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Console wars? what's your favorite

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For the record, it's not the best idea to call a thread "console wars." That promotes flaming.


That said, I feel like only Xbox isn't worth getting. PS has better and more numerous exclusives. PS4 is actually great for multiplats compared to the PS3 last gen, so there is another reason. 


To get a full gaming experience, always go


PS, for exclusives and multiplat


Nintendo, for their first party games


PC, for strategy games and MMOs.

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My favorite memories are on the PS, Sega Geneisis and NES. If I had to choose which one was my favorite, I'd say NES. I still play NES games and have a good time.


I've also owned a SNES, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS2, PS3, PC, annd XBOX 360. Never enjoyed playing on a handheld device. I liked my Wii, but the last few years it gained a lot of dust, so WiiU is unappealing to me, and never bought the first XBOX though I played most of those games either on a PC or with friends. Didn't think I'd ever switch over from playstation, especially since I loved my PS2, but last gen, I enjoyed my 360 a lot more then my PS3. Better exclusives for my taste. Gears of War, Dead Rising, and the Halos were more enjoyable then Killzone, GT, and others. The only PS exclusive I wanted to play but never got a round to was the God of War series. Still looking forward to playing it one day.  I bought a PS3 specifically for MGS4, which I ended up hating. I remember I had an hour to play one day, popped the game on and then watched cutscenes for the whole time. Didn't finish them before my hour was up. It was the boat scene. The whole game felt like that to me which was an extreme let down since MGS is my favorite game ever and MGS3 was also really good.


So if I had to choose, my favorite system would still be NES. And no where near ready to move to the next generation, but if I had to choose, based on last generation, I'd go with Microsoft, though I keep hearing PS4 is the better system.

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PlayStation all the way.

In terms of gaming experience PS is quite on par with Xbox. A few differences that stand out.

PSN messaging system and GUI is more structured and organized. Obviously online gaming is cheaper and easier. Bluetooth system on accessories are more common and easier to find.

Xbox messaging is a mess, but the party chat is a plus. Obviously more features but require membership for their online services. Different harddrive systems and wireless headset were nightmare-ish for me. No need to be this complex for simple gaming.

Unless PlayStation becomes obsolete, I would always rank it over Xbox.

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Each platform has it's benefits, so it is difficult to pick an overall "best" one from what's on offer. PSN is free, but with that comes less security than what MS offers with Live. I remember PSN going down for weeks due to the successful hack attempt.

Still, only one thing decided it for me in the end and that was the comfort of the controller. 360 controller swung it for me. It is easily the best design between the PS3 and Xbox.

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Pros: Modding. Mods can bring endless replayability to any game. Hell, Day Z was a mod and that eventually became a game of it's own.


Cons: Compatibility and lag. The average PC user will not know their specs, so they might play a game and find it lags like a fat person on a mobility scooter.

Compatibility is a bitch too, nothing worse than upgrading your OS only to find the game isn't 100% supported. (Cough Win8)



Pros: Hilarious people on there, most games are very fun with a party.


Cons: Paid membership and the RROD.

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PC cons

 Compatibility and lag. The average PC user will not know their specs, so they might play a game and find it lags like a fat person on a mobility scooter.

The average PC user ≠ The average PC gamer.

If you game -- or plan on gaming -- on PC and don't know your specs (or are gaming on a PC that can't handle the games you want to play resulting in crappy performance), guess what, you're doing it wrong.

So that doesn't count in my eyes.


PC Gaming Pros: 

Mods. With higher textures being my favorite.

60+ frames.

1080p or Ultra HD 4K resolutionz if you're really awesome.


Ambient occlusion and other fx that consoles can't handle.


4K (3840x2400) monitors are (almost) here, and the Xbox One is struggling to even get games running on 1920x1080.

I love xbox to death but man, that's just sad.

Shows that all next-gen consoles are already losing the race.

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^ That last sentence is exactly why most console gamers hate PC gamers.


