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An Egg of the Devil and the Flower of Life


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“An egg...of the Devil!" - Takeo Masaki. Moon.

Hello again everyone, got an interesting thread for you guys today. Of course, all it seems to do is evoke more questions than answers, but that's Zombies for ya!

So does the ball above look familiar? It should. It is the "egg" or "artifact" that is used during the completion of the Big Bang Theory Easter Egg on the final map of Black Ops, Moon. It is during Moon that we first learn of this artifact, but it wouldn't be the last. This artifact or artifacts are more crucial to the Zombies story than we once thought. Although Moon is when we first learned about these artifacts, they were built into the story of Zombies, based on some character quotes from Moon:

“Oh wunderbar I was wondering where that artifact went.” - Richtofen

“I knew I should of invented an egg moving robot. Stupid Maxis with his rules and stupid accent.” - Richtofen

“This must be the artifact Daddy was talking about!” - Samantha

“I do not like this egg, it gives me a very bad feeling “ - Takeo

"Good, now that I'm in control of the station, we have one last chance to severe Edward' s link with Earth. I will calculate the position, retrieve the artifact and take it to the launch platform." - Maxis (during EE)

So what can we gather about the artifact from these quotes? It's clear that Richtofen and Maxis had been working on the artifact at one point, or at least Maxis was aware of the artifact. Also, Samantha appears to have been aware of the artifact's existance from her father.

[tab][/tab]But most importantly, is the last quote from Maxis. If we think back to the easter egg on Moon, after Richtofen takes Samantha's place, we must then help Maxis. First we free him from wherever he is, then he uses the artifact along side the missles to bomb the Earth. So what was the purpose of the artifact? Did it power the missles engines? Or was it used inside the warhead to have some sort of effect on Earth? What's clear is that it serves some sort of significant purpose or posesses some type of tremendous power.

So, why do I bring up the events of Moon now? Well, for those who have completed the Die Rise easter egg, you'll understand the connection I'm about to make. At one point during the easter egg, you encounter the twin Imperial guardion lions, or Shishi. Under the lions paw, rests an egg with a similiar pattern to the artifact seen on Moon.

Chinese guardian lions, known as Shishi (Chinese: 石獅; pinyin: shíshī; literally "stone lion") or Imperial guardian lion, and often called "Foo Dogs" in the West, are a common representation of the lion in pre-modern China. They have traditionally stood in front of Chinese Imperial palaces, Imperial tombs, government offices, temples, and the homes of government officials and the wealthy, from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), and were believed to have powerful mythic protective benefits. Pairs of guardian lions are still common decorative and symbolic elements at the entrances to restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and other structures, with one sitting on each side of the entrance, in China and in other places around the world where the Chinese people have immigrated and settled, especially in local Chinatowns.

Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_guardian_lions

"The lions are always presented in pairs, a manifestation of yin and yang, the female representing yin and the male yang. The male lion has its right front paw on an embroidered ball called a "xiù qiú" (绣球), which is sometimes carved with a geometric pattern known in the West as the "Flower of life"

The Flower of Life is the name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This design, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.

New Age followers ascribe many forms of significance to the Flower of Life and three similar figures, called the "Egg of Life," the "Fruit of Life," the "Seed of Life,"and the "Tree of Life." Melchizedek and others assert that these figures are symbols of sacred geometry. The Flower of Life has provided what is considered to be deep spiritual meaning and forms of enlightenment to those who have studied it as sacred geometry. The pattern also represents ancient spiritual beliefs, as well as depicting fundamental aspects of space and time. They claim that Metatron's Cube (read more) may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were "thought to act as a template from which all life springs."

The Flower of Life pattern dates all the way back to 645 BC. It was originally thought that the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt contained the oldest known examples of the Flower of Life. It is now known that an earlier example of the pattern can be seen in the Assyrian rooms of the Louvre Museum in Paris. Leonardo da Vinci even scetched crafted a drawing of the ancient symbol.

Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_of_life

Anywho, what we can gather from this is these spheres or artifacts that our occuring in the last few maps, is that they hold a tremendous amount of power, to say the least. It' still unclear exactly what their power is, but whatever it is, it's immense.

Below is a video of NGT doing the easter egg. He is at the point where the spheres come into play, and like the video says, it's important to make note that Richtofen and Maxis want you to do different things with these eggs.


Maxis wants you to use the balls to energize the tower at Die Rise, while Richtofen wants you to liquify the balls, to purge the tremendous energy within them. Richtofen would rather you use the 115 from the flesh of zombies to power the tower, while shutting out Maxis. It almost appears that this is some sort of other energy than 115, a more powerful energy similiar to Vril. Now let's take a look at the Green Run easter egg, again Maxis wants you to use the energy from "him"(avagadro) to power the tower, while Richtofen again wanted flesh from 115, while trying to shut out Maxis.

