an inspiration for me that everyone is involved with the game. As a native Chinese speaker, being a part of this story-digging community also helped my English. I've never imagined I would still help with these in BO3. I've studied some basic Japanese over the years and I am pretty confident with the recent translations. They reminded me of the BO2 years so much. I am happy to see that my efforts are appreciated, and also my genuine thanks to everyone around this site that have ever helped me, inspired me. I am absolutely proud of being a part of the community.
    5 points
  17. BTW, that invisible barrel barrier is fixed now. Not sure if I had anything to do with it because it's been reported numerous times by different players in every iteration of the map. But I was in contact with Activision's support about this issue earlier this year. We had a bit of back and forth, and I supplied them with a good number of video links demonstrating players getting hung up on that barrel. I didn't know if this effort would ever get anywhere, but at least I knew they were listening and acknowledging that the bug exists. Then in the next update patch I noticed the invisible barrier issue was fixed. Hooray! The maps finally playable for me again. - Mix
    5 points
  18. Have you ever wanted to experience the Call of Duty Zombies storyline as a narrative, interweaving all the little details to make a story that can be read anywhere? The CoD Zombies Storybook is an anthology project, telling every facet of the zombies storyline in a narrative fashion for easier reading and understanding, with some artistic liberties and theories thrown in to keep the story cohesive. If you would like to view each chapter on the site, click here. You can click any chapter on the sidebar to the left or go from the table of contents. Book 1: Ascend From Darkness (Complete): Told from a variety of perspectives, Book 1 chronicles the exploitation of Element 115 by Group 935 during the Second World War, which ultimately led to the chaos pervading the entire story. Book 1 introduces Doctor Edward Richtofen, his superior and rival Doctor Ludvig Maxis, as well as Maxis' daughter Samantha. It also shows the war and experiments taking place behind the curtain from the perspective of American spy Peter McCain, as well as soldiers across the front, “Tank” Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki. Book 1 will see the rise and fall into madness of the brilliant Richtofen, as he sets a plan in motion that will alter time and space permanently, and have him come to meet his three infamous test subjects for the first time. [Google Doc Here] Book 2: A Soul Alone (Coming Soon): Set back and desiring power, Edward Richtofen enlists the help of Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo to complete his plan to enter the Aether. Through all the blood and gore from legions of undead controlled by Samantha, the group, together known as Ultimis, finds themselves sent jumping through time in search of key components to Richtofen's plan. As we follow Ultimis, we see the ramifications of Richtofen's actions on the world during the era of the Cold War, where Group 935 scientists are used between the United States and Soviet Union in a technology race. The unholy experiments perpetuated by Group 935 and Samantha's influence create chaos in the modernizing world as major powers meet in order to keep the peace. [Google Doc Here] Book 3: Brimstone To Damnation: Following Richtofen's entering of the Aether, the world in 2025 is plunged into chaos from the fallout of the missiles sent to Earth by Maxis. Broken Arrow, the organizational successor to Group 935 in the United States created during the Cold War, is in part responsible for the post-missile civilization's falling apart. Former agent of Broken Arrow, known only now as “Russman”, wanders America, his memories inconsistent from the 115 exposure. Along his travels he meets Samuel Stuhlinger, a disgraced reporter with former connections to a flesh-devouring cult. Utilizing Broken Arrow's technology and wary of zombies and other survivors, they travel in search of solace in Hell on Earth. Marlton Johnson, an engineer and conspiracy theorist, who has only survived through his intelligence and knack for technology, meets Abigail “Misty” Briarton, a farm girl who lost her family and searches for a better future. As the four would come together at a zombie-infested bus station, they would be known as Victis. The world has been plunged into a war between those on the side of Ludvig Maxis, his voice now a part of technology across the globe, those listening to Edward Richtofen's voice inside their head, and hordes of the undead. Caught in this conflict, Victis must choose a side and find purpose as the world literally crumbles beneath them. Book 4: Salvation Lies Above: When Edward Richtofen began to meddle with Element 115, he inadvertently caused ripples across the multiverse. One Dimension 63 was home to alternate versions of Group 935, Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, and Ludvig Maxis, now present during the first World War. Lost without her father, Samantha calls to the Ludvig of this dimension, enlisting his help as well as Richtofen and the three soldiers sent to capture him, in order to free her from the Aether. Together, Richtofen and his unconventional allies would become Primis. Following Samantha's freedom, Richtofen would come to learn of his true importance to the state of the multiverse. Driven to put an end to the chaos ensnaring it, and to redeem the actions of his other selves, Richtofen comes together with the rest of Primis to collect their eternal souls and put an end to the reign of the Apothicons, an ancient evil responsible for Richtofen's corruption and the spread of Element 115 throughout the dimensions. Book 5: No One Escapes Alive: A chain of events is set in motion that will break the cycle that has been continuing for so long. From across the multiverse, Primis, Ultimis, and Victis come together under the command of Nikolai, now burdened with the knowledge of the Kronorium. The breaking of the cycle has created ripples across space and time, drawing both Monty and the Shadowman to the conflict as they try to prevent Nikolai's grand scheme. Only now as the Aether has reached its end do their true motivations become clear. My goal with the storybook is for readers to have an easy to understand and an entertaining source of zombies knowledge. If you have any criticism or any concern regarding accuracy of information, please ask in this thread. The purpose of this thread is to suggest any changes and provide criticism for the way the story is told. I am an amateur writer, and criticism will only help me. I will also use this thread to update when a new chapter is posted. NOTE TO ANY NEW READERS: Do not take my work as a definitive understanding of the storyline. Understand that there are many points in the zombies storyline left ambiguous or that were completely abandoned by Treyarch. My goal with the storybook is to use commonly accepted theories from the community to fill in these gaps to create a cohesive story. Simply, do not use my storybook as the be-all end-all source of storyline knowledge, as much of it is speculation, and as the storyline continues to evolve under community intervention, things will change in the story.
