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Reasons why you hate Moon?


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In other words: This map is literally unfinished, let's list the things that are wrong with it.

First of all, I'd say, I hate zap guns. I may not have the best aim, but seriously, direct impact to kill one zombie? That's the only WW to have that crap!

Second, Excavators. They glitch. They are horrible. They screw up your high round games. There's no need to talk how this feature is an unfinished FAIL. Although it does make the game harder, but... On this map, what does not make this game harder? (besides hacker)

Third, Astrounaut Zombie. I personally don't really mind a boss-like zombie slowly walking around and thinking how to screw up my game, but it does glitch sometimes, and it is pretty annoying when you try to get somewhere, and you meet him in the doors. At least they did something good about him - he loves listening to music.

Fourth - No Man's Land. Interesting feature, but it is so stupid sometimes... A small object, detail, something seemingly unimportant can waste a lot of your time. The zombies there are pretty annoying. And yes, I know that it's mostly the noobs that complain about it, but for me this feature should not exist. No on Moon. It makes this map complete HELL. I have never hated speed cola so much before buying the map pack. Hellhounds eat your ass when training, zombies manage to run through a deep water, where you cannot even walk fast, and obviously missing MS/Grenade explosions. For a beginner, gaining 5000 points on NML is UNBELIEVABLY hard. But then, we can always say that Moon is not a map for beginners. A trainy map, but still not as easy as some others.

Fifth - Amount of new players there. And I know this is not TARC fault, but seriously, nearly everytime I enter a lobby, the players rounds are between 1 and 15. And I admit - I am new to this map, I bought it recently "for fun", and my highest round on it is currently 13 on co-op. I always end up playing with people who don't understand that if you get downed after falling from the launching thingy in Bio Dome, you will also get down when you try that again. And again. (obviously they don't buy PHD cause beforehand they have wasted all their points on box/doors they're not gonna use).

I love this map, but sometimes it is hard to play there, either because of the points above or even something else, I did not mention...

So, if you feel like adding something to this list, or add something that is very good about the map, feel free to post it here and I will add it to the thread post.

I'm new to the forums, please don't flame me if there was already a thread like that, I just want to know other people's opinions. If it is a duplicate indeed, then please delete this thread.

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Gotta disagree with you friend. Moon is personally my third favourite map, after Cotd and Verruckt, and I like for the reasons that you don't.

Zap gun/wave gun. Basically a thundergun plus the dual wield part to help with the above average difficulty. 24 zombies in one shot or pick off stragglers.

The excavators add extra excitement and an extra 'mini' objective apart from power and Easter egg.

Sure they glitch but no game is perfect.

Astronomer is original and easy to handle especially if you keep him in the biodome where it's easy to lap him.

No mans land is the best part in my opinion (apart from the magnificent hacker :D ) as it's different to normal, tight (so harder and more fun) and has the hounds.

All in all, disagree with you man, but it's your opinion so that's fine.

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My opinion has drastically changed in the last month or so.

I hated it at first, finding it very boring and slow. NML was an excellent challenge, giving us a great tool to practice and compete indirectly with our friends.

I am not a fan of powerful wonder weapons, creating uneven an advantage to anyone holding it, and selfishness in the mold of lord of the rings.

Lately I have come around on Moon. It's still not one of my favorites, but the general mechanics are different enough to generate some interest.

Very well written thread. Nice job.

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I understand that some of the things I hate you love, because overall these are great features, it's just some details that really annoy me. I have nothing against excavators until they don't glitch. Astronaut, easy to trap, yet very annoying when it steals your perk, also we don't know any story about him, which frustrates me because I would like to know the origins of such outstanding features of the game.

Thank you for the replies! :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

One of the main reasons I don't like this map is the gravity, sure it's fun first attempt but when you fly off into a horde of zombies it's just plain annoying. I also dislike the general layout of the map. Too complicated and hard too revive. Sure I'm up for a challenge but not a challenge that makes the game not fun to play. I feel that they had so many ideas for this map ( no mans land, hacker, pes) but they just bundled it in together in to one map. This map dose have an awesome Easter egg though and leads great into black ops 2....

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  • 2 months later...

The glitches are game breaking on this map


I play solo or split screen.

As if the 'kill your temmate as they revive you' glitch wasn't annoying enough (all bo maps), hacker in ss or 2 man online glitches if a player dies.

The 2 astronaut glitches: tp and run backwards after gersch. You can trap him with the excavators though.

Then add in the extreme annoyance of getting jugger a second time after you died to a glitch just breaks the game on solo.

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  • 2 months later...

Love no mans land(my best is 52:25 but I suicided out of boredom.) the only annoying thing is I was doing ee with friends and I was hacking one of the green things in the lab and it stopped hacking and the game thought I was still hacking it. We couldn't be bothered to start again.

When that happens, go hack something else such as a window in need in of repair. That'll fix the looping audio glitch.

- Mix

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  • 5 months later...

Moon Is the greatest map ever IMO.... Unfinished?

1: Because a weapon has to hit a zombie dead on its bad? Sorry it's not too easy for you... I'd rather have it then that OP thundergun...

