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Everything posted by DashedDreams

  1. You can also get the red insta-kill now, and the zombie pathing seems to be screwed up badly, half the zombies are just running in completely random directions i swear.
  2. The claymores disappearing was added in a patch, if you get hit holding a claymore it will disappear, dont get hit by a zombie while holding it and you'll be fine. Some glitches for ps3, * After jumping through a teleporter you can come out the other side but the screen stays black, you can move around until you die but you can't see (only ever happened above round 30) * If you have mustang and sally and a ray gun and they both run out of ammo you will have crazy glitched out gun parts blocking the screen when you switch weapons (probably possible with other weapons) * If host migrates while playing tranzit the sky will be a different colour and lamposts will lose their green lights for the rest of the game. * Sound will randomly become a garbled mess and not work again until you restart black ops II * If standing on top of the bus zombies that are also on top can hit you from the other end of the bus * No beams of light on laundromat doors * After patch on 31/01 in green run map selection the left arrow function has moved to the up arrow
  3. It could be similar to what happened to me once, I was playing in the tunnel, ran to the diner at the end of a round (30) and when I got there a lot of things were missing like signs, the gas pumps etc and there where just random black boxes where they should've been. My game froze as soon as we started the next round. I'm assuming it was just the game slowly dying. Possibly the same thing?
  4. Does anyone know why when you throw grenades through the crack in the bridge they still explode, even though they fall into a river of lava, while everywhere else on the map they will not explode when they touch lava?
  5. It's spelt Navcard, not NAVcard or NAV card, no capitals = no acronym = no net asset value. But i do think it is a good idea to track the navcards throughout games and note when and where they are appearing and dissapearing etc.
  6. There is no way they will stop making zombies it just draws in too much cash, which is what it's all about at the end of the day, and I for one am happy to throw them whatever they want in return for zombies. The enjoyment I get out of playing zombies is rivalled only by minecraft. I personally think that we will see Richtofen and Maxis begin to work together against a common enemy, that is, whoever is controlling the controller inside the pyramid. Probably the vrilya, although I'm not that well versed on all the theories around that. Just my $1.15 worth
  7. Getting heaps of kills on easy won't help your stats much, you need to be playing standard. Edit: it may raise your k/d quickly but won't affect your emblem ranking as much as playing on standard does.
  8. I saw the orb on the traffic light today for the first time and i was playing as Samuel, I have also seen the orb on the mystery box with every character. I have also completed Richtofens side about a month ago.
  9. There was an update a couple of days ago on the ps3 and now I've noticed a couple of scores over 9,999, Is this an unrelated case of people glitching the leaderboards or has Treyarch upped the limit seeing as how it's been beaten so easily? Anyone know?
  10. He might get confused because when you play TranZit on green run it doesn't say playing TranZit on Green Run under your gamertag it just says TranZit, whereas if you're playing survival it says playing survival on Nuketown/Town/Farm/Bus Depot
  11. I noticed yesterday that there was a new high score on the PS3 Town Survival 2 player leaderboards where a player got 15688 kills, 0 downs, and 0 revives, is this a cheat or what? Also I've seen a few of the top PS3 records where the players have 0 downs, how is that possible? Do you not need to down yourself to end the game for the score to count? :!:
  12. This seems extremely similar to L4D to be honest, and as a zombie in that it was extremely hard to actually kill the person, and wasn't much fun since basically all you're doing is running straight at them and then dying, and since the zombies in black ops don't even have any special abilities like in L4D well.. I think I'll stick to my TranZit and survival, but it's good to see that the diner will possibly be playable as a survival map finally.
  13. At 0:18 listen between the firing of the bullets and reloading the clip, there is some strange noise, but it could just be atmospherics.
  14. This actually happened to me today as well, I teleported to town, grabbed cash, got jug and stamin up and then ran to turn the power on and noticed that my stamin up was lit up still even though I had my turbine with me and hadn't turned on the power? I thought it was just glitching out? I'm going to go back and try and find that game right now.