    4 points
  19. I apologise for the downtime we have experienced today, this was outwith our control. Unfortunately, an issue at the data center caused the node our server is on to power cycle and as a direct result impacted our SQL database. Several attempts to recover the database from our backups and the hosts backups (without data loss) failed. So we did a full recovery from yesterday as a last resort, as a result posts/topics in the last 24 (approx) have been lost into the aether. We are looking into what is preventing the recovery and crashes on the SQL database after an outage at the hosts and why we are directly impacted and what we can do to prevent in the future. I'm sorry but it is what it is.
    4 points
  20. I was a little surprised and bewildered at that to be honest, we literally received a minutes notice before it was tweeted. I would have thought out of common decency that we would have been offered first refusal and time to raise the funds to purchase the domain. That wasn't the case and we had to deal with the cards we had been handed, however, we have the domain and full control of the domain and it's safe and that's what counts.
    4 points
  21. I'll start off with a cool 20 questions. Where do you see Zombies in 5 years? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Opinion on the Nacht der Untoten loading screen? How would integrate Nacht der Untoten more into the story? Do you like the Multi-verse/Alien aspect Zombies has taken? Your unpopular opinion about Zombies? What's the most disappointing thing that could happen in DLC 4? What's the best thing that could happen in DLC 4? Cake or Ice Cream? Why did you start creating Zombies videos? Any aspects from Zombies you apply into real life? If a real life zombie apocalypse did happen, what would your plan be? Sarah Michelle Gellar, Misty, or Jessica Rose? Do you play the Campaign and Multiplayer at all? Favourite non-Wonder Weapon? What's a Wonder Weapon you would like to see? What is the one thing you would ask Jason Blundell if you had the chance? What theory do you believe in and want to come true? What do you think Richtofen's intentions are? How's your day going? I absolutely love this idea by the way.
    4 points
  22. For reals. What a way to divorce himself and his support for this community he started.
    4 points
  23. OK, so my computer got smashed for reasons I will not go into (did NOT involve raging, it involved CARS) so I just got back to the site. Hello everyone! Either-way, for those solo-ers out there, you'll find that ZNS is a hell of a map, and it's REALLY hard to do everything you need to... Here's my step-by-step process to doing this. The first few rounds are about maximizing points. You should know the drill, 3 shots then knife. For added assistance, plant seeds but DO NOT WATER THEM. Even if you CAN get to the blue water, the water-less plant rewards will typically give you something you can use, here's the list ranked in usefulness of items I know of. -Locus -Shiva -MR6 -XM-98 -Zombie (more points) -Grenades Either way, earn at least 1950 points and head on over towards the plane trap, there you will find the pharo on the wall for 700 (that's factored in already), buy it, but be sparing with ammo, it runs out fast. This gun is cheap, and it's ammo moreso, but it still takes out thrashers 10x faster then the RK5, shiva, or Lcar9. While you're here, take not of the skull alter, and remember it's number. From there you'll want to open up the way to the blue water, from here on out, it's not a bad idea to use a seed every now and again for a reward plant. Dont' bother with the upstairs area just yet, but keep 750$ handy in case the spider round comes. If it does, you're going to want to drop everything, grab/take some water to the generator in lab A, and use it to lower the cage and harness the spider (if it's the last spider, you can lower the cage again to get the max ammo). Also, don't forget the sheild part and gas mask part found under under lab A (likely on a wall near the kuda or a barrier) and behind the plane trap (Hanging on the inside of the downed plane, or on a rock near the box spawn) Earn some more points and eventually you SHOULD have enough to make it over to the skull area and get quick revive. Now here's where the guide gives it's first real tip: DON'T DO THE SPAWN RITUAL. You're going to want to save that for later. See, there's an order I use: Plane, Zipline, Kt4, Spawn. I do this SPECIFICALLY, because of the order of the challenges. The first skull will only spawn zombies and is the easiest, thats why we do the plane area first. While it may not look it, that plane area is crowded and while zombies in it are easy, it's another story if you're fighting spiders who actually attack you, or a thrasher, or both, along side it. Spawn is arguably the EASIEST place to do the skull, SO I save it for last, even if I have to give up my 500$ reward for doing it, it's better if we think long-term. Now, challenges wise, your pretty self-decisive of it. Personally if I get -Kill 30 zombies attracted to plants -Kill 3 zombies as they are mutating or -Kill 8 spiders with spores I'm somewhat concerned. Most everything else is quite easy to accomplish. Don't feel pain if you consider restarting at this point. It's better to retry now then 2 hours from now when you need the last masamune part. A lot of the challenges are plant based, such as "eat a fruit" or "get a power-up from a plant", and to that I've got to say: Get used to whole-map training. The challenges involving spores are relatively easy and simple. The kills using traps is straightforward as well, and I should mention, even though they don't give points, the zombies in skull-rituals, and