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Grief Strategy and Tips


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Grief Strategy and Tips

For Farm and Town


Grief is a different mode than Survival and TranZit. While the goal in most Zombie games, modes, and levels is to simply survive as long as possible, in Grief the goal is to simply survive longer than your teammates. In Grief, players on opposite teams can either work together or against each other. More often that not, the teams work against each other. Regardless of intent, only one team survives. There are two ways to play Grief: offensively and defensively.


This is, I think, the best way to play Grief. It is fun to just kick back, relax, and take down the opposing team. When playing Grief offensively, your one goal is to get the opposing team down and survive the Round when that happens. When playing offensively, Juggernog is typically an afterthought. Weapons are priority. Kills are obtained when convenient, discarded when necessary.

Reviving Your Teammates:

When you revive your teammates, you cannot stand up. You will generally be safe lying down while reviving, however that is not fulproof. The best way to revive is to crouch down and revive. When you are standing, you are easily knocked around by opponents. When you are lying down, opponents cannont move you, but you are vulnerable to dolphin diving. When you are crouched, you can be knocked around a little bit, but your are invulnerable to dolphin diving. Also make sure Zombies aren't near you that will kill you.

The Knife:

The Knife is a great weapon in Grief, because it can be used to knock the opposing team around. When the match begins, it is common for some players to be inactive. Many players will have set their controllers down while waiting for the match, so they will be inactive for only a short time. Use this time to knife your seemingly inactive opponents into the lava/fire. It is easy to get them down if they are not paying attention. And, if you can get them down, you might be able to start a chain reaction of people trying to revive them, then going down themselves, and possible win on Round 1. On Town, make sure to knife the opposing team members as far into the middle of the lava pool as possible to make it as hard as possible to revive him.

Shooting the Opposition:

Using your bullets on the opposing team actually isn't very helpful. Sure it slows them a bit, but that is only useful if done at a very crucial moment where the opposing team member was close to getting surrounded by Zombies. Usually, it is not worth wasting your ammo.

Dolphin Diving the Competition:

What was once a patch for a glitch has now become a powerful weapon. As some of you might know, dolphin diving and landing on someone who is lying down will cause both players to go down. Many players will try to revive their teammates while still standing. If that is the case, just knife them to prevent them from reviving their teammates. Many players will try to revive their teammates while lying down. If that is the case, try to dolphin dive on top of them. This requires a bit of teamwork. You will both go down, but the enemy team will have two people down, while you are the only person down on your team. If your teammates can quickly revive you, you can then resume wrecking havoc on the opposing team. The biggest problem you will get with this is your own teammates. There is nothing more annoying than when you are going to sacrifice yourself to take down the opponent and your teammates gets in the way, knifing the opponent who is lying down (which is pointless), causing your dolphin dive to miss, so that the entire opposing team is able to regroup.

None Shall Pass:

Blockading the other team and preventing them from entering or exiting certain areas is a helpful tactic in Grief. This tactic sees more use in Farm than Town, because Farm has more narrow pathways: one where the stairs meet the 2nd floor of the house and one where the 2nd floor of the house meets the balcony. When blockading passage by yourself, crouching only works for a little while. Standing is pointless. The best thing to do is to lie down sideways. It is, however, possible for them to jump over you, but it isn't easy. The only fulproof way to prevent passage is to have two people crouch in one of the two areas. Blockading in this fashion can be devastating as it can cut off access to Juggernog, the Mystery Box, the MP5, and downed teammates. Blockading can be done on Town, but it requires the cooperation of all four teammates and isn't that efficient. Make sure that when you are blockading that you let your fellow teammates through.

Your EMP Grenade and You:

First, allow me to list for you the effects of the EMP Grenade. They:

•temporarily deactivate Perk machines and their associated Perks

•stop the Pack-A-Punch from spitting out a weapon that was put in

•destroy Power-Ups

•temporarily discombobulate Zombies and humans

•shut the Mystery Box, regardless of what it was doing at the time

•destroy Monkey Bombs

•power down the Bus

•kill "Him"

Some of these effects have great use in Grief. One tactic is to deactivate Juggernog. This can be risky. This is best done if your entire team is prepared to camp. You guys hunker down expecting a bumpy ride while the opponent is running circles. All of a sudden, Juggernog is gone, but you guys were expecting it. Another use is to shut the Mystery Box. This is really only effective if the person either has no ammo or no useful ammo, typically in the beginning of the game or when someone comes back from having died the last Round. The absolute best use of the EMP is to use it on the Pack-A-Punch. Not only does the opponent lose his weapon, but he also loses 5000 points. Also, they often go down in confusion unless they are exceptionally skilled. However, this requires precise timing. You must also make sure not to backfire it on yourself and accidentally use it on a teammate.


Honestly, there is not much to say about playing defensively. This is basically the same as Survival. Utilizing this style of Grief is the same as working together. Don't harm the opponent and they hopefully won't harm you. This method of playing will ensure both teams survive longer. However, it allows both teams to set up better. The real appeal of using this method is the hope that if you are able to do your best, you will outlive the opposition. It is a valid philosophy and requires patience.

