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Yellow Eyes, definitely yellow eyes


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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

right, it does look weird in the suit but the zombies eyes are in fact yellow. this cant take place right after Sam took control could it? or am i forgetting the dates of that event? (well the O4 did travel through time alot but idk)

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

I don't believe that the Vril Ya would need such a contraption. It's my understanding that oxygen is fit for them... but I may be wrong. Also, Vril Ya had wings. It's not to say that 3arc can't re imagine them, but that "thing" in the "big daddy" suit looks either like a traditional alien (race being some sort of Grey hybrid), or perhaps a "smart zombie" that was the failed product of early 115 testing.

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

I don't believe that the Vril Ya would need such a contraption. It's my understanding that oxygen is fit for them... but I may be wrong. Also, Vril Ya had wings. It's not to say that 3arc can't re imagine them, but that "thing" in the "big daddy" suit looks either like a traditional alien (race being some sort of Grey hybrid), or perhaps a "smart zombie" that was the failed product of early 115 testing.

What if the zombie that we saw from the original teaser for Origins where you took three separate frames and put them together was a zombie that they tested and altered to become intelligent.

This could explain why it looks different from the others and why it decided to use the suit.

Just a thought that came to me.

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

right, it does look weird in the suit but the zombies eyes are in fact yellow. this cant take place right after Sam took control could it? or am i forgetting the dates of that event? (well the O4 did travel through time alot but idk)

Sam took control in the pyramid around 1945 or after, This map is set around 1917.

They have some explaining to do, esecialy as they specified this is the first time the O4 meet

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Sam took control in the pyramid around 1945 or after, This map is set around 1917.

They have some explaining to do, esecialy as they specified this is the first time the O4 meet

I thought Sam took control during WW2 (not after) when Maxis and Richtofen were messing around with teleportation? Maybe I'm way off here though. So every map chronologically until the Moon map (when was Moon?) takes place in or after 1945, even Nacht and Verrukt?

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No one is in control... Zombies roam freely without a controller, just as they did in Mob of the Dead, no one controls them.

cant say that if you played previous maps my friend ;)

Yeah I don't think that's right. First, there is some significance to Yellow, Blue and Red eyes, and it's related to the controller's voiceovers.

You may be able to argue that 'control' is not the best word, since maybe zombies just hunger for flesh and the person who is in the Aether is just nudging them, giving drops, giving box weapons, etc.

Regardless of if it's control or not, when Sam is announcing things their eyes are yellow.

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No one is in control... Zombies roam freely without a controller, just as they did in Mob of the Dead, no one controls them.

cant say that if you played previous maps my friend ;)

In previous maps they were controlled, almost all of them, but in Mob of the Dead, and this map I don't believe they are controlled

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What if the zombie that we saw from the original teaser for Origins where you took three separate frames and put them together was a zombie that they tested and altered to become intelligent.

This could explain why it looks different from the others and why it decided to use the suit.

That's an interesting thought, that the suited zombie is that special brainless one in the teaser trailer's hidden images. Their faces look similar. Maybe a better brain was put in, or it was put in that suit for some reason which protects it.

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

I don't believe that the Vril Ya would need such a contraption. It's my understanding that oxygen is fit for them... but I may be wrong. Also, Vril Ya had wings. It's not to say that 3arc can't re imagine them, but that "thing" in the "big daddy" suit looks either like a traditional alien (race being some sort of Grey hybrid), or perhaps a "smart zombie" that was the failed product of early 115 testing.

It kind of looks like an alien, but I'm not sure about the idea that is a Vril. If it was, why glowing yellow eyes? Also, like Grill says, it doesn't seem to match the Vril description.

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No one is in control... Zombies roam freely without a controller, just as they did in Mob of the Dead, no one controls them.

cant say that if you played previous maps my friend ;)

In previous maps they were controlled, almost all of them, but in Mob of the Dead, and this map I don't believe they are controlled

Well even in Mob of the Dead they had red eyes, and there was a different male-sounding demonic announcer, etc. So maybe not in total control, but certainly had some influence on the map and/or zombies. I don't think the zombies in Mob behaved any differently than TranZit or Nacht.