the spider-cocoons will also work for these. The really easy ones are that of "Shoot 5 spores", "Destroy 5 spores with grenades", and use a spore to breathe underwater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is a bit off topic, but DON'T try to get the spider weapon AND do this, be fully committed to one or the other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open up the next door to Lab B (We want to open up just about all the way through both labs, the green water area is up to you. You will need to eventually, but if you do now you'll have access to the ICR-1, green water, and second gas mask part.). Make sure you grab the second sheild part, then make sure you have this whole list: -Both generators running. -1000 points for the last door -A GUN that's stronger then the pharo. I recommend a kuda, or ICR-1 which is available in the green-water area. There will ALWAYS be at least ONE transforming zombie behind the door when you open it. If you need one for challenges, it's your guy. Continue on, and make sure you have ammo in your pharo, it will be useful as it's expendable ammo can easily take on the zombies in the power system. Now, based on how many points you have you have a few options: Either open up the way to the last sheild part by the AA gun, or buy juggernog. DO NOT try to do any more rituals or anything without one or the other, preferably juggernog is the more ideal item to have if limited to one. I also find it easiest to build the sheild (which commonly breaks) in Lab B, but the Gas mask goes in lab B (as it breaks, but not as often). Speaking of which, you're going to want to buy open the door to the room with the last gas-mask part which is located in the power room. This is also the next ritual you should do. Now that you at least have a sheild and a decent weapon, taking out the spiders alongside zombies is a sitch. You'll want to open the way down to the KT4 room, as well as the water-logged tunnels where you can find the second KT4 part located at the bottom. More importantly, you can do the thrasher ritual here. While doing this, I find that many times if I've saved a zombie and made him a crawler, a thrasher won't even spawn and I just have to deal with zombies. From this point on, you can return to spawn and do the final ritual, as well as the keeper ritual to get the Skull of Nansapwe. Imediantly after, you should go into the bunker and reveal, IN THIS ORDER: The plans in the area by purple water supply. The elevator hole. And finally (to which many times I have NOT made it in one go, but many others I have) the wall in the water-logged tunnel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, the next focus you need, which is good because you've gotten 2/3s of it already, is the final KT-4 part. Simply run some zombies in the green-water area to get the glow-stick thing. To recap, you should now have the KT4, Good weapons, Juggernog, a Shield, A gas mask, and the skull of nansapwe. First priority is the Massamune part. Go ahead and get some rainbow water and start watering the plant in the cave. If you're lucky you'll start on a normal round, then a spider round will commence, and you can finish before too long. Second thing to worry about is your challenges. Can't go down to the blue-115 stick area until you can shock the panel, and you can't shock the panel if you haven't done ALL of your rituals. It can be whole rounds before this is done, but it could be done relatively quick. Last thing to worry about is the spider. It's an easy boss, just watch it's legs to see where it's about to flatten, then use the KT-4 ONLY on the spiders. With any luck you'll be collecting the venom part AND free widows wine with this. NOTE: Beware, the round can sometimes change if you take too long. Don't rely on the spider being done on ONE round only. It might be worth getting a green plant to hold a zombie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the main easter egg is composed of 3 steps: -Use anywhere but here: This should work 100 percent of the time by THIS point in the eastere egg, if not, it's no biggy. -Get an AA bullet: This is going to be the hardest task. I've found best results come from plants that've been shot with the Massamune as well as blue water 3 times. There's no secret trick to this: Just get it. When the plane actually comes make sure the gun is LOADED, then fire and hope you get lucky with the timing. If a zombie starts to annoy you, use your knife to slow him down tremendously. -The zipline of hell: This thing is OUTRAGEOUSLY buggy and CAN Ruin your game. Reguardless to if you've got a quick revive, falling off the zip-line in the wrong place is PERMANENT death, no if-ands-or buts about it. I find it best to wait till you can't see the side of the box any more, then melee. Sometimes the trigger is holding back on the control sticks as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you can do all that, you've made it to the boss room. You should only keep your Masamune out and spray it from time to time. It not only offers a killing pool for spiders, rouge zombies, and thrashers, but ALSO gives you a speed boost to make training easier. For a perk set-up, I can only say one thing: DON'T bring mule kick into here. If you lose your masamune, you are DEAD. You can recover from a down, NOT a loss of your only working weapon. Likewise, don't be smart with the game either. Yesterday I tried to down myself while the KT-4 was upgrading to the massamune, when I got up and grabbed my gun, samantha's laughter got me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's all my tips and tricks for a solo easter-egg run. I did mine today by round 29 using everything in this guide. Hope it helps!
