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I think there hasn't been one because it might be deemed offensive, its like when people say about a Titanic map or map at twin towers- cannot happen its to offensive.

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I think there hasn't been one because it might be deemed offensive, its like when people say about a Titanic map or map at twin towers- cannot happen its to offensive.

I haven't really looked at it in that way, actually. However, there are multiple games, including the STALKER series, that revolve around the Cherynobyl incident, and I don't see how a CoD: Zombies map based on it could be more "offensive" than those other games. 

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I can see where he is coming from though.



If a friend/family member of mine was killed in a serious accident, I'd be offended if a video game was made based off it. It's basically making the whole incident into entertainment.


I can bet some WW2 Veterans wouldn't be too happy if they played World at War (Or any WW2 CoD), where the hell they went through is now a entertainment product and hearing people calling others "noobs" because they died.




Also, wouldn't fit in the Zombies storyline. I guess they could make it work if 115 was found around the area, but a map where it has no 115 or storyline connection wouldn't work. Unless they managed to pull another Mob of the Dead.

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If a friend/family member of mine was killed in a serious accident, I'd be offended if a video game was made based off it. It's basically making the whole incident into entertainment.

I can bet some WW2 Veterans wouldn't be too happy if they played World at War (Or any WW2 CoD), where the hell they went through is now a entertainment product and hearing people calling others "noobs" because they died.

Haha, I'm glad you caught yourself there, cause I was going to say - "Call of Duty"

That mission in Modern Warfare was one if my favourites though. Absolute cracker of a mission.

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Come to think of it, this might just be a hint at a future map? Possibly.

Read & study @Tac thread about the Russian writing in Tranzit. This writing was also in Black Ops.


Preview -

In Green Run, it has been pointed out lately by abakedpotato and blaked that there are many Russian words scattered across the map on silos and in the tunnel. Here's some images of the Russian words inside Green Run, retrieved by abakedpotato.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/72705438@N ... hotostreamhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/72705438@N ... hotostreamThe first image reads ЗАРАЖЕНО in Russian, which translates to 'contaminated' in English.The second image reads КОНТРОЛЬНО-ДЕЗИМЕТРИЧНИЙ ПУНКТ "ДИТЯТКИ", which translates to 'Security Dosimetry Checkpoint "DITYATKI"' in English.


Dityatki is a small community inside of the 30 kilometer Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which consists of all the areas hit. In case you are unaware, dosimetry is the measure of radiation in absorbed dose. It basically measures how much radiation you've exposed yourself too, letting you know if you're heavily contaminated or if you only have a few years worth of natural radiation.In Moon, there was a container on the roof of the building that also had Russian writing on it, however I am having trouble finding the thread. I remember that it had something to do with Dosimetry, though, and possibly even something with babies.

Picture from this thread - http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/149803-russian-silo-and-shelter-in-tunnel/?p=1383604


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if I were to make a Chernobyl Map for Zombies it would take place not after the Meltdown but during the Meltdown. Zombies are everywhere and some of them Are glowing green. There would be a system similar to the Excavators on Moon where you would have to prevent the Meltdown from Contaminating Areas of the Map. If an area gets contaminated then you would have to put on a Hazmat suit. 

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What people dont get is if there are zombies there it could be linked to Chernobyl happening making peoples relatives who may have died in there zombies which they definitely would not want

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I don't think so.

In every game manual ever, it clearly says that everything you see, read, hear about or that are otherwise referenced/mentioned that could be in any way related/linked to the real world in said game is pure fiction.

This goes for persons, events, corporations, places etc.

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You know what just changed my mind and stance with Chernobyl? I said to myself "well why not the atomic bombings (aka nukes) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan".

I'm not cool with that picture, and I wouldn't really be for Chernobyl either now. To much "real shit" there.

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I don't think so.

In every game manual ever, it clearly says that everything you see, read, hear about or that are otherwise referenced/mentioned that could be in any way related/linked to the real world in said game is pure fiction.

This goes for persons, events, corporations, places etc.

While I'm against using real world tragedies for 'entertainment' in video games, everyone might be forgetting the names of the Black Ops 2 maps - Green Run -  Great Leap Forward - Resolution 1295

Each of these 'events' ended in catastrophic tragedy. Great Leap Forward resulted in the deaths of thousands & 'Project Green Run' may have caused cancers in hundreds of people & livestock. Resolution 1295 was the result of probably thousands of deaths due to the Arms trade.

Hanford Downwinders

Today, citizens of Washington, Oregon and Idaho are outraged that the federal government secretly irradiated them and lied about it. Many are worried about their health, and for good reason. By 1940 standards (much more lax than those of today), the Green Run alone exposed those living near Hanford to amounts of radiation 20 times above tolerance thresholds. Those who lived downwind of Hanford in the years of the releases have subsequently reported widespread incidents of serious diseases often associated with radiation exposure, including cancer and thyroid disease.

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancers are thought to be related to to a number of environmental and genetic predisposing factors, but significant uncertainty remains regarding its causes.