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

It kind of looks like an alien, but I'm not sure about the idea that is a Vril. If it was, why glowing yellow eyes? Also, like Grill says, it doesn't seem to match the Vril description.

There is this interesting image of the guy. Note the hollow, non-glowing eye sockets. Glow sometimes, no-glow other times!

And it looks possible that his scalp could have been put back on with a new brain, but there's not really stitches or whatnot.

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There is this interesting image of the guy. Note the hollow, non-glowing eye sockets. Glow sometimes, no-glow other times!

And it looks possible that his scalp could have been put back on with a new brain, but there's not really stitches or whatnot.

That could support the theory of them being specially enhanced zombies if they were tested.

I really can't wait for this map. It just looks AMAZING!

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I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

It kind of looks like an alien, but I'm not sure about the idea that is a Vril. If it was, why glowing yellow eyes? Also, like Grill says, it doesn't seem to match the Vril description.

There is this interesting image of the guy. Note the hollow, non-glowing eye sockets. Glow sometimes, no-glow other times!

And it looks possible that his scalp could have been put back on with a new brain, but there's not really stitches or whatnot.

At this point in the trailer I'm pretty sure it was showing him dying, the way he slumps looks pretty dead.

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Remember that this is an alternate universe. It could be an earlier born Samantha, it could be Ludwig's wife, it could be another person with the same eye color, it could be Sam's alternative in this universe, etc.

um....when did this become an alternate universe?

It's pretty obvious. Why do the MoTD gangsters not remember the Zombie/Robot Invasion of 1917 occurring? The Marines? President Kennedy and his associates? The CoTD group? The N4? Group 935? Hell, the O4 doesn't remember it after nor even before their memory loss.

All of these events occur in multiple tangled timelines.

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Remember that this is an alternate universe. It could be an earlier born Samantha, it could be Ludwig's wife, it could be another person with the same eye color, it could be Sam's alternative in this universe, etc.

um....when did this become an alternate universe?

It's pretty obvious. Why do the MoTD gangsters not remember the Zombie/Robot Invasion of 1917 occurring? The Marines? President Kennedy and his associates? The CoTD group? The N4? Group 935? Hell, the O4 doesn't remember it after nor even before their memory loss.

All of these events occur in multiple tangled timelines.

MotD is the only map to take place in it's own little Universe. The rest all exist in the same universe. and who's to say they don't remember them? Government cover ups etc. can easily keep the public from knowing. Also with the O4, Samantha directly sent zombies after them in the maps were at. Once they left, the zombies stopped roaming there too because Samantha had moved on to killing them somewhere else. Of course they don't remember this after theyre memory loss. It's called Memory LOSS for a reason.

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At this point in the trailer I'm pretty sure it was showing him dying, the way he slumps looks pretty dead.

yeah same thing i was thinking too

Yellow eyes is their natural color. Even before Samantha their eyes were yellow

and yes your are right about that but remember the brought back those maps on BO1 and the O4 played them, the zombies map your talking about was just suppose to be a mini game. they didnt think it would become what it is today so even tho the eyes were yellow then you can say Sam is in control because we all know that color represented her

It's pretty obvious. Why do the MoTD gangsters not remember the Zombie/Robot Invasion of 1917 occurring? The Marines? President Kennedy and his associates? The CoTD group? The N4? Group 935? Hell, the O4 doesn't remember it after nor even before their memory loss.

All of these events occur in multiple tangled timelines.

MoTD has nooooooothing to do with the O4/N4 storyline. they were on a timeloop, they dont know whats going on outside of alcatraz i assume. their universe id believe more to be an alternate then any other.

in call of the dead it took place in that year (2011) the end of the game you hear George talking bout how he really found that shit and that why the were going there to shoot the film. they have incorprated actual events into the zombies universe like JFK and how they were talking before that. if you mean its an alternate universe towards ours, of course its people controlling zombies lol but if you ask me we are still on the same line up until orgins, i dont know the time frame of the map and i dont wanna go by the letters and then find out its something else.

and with all the jumping around time things have changed im sure

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