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So after the Australian/new Zealand twitter posted today that the map is gonna be 50% bigger than THE GIANT, I set to work to peice together the areas we have seen so far in the trailer, in hopes to build up a map for you guys.... im thinking this map is more about height than actual floor size

Anyway here is my attempt at creating a map that can fit with the zombie theme



Edited by madgaz182
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13 minutes ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

Don't steal my titles. This isn't a concpet, it's a self-created loading screen. 


In all fairness, it is a misleading title. But you didn't come up with the idea of making a map concept. Unless you mean because of your map, but even then if this was a map concept of his own about it (this is not really related to what he posted) he would have to name it that. In this case he shouldn't have though.

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jesus christ i cant do right on this forum can i , i didnt post my youtube channel, i didnt click bait anything and i still get fucking hate, this is rediculous, if you dont like me just say , but stop kicking me down for everything i do 


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Lets give @madgaz182 a bit of a break, to be honest, he is creating topics and getting people discussing the game (current maps and DLC maps). I'm all for that as long as it's with the CoC (Code of Conduct) I haven't got an issue with it. With thousands of topics on here, it is extremely possible to have topic titles very similar considering the niche game we all play. 

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1 hour ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

Don't steal my titles. This isn't a concpet, it's a self-created loading screen. 

First of all, you can't steal titles when a thread is stating a concept. I didn't know you made claim or copyright to that particular word.

Second of all, it IS concept - moreso, concept art made by a fellow Zombies fan. He took information from the DLC preview trailer, and designed a mock up of what the loading screen would look like in his own eyes. Or did you forget what the word "concept" means?

Third, reduce that tone of yours friendo. No need for the slight attitude in your post. We're suppose to converse with others in a friendly manner, not hop into someone else's thread and tell them what they can't do (especially if they're not breaking the CoC).

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1 hour ago, InfestLithium said:

First of all, you can't steal titles when a thread is stating a concept. I didn't know you made claim or copyright to that particular word.

Second of all, it IS concept - moreso, concept art made by a fellow Zombies fan. He took information from the DLC preview trailer, and designed a mock up of what the loading screen would look like in his own eyes. Or did you forget what the word "concept" means?

Third, reduce that tone of yours friendo. No need for the slight attitude in your post. We're suppose to converse with others in a friendly manner, not hop into someone else's thread and tell them what they can't do (especially if they're not breaking the CoC).

This is a great loading screen artwork, but it's not a map concept. It's nothing compared to something BHS, NMV, Myself, or anyone else would have created with immense detail and dozens of new gameplay mechanic ideas. 

Furthermore, don't talk tone to me if you've just written a very hostile paragraph towards me, kinda loses it's meaning if you don't practise what you preach. 

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28 minutes ago, Black Hand Smith said:

Ahem.. I believe we all have equal map concepts Although mine are superior, So lets all have equality right?

Can't help noticing the one thing that my maps have that nobody else has that makes them the best... The Model 1887, I win.

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Rules are; 

Must be a completely original Idea, it must be completed by this time: 1:00PM EST next week. No outside help. Visual aids are allowed but not necessary. Organisation will not be judged, only the actual concept of the map it's self.  You have the ability to design a single DLC. You can include MP maps, but it will not get you extra points UNLESS the maps somehow link back to your zombie map. You can have more then one zombie map in your DLC, although, you have a MAX of a large and a small map. A small map being no larger then der riese, and nothing more complicated then the beacon easter egg in the giant. Having a second map doesn't earn you more points either. 

Participants don't get to judge so anyone up for that? 


You have a week. GO. 

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8 minutes ago, Black Hand Smith said:

I'm up for some competition. 

Who wants to have a Concept face off? Each presenting a new concept 

I will but not like straight away. I say we should do this and have a date we gotta present them by, like when Der Eisendrache comes out for PS4. Now in the interest of not derailing this topic any further, we should probably take it to PM's. Not sure why we haven't ever done anything like this before, its an awesome idea.

Edited by Nightmare Voyager
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1 hour ago, PHD Whopper said:

I'm really hoping that the loading screen isn't still in the comic book style. It's a little overused. I'm thinking they're going to do an enhanced version of the loading screens from Origins and SoE.

Honestly the Origins and the SOE loading screens are uncreative as hell 

The comics had so much information for us to decipher and were cryptic. They offered us hints at what was to come and sometimes gave us a quick glimpse at the next map. The ones from Black ops 2 Minus the Nuketown loading screen were just copy and paste from the intro cutscene which was disappointing.

Storydriven and cryptic loading screens will always dominate 

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On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Hells Warrrior said:

Lets give @madgaz182 a bit of a break, to be honest, he is creating topics and getting people discussing the game (current maps and DLC maps). I'm all for that as long as it's with the CoC (Code of Conduct) I haven't got an issue with it. With thousands of topics on here, it is extremely possible to have topic titles very similar considering the niche game we all play. 

thanks for finally saying something positive about madgaz and backing him up. he brings new ideas and honestly means no harm and does not try to break the effin CoC dude.

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2 hours ago, ZombieRambo24 said:

thanks for finally saying something positive about madgaz and backing him up. he brings new ideas and honestly means no harm and does not try to break the effin CoC dude.

I'm gonna go ahead and disagree, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since you're new. But what MadGaz does out here is basically just self-promotion. If you wanna see what a REAL discussion thread looks like, they're all over the place, but here's an example. Hard work and research; none of these invites to leave the forum to hear more. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/179035-ascension-group-and-communists/


I won't refrain from saying that the majority (right, not all - this thread, for example) of what he posts is scarcely more than what's in the description section below his videos on YT. 

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