2: Excivators are simple, chances are your running in the biodome yes? Simply take the teleporter to NML and then take it back, you should have enough time to turn it of, then just run back to the biodome... No issues...

3: games glitch, nothing can avoid this... It's been that way sense Donkey kong...

4:NML is a great and new feature, no exceptions... If you can't accomplish anything that's your fault...

5: There are good people out there,,, if you want to get to high rounds, assemble a team, find a random bunch of people and survive yourself, or do it solo... 15 isn't bad, it's likely THEY too had bad people... Try to get them to do the Easter egg, EVERYONE enjoys the moon Easter egg, it's simple, fun, and entertains...

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  • 4 weeks later...

The glitches are game breaking on this map

This. I doubt another m will ever be this hated by the community.

I tried hard to enjoy it, but constant glitches/bugs make it intolerable (more glitchy then most Treyarch games, that's saying a lot).

Impossible after a week to find any friends playing it, and i didn't blame them. Major fail, terrible end to zombies. But bo1 sucked in every way, so why not zombies too?

Thankfully bo2 left on a better note. We are still dealing with Treyarch, so of course the game's a glitchy mess, but a huge step up from bo1's swan song.

Nml: best feature of moon, imo.

Low gravity: annoying gimmick. They had to try. They had to fail.

Cosmonaut: awful plus extremely buggy.

Excavators breeching: annoying fail.

Hacker: constantly glitches out in 2 man games, which i play.

Knife: annoyingly placed, extremely difficult to get at an appropriate time (points were too constrained in the early game, you would end up having no choice but to buy a gun that you should never buy if you couldn't get enough points for this).

Map, without glitches and bad programming choices is easy. Annoyance added to make it harder. So bad. So very, very poorly done.

Wow. That map sucked/sucks. A prime example of failure at its optimum.

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Because nuking the earth to hell is a horrible ending to the zombies season :roll:

You are making so many flaws in your reasonings:

NML: A good thing

Low gravity isn't annoying, its quite entertaining! If you're just havving issues getting out of the spawn room don't blame the game...

Casmonauts arn't buggy, it's the gersh devices that glitch them out, this would happen to any map with gersh devices, which are too cool to say that they don't suck (see what I did there?)

If you're unable to grab a hacker and coordinate your team to teleport to the earth and back to shut off an excavator, that again is your issue, not the game's fail.

How does it glitch out? You grab it, or split it, there shouldn't be any issue there, supply evidence...

Points weren't constrained, you are trying to advance too swiftly, if you had gotten enough points at NML there would be no issue! Also the knife is in an interesting new location with high difficult to achieve, and it's not necessary either, once again, you're problem.

All in all the map was a bit easy, but it was fun. Easy doesn't automatically mean bad, just look at MOTD and buried!

SO, looking back all I see is a great map and a person too caught up in their own problems with their own glitches to appreciate the map...

When I no-lifed moon before my BO broke I never ONCE had any issue with anything other then the gersh device and the cosmonaut... And I can still say moon is the greatest map TO DATE!

And to say BO1 sucked because of one map? Oh well then yeah sure, I guess the introduction of new wonder weapons, four new epic perks, eight new zombie types, a rewarding set of easter eggs, and the ability to play as the REAL O4, rage, proverbs, madness, vodka and all, just means it all sucked....

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  • 6 months later...

I agree that Moon has several major issues, but those aside, the map is fantastic. So many great strategies, a fun and worthwhile EE, NML and some really awesome weapons and features.

I also disagree that it is the most hated map by the community. Shi No Numa or Shangri La were both more poorly recieved than Moon was.3

Edited by DeathBringerZen
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Stop, if you are implying that you don't know what the extremely common Hacker Glitch is, I'm gonna have to call shenanigans.

Have you ever actually played Moon?

Ha. Supply proof? That's like saying supply proof that I've typed on Codz...

Maybe i misunderstood what you were referring to. I'm sorry, but that just cracked me up so hard.

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"You grab it or split it" were my exact words, and honestly they shouldn't change this exploit, having 4 guys with hackers is not an issue, because remember, they have to put on masks to go outside the buildings, heck you need the masks anywhere if you knock out all the air. 


And yes, Moon was my favorite map of all zombies! It was the first map I bought, the first I played, and the first I loved! 


But back on topic, the hacker glitch is honestly about as convenient as the time bomb-bank exploit in buried. Until you can supply evidence that it DOESN'T improve gameplay, the argument that it hinders it remains invalid. 

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Moon is my favorite map of all time. Most people loathe it, but it seriously offers everything you need - open/narrow corridors, no gravity/artificial gravity, perfect gun placement, hacked weapons, all the works. Not to mention how easy it is to control your horde if you run the right paths. It gets really risky if not in artificial gravity, like below the Receiving Bay.


My only complaint is how glitchy it can get. Broken excavators, lit lunar pads that are not functioning, moonwalkin' Astro Zombies, you name it. Nevertheless, it isn't exactly enough to end your game because once a glitch occurs, you know how to avoid it at all costs.

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  • 2 months later...

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