Make sure to get two good guns. The Ray Gun is not on Grief, so you will have to settle for lesser weapons. Get Galvanuckles and Semtex if on Town. Get your four Perks, definitely Juggernog.

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I like this post!

Great job explaining out the basics of Grief. I think it would be fun to play against you as we play almost opposing playstyles.

A few things I'd like to point out.

1: The ray gun is not in grief (unless its been patched in, in the last week).

2: Knuckles only appear in Town, so they are a decent strategy there, but you should never rely on them. Personally I find the knuckles less effective in Grief but thats just me I guess :P .

I like the fact that you go straight offensive in strategy, however to be really effective this strategy requires your team to get EMPs.

I feel like I'm more of a hybrid offense/defense player. I will always try to sabatoge the other team, either by trapping on staircases and doorways, punishing bad revive technique, or getting afkers downed in lava asap. However I put keeping my team alive and not going down as my primary concern. This requires jugg early on. Generally, a team that stays alive, is the team that wins in my experience.

**One thing you can add to emp usage, is emping QR when the enemy team has players down. Very effective against a revive machine type player!**

I don't worry too much about getting emps generally wont even hit the box for quite a while, however you must be aware at all times about what has emp'd on the map, thus taking away the advantage that emping perks creates. I've found there's few players that can stay up better than myself without jugg. Thus generally emping jugg turns into a win for me regardless of which team threw it.

Great post! Everything you need to know about Grief in one post. I think I may jump into some games later tonight, haven't played this gamemode for a while!

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Very good MMX. I have glanced through most of the lines and I found it perfect.

One question.

Scenario in Farm: 4 players controlling house with box blocking top floor by stairs not allowing you to get in and buy Mp5k, box or Juggernog. Rest of the players in your team went down/bled out after your repeated revives. You are the only one alive. What would you do.

Use Olympia and grenades to kill zombies. Speed cola is your best friend. But you are waiting for Meat. As soon as you get meat, Aim and throw it inside the room where Juggernog is from the gap where you jump down the Jugg room. This will cause zombies to go up to the room in any case and not follow the player if you attached them with meat. As soon as enemy or 2 goes down run up and get your shit.

I think some of these scenarios would really help.

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Very good MMX. I have glanced through most of the lines and I found it perfect.

One question.

Scenario in Farm: 4 players controlling house with box blocking top floor by stairs not allowing you to get in and buy Mp5k, box or Juggernog. Rest of the players in your team went down/bled out after your repeated revives. You are the only one alive. What would you do.

use Olympia,get speed cola, wait for Meat. Collect all zombies, sprint up stairs and throw it in the center of the room and run out. This will cause zombies to go up to the room in any case and not follow the player if you attached them with meat. As soon as enemy or 2 goes down run up and get your shit.

This worked great last night and I clutched the round taking down three opponents controlling Jugg room. Unfortunately I did not have enough points to get Jugg as I bought QR to get my partners up and I went down in Jugg room trying to make 50 points and got Killed.

I think some of these scenarios would really help.

Waiting for meat may take forever, it spawns probably the least out of any of the powerups imo.

Personally if I was in same situation, I would buy the shotty (if i had no ammo), then make a hoard in the barn, and once I had a the majority of zombies on the map I would lead them around the truck (to keep the enemies from killing them from above then sprint into the house through the main entrance, getting enough distance to make the hoard jump up the box ledge.

This is the weakest point when holding the top room, so massive influx of zombies through that entrance should cause at least one of door blockers to break formation allowing you to gain entrance to the room. Either that or it might get a few of them down.

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Thanks guys :)

@Edward: I'm sorry. I forgot the Ray Gun isn't in Grief. I'll fix that. Thank you very much. Regardless of the Galvanuckles's effectiveness, I still think you should always get them, at least eventually.

You don't NEED EMPs though. They help. But you don't need them. Whenever I win a match, it is usually without EMPs; I just got one person down, then two, then three: domino effect.

Most of what you say I agree to be true. I have used the EMP on Juggernog before and had opposing players who simply didn't go down. Doesn't work on everyone.

@Way: Thank you. I would grab the M14 and Olympia for use as weapons. If I had lots of points, grab all the Perks but Juggernog. (It might just give me a slight boost in survival capability.) If I can last the Round, I might try to see if I can squeeze in an opening into the house. If I cannot, then I would simply try to survive by running a circle, hoping that they all go down in those cramped quarters.

*reads your answer*

Ah okay. But you'd have to wait for the opposing team members to bleed out, as they would still be blocking your path, unless of course for some reason they moved out of the way. That's good, but I personally rely on the philosophy of assuming I will never get a Max Ammo. However, I think that can translate in Grief to assuming I will never get a certain Power-Up. You could literally be waiting ages for a Meat. But if you get it, by all means.

I might add a Meat section.

Thanks again guys.