When looking closely at the Easter Egg and the quotes, a bigger picture begins to reveal itself on what's really going on. The two entities are not fighting for one power, but different powers. Richtofen knows that if Maxis achieves his goals, his power will be blocked out or diminish entirely, but if Richtofen can... But I'm getting off topic now, I'll save that discussion for another thread.

In conclusion, I don't think this is the last we'll be seeing of these artifacts. Will they hold the key to Maxis' success and Richtofen's defeat? What type of energy do they truly hold? Only time will tell, but we may just be seeing them again.

There may be more to this, I'm still continuing to research.



There has been some great discussion recently from Mix and PINNAZ in regards to the balls, the Dragons, and their significance. Some may not scroll down to read it, so I'm adding it to the original text.

Read more from MixMasterNut and PINNAZ:

I'd like to point out a common misconception. The Moon Egg is not the same as the balls on Die Rise. They have very different designs on them. The Moon egg has no Flower of Life design on it. Let me show you...

See, they're different.

Still doesn't take away the importance and power of the balls on Die Rise for me though.

Spiral Out,

- Mix

Great thread Shooter, & great discussion all.

I have only just realised that the 2 Fu Dogs are both 'Male'. The male dog holds the ball under the right foot, the female holds the pup under the left.

I had never really looked into the 'Balls/Orbs/Pearls' until you posted this. So when I had a little look.....I opened up a can of worms! I hope i don't go too far off topic here. So many things to discuss, but not enough free wi-fi time.

I'm currently in South-East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) & have taken great interest in the Fu Lions aswell as the relationship between the Dragons holding the balls)

Die Rise Side Quest Ball

My Pictures of Fu Dogs Balls 8-)

Flower of Life

This link has things from ancient alphabets to Freemasons & Templars, all based on the Flower of Life


The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.



The Dragon & the Pearl Document


Notice that the Pearl from the left claw/leg/arm of the dragon is missing.

Nine Dragon Wall


Dragons on Roof

Dragons on roof of Taiwan Confucian Temple


I also read somewhere (I can't find the article) that Confucious wrote about the flower of life & Tree of life. That maybe worth looking into.

Dragon Lore PDF



The giant red dragon of the Apocalypse (Rev. 12) gave rise to the use of the beast as symbolic of Satan in Christian art and literature.

Apocalyptic beast:

{Biblical - Most likely Middle East} A creature mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It has two horns, speaks like a dragon, and bears the mystical number of the devil.

According to Chinese mythology, a dragon has to spend 1000 years under the sea, 1000 years in the mountains and 1000 years among men before turning into a real dragon. Before that he is a small serpent prisoner of a stone, called a “serpent’s egg”. After 3000 years, the dragon escapes and take his adult form, the stone was known to spill a magic liquid called “inky blood”.

The dragon is considered to be a mythological animal of Chinese origin, and a member of the NAGA (Sanskrit) family of serpentine creatures who protected Buddhism.

Korean Dragon


As with Chinese dragons, the number nine is significant with Korean dragons and they are said to have 81 (9x9) scales on their backs.

However, the dragons often appeared without wings and occasionally a dragon may be depicted as carrying a "dragon orb" known as the Yeo-ui-ju in one or more of its claws.

It was said that whoever could wield the Yeo-ui-ju was blessed with the abilities of omnipotence and creation at will, and that only four-toed dragons (those which had thumbs to hold the orbs) were both wise and powerful enough to wield these orbs (as opposed to the lesser, three-toed dragons).

The dragon in Korea was often more of a spiritual symbol, living in mystical palaces beyond the physical realm, representing the power of the soul. It was only later, with the influence of Chinese culture, that the dragon came to be connected with the Emperor, who himself was associated with rain and agriculture.

(The Orb in the mouth may also related to other Dragon origins, I haven't looked into it enough)

Bonus for MixMasterNut!

Dragons in other Cultures - Mayan and Aztec:


The Mayan "Kukulkan", later the Aztec "Quetzalcoatl", was both good and evil, and it was thought to rule the four parts of the Earth. The greatest god of the Aztecs was "Xiuhtecuhtli" who took on many manifestations, one of which being the fire serpent.

There are parallels with the Chinese myths in that Quetzalcoatl is described as being able to take the form of the Sun and is depicted as being swallowed by the Earth serpent thus causing an eclipse.