Environmental exposure to ionizing radiation from both natural background sources and artificial sources are suspected to play a significant role, and there are significant increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in those exposed to mantlefield radiation for lymphoma, and those exposed to iodine-131 following the Chernobyl disaster. Thyroiditis and other thyroid disease also predisposes to thyroid cancer.

A map doesn't need to be set at the Chernobyl site, it could be set at the "checkpoint" with some underlying relation to the disaster that occurred. Much like the Green Run map.

Green Run/Tranzit's setting did not reflect the Hanford Nuclear Plant but the map layout is the same as the reactor layout (see pic below)



Maybe it could be set around the "checkpoint"?







I would love it if the future maps were hinted at in Tranzit, like Kino Der Toten did with Green Run & Great Leap Forward.


(There was a map of Australia on one of the magazines at the Book Shop & Bus Depot)

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Honestly Call of Duty isn't supposed to be un-offensive. It is a game marketed for a mature audience. That might not be the ACTUAL audience, but whatever. There have been some brutal things in call of duty, referencing real or realistic events. From WWII to "No Russian," There has been a lot of controversy. That is less prevalent recently because the games are taking place in the future, so they are either tragedies that happened long ago, or fictional ones. Sure it might be offensive to play on chernobyl, especially since the implication is that we would be killing radiation victims. But they could potentially work around the history as with some other historically grounded maps.

Honestly I also think that how recent the tragedy was affects how offended people get. I heard a story recently about a war game based on events in the middle east within the past decade and people were outraged. But so many fewer people are offended by a WWII game. There's always the "too soon" factor which makes entertainment companies tiptoe through the tulips on those subjects. But let's be realistic here. There are so many ways to get offended by CoD. But that is the nature of the beast when you make a game about WAR. The entire point is to make death entertaining, one might argue.

My Grandfather was a WWII veteran. He says he doesn't like CoD because "it isn't as fun as doing it for real." Obviously he is joking, but the fact that he can joke about it shows that he has gotten over the potential offensive nature of the game.

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[emoji289][emoji844] -Let's hear everyones thoughts-[emoji844][emoji289]

[emoji730] - are any of history's real life tragedies off limits? - [emoji730]


Things like Titanic, 9/11 and Concentration Camps  are off limits. At least to the full extent of them as though there are WW2 games we never saw Concentration Camps. Activision would stop that happening as even if it is a mature audience there are limits.

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It has to be a balance between how recent it was, and how severe it was. War is different, because although they have the highest death toll, they are the most... predictable? it is organized by multiple governments, so it is less tragic than a random terrorist attack. It's all a part of the plan. @Undad. I think any historical battle is fine. Any more recent than Vietnam and you're pushing it in terms of "too soon."

How about 2 examples? If we had a map take place in sandy hook, although that was a relatively less severe tragedy in terms of death toll, it was very recent. 9/11 on the other hand was less recent but far more severe. So both are a big no. Chernobyl I would say is acceptable in terms of those two points. Long enough ago that people won't be offended. As long as they don't pull a Chernobyl Diaries and fight radiation victims. Zombies that are radiated post-mortem is fine, but fighting someone who died to the disaster is unacceptable.

I once made an auschwitz map idea, but I had to employ some major storyline to prevent the player from inevitably fighting zombified gas chamber victims. I worked in a theme for the map: Operation Coming Home, an operation led by Kennedy to dig up mass graves and send victims back to their families. That way the zombies would all be local citizens. They could use something like that to work around the chernobyl history.

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It has to be a balance between how recent it was, and how severe it was. War is different, because although they have the highest death toll, they are the most... predictable? it is organized by multiple governments, so it is less tragic than a random terrorist attack. It's all a part of the plan. @Undad. I think any historical battle is fine. Any more recent than Vietnam and you're pushing it in terms of "too soon.".

The opening line was perfectly said. Pearl Harbor is ok, but ya cant implement USA's retaliation. It'd either be highly controversial, or the fastest game ever.. "Gotta be balance" Edited by Miss.AlwaysRound5Farm
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It has to be a balance between how recent it was, and how severe it was. War is different, because although they have the highest death toll, they are the most... predictable? it is organized by multiple governments, so it is less tragic than a random terrorist attack. It's all a part of the plan. @Undad. I think any historical battle is fine. Any more recent than Vietnam and you're pushing it in terms of "too soon."

How about 2 examples? If we had a map take place in sandy hook, although that was a relatively less severe tragedy in terms of death toll, it was very recent. 9/11 on the other hand was less recent but far more severe. So both are a big no. Chernobyl I would say is acceptable in terms of those two points. Long enough ago that people won't be offended. As long as they don't pull a Chernobyl Diaries and fight radiation victims. Zombies that are radiated post-mortem is fine, but fighting someone who died to the disaster is unacceptable.

I once made an auschwitz map idea, but I had to employ some major storyline to prevent the player from inevitably fighting zombified gas chamber victims. I worked in a theme for the map: Operation Coming Home, an operation led by Kennedy to dig up mass graves and send victims back to their families. That way the zombies would all be local citizens. They could use something like that to work around the chernobyl history.


Yeah I guess if they work it like that it could work.

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