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Once again MMX, you have provided another beneficial guide for the common zombie slayer. This time, for Grief - and I really love this! Consider this very thread Bookmarked in my tab. :)

Also, I'm not sure if too many people are aware of train collisions. When you're hitting beyond Round 8, there will be so many zombies spawning that people will either do two things: camp out at the edge of the Bar/Apartment, or run trains. I recently found that you can increase the odds of instant downs for the other time by doing something I call train collisions. It's not a small piece like you have examined where a certain action/event can do major harm, but this is kind of combinations with what you've said.

Here's what occurs: the drop-off areas of each building are extremely dangerous if it is a failed leap. Now when you drop down, you get a hit marker (unless you were lucky in avoiding a hard landing, which isn't very common). Now you as the opponent can run a train around the Bar or right next to the apartment. When the opposing team tries to jump off after getting crowded w/ their own zombies, they will more than likely fall into your train and get eaten alive. There's about a second delay for the player's character to recover and run. This is the prime opportunity for them to get swarmed and be sucked in. Time it with a knife or your gun, and bam - they are practically frozen.

I know it's a rather cheesy strategy, but hey - it hasn't failed me yet. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

2: Knuckles only appear in Town, so they are a decent strategy there, but you should never rely on them. Personally I find the knuckles less effective in Grief but thats just me I guess :P

If I am getting most/alot of kills in a grief game I usually opt for galv knuckles as a first buy, second only to maybe an MP5. The galvaknuckles not only allow you to ninja/steal alot of kills up to round 14, but allows to you almost freeze enemy's when they are up close and personal to a zombie. The hits are so fast that they have a hard time moving.

My best tactics are usually hanging out in the wall holes of both the Bar and Appartment where you drop out. I crouch and prevent them from knocking me off. When zombies gather and drop from the ceilings and windows, I can usually keep mass pressure on the enemy team if they are up there with me..Basically forcing them into the zombies and stopping them from running. Takes a bit of practice, but pretty much amazing tactic.

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Personally, I don't think there is a certain strategy required. There are always different kinds of player, and a good team will have a combination of these, for example the reviver, the person who gets good guns and can hold his own if the rest of the team gets downed, the griefer who gets emps and knifes enemies to stop them reviving. Personally, I am a reviver. I hate people who don't revive at all though, those are just bad players.

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throwing a moneky at a downed enemy can be helpfull too

but personally i get more satisfaction from reaching high rounds than winning grief so whenever im in grief and the other team isnt giving my team a hard time i even go and defend players who a reviving other enemy or even throw a monkey when 3 of them are down, in the end only one team will survive anyhow

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As much as it kills me inside to do it, I think hustling can be one of the best strategies. This simply involves pretending that you are REALLY, REALLY TERRIBLE at zombies, and coming back with fires burning and guns blazing at the moment of truth.

Just do some stuff like buying an Olympia, shooting peoples' zombies through windows and such, and to play it really well down yourself several times in really stupid ways (lava, back turned, etc.) Make sure you can talk to your teammates via mic so they don't just lose faith in you and stop reviving you when it actually matters. Then go all out on them, Nading their box, running your elaborate trains, raking in points, and generally tearing up the competition. It just blows their freaking minds every time. At this point employ all of MMX's aforementioned methods. Typically this tornado of unknown skill wins it for you in a single round. Like I said, it gets them every time. Bonus points if you get your friends to join in.

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Personally, I don't think there is a certain strategy required. There are always different kinds of player, and a good team will have a combination of these, for example the reviver, the person who gets good guns and can hold his own if the rest of the team gets downed, the griefer who gets emps and knifes enemies to stop them reviving. Personally, I am a reviver. I hate people who don't revive at all though, those are just bad players.

I'll say it again, emping quick revive at critical times in a match can get you the win. This is especially effective against the "revive beast" type of player. Even if they catch on to losing QR, which won't always happen, it allows you to isolate them making the rest of the round quite risky for them. If they happen to make it through the round, it puts their team at a disadvantage considering their teammates lost everything.

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I'll say it again, emping quick revive at critical times in a match can get you the win.

I've never really been in a game when people buy QR, however I find that if you are the only person left on your team EMP'ing Jugg is a great way to say 'if I go down, you're all coming with me' Sometimes I win this way by surviving when they don't realise they've lost it. If you get down, most of the time they do to and the round restarts at least.

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Emping quick revive has got my team a win once. I then had my own teammate emping jugg on purpose to be a jerk and it actually dropped the other team.

I have the skull with knife so i cant pretend to be a noob, but i just go all out. Typically everyone tries to slow me down but i gwt them back. If i still use my handgun i run trains near enemies then shoot them single shot every like 2 seconds. I dont empty clips etc, cos thats a huge waste of ammo.

My only issue is ive noticed ive got a few losses without actually losing. Like i dont quit out, we win the game but i dont check leaderboards that often and ill notice my losses increased. I have to keep a better eye on it to see when it happens to get a more accurate idea about it.

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