I personally, don't care, but you know how much 12 year olds value their ultra l33t Xbone that pwns all.



Also another con.


The specs are often wrong.


I can use Bully as an example for this.


Bully requires (at least) an Intel Pentium 4 processor, 1GB RAM and a graphics card that has Pixel Shader 2.0


However, should you be using a graphics card that doesn't have Pixel Shader 2.0, it still runs, with SwiftShader (an Pixel Shader emulator dll)


So those specs are wrong.




However, another pro to go with low end specs, are that the modding community often try to make "Low end PC" mods, which make the game fully usable on lower end PC's, even passing the MSR.


For example, Minecraft. I've seen a mod, I believe it was called Optifine. That boosts FPS for lower end PC's.



GTA IV for extreme low PC's:



(Originally the Core 2 Duo was the minium processor, with this mod, it works on Pentium 4)

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Xbox One is struggling to even get games running on 1920x1080.

I disagree with that statement, I don't think the xbox is struggling to get the games to run at 1920x1080 or 60 frames a second, I think it's architecture is far more complexed than the 360 and that of the PS4 and for that matter the PS3. What I think is happening, is that developers just haven't got to grips with utilising the power of the Xbox, the power of the "cloud" (damn I hate that terminology, call it a server ffs, that's what they are in essence).


As soon as developers realise that the power of the One is actually huge and in my view, potentially more powerful than the PS4 - we will start to see some differences. I dislike PC gaming, I want to sit in my chair, with a controller and relax. I don't want my PC monitor to be my TV or even a secondary monitor. I'll stream to the TV what I need to stream.


Granted PC gaming will always be far more advanced until you get a console that can have the hardware changed as and when.


I have no allegiance to any console, I started with the master system and NES, I had the megadrive and SNES, I had the Neo Geo, Atari Jacquar, N64, PS1, PS2, Xbox, 360 & now the One. Why did I choose the One over the PS4? Simple really, I read up the actual hardware and listened to a bunch of knowledgeable people that know how the acrchitecture of both have been constructed. Yes they all said the PS4 was a beast, but they also all said that the One is an even bigger beast if is utilised correctly.


I chose the One, I was one of the few people that actually liked what Xbox was announcing last year - I hate the fact that the flak they received because "clueless" people threw arms up in the air and they back tracked as a result.


360 for me, then the One, then the N64, then the SNES and Megadrive and then the NES and Master System.

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Craig, you're right. I should've said: developers are struggling to run their games at 1080p.

MS should've never changed up their plans. (Except for the always online Kinect, that was bs)

Xbox One could've been an amazing leap forward in terms of console efficiency, technology and gaming overall, but noo, some people like to stay in the past forever.

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Yes they all said the PS4 was a beast, but they also all said that the One is an even bigger beast if is utilised correctly.



Same thing happened back in the day with the Sega Saturn. Was vastly superior to the PS1, but got severely under utilized. Then again with the Xbox vs PS2.


The only real game to have issues with resolution when it comes to the Xbox One was Ghosts, and I would put that down to the 10+ year old engine architecture at play as opposed to the actual Xbox One hardware. It ended up having similar struggles on PS4.


The hardware behind the One is as Craig suggests, phenomenal. People who try to write it off just now are really being silly. MS invested a ton of money into the hardware to make it BS, and reviews of the hardware from legitimate tech sites all rate it VERY highly.


Sales are what is making people judgemental on the hardware, but these figures will change dramatically by this time next year... I guarantee it!

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There really is no single winner on this.

Too many different factors play into people's decisions.


For some it's cost, others exclusives, others social.


XBOX vs PS3 - XBOX is a clear winner in my mind due to parties.  I don't care for exclusive titles as I'm a really social gamer who only plays a few games.  I don't mind paying for online access.


One v 4 - I'll pick whichever the majority of my friends have close to BO3 release.  I have no intention of getting the console until a few days before the release, as part of a package I'm hoping.

