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Everything posted by p0nyexpr3ss

  1. Okay, so let me get this straight before I watch any of these videos... You HAVE to have 4 people to do this? There isn't ANY way it could work with 2, or 3? Well that's just dandy, considering my internet is back to having it's fits of rage and won't stay connected long enough for me and 3 other people to get out of the spawn on the darn map. FGHYUTYGIYT!!!! That really burns my bacon! Why couldn't they have made the EE more like CoTD? I did ALL the EE stuff with 2 people on that map. Pfffffffft! /endrant. Thanks for posting this, though! It will definitely come in handy once my internet working again!
  2. Nifty! I won't be staying up all night though, but I did take time off tomorrow.. so I'mma get a nice night's sleep, wake up about 4:30, eat a poptart or something, download and then play alllllllllll day long. It's gonna be epic!
  3. Your thoughts are good! I'm going to have to go back and watch the trailer again and actually pay attention this time.. instead of freaking out because a new map is coming out, haha! My overwhelming joy made me miss some things!
  4. That makes sense! Maybe you can divert the flow of water to different areas of the map, say a place it wouldn't normally be, to help with the Napalm Zombies?
  5. I'm glad the monkey bombs are making a comeback.. I missed them! As for the new wonder weapon, OMG! That looks like it will be a lot of fun to play with. Are those tiny, shrunken zombies cute or what?! They remind me of little chibi versions of the zombies, haha. Back on track.. I hope those new 'claymores' don't replace the dolls in the box, if the dolls are even gonna be there. Hope so. I'd really like to be able to PAP stuff like that, but who knows.. I imagine you just buy 'em off the wall. I'm so happy that our guys are back! I missed playing as Richtofen!! I hope there's an epic cut scene of some sort with this map, that would make me very happyface! I'm depositing my points on my account today, I can't wait to play this map!!
  6. This is AWESOME! Thanks for posting!!!!
  7. I've shot him while he was walking away with the Scavenger, VR11, Python, Galil, and Wunderwaffe.. nothing happened. He just went away as usual. All of the guns were upgraded, besides the 'waffe, and I obviously didn't use them all at the same time. I was hoping something would happen, lol.
  8. I gotcha! Hopefully they'll put it up today, I'm dying to see it!
  9. It makes me happy when the trailers come out.. but then I'm all "sdfjhdskfjhaaa!!!" 'cause I still have to wait! I end up watching them like 5 or 6 times before I calm down from the excitement. Good times.
  10. So adding all that up and getting the date only to find the numbers 115 and 935 hidden in there is pretty crazy! Makes you wonder. It could be a coincidence like you said, but then again... who knows?
  11. Why is it they ALWAYS threaten to hack your account? Don't they realize how stupid that makes them seem?
  12. I can verify it! You'll have to take my word guys, but it happens, I promise. We killed him the other night back by the ice slide and whaddya know? Sam laughs and no perk/Wunderwaffe. Just so happens I was hitting the box at the spawn and the perk/waffe popped up there. If you don't get it right by George it'll spawn by another body of water. So far it's just moved from wherever we were to the beginning. I can back you up, it happens to me alot of the time. And he indeed moves to another body of water nearby before going underwater and dropping the Perk/DM. It happens to me often when I play solo, but it's happened a few times during Live as well. You can actually see a red dash in the direction he teleports right after you kill him. It's been random as to what body of water he moves to for me. So far he's teleported to the water by Stamin-Up and the Spawn area before dropping the perk/DMs. Ahh, I knew nothing of this red dash! Haha.. that's good to know, thanks!
  13. The main reason I don't enjoy playing with randoms isn't because some squeak like children, or because they don't have mics, or even because they might be 'bad'. It's because they NEVER want to cooperate with ANYONE. Usually if I play with a random it's because one person from our team isn't available to play, and let me tell you.. one person unwilling to work with the group can really affect your game. We'll ask said random person in the pre-game lobby if they'd be willing to try our strategy, most of the time they will say yes. If they say no and can't offer any other ideas about how to play, we just politely go on about our business without them. We'll get into the game, explain the way we normally do things and said random will go along with us for the first few rounds. Of course, after they rack up points, get Jugg and wait for US to open all the doors they'll run off and do whatever they want, usually get downed and then cry when we refuse to revive them for the 20th time. Last night we played with a friend of one of our teammates. He'd only played CoTD ONE time, and only made it to round 5. He knew NOTHING about the map at all. But, he was willing to listen to our ideas and follow along with our strategy. We went to round 27 before having to end the game because someone had some real life stuff to take care of. We had a good time. I guess when it comes to randoms it all depends on who you get, lol.
  14. I can verify it! You'll have to take my word guys, but it happens, I promise. We killed him the other night back by the ice slide and whaddya know? Sam laughs and no perk/Wunderwaffe. Just so happens I was hitting the box at the spawn and the perk/waffe popped up there. If you don't get it right by George it'll spawn by another body of water. So far it's just moved from wherever we were to the beginning.
  15. "Shoot everything" - Derrr! I never even thought about the PAP machine!! I'm about to start up some zombies here in a bit, so I'm definitely gonna give this a go.. you are a flippin' genius!!! [brains] *omnomnomnom*
  16. To get the green light to do the last step for the Golden Rod you have to hit the foghorns in a specific order. First one is by the pool down at the bottom of the lighthouse. Second is the foghorn right after you exit the ice slide.. it's on the right side. Third is the one next to the bottom lighthouse door by the 74u and the last is down the ice slide and on the little bit of land with the ledge, it's behind the huge ice rock thing. Dunno how you managed to do the EE without hitting the foghorns, haha.
  17. "First wife looked like Nikolai TOO much!" - Ahaha, good one. "You know why? 'Cause you're a little sh**!" - Richtofen is the best. Also, when Michael Rooker says, "Oh, I've got to get the hell out of this water!" The way he says it cracks me up every time I hear it.
  18. I just gotta say, women zombies FTW! Maybe they'll have something neat like the Gersch/dolls that's unique to this map?
  19. Pun intended? i was reading in one of the topics that richtofen had a Scavenger?? so maybe there is a stronge possibility they WILL have a flame wonder weapon Some sort of flame wonder weapon would be cool, but in all honesty I'm just happy to have our four guys back in the game!!!
  20. This has happened to me before, but I play 360. The game starts and you can't see your gun. You can shoot, the gun will show up for a second and then go away again. You can't even see your hands. As far as I can tell the only way to get it to come back is down yourself and get revived. Or start up another game, but even then it still happens to me sometimes... weird.
  21. Omg, I want some of these. Not only for obvious reasons, but the thumbsticks on my controller are all screwed up.. the rubber stuff is starting to peel away and it's really annoying!
  22. Oooh, sounds neat. Can't wait to see some footage! Zombies excite me soooo! :D
  23. Because they hate on me! They started it, lol.
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