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Everything posted by bagel_

  1. I think we'll mend the rift that we caused in Ascension, back when Gersch tore a dimensional rift by passing from the Aether back to our dimension. At the end of the Easter Egg, Richtofen says "Fantastic. A Dimensional Rift!" and that is the only mention of a rift we have in Zombies. I believe that when Gersch escaped, a hole into the Aether from our world opened up, and Richtofen is using the towers to "mend" or seal this patch between dimensions, thus protecting his throne over the zombies. Maxis, on the other hand, may be trying to get use to rip it open. This would allow the N4 to attack or even overthrow Richtofen in the Aether. I think if we follow Richtofen's side, we will be betrayed, and Samuel and the N4 will get no reward for what they've done. I think if we follow Maxis' side, Richtofen will not be in control in the end. Now, with Lucifer in the picture, perhaps Lucifer will take the power in the end of Maxis' side. Samantha had a quote that said in Moon, "There's something way worse in there than you, Richtofen!" Lucifer would be that thing. Why else would we be introduced to him in MotD if he wasn't going to come back later? TL;DR Gersch tore a rift. Towers for Richtofen = Fix, Towers for Maxis = Rip and Lucifer comes back.
  2. QED's, Gerschs, Russian Dolls, NDU version flamethrower just for trolling, PPsh, and Wave Gun. I wasn't much of a fan of BO1 basic box weapons, besides the Galil or Commando.
  3. bagel_


    Hey Nate, I'm bagel. But you can call me Joey if you like. I've seen you post around a bit already, and considering you've got a hot topic medal already, I bet you'll enjoy your stay. Welcome to CoDz, and keep it up!
  4. I've seen this glitch before as well, usually after getting into higher rounds. I was running the room while my friends left for the GG bridge without me, and the wall disappeared. As stated before, it was probably just a glitch with the system.
  5. Make zombies scary. Maps like Die Rise and Shangri La really weren't scary maps, and the zombies themes seemed out of their element for the area. If all maps were like Verrückt and Alcatraz, I'd love everything about it.
  6. Ahh. That's a shame. Makes me happy I chose to buy an Xbox 360 Arcade way back in the day Here's the intro for your troubles! lpG7vEOlbIc
  7. I do think it's just Electric Cherry. Maybe 3arc chose this gameplay specifically to troll us. I think by now we'd have found that out by now.
  8. 5. Shangri La Shangri La was a cool map with many new features. It somewhat brought that L4D feel with the different zombies. But, the map brought a serious degree of difficulty. The map is somewhat small, and the Baby Gun was cool, but from a strategic standpoint I'd say "meh." High rounds was too much of a challenge for me and my friends, and a specific part of the Easter Egg messed us up every time. (Napalm Zombie part.) We never finished it. This map was really just OK to me. I'd rate it 7/10 4. Moon When I say Moon, I don't mean No Man's Land or the Easter Egg. Those were freakin' epic. I'm talking specifically about Griffin Station itself. The Anti-gravity of the Moon was very annoying to me, and the limited areas you could survive in made the games feel repetitive for me. The Wave Gun, however, was pretty dang cool. This was a + to the map. Excluding what was mentioned before, I'd give Griffin Station a 6/10 3. Green Run/TranZit You know the typical complaints -- Lava, fog, denizens, etc. But the main thing that bothers me is how long it takes to do things. If the entire map was actually playable the size wouldn't might not of bothered me. But the whole idea of most of the map being fog and a few tiny playable locations makes things drag on for hours. Also, the Easter Egg wasn't very fun, epic, nor rewarding. The lack of a legitimate new wonder weapon wasn't very appealing, either. 3arc tried their best to give us something new for BO2, but unfortunately, I was displeased. I'd give it a 5/10. 2. Shi No Numa Couldn't have summed it up better myself. I'd say 4.5/10, though. 1. Nacht For many people, this map brings back feelings of nostalgia and discovery. For me, it brings back frustration and boredom. With the only objective being survival, the actual size of the map, no perks or PaP, and the limited guns, I didn't find it fun. The flamethrower was great, though. Especially when you were able to hurt your teammates. I know I should be cursed by the lords of the Aether for saying this, but the map doesn't appeal to me. Probably a 1.5/10
  9. Uhh nope. Check just a few post in MotD section. We know that our characters are in an endless loop, their backstories as to why they're there, and that we've broken the cycle, and anything can happen. Some type of devil is in control of the zombies, which is why the eyes are red. The only things we don't know is how it will connect in the future. How is he controlling them, and why do we need to know about these mobsters? Most likely because the events will come back to bite us in the a** in future DLC. Just because we didn't get the N4 in this pack doesn't mean we know nothing/it doesn't matter. :)
  10. That's pretty cool. I believe the third cipher that Billy wrote was a letter to his mother. He says in his monologue when downed that he had to bring money into the house somehow, and that his father thought he was bringing enough but was wrong. Perhaps he sent that to his mom to comfort her. Also, Sal DeLuca Al Capone Sal wrote that the rival gang up north would start another massacre, which was the gang against Al Capone. I think that's too much of a coincidence.