I imagine it will be the One.  Continuity will trump all for my friends I believe.

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As everyone else is saying, each gaming platform has their individual strengths.


Playstation lacks the community and several titles, but leads with free online services and simple gaming control.


Xbox has a very diverse community mishap of titles flying at you everywhere, but leads in community playing and several game titles.


PC...well, I know you can do virtually anything on it but it becomes a very, very expensive investment over time. And that PC "superior race", don't even get me started on it. But the modding/customization of any game with a very, very large and supportive community of gamers makes it a great platform.


To each, their own strengths and weaknesses.


But I'll stay true to my Xbox 360 errday.

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I thing I hated about Xbox was the accuracy of the notifications.

I would get a message "Mega wants friends to play black ops", thinking it was an invite. I quit my game, and finds out that mega is not even online or playing black ops.

"Two friends want people to play black ops 2", yet no one is playing black ops 2.

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PC is imo best choice.



Mature community


Pretty much all your games you have ever bought on PC work on it.


Strategy Games


Better FPS controls.

A lot of cheaper games and no monthly fees.



Those rare errors.

Higher intial price.



I bought PS4 console because it's more of an gamer's console. Xbox One imo is just an media center that you can game on. It also lacks on power compared to PS4.

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PC...well, I know you can do virtually anything on it but it becomes a very, very expensive investment over time.

I'm sorry but I don't believe that holds truth. The intial price is higher, but lets say you put 1000-1200$ now on a new computer. Xbox One costs what 500$?

Fact is that PC will last trough the whole console generation of probably 9 years I would estimate. You will not have ny trouble playing multiplatform games on higher visuals than the consoles in the end. Only thing is that more demanding PC exclusives you need to start playing on lower settigns when the time goes on.


So it is intially 500-700$ more costly but note: IT IS PC, and does everything a PC does. You don't need to buy that cheap PC to work your school stuff and surfing on!

Xbox Live will cost: 540$ in those 9 years. So you will save on just free Steam Service alone all that money that cost extra compared to the new console.

New games on console cost 59.99$ on Europe they will be even more. New games on PC cost usually at least 10-15$ less. Now you can count how many new games you buy per year and how much you will save on that during the console generation.

Then we come to sales! SALES SALES SALES. You will get TON of year or two old AAA games with so cheap price it will almost feel like robbing!



The whole PC gaming is more expensive claim is wrong these days. Lets go 8 years back and it was the case but not anymore!

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I thing I hated about Xbox was the accuracy of the notifications.

I would get a message "Mega wants friends to play black ops", thinking it was an invite. I quit my game, and finds out that mega is not even online or playing black ops.

"Two friends want people to play black ops 2", yet no one is playing black ops 2.

Those are "beacons" that a person can set to let everyone know they're looking for a game, so if you start that game the beacon gets triggered. Unfortunately, they don't have to be playing the game for that to happen. Good idea in theory, but didn't end up working well.

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The whole PC gaming is more expensive claim is wrong these days. Lets go 8 years back and it was the case but not anymore!



That's a very large gap in that event. By that time, you'd just obtain a new console upgrade - just as you would install better drivers or graphics cards or hardware for your PC rig. You can't lay down the argument that a PC is a good investment over X years because that statement holds true to any given scenario. And what statistic or you basing your value over the 9 years for membership costs via Xbox Live? Surely you're not taking into consideration how cheap you can get annual memberships for versus that typical $60/year.


Over time, you will need to upgrade your PC gaming-wise. What you pay for consistent upgrades, us console members pay for games/memberships. I'm not here to bash PC, as I said before: each to their own. What I am saying, however, is that you're trying to compare a beat-up Chevy with costly modifications to a new sleek Challenger or Charger that will eventually be replaced with a span of 10 years or so. I've seen PC upgrade costs. In one upgrade for you guys, I could go out and buy around 10 games or more if I'm not being picky on what I'm buying. By the end of it all, we pay around the same range except PC is more expensive rig-wise.

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