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Wonder Weapon Woes

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Okay so let me lay out the foundations, There are certain aspects of a zombies map we anticipate most Some being: the song, the setting itself, and for me...the Wonder Weapon. Green Run and Nuketown both Do Not contain even a glimpse of one. (For the remaining 3 people who thinks the Jet Gun is a Wonder Weapon, it isn't due to it not running on element 115)

I feel Treyarch could of blown us away on this occasion with some over the top gun that's most importantly fun. Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy Green run as a whole it's just that I always anticipate from a Zombies map.

It might be just me with this thought, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Oh And Merry Christmas :)

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Over time, the Wonder Weapons have become increasingly better both in performance and user interface. Sure, everyone is entitled to their own favorites (mine being the Thundergun for obvious reasons), but indeed: there will be far better ones along the way in Black Ops II. I'm wondering is there was a purpose for not including a significant Wonder Weapon in the first map.

Also, thank you so much for being one of the few people to recognize the Jet Gun as a special build-able, and not a Wonder Weapon. :)

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Bring back the VR-11!!!!!!

^ best wonder wonder ever made, even better since the nubs all thought it was worthless :twisted:

I agree, In Co-Op this was far more superior than the rest. Highly highly Underrated weapon, Would've been even better if George wasn't there. As far as Solo goes mine are ThunderGun & WaveGun (really miss the Microwave sound)

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Also, thank you so much for being one of the few people to recognize the Jet Gun as a special build-able, and not a Wonder Weapon. :)

Don't mention it :P. It just annoys me when you join a public game and you hear such lines as: "Oh, I'm gonna build the Wonder gun" and "This wonder weapon is crap"...Cue facepalm.

Oh I never said what my favorite was, 31-79 JGb215 (shrink ray). Now that was Hilarious to use XD

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Perhaps we didn't get a NEW wondergun (The Raygun is there) because there was no body to build them any more. With the exception of of the Raygun (and possibly the howl) all "Wonder" weapons were built by either Maxis or Richthofen. They're both stuck in their respective prisons and therefore can no longer provide the WW's. The Jetgun is the best Marlton can do.

He has no knowledge of 115 mechanics so he can't really build a true wonder weapon, but that will change in later maps leading to better and better WW's.

At least that is my own take on it. I like it though. :D

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Perhaps we didn't get a NEW wondergun (The Raygun is there) because there was no body to build them any more. With the exception of of the Raygun (and possibly the howl) all "Wonder" weapons were built by either Maxis or Richthofen. They're both stuck in their respective prisons and therefore can no longer provide the WW's. The Jetgun is the best Marlton can do.

He has no knowledge of 115 mechanics so he can't really build a true wonder weapon, but that will change in later maps leading to better and better WW's.

At least that is my own take on it. I like it though. :D

Maybe in future maps Marlton finds instructions for weapons, craft a Thunder-Gun or something like that. Which is why I like the idea of Der Riese making a return, Marlton finds some form of instructions to craft makeshift weapons that run on element 115...maybe a trip to Shangri La to acquire more?

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Perhaps we didn't get a NEW wondergun (The Raygun is there) because there was no body to build them any more. With the exception of of the Raygun (and possibly the howl) all "Wonder" weapons were built by either Maxis or Richthofen. They're both stuck in their respective prisons and therefore can no longer provide the WW's. The Jetgun is the best Marlton can do.

He has no knowledge of 115 mechanics so he can't really build a true wonder weapon, but that will change in later maps leading to better and better WW's.

At least that is my own take on it. I like it though. :D

That's a very smart idea, but the only one you're missing is the Winters Howl, from America.

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I like Jasons storyline theory, it makes good sense.

As far as game mechanics wise the Jetgun is definitely not a wonder weapon. The only wonder weapon is the ray gun and they probably had a huge fight in development to even add that in as people would not understand why it was taken away. Building up through DLC's I'm sure we'll see many WW's. This being the first map it makes sense to me to keep it simple.

My brother and I did a run of survival last night. Starting with Bus depot, then farm, then finally town and it just makes so much sense to me that they started things in their simplest form and built up as they progressed. The next DLC will not have a map without any perks or no pack a punch, I predict that won't happen as the basics are already there, moving forward things will get more and more advanced with WW's, Perks, and new aspects.

I think the hardest thing for people to comprehend as a whole is that this initial release of zombies is essentially the most basic, the ground work for everything in the future in all it's epic glory to be built upon.

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I'm guessing Treyarch wanted for whatever reason abolish rounds above 60. I personally like this. Now I don't even have to think of those annoying 20 hour games anymore and can finally enjoy the game by doing a solid 50 in 3-4 hours or so, until recycling Ray's and stuff is no longer in any relation to the progress.

BUT!! The game is kinda not the same anymore without a nice insta kill module. It's just lacking something.

So I'm not really decided. What I don't like is a wondergun replacement that is just a piece of crap like the Jettie is.

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Why is the Jet Gun not a Wonder Weapon? Just because you build it? The Thundergun just shoots air out, the Jet Gun sucks air in. Yes, they do opposite things, but they essentially the same thing (if that makes sense).