  11. Yesh, I was wondering when someone would touch up on this. NGT recorded the audio if you'd like to listen. It's very cool, and Weasel says some seriously interesting things that may effect the storyline. cFl5taExPzk A few things I'd like to point out: -All of the characters speak to themselves in the second person. -Finn actually loved his wife, but he knows it's his stupidity that got them in Alcatraz. -Sal feels bad for snaking his way into power, and speaks of greed like he knows it well. He thinks of the empire he built outside of Alcatraz, and how all the bad things he'd done for power was all for nothing in the long run. -Billy talks about his dad in such a way that sounds like he must've died. He said "He worked hard just to get food on the table, thinking he was the only one bringing food into the house. But it had to end sometime." Maybe he killed his father as a child? And maybe he had to do some illegal work as a kid? -Weasel calls himself "Albert" not "Arthur." Weasel must have told the others that he had some skills that he didn't really have. He was there for working with the money, and must've been smart. Perhaps he was a scientist, as he says "they could've used my expertise." -He also talks about how he knows the others were going to find out "he was behind it." Perhaps this means that Weasel is the reason the zombies appear and the characters are being trapped in the cycle by Lucifer in the first place. Maybe he sold their souls to Lucifer, and was anticipating the others figuring it out? -I feel like the dialogue really opened up the characters to me. Finn isn't just a hard a**. He cheated his money back outside, and knows it was wrong. Sal isn't just a mob boss. He's a man that got greedy, and now knows the effects personally. Billy isn't just some cheap murderer. He was a boy with a traumatized childhood. He had to work as a kid. And Weasel isn't just a money handler. He's a genius, but he has made a choice that has landed all of them in a personal hell. These traits are the ones that by Christianity would land a personal not in heaven, nor hell, but purgatory. (get it?)
  12. Wait, those names are green now. And Grill's is purple... Congrats on becoming Dwellers! MODS!
  13. My name "Joey" has 667. But, "Joe" has 666. ...So am I a demon, or what? Off topic - rise of takeo, happy 115th post!
  14. As stated before, I think rank is a positive thing in zombies. Sure, you have those kids with shotguns, rage quitting and such. But who says you have to play with them? My advice is only play with people with mics. Talk to them before you ready up. "What's your highest round? How'd you get your rank? Honestly, will you back out?" If you're in a game with someone friendly, you're good to go. Also, I think that the ranking system was a strategically good move by 3arc. It encourages you to keep playing and get a higher rank. The people out the rage quitting are the ones the trick is working best on. ;)
  15. The perks my friends and I have nicknames for are usually the longer ones, as names would in real life. For example, Jug Doobles (Double Tap) Deadshot Phd And of course, the one my idiotic friends use for Electric Cherry. "That new perk that shocks the zombies. You know, electric something." "You mean Electric Cherry?" "Oh yeah!" We do this every time. Honestly, is it that hard to remember?
  16. I think 3arc must have actually had the exact idea of having NML just like Moon, where we spawn in NML. But, the only reason they didn't have us spawn on the GG bridge and have NML was because it'd sort of buzzkill the ending of what happens when we build the plane, considering it's just where you started. Plus, it'd leave questions like, "How do our characters not know what's going on when they were just at the bridge?" Having another game mode for NML would be cool, though. Maybe like an option in the sub menu where you are a worker on the bridge, see the bodies in the electric chair, pick up a pistol, and start.
  17. Very good idea! Definitely beats trying to run trains in 4 different locations with friends. Running trains makes revives impossible, plus you're on your toes half the time. This sounds much easier.
