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Everything posted by RabbitZombie

  1. Explsive weapons, law ray gun etc. QED's CAN work well too. Not 100% reliable.
  2. I think zombies only drop weapons when killed by qed
  3. America first prob about 2-3hrs after midnight. Then Europe Then Austraila I may be wrong this is just hoe it happened last time. I think
  4. There ain't no other maps on the wii version Only Der Toten
  5. The pictures on the box are of the first strike til rezurection maps I think. They hid them on the wii.... Pretty smart I must say. As for the green thundergun. Keep it away it ruins the good thundergun image.
  6. I was Playing at a friends and saw a carpenter, aimed for it but got a bottle in the dome. I got quick revive. :| Only time I got one though. Never seemed to work anymore.
  7. The only step multiple people are needed is the vodka which needs two people. The rest can be done with one person virus faster with more. So anyway only two people needed
  8. Comparing it to other wonder weapons it is. But when thinking of it in moon, which is difficult and has excavators it sort of balances out. It also doesn't work on astronauts helping.
  9. How did it start in the first place? Just there or did you do something? Yeah and Undeads right, if it's a coincidence it's a pretty big one. Could be a glitch but be cooler if it wasn't.
  10. Yes! The activision deal with Microsoft kinda sucks. (except if your an xbox user ) Can't wait to play moon! Anyway 22nd is a bit early. Normally is more than that. Not complaining.
  11. You can't do it solo cause you would get infinite quick revives.
  12. Was escalation not called retaliation in the files for a while? I thought it was escalations original name but changed to to spell FEAR. But if it's still called retaliation in the files...
  13. RabbitZombie

    Help in Moon.

    It gives you a 60 sec warning
  14. You didn't need the Ron to do the easter so I assume you can do the scheme without shang or calls eggs. But it is the finale of Black ops...
  15. If you know how to use them they are great. You can use them to kill a group of zombies to thin them down. So I don't understand how you can't like them.
  16. Am I the Only one who liked those little guys? I thought they were a cool addition to those maps. I actually missed them in ascension.
  17. If it's duel wield it'll only work on pistols, probably. Imagine trying to carry two M72 Laws or two HK21s. The only smart gun for it would be the raygun.
  18. The logo looks like a gun, that leaves a lot of possibilities to what it can do
  19. The rips just show part of COTD (the tiny T) and ascension (the scientist) I don't see how this shows moon in any way...
  20. There'd be no windows outside, that wouldn't make sense. But inside the actual base there could be windows, the zzombies come from inacessible place in the base.
  21. Well the info I saw said new PERK Show me the site that's says PERKs and I'll believe you
  22. There is what 10 wonder weapons in total (including grenades) plus the two new ones, it would make WAY to easy to get one out of the box. And if there on the wall, you can just buy ammo. If everyone in a team had a diffferent WW it would be too easy.
  23. too obvious maybe? not sure it is zombie...
  24. If Richtofen has the focusing stone we know it's after shangri la which was after ascension and COTD. If Rictofens in it of course...
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