    4 points
  24. @WaterKH @Nieno69 @Kalinine Looks like this had been solved. Can you confirm? https://m.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/4l39fz/zns_papers_codes_solved/ Credit to u/TimJJacques "... MAXIS, HAVE YOU FOUND THE SPACE-TIME COORDINATES FOR THE OTHER INDIVIDUALS I ASKED YOU FOR... ITS IMPERATIVE THAT WE FIND THEM AS WELL... YOU MUST TRUST ME ON THIS... FOR MY PLAN TO WORK, WE NEED THEIR BLOOD"
    4 points
  25. So after playing this map all too many times just to complete the Easter Egg w/ @Doppelgänger and @NaBrZHunter, I got to thinking - what exactly are we dealing with in this map? Specifically, story implications and what they lead beyond Zestubou No Shima. In order to get a better understanding for myself (and to hopefully see everyone's input) on certain questions that are still to be answered, here are the most common and intriguing questions regarding Der Eisendrache: 1) What became of Groph? There is already a topic discussing this, but if you have completed the Easter Egg, you are well aware that the Moon becomes annihilated, and Griffin Station with it. We can assume that there are teleporters on the Moon, but then we gotta ask this: where do those teleporters lead to? And if we did figure out a location, would Groph be dead or did he manage to leave before the rockets hit the station? I'm really curious to see what everyone says about this. 2) Is Samantha in control of the zombies here? It's a very iffy situation. I say yes; however, it's the Samantha of this universe controlling them rather than the Samantha we save in Origins/ Samantha that's supposedly in the House. Because this universe is shared by the Giant, we know that Maxis and Sam were betrayed and teleported by Richtofen 1.0. But we also know that the MPD on Moon, when teleported to the anti-gravity chamber of Der Eisendrache, only the Keeper resides in the Moon MPD. So what happened to Samantha? Her physical body should be inside the pyramid yet it isn't. 3) What is the history behind the castle? This is such a little-commented portion of the map, but I always find it intriguing when I dig into it. Let me start off by explaining the backstory a bit: when doing the Wolf Bow steps, the first step requires you to activate four paintings in a random order before getting your arrow. Little do most people know that most of the steps correlate to the origins of the castle's last occupancy prior to Group 935. Long ago, there was a knight who was part of the royal guard. The knight was a brave war solider, and eventually rose to the throne as king. He held the wolf insignia as his battle crest and was known throughout the lands as the Wolf King. Suddenly, a darkness swept the land and from a hole in the sky came an Apothicon monstrosity. The villages were set ablaze and an war was fought between the King's men and the dimensional creatures. The King won the war, and the Apothicons retreated back into the void, defeated. An unknown time after, the King was struck by a few arrows during battle and died alongside his faithful wolf companions. His corpse was laid to rest at the highest point of the chamber beneath Hall of the Ancients. Now this is all told by the paintings, remainder of the Easter Egg, and some items found all the way from Samantha/Maxis' rooms to the anti-gravity chamber themselves. Clearly, the Apothicons have attempted to conquer the universe before but were defeated. Interestingly enough, the bones of the King's wolves sit next to the Wolf Bow chest, next to one of the Keeper statues. Did the King receive help from the Keepers to defeat the Apothicons during the great war, and commemorated the Keepers as great protectors of the castle? It would explain why the armor of a solider with the Vril Device slot produces a Keeper spirit. 4) What corrupted the Keeper when it came back from Griffin Station? After much discussion, I'm inclined to believe that Groph attempted to trap the Keeper within the MPD. And whatever resided in the MPD (evil that also inhabited Samantha during Black Ops 1) corrupted the Keeper. Hence, why Richtofen mentions that Groph must've corrupted the creature. We know that Keepers - while powerful - aren't inherently evil. In fact, they are ancient guardians who will only attack when they feel threatened as seen in here and Shadows of Evil. When the Keeper returns to Earth, note how it floats above the Moon MPD - similar to the style of Samantha during the Moon easter egg. This leads me to a follow up question: 5) Is the Keeper boss battle set within the realm which the darkness lives inside the MPD? I mean, it seems obvious. You teleport to an unknown area with the corrupted yet larger Keeper byt DG-4ing the anti-gravity panels around the pyramid. It seems like you teleport to the within the MPD on a dimensional level. If you happen to have your birghtness up while in that stage, note how there is no opening beyond the cold walls of the room. Additionally, the pillars circling around the center appear...ancient in architecture, definitely beyond human conception. Is this the throne of the MPD where the controller's spirit resides in? 6) Why does Maxis not keep contact with the crew? In The Giant, we only talk to Maxis when activating the Fly Trap easter egg (the beacon becomes lit). However, in Der Eisendrache, he never speaks to us again. We know that he has a secret plan with Richtofen that the rest of the crew does not know about. But if they all know they must kill their 1.0 selves at the correct time and event, what is this hidden agenda that Maxis has entrusted in Richtofen? And where the hell is he to help us out? Maxis was helping the crew kill many Richtofen X.0s prior to them meeting up with Richtofen in The Giant. Can't wait to hear the responses and insight!
    4 points
  26. Spoilers about the whole map FYI! Ok... For years there's been rumors of extra wonder weapons hidden in maps. In the BO1 days it was a monkey-bomb wall-buy up a ladder. In the BO2 days it was an upgraded Jet-gun. Earlier this Cod year it was the upgraded Apothicon's Servant. BUT GET THIS GUYS. THE SPIDER-BATE WONDER WEAPON IS REAL! Yeah! I know! Here's how you get it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Kill no Spiders in the Spider Round and Mesmerize them. One of them has a red Mist , keep it alive and kill all other Spiders. 2.Take this one now to the Purple Water , you'll see the spider drinking. After that you'll do the same with the Blue and Green Water. 3.Bring the Spider to the lowered cage at Lab A , it will go into it. 4.Get the Spider up and Melee the Pad with your Electric Shield,then lower the Cage. 5.After 2 rounds there will be a Spider round with only red Spiders,kill all of them.Watch out these Spiders are stronger than normal Spiders. 6.Go back to the Pad and you should get your Spider Bait from the Cocooned Spider like the KT4 Part. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS AMAZING. Truly I thought this was IT for ZNS. No! I was wrong! Holy... I just can NOT get over this. I mean, just WOW. I'm flabbergasted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so, the weapon it's self does this: The use of the weapon will cause your character to cocoon themselves in a web, keeping them safe from zombies. Meanwhile they control a spider outside of the cocoon, with the ability to shoot webs at zombies! You DO appear to NOT be able to revive teammates however so THAT's a problem. Likewise, you're stuck in a 3rd person view the whole time, and your time is limited. Many are speculating that using the spider bait weapon somehow allows one to continue the easter egg somehow... I doubt this, but maybe it can shed some light on other things?
