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The 10 Commandments of zombies

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Hello CodZ, ThrowAmonkeyBomb here with a post i saw suggested in another thread, by EJ and lenne i think?Anyway, decided to make it.So here you go, the 10 commandments of zombies.Im guilty of breaking some in the past myself... :lol: .


1.Though shoult not steal kills from thy neighbor, in rounds 1-5.

2.Though shoult knife to kill, in rounds 1-3.

3.Though shoult go all the way and beyond, to revive thy neighbor

4.Though shoult buy jug after a wall weapon or an upgraded knife.

5.Though shoult buy Quick Revive second in co-op.

6.Though shoult share the box.

7.Though shoult communicate.

8.Though shoult not rage quit.

9.Though shoult upgrade the crossbow.

10.Though shoult ThrowAmonkeyBomb. :D

Now, what are yours? :)

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Cool, I like it!

*Shalt sorry >.

1.Thou shalt kill zombies

2. Thou shalt survive

3. Thou shalt not kill steal

4. Thou shalt Rambo revive

5. Thou shalt offer to open thy doors

6. Thou shalt throw monkey bombs!

7. Thou shalt drink vodka

8. Thou shalt use the B23R

9. Thou shalt construct buildables for each other

10. Thou shalt do the Easter eggs!

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1. Watcheth thine Back.

2. Love thy neighbor, and don't steal from his window.

3. Thou shalt not betray thy wall gun faith unto the evil mystery box.

4. Thou shalt know thy limits as thou knowest thy name.

5. Spare the sights, spoil the Zombs. Use thine head; aim for theirs.

6. Jug your nog, and jug it well.

7. Blades need no reloading.

8. Everyone needeth a little revive.

9. Thou shalt save thy neighbor, but not losers thyself in the process.

10. Thou shalt preserve unt Schtumpy.

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1: Though shalt not thieve kills of thy neighbor.

2: Though shalt not forsaken Juggernog.

3: Though shalt not covet thy ally's weapons.

4: Though shalt not leave an ally to their death upon choice.

5: Though shalt not split from the group.

6: Though shalt not forsaken upgraded weapons of war.

7: Though shalt dismember thy enemy to preserve time.

8: Though shalt not leave unless absolutely necessary.

9: Though shalt power thy machines of war.

10: Though shalt wage war upon the undead.

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1. do not kill steal

2. do not disrupt others trains

3. do not waist money on the box

4. Do not leave a teammate haning

5. Do not take 20 minutes after each round to hit the box

6. always have juggernog

7. Do not upset richtofen or sam

8. do not leave a match

9. Say something before picking up drops

10. have a wall gun to purchase ammo for.

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Mine are a bit different:

1. You shall not steal kills rounds 1 and 2 (unless there is an agreement).

2. You shall farm the box for Monkeys/Gershes.

3. Don't go in a corner mid-round after round 15.

4. By the end of Round 15 you shall be running trains.

5. You shall use up as much of your ammo as possible before Pack-A-Punching.

6. When you respawn after dying, focus on buying Jug first and then grab a wall weapon and run trains. Do not focus on the Mystery Box until a) your teammates are hoarding all the zombies or B) the end of the round.

7. Revive your teammates when it's plausible as much as you can, but don't go down to get them up. You are your team's greatest asset if you are properly equipped and you're more help to the team alive than dead.

8. Don't pick up free perks in Die Rise.

9. Never, ever ragequit. Avoid giving up and never leave a game unless your teammates are cool with it.

10. Don't do any game-breaking glitches or encourage anyone to do them.

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1. Thou shalt not steal kills

2. Thou shalt not abuse glitches or hack/mod the game online

3. Thou shalt not ruin thy neighbor's strategies/zombie trains

4. Thou shalt communicate/use thy mic or headset

5. Thou shalt revive thy neighbors

6. Thou shalt worship The Great Doctor Richtofen

7. Thou shalt not play with people under the age of 16

8. Thou shalt not play online with splitscreeners

9. Thou shalt not tell me what to do

10. Thou shalt SURVIVE

Simple really.