There's so much I could include but don't have the time right now. Sorry to talk about Dragons so much & sorry for the messy post.

Seeya all.

Wow, glad I'm not the only one looking deeper into the possible meanings of the Dragons, dragon balls, the Guardian Lions, and their relationship to divine rulers. I feel like the steps and outcome of the easter egg are much deeper in meaning that simply performing some weird mundane tasks.

I remember running around the map, staring at dragon balls, counting toes on dragons, and questioning myself if I'm crazy or not for doing this. Well if I am crazy, then you guys are on the same brand of crazy as I am. :lol:

From my understanding Chinese Dragons always hold the pearl under their chin. I didn't know about the Korean Dragons having the pearls in their mouth. That helps clear up a bit some confusion I've had.

Can't help but think this might possibly be related

In Shangri la, on the Tibetain style gongs are Illuminati writting that translates to "Beware of the Dragons Breath"

I've been trying to find meaning to this. Perhaps it has to do with the Dragon balls being in the Dragon sign's mouths at the start of the EE, or the end of the Die Rise EE where the Dragon signs are actually shooting fire balls. What do you guys think?

- Mix

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Good stuff Shooter. I was wondering if I was the only one seeing a greater symbolic meaning into the Foo Dogs and the balls with the Flower of Life designs on them on Die Rise. But I didn't want to make a thread about it because I figured most will just interpret it as me injecting a bunch of occult stuff that has no bearing on the actual story. I've been guilty of that and wrong on several occassions (but not all).

Glad to see you've also acquired knowledge on the meaning of the Flower of Life, and Metatron's Cube. I find that stuff fascinating to learn about.

Under the lions paw, rests an egg with a similiar pattern to the artifact seen on Moon.

I'd like to point out a common misconception. The Moon Egg is not the same as the balls on Die Rise. They have very different designs on them. The Moon egg has no Flower of Life design on it. Let me show you...

See, they're different.

Still doesn't take away the importance and power of the balls on Die Rise for me though.

Spiral Out,

- Mix

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Absolutely amazing, Shooter. I love your theories to no end, and this has really got me revved up into believing there is more to uncover in Great Leap Forward. Kudos to you, friendo. :)

Just a small thought there, but doesn't the Moon egg supposedly attach itself to one of the rockets (or somewhere near the launch pads of said missiles) via Gersch Device? Could it be possible that it was brought to Earth by those same missiles somewhere, somehow?

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Absolutely amazing, Shooter. I love your theories to no end, and this has really got me revved up into believing there is more to uncover in Great Leap Forward. Kudos to you, friendo. :)

Just a small thought there, but doesn't the Moon egg supposedly attach itself to one of the rockets (or somewhere near the launch pads of said missiles) via Gersch Device? Could it be possible that it was brought to Earth by those same missiles somewhere, somehow?

^ What gives you that idea? I thought when you popped the Gersh it sent it 'away' somewhere, possibly to Earth / China?

You're correct Infest, it goes to the launch pad of the missle platform at Griffin Station, where the missles are being readied for launch. "I will calculate the position, retrieve the artifact and take it to the launch platform." After we throw a Gersch Device at the artifact, it teleports to the launch platform, but what it's used for at the launch platform isn't clear. Either as a fuel source or in the warhead as a weapon. It really depends on what exactly the energy in these artifacts is doing to help Maxis.

EDIT: I started writing a couple paragraphs about what Maxis does with this energy on Die Rise, but I started going a bit off topic on my own thread. I'm writing a short thread to explain my take on the events. Back on course.

Good stuff glad to see you've also acquired knowledge on the meaning of the Flower of Life, and Metatron's Cube. I find that stuff fascinating to learn about.

Under the lions paw, rests an egg with a similiar pattern to the artifact seen on Moon.

I'd like to point out a common misconception. The Moon Egg is not the same as the balls on Die Rise. They have very different designs on them. The Moon egg has no Flower of Life design on it. Let me show you...

See, they're different.

Still doesn't take away the importance and power of the balls on Die Rise for me though.

Spiral Out,

- Mix

Man, I just started reading up on the Flower of Life recently, but it truly is fascinating. What I find most interesting is how old the pattern dates back to, as well it's various locations worldwide. Which leads me to a small theory on why the patterns on the two spheres differ.

I'm glad you pointed that out Mix, as my wording doesn't make it very clear. They're most defintely two different designs. From reading up on it, it appears the Flower of Life pattern has been found throughout various parts of the world, including China, India, Japan, Italy, and France. Could these spheres design pattern be representative of each ancient civilizations specific sphere. Or perhaps Treyarch just wanted the designs to mimic the look of a the Flower of Life. Just some possible thoughts. What do you guys think?