    4 points
  27. The latest update for BO3 is now live on Xbox one and PS4 and these are the patch notes for zombies: General Fixed a bug causing loss of functionality when activating a GobbleGum machine. Resolved a bug causing the wrong menu item to be highlighted when backing out of a Public Match Lobby as the client. Resolved a bug causing the wrong menu item to be highlighted when first entering Zombies. Resolved a freeze in Theater regarding the creation of clips that include the level shortcut event onShadows Of Evil. Addressed an issue where players would still be targeted after activating the “In Plain Sight” GobbleGum. Implemented various fixes for cases that caused a host migration to fail. Shadows of Evil Fixed a stability issue encountered while completing the Easter Egg. Removed the depletion of Beast mode during a host migration. Fixed an exploit allowing players to leave the playable space. Fixed a bug causing the Margwa to still target players in Beast mode or while using the “In Plain Sight” GobbleGum. The Giant Resolved an XP exploit regarding the Fly Trap Easter Egg. Added missing animations for Zombies that are affected by the “Pop Shocks” GobbleGum. Fixed a rare crash loading The Giant. Der Eisendrache Resolved an issue causing unsmooth movement for clients navigating while in low gravity. Fixed a rare bug regarding incorrect FX appearing on zombies while they are being consumed by the dragons. Addressed an exploit that allowed use of the Ragnarok DG-4 to avoid death during a rocket test fire. Zetsubou No Shima Resolved steaming issues on perk machines and spider web walls. Resolved a bug that prevented muting of other players on the scoreboard. Addressed several issues with spider pathing. Fixed various death barriers around the level. Fixed an exploit created by zombies getting caught on spider webs indefinitely. Resolved issues with electricity effects being stuck on a player’s screen after charging their shield with lightning. Resolved a crash that occurs when picking up the Skull of Nan Sapwe after a player had left a public game. Balanced Skull of Nan Sapwe weapon depletion and recharge rates. Fixed an issue causing the players to lose their weapons when picking up the KT-4 while using the Skull of Nan Sapwe. Fixed an issue causing the Skull of Nan Sapwe energy to deplete immediately upon activation. Resolved issue blocking players from buying perks after respawning from an imprint plant. Fixed instances of player being unable to pick up the KT-4 underwater plant ingredient. Removed exploit allowing players to jump on top of plants. Resolved an entity limit crash in split screen. Fixed an exploit allowing players to skip the Easter Egg boss battle and see the narrative in-game cutscene. DOA II Added new Create Public Game option for DOA II in the lobby. ROJ Guardian hitpoints clamped. Silverback movement speed adjustments. Speed reduced 3% Silverback more likely to use/chain special attacks. Siegechicken vehicle time out reduced from 40 to 30. Siegechicken vehicle added to Hangar bonus room. Chicken eggs health boosted. Fortitude now only gives Siege vehicles (SiegeBot and FIDO) a 1.75 time out multiplier, down from 2.0. Nuke pickup added to bonus rooms. Adjusted how enemy selects player targets. Reduced the Spider’s melee range. Reduced electric pole spawn count in a couple of arenas. Made adjustments to how electrical poles are placed and how they spread out. Be interesting to see if they have addressed the issues with the gobblegum machines in SOE, and the game crashing issue that was added to DOA2 in the last update.
    4 points
  28. So there is this character in the zombies universe who is being mentioned more and more through cryptic messages and we only know him by the letter M. We know that he has visited Maxis and that his presence, according to the radio on Zetsubou No Shima, "defied logic and reason". Now I believe that this M is Doctor Monty simply because his name is signed at the bottom of the Giant scraps here. You've already heard that before and you might even believe it. But I also think that this M character has also been referred to in previous games like Black Ops 1. Specifically this note in Kino Der Toten. "Be Wary of the Doctor. We are not sure how he arrived in this time and place." This is very similar to the way Maxis describes M's arrival in the radios. There isn't much else to say about this. NaBrZ Hunter has also suggested that this same Doctor could be the figure in the Nacht Der Untoten comic book loading screen which is an interesting idea. Maybe there has always been a mysterious time traveling Doctor who has followed us through out the games and this time the zombies team decided to give him a name and a story.
    4 points
  29. New cipher found by RicardaHub on reddit: "It is located near the bottom zipline where the skull fountain for the ritual is. On the box next to the fountain, the side facing the wall weapon has this note on it" Ciphertext: (With spaces not specifically denoted) f wexaieelscar hodu inm ev eefrenrmv la eeitgaeeotet peveal otss bgteatorstpmse tn atdeeenafmh me xlhhcse se yca hrencar buueeeeaeatsey e ia neaeamttum detht fxlr hshsaa t lacneslfhpehisoeijetheaet pt tihildsmonndh ittalewscnvo evcs or t etdlauerde trne ba i dirte ataitifher inmct ua eertltetansponshu t moik lttg hnpqpnav aesannoi ip re ta satohseuaorepecush sosooegnesebwsls more roncorlhhjewortr snnr cnd ae ew tyeoyi pfiw e fuefw iopie osbugilcn ru cle e teig or ilnumt rloasardhnynl (With spaces denoted-including guesses at double-spaces) f_wexaieelscar_hodu_inm_ev_eefrenrmv_la_eeitgaeeotet__peveal_otss_bgteatorstpmse_tn__atdeeenafmh__me__xlhhcse_se__yca_hrencar_buueeeeaeatsey_e__ia_neaeamttum_detht_fxlr_hshsaa__t_lacneslfhpehisoeijetheaet_pt_tihildsmonndh_ittalewscnvo__evcs_or_t_etdlauerde_trne_ba__i_dirte_ataitifher__inmct_ua_eertltetansponshu_t_moik_lttg_hnpqpnav_aesannoi__ip_re_ta_satohseuaorepecush__sosooegnesebwsls_more_roncorlhhjewortr_snnr_cnd_ae_ew_tyeoyi_pfiw__e_fuefw__iopie_osbugilcn_ru_cle_e_teig_or_ilnumt_rloasardhnynl I included two versions of the cipher text because it IOC and frequency analysis suggests a transposition type cipher.