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Online specific

1) Thou shan't be on the mic if thine testes haven't descended.

2) Thou totally shan't be window stealing.

3) Sacrifice shan't be made in effort to revive, especially if thy ally is dickish.

4) Notify your brethren of the Max ammo.

5) Thou shalt not die for a free perk.

6) Should ye train a herd directly into an ally's, ye be a dick.

7) Share thine wealth to progress as a team.

8) Thou shalt tread carefully. Do not jump once thou hast been hit.

9) Thou shalt never leave thine post. Do the job you agreed to.

10) Be excellent to your teammates. Do not rage quit.

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Online specific

1) Thou shan't be on the mic if thine testes haven't descended.

2) Thou totally shan't be window stealing.

3) Sacrifice shan't be made in effort to revive, especially if thy ally is dickish.

4) Notify your brethren of the Max ammo.

5) Thou shalt not die for a free perk.

6) Should ye train a herd directly into an ally's, ye be a dick.

7) Share thine wealth to progress as a team.

8) Thou shalt tread carefully. Do not jump once thou hast been hit.

9) Thou shalt never leave thine post. Do the job you agreed to.

10) Be excellent to your teammates. Do not rage quit.

I love #6 I lmao at that one. :lol: :lol:

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1. Watcheth thine Back.

2. Love thy neighbor, and don't steal from his window.

3. Thou shalt not betray thy wall gun faith unto the evil mystery box.

4. Thou shalt know thy limits as thou knowest thy name.

5. Spare the sights, spoil the Zombs. Use thine head; aim for theirs.

6. Jug your nog, and jug it well.

7. Blades need no reloading.

8. Everyone needeth a little revive.

9. Thou shalt save thy neighbor, but not losers thyself in the process.

10. Thou shalt preserve unt Schtumpy.

i like number 3 haha

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1. Cardio

2. Doubletap

anyone get the reference????

Referring to either your signature or… I believe Executive Orders? I remember that book saying that somewhere.

It's Zombieland! God Delta, you're so stupid! :mrgreen:

Those two don't really apply to the game so much, but one from the movie jumps out at me.


Sure if someone needs help go revive them, but don't do anything that would risk you going down as well. Otherwise you're just another douche who goes down during insta kill and steals all the kills with his M1911 while down. Remember that losing a member of your team sucks, but it will be a lot harder with two down. Think about the team as a whole. If you die too, it's game over.

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1. Thou shalt slay the undead

2. Thou shalt communicate with thy teammates

3. Thou shalt conserveth ammo

4. Thou shalt calleth out drops

5. Thou shalt reviveth thy teammates

6. Thou shalt wait to Pack a Puncheth

7. Thou shalt not spameth the box

8. Thou shalt always carryeth a wall weapon

9. Thou shalt traineth

10. Thou shalt kill all monkeys

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I only got two:

1. Thou can not leave the game after it has started. Once the game has begun, it is written in stone, you are stuck in the game until all players die.

2. Thou shalt not spam all thy points on the box. You may use it a time or two, but after that contribute to the cause and buy some doors.

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This is Dr. Edward Richtofen, who has taken over this random user's profile.

All of the commandments listed above are fake and unofficial. I am here to deliver you the official commandments, made long before I or Samantha entered the Aether, by a much darker being.

They are as follows:

1. Thou shalt use thy points wisely

2. Thou shalt remember thy knife, and to use it often

3. Thou shalt make great use of thy gun, no matter what gun it should be

4. If thou should listen, thou wilt be rewarded

5. Thou shalt not let the dead touch them

6. Thou shalt use the machines

7. Thou shalt protect thy neighbor as thyself

8. Thou shalt not glitch

9. Thou shalt throw thy grenades! One who uses grenades will be awarded more soon!

10. Thou shalt SURVIVE

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