Another interesting thing I caught when looking into the Flower of Life was the relationship to the Golden Ratio. Da Vinci directly associated the Flower of Life with the Golden Ratio of Phi and even believed the Golden Ratio was based off the Flower of Life.

[tab][/tab] You know about the Golden Ratio stuff on the Der Riese Chalkboard. So perhaps this is why the ratio was being studied by Maxis and Richtofen at Der Riese? It's interesting to see the connections.

That's interesting. Maxis implies that the balls represent fire and light, as he calls them such at one point. Have you seen anything regarding that? I have not, and I used to live in Japan, although their shi shi dogs are a bit different.

Yes you are correct. I'm gonna try and get a thread out tomorrow that explains my take on what's happening during the Die Rise easter egg. I started explaining it on this thread but it kept dragging on so hopefully I can get it posted tomorrow.

Stay tuned guys, I love the discussion going on right now! Ill try to post more tomorrow.

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If I'm not mistaken, the Foo Dog models in Die Rise are a recycled game asset from World at War. Guardian lion statues were also present in Dead Ops Arcade.

Man, I just started reading up on the Flower of Life recently, but it truly is fascinating. What I find most interesting is how old the pattern dates back to, as well it's various locations worldwide. Which leads me to a small theory on why the patterns on the two spheres differ.

I'm glad you pointed that out Mix, as my wording doesn't make it very clear. They're most defintely two different designs. From reading up on it, it appears the Flower of Life pattern has been found throughout various parts of the world, including China, India, Japan, Italy, and France. Could these spheres design pattern be representative of each ancient civilizations specific sphere. Or perhaps Treyarch just wanted the designs to mimic the look of a the Flower of Life. Just some possible thoughts. What do you guys think?

Another interesting thing I caught when looking into the Flower of Life was the relationship to the Golden Ratio. Da Vinci directly associated the Flower of Life with the Golden Ratio of Phi and even believed the Golden Ratio was based off the Flower of Life.

[tab][/tab] You know about the Golden Ratio stuff on the Der Riese Chalkboard. So perhaps this is why the ratio was being studied by Maxis and Richtofen at Der Riese? It's interesting to see the connections.

I'd like to share this video with you. This art instructor explains why the Golden Ratio if found in sacred geometry and art, within all these various ancient cultures all around the world. The way he explains it makes perfect sense to me. His whole Yoututbe series on art using Golden Ratios in art is absolutely amazing.


I have a POV on why the Phi is found on the chalkboard.

The Golden ratio seems to be found in everything in nature. If you want to make an Teleporter Device, you have to know how the fabric of the universe works in mathmatical terms. Phi and the Golden Ratio are a piece of that puzzle. And as you know, the Golden Ratios are found in Sacred Geometry all around the world. Occultists really dig on finding parallels in different religions and mythologies. So I believe the golden ratio to important both scientifically and spiritually to the occult nazi scientists. And to them science and religion are one in the same.

- Mix

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Thank you Mix, for posting up that brilliant video. I'm not too keen on the distinctions of art, but this really perked my attention. I just want to say that I love his ideology of instructing the students from scratch until he can convey everything he has to offer. That is an incredible way to teach, and should really be one of the many techniques taught to help students succeed in life. ;)

I found interesting how he talked about the Gods and constructing temples with their geometric proportions from things discovered in nature as technique of prayer. When he goes into how this is diverse through all cultures, it really clicked in for me. While the eggs in Moon and Die Rise may differ, you're correct; they do follow the applications of the Golden Ratio. Every civilization and culture has their own depictions of how the Golden Ratio should follow in surrounding nature. This means that these artifacts are indeed ancient to some extent and not just some kind of object that was whipped up recently by, say, Group 935 or another organization directly involved with zombies.

We have come to understand that the MPD itself was created by an ancient civilization. The Vril-ya? Possibly. A different kind of civilization that just might not be on Earth, but somewhat extraterrestrial? Also possible. What we do know, however, is that the mechanism itself is intriguingly susceptible of higher technology that humans may never arise to understanding. I remember you posted somewhere about the soul-catcher on the moon. This ties in so much considering that there are soul canisters found on each corner of the MPD.

The egg artifact that belongs to the MPD holds a perhaps as a key for not only it, but something else to have triggered the missiles. How did Maxis know of this if he has never been to Griffin Station up until his demise? I'd put my money that he knew such a mechanism existed and even knew about its powers, and that is why the Golden Ratio is mentioned. He knows that this ancient egg holds a greater purpose than some art object.