    4 points
  30. This may just be the coolest possible-glitch, possible-easter egg, I've EVER seen. The story here is that this person, one DanielChoTV,(no relation to Mike TV) was cornered and managed to use a gobble-gum before death: Anywhere But Here: AKA Teleport my butt out of here. Expecting to be teleported to a normal location, Mr. TV here some how managed to appear in a zombie-spawn zone (this is evident by the zombies flashing into existence shortly after he arrives). However, Imagine his surprise when he finds these odd dragon-esque objects scattered around the room: -A dragon's egg (or something that looks like one) :Left of the screen at 2:25 -A blueprint for what APPEARS to be a dragon. : Seen at 1:02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dragon's blueprints very clearly depict both a 935 and Div. 9 logo. I'm willing to bet the farm that this is a collaborative experiment by both groups. Likewise, the head is VERY reminesque of the Dragon heads at Der Eisendrache. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to jump ahead and guess that the thing on the other side of the room to the blueprint, is a Dragon Egg. Particularly a genetic super-being developed by the collaboration of 935 and Div. 9. Seeing as this base is clearly the home of many other genetic experiments with element 115, It's not out of the question that this is the final product, or prototype. The obvious implementations of a trained dragon to further 935/Div 9's goals are quiet simplistic, with the end goal being a super-creature for raining fire on enemies of the Nazi Party. The question really is: Did this experiment ever actually work? My initial thought? Yes it did... This is evident of there being 3 egg-vats, but only one egg. The next question being: What happened to subjects A and B? Did they hatch and rein havoc? Were they experimented on by the scientists? Could there be a dragon above us blasting planes out of the sky? That last one isn't exactly my first guess, however it WOULD explain the RIDICULOUS number of plane crashes around here... The massive hole torn in the wall here is concerning as well. While the rest of the map is horribly twisted by overgrown vegetation and flooding, I DON'T think there's anywhere with the walls just flat out pulled apart like it is here, apart from the walls exposed by the Skull of Nan Sapwe... but those might be for different reasons. Then again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, don't hate me, remember I'm on Xbox and I don't have actual access to this map, I have scoured some footage I've found of Lab B, Lab A, and the Bunker, but I can't really find anywhere . This really furthers the Dragon Mystery started in Der Eisendrache. After all, those dragon heads are REAL. Why are they there? Why do they eat zombies then turn back to stone and break? Are they related at all to these dragons here in Zetsubou no Shima? Another question to ask is: Were these dragons MADE, or FOUND. The blueprint may very well just be an estimate of what the baby dragon could grow to be, well I guess in either case it's that really. However if Div. 9 MADE this creature from scratch DNA, what did they use? If they FOUND this creature's eggs somewhere... Where was that? That's all I can really speculate on this matter, and I really can't look through the map to find more clues, if anyone else can find anything else, feel free to comment it!
    4 points
  31. I've asked her where she found it, hopefully she replies. Also, I found one DNA structure piece on the shelf right next to pink 115 water. The shelf is not in the little corner room where the water is, but it's placed next to the wall of that room. Edit: Couldn't get a reply from her. I've been literally searching for this last piece for hours and I can't find it. it must be in an obvious spot if Glitching Queen found it the day the map pack came out Edit 2: Last piece found! I made a Reddit post and https://www.reddit.com/user/bicoezbluntkid remembered seeing it, so thanks to him we now have all the pieces to the DNA fingerprint picture. It's on the slope leading to the Pack-a-Punch room. Edit 3: Well here is the final result. Lighting was a bitch because it shines into the pieces in some rooms and some of the scraps we're cut off completely so it wasn't easy to match them in correct positions. With the source file I can however zoom and make out every number, except the end of the one in the middle that says "577, 691, 22......" but straight down from it is almost identical line, I think it could be the same row of numbers. It's hard to know because small parts were completely cut off in every piece around those numbers
    4 points
  32. TGca Cipher Solved: " Entry 56: Just finished a very long shift. We were awaiting the test subjects arrival from the castle but they never showed. Those group 935 pigs didnt even bother to radio the asylum to let us know they were not coming. I am getting sick of those arrogant scientists. They have given the asylum the nickname Verruckt Asylum. I loathe it. We are as every bit as important to the completion of project as they are." So this was simply binary mapped to DNA codons. Here is a link to the site where I found the connection. (Forgot to add it lol) http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/134672-harvard-cracks-dna-storage-crams-700-terabytes-of-data-into-a-single-gram It has been speculated that this is not the end of this cipher. It could potentially house another meaning which is revealed by the way the TGca pairs are sequenced. Or it could have something to do with the torn up papers strewn across the map.