  18. I think we're not being shown the next part of the comic book because we're not seeing the comic book. We're seeing Al's Journal. The prisoners were allowed to have or read newspapers. Finn had one in the cutscene. Maybe Al is using the paper to conceal his journal/plan. It'd make sense, considering the newspaper is a different color, and the papers are different sizes. I wonder if these separate books have metaphorical significance. Maybe it's telling us the events at Alcatraz aren't necessarily part of the current storyline, but to tell us something else. We have a different book, different box, and different controller. Now here's the question I can't answer, and I feel should be discussed: Why?
  19. Ayee man. Welcome. Seeing you only have three posts and you already have an avatar, you seem to know what you're doing. Cya around the forum!
  20. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this is the rift yet. As was stated before, Richtofen wants the N4 to mend the rift. And frankly, Richtofen couldn't contact Weasel while Lucifer is in control. There's also still an entire scenario exactly like this with Brock and Gary at Shangri La that needfs breaking. We didn't necessarily bring balance to the universe. In fact, I think we may've just sealed the fate of the future. I feel as though we are being too set to like Weasel for him to be actually good. In the end of MotD, we leave off with Lucifer trying to keep Al alive, so he sent the zombies after the other 3 to do so. Now, how does that restore order to the world? A man standing peacefully amongst the zombies, now in debt to Lucifer? What sort of plot twist could emerge from that... He can go ahead and take a portal to hell. Maybe bring the zombies to San Francisco. Whatever it is, I think he now must do the devil's bidding. I don't mean to just shoot down your theory, but I have trouble thinking this could be the rift while there's another at Shang. Here's what I think the rift is: .....2)Gersch had no way out of the Aether, for he had no Gersch device nor was his soul in the MPD. So, he contacted the O4 via electrical devices, much like Maxis, then had them activate the nodes by transporting him a generator then allowing him to do what he must to create a device to make a Rift through the dimensions. This would mean he could get out of the Aether and back to the real world, but he would make a patchy sort of thing that allowed things to freely travel back and forth through the dimensions. (follow the second half of the Purple path in the diagram.) If someone took advantage of this Rift, they could get into the Aether, but they would arrive in Gersch's Torment area. (Follow the Green path in the diagram.) From there, with the right equipment, I believe that someone could get into Richtofen's portion of the Aether and attempt to overthrow him. What could become of this: -I think that Maxis knows of this Rift, and plans to use it to overthrow Richtofen from the Aether. Perhaps powering the towers for him opens the path through the Rift, and from there we could take Richtofen down. -I think Richtofen knows what could happen if the Rift remains open, and to seal his power, he wants it closed so the only way to access the Aether is to get through the MPD, which is closed as long as he is in power. .....1)I believe there may be something Richtofen wants to keep in the Aether with him, like some huge Vril-Ya beast. (LUCIFER? His voice was used for the drops with Sam, so maybe they were friends in there. Now with Richtofen, who knows.) If this beast managed to gain access to our dimension via the Rift, he could destroy the world, thus ending Richtofen's power reign. (He's in that diagram too ) Samantha had warned him of the beast in there way worse than him as well. Perhaps it also may take Richtofen's power, and trap him as Sam had trapped Gersch? EDIT: There's not much cut off on the diagram. It was supposed to say "Something worse?" and have a red line down the side, completing the box. (Check ...1 in what could become of this. I think it ties in with Lucifer.)
  21. Your compatible videos are broken for some reason. I tried to make one too, and it's just a white box. On topic, I agree with Delta. I hear these noises all the time walking around. Sure is creepy as hell to hear in the middle of the night alone. Also, I hear the boss guard sometimes before he comes, just the demonic voice hyperventilating, usually in the cafeteria/warden's office. I've never heard the door knocks, but I've heard what seems like a muffled conversation near the spawn and in the infirmary. I couldn't make out what they were saying at all, though.
  22. Five is definitely my favorite as well. I used to hate it, but the degree of skill it takes is amazing. Plus, it's even more fun trying to survive it with friends. There are limited places to train, and none of the places are really easy. If you wanna get past 15, I recommend running full room trains counterclockwise in the war room/defcon room. I hit 26 doing it.
  23. I've noticed a glitch like this with the barrier outside the cafeteria. The zombies were walking right through the bottom of it instead hopping over it, and I was able to crawl halfway through it. I didn't see if I was invincible, though. We won the game as I was exploring it.
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