  15. I will move my discussion of this topic here as this seems to be the appropriate thread, and it seems appropriate that it is in the asylum. In regards to the bus drivers blue eyes leading people to believe that he may be in fact controlled by Richtofen I think this is also highly possible and would be an acceptable explanation for his manner and apparent intelligence. But since he is electronic would it not be more likely that he should be controlled by Maxis? I'm not entirely sure on that. Timeline Now just to clarify that (T.E.D.D) in one of his quotes to the Global Positioning System, this is abbreviated as GPS now, development on GPS was not begun until 1973 with the first satellite not reaching orbit until 1978, it's predecessor the Transit Navigation System was operational in 1964 but is completely separate to the GPS which the bus driver is referring to. According to this report http://infohost.nmt.edu/~mreece/gps/history.html The Transit Navigation System took 15 minutes to calculate a position which would render it useless to a vehicle. It was mainly used for submarines and ships who didn't need such a precise location. And now onto the bus drivers intelligence and situational awareness, for example when he refers to the zombies in his quotes, his body may just be a complex animatronic machine but for his intelligence I see only three logical explanations, they are either a) He is a highly advanced sentient A.I that can learn and understand much as a human would, which would place him in at least the 2020's or near future He is somehow under the influence of Richtofen c) He is gaining awareness from the 115 being released from the zombies as they are killed by or near the bus But yes i also agree that the bus is most likely a military transport vehicle. It seems unlikely that this would be the case as the reasoning behind the advanced technology such as the ray gun PaP and Teleporters is that they use 115 is it not? This doesn't seem like the case here. So I think that the bus driver raises some serious questions about the time that Green Run takes place all on his own, but please feel free to rip my theories to shreds. :mrgreen:
  16. It does make sense that the galvaknuckles could have some part in the easter egg as in all the previous black ops easter eggs every new wonder weapon and special grenade had a part in their easter egg.
  17. Aren't all those things explained away by using element 115, I wasn't aware that group 935 made the robotic bus driver.
  18. This is the quote that is heard when turning off the road out of the tunnel to the diner. What it seems to suggest is that T.E.D.D uses the GPS system until his collision detection detects the roadblock at which point it switches to automatic pathfinding mode. I think there is plenty of evidence to place at least T.E.D.D after 1994, first lets assume that his intended course was to continue down the road that is blocked, everything excluding the bus depot may have been sitting there for a long time which explains why he may not fit in exactly. The Global Positioning System was not begun until 1973 and not completed until 1994, so until it had been fully completed there would not be complete coverage of the globe which would result in it being an unreliable system to guide a vehicle which is meant for the transportation of civilians. And realistically it would take years after that before such a system would be trusted to be actually implemented. Also T.E.D.D's A.I is on the verge of being sentient which is obvious in his acute situational awareness and organic responses. The capability for this sort of sophistication is far from being feasible even now if you take a look at our best A.I systems. So it has to be at least in the 2020's. Maybe I'm just over analysing.
  19. Also, GPS wasn't developed until 1973 and even then wasn't fully operational until 1994 (according to wikipedia) and TEDD has his Global Positioning System navigation error en route to the diner which I would assume means that he uses GPS yes?
  20. I think the two doors you hear shutting are the pack a punch hatch and then the vault wall moving back into place? I no clipped out in theatre mode and there was nothing behind the door in the power room to suggest that it could ever open, there are however some train tracks behind the train carts which don't really make sense being there as you could never possibly see them unless you had no clipped the map.
  21. I like this, I've been reading these forums for a long and things are getting out of hand there is no useful info on furthering the Easter egg nothing, lots of repeated theories and posts that no one seems to be actually trying. I think there should at least be a conspiracies and talking out my ass section for all the trolls and poets to have their posts moved to.
  22. I just looked up that album and found everything I could ever want to know about rush and more. http://www.egodeath.com/rushlyrics.htm#xtocid22926 I don't see how it is relevant to anything other than to say that Rez is a huge Rush fan.
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