    4 points
  33. I shut down the power for the night. we must conserve the gasoline, so i am told, because the Emperor is in doubt of the usefulness of our research here at the Rising run Facility, and that resupplying the facility will now occur every other month rather than our usually scheduled weekly drops. Hopefully, the new meteor site produces higher grade samples, ones we can actually use. Wait is that a plane I hear. The resupply is not scheduled for another week. I see a bright light in the sky... Solved it using a Cryptogram, letter changes are here. By the way, where is this cipher located?
    4 points
  34. From left to right... Zach Gonzalez -- Associate Producer Ryan Higa -- Senior Engineer ??? ??? Henry Schmitt -- Game Designer Mike Anthony -- Senior Game Designer Peter Livingstone -- Lead Engineer Evan Olson -- Senior Engineer Darwin Dumlao -- Senior Artist Mark Maestas -- Senior Game Designer Wade-Hahn Chan -- Game Designer Daniel Cheng -- Art Specialist Ji Hye Lee -- Associate Artist From left to right... ??? Ali Zandi -- Level Designer Justin Nesbit -- Level Designer Anthony Saunders -- Level Designer
    4 points
  35. *We're coming up on the four year anniversary of this thread (had to repost on new forum) so I've revamped it with new Der Eisendrache information, please read until end as much of the beginning is slightly incorrect now* Shi No Numa and Takeo: The Entwined History In World War II, there was a biological weapons research and human experimentation team known as Unit 731, and they had many compounds. One of the compounds was in the very southern parts of Pingfang, Manchuria, where their excuse for the facility's existence was that it was a lumber mill, so they had logs and wood everywhere. Rumor from around the compound is that they referred to their human specimens as "logs." In the Rebirth intel for the campaign, it states that there was "Japanese biological research in Manchuria on the part of the Imperial Army's covert R&D group Unit 731." The Imperial Army was taking part in it, you say? Seems appropriate, seeing as Takeo Masaki is a Captain in the Imperial Army, judging by the stars on his uniform. Also note that Shi No Numa has wood all throughout the complex, not to mention The Flogger, made from wood. Some of you might say that there was no human experimentation going on inside Shi No Numa and that Takeo Masaki likely had no involvement in it, if it was there. However, I will kill two birds with one stone here and quote something from Takeo's biography, given by Treyarch: That sounds pretty disturbing to me, doesn't seem like a stretch for him to be involved in human experimentation. As noted in the Rebirth intel, it states there was Japanese research in Manchuria. However, some will point out that in Kino der Toten and on the Call of Duty website, quotes reference Shi No Numa as being in Japan, as opposed to where Manchuria was, which was China: "I found another rock. Maybe they stole this from Japan..." - vox_plr_2_egg_pedastool_1 "... we've pinned what sounds like an SOS signal to a remote jungle location in Japan." On the original thread, though, I feel as though AlphaSnake put it very clearly: Then, in a Origins Letter from the Field, Takeo mentions that he fought in the "battle of Muken" and his "leadership & victory" had been brought to the Emperor's attention. Now, there's no such "battle of Muken" in World War I, so what it appears he's talking about is the "Battle of Mukden" that took place between the Japanese and Russians in 1905, which the Japanese coincidentally did get a victory. If you're curious what Mukden is, it was the capital of Manchuria, which puts Takeo in Manchuria. Two counterarguments that I can't reconcile are the sound files of the Kookaburra and Hyena, both of which aren't found in Manchuria, but can be found in New Guinea, as Matuzz points out in his thread (I can't locate the CoDz version). DER EISENDRACHE EDIT New information has recently come to light with Der Eisendrache. In a radio, we heard one Dr. Groph discussing a Division #9's more ambitious weapons designs (prior to discovering Element 115), so it was immediately assumed by me and many others that Division #9 meant Germany's own 9th SS Panzer Division. I mean after all, the SS has heavy Group 935 ties and the division is a Panzer division. Then, we got a cipher (partially) saying that "After the success at the Rising Sun Facility, Division #9 is moving with Phase #2" and that the "island facility" was also operational. Immediately, the frame switched from not a German 9th Division, but a Japanese one. If that wasn't enough, it was found shortly thereafter that scraps of paper were littered through Der Eisendrache, each with Japanese writing on it. The translation is rough (reason in link above), but Takeo is writing to the Emperor and the very end mentions that he is now on the island. Additionally, he makes clear that Division #9 is present. @Matuzz, being the skilled theorist that he is, then went and found the Imperial Army's 9th Division (and wow). Their 9th Division went to both the Battle of Mukden in 1905 and were permanently re-located to Manchuria in 1940. I may have been off about the initial Unit 731 information four years ago, but I seemed to be on the right track with Manchuria! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed,
    3 points
  36. Hi Guys! Another DLC, another map, another thread on the high round strategies. I'll be cataloging all of the strategies that I can find (or you guys bring to me) that are viable for the higher rounds, starting about 40+ or so. As before, I'll split the strategies into camping and training. So the camping ones first, here is one found by our very own @Doctor Richtofen: Decent for the lower rounds, not sure how it would be for anything higher yet, but good to know if you just want to farm headshots. Here is another I was able to find: As for training spots, this is what I've got so far: That's what I've got so far guys, if you have anything you want to add let me know! Also, I recommend IISteveII, ScottieI3, and TheRelaxingEnd for high round strats. If you guys haven't seen their channels be sure to go have a look. Another good content creator is S1ipperyJim, his high round guide to the map starts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYWPGLpctp0 See ya
    3 points
  37. Confirmation that Jesse Snyder is only working on the Campaign mode
    3 points
  38. It has been solved gang. Credit to OfficiallyMad. Video is from @MrRoflWaffles channel. So, it would appear to be another variant of Samantha's Lullaby/Rest. I've made some analysis of each in another thread. This is definitely the 3rd of a trilogy featuring this melody. Lullaby appearing in the Moon loading screen, Rest in the Origins cutscene. It's very interesting that this one would appear so soon given the last two were featured in the penultimate map of the previous two games. I will be adding this to my doc for my analysis of all the music from WaW-present of which I will make a post soon. For now, all theories as to this songs significance is gladly encouraged! Very happy this one was solved!