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Tac lol you could probably justify better than any of us why it is likely not a wonder weapon but anyway..

IMO Wonder weapons were all built with a 115 aspect. The Jetgun isn't. It's also not a gun, it's an item. How many wonder weapons have there been that you couldn't pack a punch?

I could be wrong but I personally would not put it in the same class as wonder weapons.

As Jason pointed out all of the scientists who built these wonder weapons aren't here this time. Hence why no wonder weapons yet. Except the Ray gun which in my opinion doesn't belong in Green Run at the moment. I just think they added it so people didn't have a shit fit when they found out they lost flopper, mule, and all of the wonder weapons.

Again people can't seem to grasp the obvious fact that Green Run was meant to strip it all down, start simple and basic to create the groundwork in which they could build everything else on moving forward. This is all just my own opinion but I truly think by the end of the DLC's we're going to be impressed by how many wonder weapons were eventually included. This is just the beginning.

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I have no idea myself why they didn't add any spectacular weapons in these maps... So far it's been pretty much in every Zombie map, atleast in Black Ops. If the reason is really because of the gloomy nature in these maps, or the fact none of the original characters we knew before are here at the moment, then we're all fucked in the next DLC.

Because the best weapon we can make so far is a jet engine that blows up after using it for 2.5 seconds. I just hope the next weapon we build is indeed something useful, like the wonderweapons in the previous games. So we no longer need to rely on a random box.

(Personally I think the reason is because Treyarch wants to make sure everyone buys their season pass, and then only, will they give us something worthwile.)

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Tac lol you could probably justify better than any of us why it is likely not a wonder weapon but anyway..

IMO Wonder weapons were all built with a 115 aspect. The Jetgun isn't. It's also not a gun, it's an item. How many wonder weapons have there been that you couldn't pack a punch?

I could be wrong but I personally would not put it in the same class as wonder weapons.

As Jason pointed out all of the scientists who built these wonder weapons aren't here this time. Hence why no wonder weapons yet. Except the Ray gun which in my opinion doesn't belong in Green Run at the moment. I just think they added it so people didn't have a shit fit when they found out they lost flopper, mule, and all of the wonder weapons.

Again people can't seem to grasp the obvious fact that Green Run was meant to strip it all down, start simple and basic to create the groundwork in which they could build everything else on moving forward. This is all just my own opinion but I truly think by the end of the DLC's we're going to be impressed by how many wonder weapons were eventually included. This is just the beginning.

Yes you are correct. The Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 has no 115 aspect to it, thus it is not a Wonder Weapon. As simple as that. The Jet Gun is as much as Wonder Weapons as is the Spikemore.

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I beleive it is a wonder weapon to a certain degree. It doesn't use 115 but it may use a substance we are not familiar with yet. As the quotes from Marlton say, there are new compounds being mixed with 115. This is why they explode. A jet engine must run off of something. It can't operate without fuel. Is it not possible that this new compound could power future wonder weapons? We built Pack-A-Punch from scratch, who is to say a rRay Gun won't be next. Leave room for possibility.

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There is no "I believe" it was Wonder Weapon. It simply is not a Wonder Weapon.

It is made of a jet engine.

Are airplanes Wonder Weapons? Are airplanes Wonder Vehicles?


ALL Wonder Weapons run off of 115. The only exception would be the Matryoshka Dolls, which are from Aether, so they are self-explanatory. We build the jet gun ourselves, so it is VERY OBVIOUS it runs not on 115. What does it? Fuel. The fuel is just as obvious as is the bus's fuel. Which is to say gameplay-mechanics.

It is a Special Weapon to be grouped alongside the M2 Flamethrower, Ballistic Knife, and Crossbow Explosive-Tip.

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There is no "I believe" it was Wonder Weapon. It simply is not a Wonder Weapon.

It is made of a jet engine.

Are airplanes Wonder Weapons? Are airplanes Wonder Vehicles?


ALL Wonder Weapons run off of 115. The only exception would be the Matryoshka Dolls, which are from Aether, so they are self-explanatory. We build the jet gun ourselves, so it is VERY OBVIOUS it runs not on 115. What does it? Fuel. The fuel is just as obvious as is the bus's fuel. Which is to say gameplay-mechanics.

It is a Special Weapon to be grouped alongside the M2 Flamethrower, Ballistic Knife, and Crossbow Explosive-Tip.

As well as the Scavenger, right?

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I'm hoping we don't have buildable guns like the TAM 23 in future DLC. It really is a pain. Just stick to Wonder Weapons in the box and I'll be happy.

As for my favourite's so far, the top three in order would be: 31-79 JGb 215, Scavenger and Winter's Howl.

I discovered the TAM 23 can't be used from the back of the bus either. Used it on the bridge when they're all built up, but it just pulls you up to the window, and they don't get pulled towards it.

If it was a box weapon though, and it had a gauge like the flamethrower in WaW, I might've liked it a bit better.

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