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Everything posted by Risiiii

  1. If someone has the egg finished by 6 pm est I'm quitting the game. I honestly hope there is more puzzle solving in this egg.
  2. On the rack of weapons, it looks like a Browning at the top.
  3. This is totally insane. I'd imagine that the EE will have to use all locations.
  4. I think my heart skipped a beat.
  5. For some reason the meanwhile at the top of the page has me thinking that maybe two players start off at area 51 and the other two start off spawned in space to start the game.
  6. I think it all depends on how well the sales of this map pack do if 3arc will release another zombies map pack, even after the release of MW3. I see no reason why they wouldn't do it if it sells good.
  7. I'm thinking the "wave gun" will work differently inside the moon base and out in space. I can see this map being extremely difficult with the space factor.
  8. I'm pretty sure its just the astronauts hand.
  9. I really like using the bottom of the bridge spot with 4 people. Makes it feel like I'm playing der reise all over again. We did one guy window, 2 guys watching cliff and window and one guy watching the other window. The guy watching bridge would use the jgb and never run in trouble. I find the camping starts much more fun then the train and circle starts.
  10. I think the next map will have the third and final peice to what richtofen is making. It seems like it will have a strong connection to alien technology considering the alien skull on richtofens shrine and the golden rod linked to vrill.
  11. Round 24 with 4, but I haven't played a game yet going for high rounds bc of the EE. I'd like to play a game where all people go for the egg and see how high the rounds get then.
  12. Yeah we def missed that. Thanks
  13. Actually there is a switch on the right side of the waterside and when u slide past it you can see it flip up. The switch only appears when 3 people are on the pressure plate.
  14. We didn't hit any of the radios and completed the EE, but we couldn't do the EE again after someone picked up the focusing stone. I'm guessing you have to listen to the last radio by PaP to start it over again.
  15. After you finish the EE and pick up the focussing stone, just that player gets all 7 perks. I've been reading you can redo the EE after you have it but we couldn't push the skulls back in to start the eclipse, even after 4-5 rounds. Didn't know if we were missing something or maybe glitched on us. Thoughts
  16. How do multiple people get all 7 perks? Heard it can be done
  17. You have to shrink one of the monkeys that are going after the perks, not sitting still in the spawn.
  18. Risiiii

    The monkeys

    I've been letting them take the powerups to see if you could get a perk bottle, but I haven't seen it yet.
  19. There is a lot of good spots on this map, as long as you're outside. Everytime we set up downstairs in the caves we don't last long.
  20. My team is stuck at step 9. -we hit all 12 plates -hit the correct four gongs and had the illuminati trinity symbols on the crystals -shot the 31-79 at the crystals and really nothing happens -I'm guessing the next part has to do with the dials in the mud maze but can't figure them out.
  21. For step 7 I spinned a red wheel until the british guy said that stopped the leak but now the room was caving in and we have to find a way to stop it.
  22. It's fun but it really isn't that challenging yet. Maybe it gets worse with the new zombies in the later rounds.
  23. -I can't figure them out yet but the I figured out the 4 gongs on which to hit. They start playing a loud music once you hit all 4. -there is also 4 skulls to press in right by quick revive in the spawn
  24. There is only 3 meteors to activate the song, unless it's different on co-op then solo.
  25. Well there are 4 spinning statues thru the map and it's random on which one to stand on to raise the stairs for PaP. I had to activate 2 of them on solo to do it and the next time just one.
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