    3 points
  39. Pentagon Thief... just because.
    3 points
  40. At first this may look like a jumble of numbers but if you look carefully you'll see each line has their own space and you should be able to seperate them from other lines. Oddly enough some single numbers like "1019" have a comma (,) at the end of them, not sure what's the deal with that. I tried looking already but if you find any numbers I haven't written please tell me and I'll fix it Edit: Text file of every line added below image (right click to show the full resolution picture) paper.txt
    3 points
  41. I've gone through with the cipher with the numbers and tried to map out a possible graph of it. I'll attach that and then I also tried to jot down all the numbers, so I'll attach that as well. I was hoping to make more progress on it myself, but figured we could probably all make progress on it much faster! These are probably not all accurate as the image is hard to see. Also, the image is thanks to @Draz I believe. I think that was his watermark in the middle. d: Transcrip_Scrap_ZNS.txt
    3 points
  42. Wow! Y'all keeping Tac busy updating the OP The Expedition Crew? At first I thought it was the Nacht Marines, then I thought it might be the Verruckt Marines? Then I thought it might be the O4 test subjects & that's how they ended up at Shi No Numa? But Brock & Gary? I'm loving all this backstory tie-ins. But like any Treyarch map, we are left with more questions than answers! Awesome work y'all! (You get Brains & you get Brains & you & you & you)
    3 points
  43. Three radios have been added, so here are all five (in no particular order):
    3 points
  44. Good find! This looks like it could be part of a Genome code. Here's an example of what I'm talking about... - Mix
    3 points
  45. Hexadecimal 53 4f 50 48 49 41 2d 20 43 79 => SOPHIA- Cy 63 6c 69 63 20 72 65 64 75 6e => clic redun 63 79 20 63 68 65 63 6b => cy check 20 3d 20 46 41 49 4c => = FAIL Plain text : SOPHIA- Cyclic reduncy check = FAIL I have no idea what "reduncy" is. Maybe an error. Maybe it's SOPHIA- Cyclic redanduncy check = FAIL instead?
    3 points
  46. We have been looking to add to our news system and make better use of it for sometime, we have lacked conviction in news articles for sometime and we need to better utilise the system. So as of now, we have added two members to a new group called "Media Staff" - it's not a staff position but it is a stepping stone so to speak to potentially becoming that at a later date. Anyway, big congratulations and thanks to @XPG Richtofen and @Tac - we are all looking forward to these articles. What will happen, is that when a new article is added, it will automatically post that article into the "Site News" section of the forum - we want to drive user engagement with the articles as much as possible. Any and all feedback as usual is welcome. View full news
    3 points
  47. I'm with you for the most part, and I heartily agree that BO1/WAW was the golden age. Did you see my similar rant? It's in my signature it you're interested. The thing that I really hate is gameplay-EE forced tie-ins. Back when it was an all-perks reward and actually worth it (as in, it was the only way to really get all perks), that kinda benefit made sense. But the whole tying-in EE steps to the arsenal (staves, swords, pack-a-punch access, bows) is frustrating to me. Zombies was cooler when the story was more...subtle. Now you can't get away from it (not that I ever want to, but some others do, and it was better when the EE was actually a hidden EE and not a 'do the EE if you want the best weapons' thing.) And wonder weapons these days are SO irritating. Those freaking bows. It annoys me to no end to watch people stand around in a corner and fire one charged shot at a time, out of 75 rounds, slaughtering zombies at a rate that makes it more like a screen saver than a game. OP'd WWs like the thunder gun was where it was at. OP, but limited ammo. Hell, what was the Thundergun at? 25 shots? That would last you 7-8 rounds without a max ammo with only, like I said 20-odd rounds! -_- the idea of what a wonder weapon was seems to be gone now. @Nightmare Voyager don't be an ass about it, man. Those of us who preferred the simpler ways would like to see some new content the way we like it. Good for you, it fits what you wanted perfectly. Some of us are less satisfied, and being zombies fans just as loyal as you, spending as much (I'll wager I've spent more) as you on the games, we are entitled to the right to voice our preferences. They aren't unreasonable.
    3 points
  48. @Ragdo11706 I did look at some info regarding the eye of Ra, nothing specific I can really add but as with the scarab beetle, there are a lot of links to rebirth. That's what I found really intriguing about the scarab beetle. Not only do we have the statues in Shadows that link to this Egyptian mythology, but the amount of links to rebirth, transformation, and larvae which are incorporated in the Apothicon language/ Apothicon Servant. And also links to keepers of the underworld or 'gatekeepers'. The Scarab was seen as a way to help guide souls through the underworld and into the afterlife.
    3 points
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