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Great thread Shooter, & great discussion all. 

I have only just realised that the 2 Fu Dogs are both 'Male'. The male dog holds the ball under the right foot, the female holds the pup under the left.

I had never really looked into the 'Balls/Orbs/Pearls' until you posted this. So when I had a little look.....I opened up a can of worms! I hope i don't go too far off topic here. So many things to discuss, but not enough free wi-fi time.

I'm currently in South-East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) & have taken great interest in the Fu Lions aswell as the relationship between the Dragons holding the balls)

Die Rise Side Quest Ball

My Pictures of Fu Dogs Balls 8-)

Flower of Life

This link has things from ancient alphabets to Freemasons & Templars, all based on the Flower of Life


The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.



The Dragon & the Pearl Document


Notice that the Pearl from the left claw/leg/arm of the dragon is missing. 

Nine Dragon Wall


Dragons on Roof

Dragons on roof of Taiwan Confucian Temple


I also read somewhere (I can't find the article) that Confucious wrote about the flower of life & Tree of life. That maybe worth looking into.

Dragon Lore PDF



The giant red dragon of the Apocalypse (Rev. 12) gave rise to the use of the beast as symbolic of Satan in Christian art and literature.

Apocalyptic beast:

{Biblical - Most likely Middle East} A creature mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It has two horns, speaks like a dragon, and bears the mystical number of the devil.

According to Chinese mythology, a dragon has to spend 1000 years under the sea, 1000 years in the mountains and 1000 years among men before turning into a real dragon. Before that he is a small serpent prisoner of a stone, called a “serpent’s egg”. After 3000 years, the dragon escapes and take his adult form, the stone was known to spill a magic liquid called “inky blood”.

The dragon is considered to be a mythological animal of Chinese origin, and a member of the NAGA (Sanskrit) family of serpentine creatures who protected Buddhism.

Korean Dragon


As with Chinese dragons, the number nine is significant with Korean dragons and they are said to have 81 (9x9) scales on their backs. 

However, the dragons often appeared without wings and occasionally a dragon may be depicted as carrying a "dragon orb" known as the Yeo-ui-ju in one or more of its claws. 

It was said that whoever could wield the Yeo-ui-ju was blessed with the abilities of omnipotence and creation at will, and that only four-toed dragons (those which had thumbs to hold the orbs) were both wise and powerful enough to wield these orbs (as opposed to the lesser, three-toed dragons).

The dragon in Korea was often more of a spiritual symbol, living in mystical palaces beyond the physical realm, representing the power of the soul. It was only later, with the influence of Chinese culture, that the dragon came to be connected with the Emperor, who himself was associated with rain and agriculture.

(The Orb in the mouth may also related to other Dragon origins, I haven't looked into it enough)

Bonus for MixMasterNut!

Dragons in other Cultures - Mayan and Aztec:


The Mayan "Kukulkan", later the Aztec "Quetzalcoatl", was both good and evil, and it was thought to rule the four parts of the Earth. The greatest god of the Aztecs was "Xiuhtecuhtli" who took on many manifestations, one of which being the fire serpent. 

There are parallels with the Chinese myths in that Quetzalcoatl is described as being able to take the form of the Sun and is depicted as being swallowed by the Earth serpent thus causing an eclipse.

There's so much I could include but don't have the time right now. Sorry to talk about Dragons so much & sorry for the messy post.

Seeya all.

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The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.

5 DLCs planned = 6 total maps = 6 points the Flower of Life can point to

Someone quick overlay the globe onto a FoL symbol!!!

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Wow, glad I'm not the only one looking deeper into the possible meanings of the Dragons, dragon balls, the Guardian Lions, and their relationship to divine rulers. I feel like the steps and outcome of the easter egg are much deeper in meaning that simply performing some weird mundane tasks.

I remember running around the map, staring at dragon balls, counting toes on dragons, and questioning myself if I'm crazy or not for doing this. Well if I am crazy, then you guys are on the same brand of crazy as I am. :lol:

From my understanding Chinese Dragons always hold the pearl under their chin. I didn't know about the Korean Dragons having the pearls in their mouth. That helps clear up a bit some confusion I've had.

Can't help but think this might possibly be related

In Shangri la, on the Tibetain style gongs are Illuminati writting that translates to "Beware of the Dragons Breath"

I've been trying to find meaning to this. Perhaps it has to do with the Dragon balls being in the Dragon sign's mouths at the start of the EE, or the end of the Die Rise EE where the Dragon signs are actually shooting fire balls. What do you guys think?

- Mix

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