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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Wow... you just made the BOII part of the story sound interesting. Good job. I still think Treyarch has cut themselves loose from the story we know and want to do something completely new without any connections to the original trilogy of zombies. I know it is the lazy way out, but I highly doubt they can redeem the story we know so far.
  2. ​Like I said the official Playstation channel has listed it for PS4 and I have heard and read and watched lots of mentions how it is only on PS4/XBone/PC including this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIVamTFaCRQ and besides even if there is a last gen version it will most likely be handled by a different studio. But I get what you are saying, @Naitrax it is time to upgrade peeps!
  3. Thank you for posting and doing this. @RedDeadRiot said something along the lines of this: Us CoDz folks never had it this good. And of course the whole staff is responsible for this, but without you we wouldn't have this fancy site right now. Thank you a whole lot for it @Hells Warrrior . Gotta get used to it though as always. Some things I can't quite get behind yet. haha
  4. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. It is certainly a great time to join as well. If you have any questions be sure to ask them.
  5. It looks cool as hell. :3 A couple of things that bother me though: Loading times are kinda long as of right now, the Avatar does not display on the Forum and lastly likes are gone which is a shame cause I always thought of myself as a silly but likeable person. I am sure most of the stuff will come back though as you said. Other than that; Great job, staff! :-)
  6. I think it willl be next gen only. The official Playstation channel uploaded the teaser as well and they always put in their titles for what system the game will be released and in this case they put PS4 in the title. :-)
  7. As you said it has been used in the launch trailer for BOII and really has no bigger meaning. Since it was the sequel to Black ops it kinda did fit.
  8. Time to change the default avatar. :P

  9. I think exo suits are okay for campaign and mp, but not for zombies.
  10. Agreed. Dunno how I feel about this, but I guess I am kinda excited anyway.
  11. I like how active the CoDz twitter account is. :)

    1. Chopper


      Going to stay that way now too mate :)

    2. DeathBringerZen


      Hopefully the Twitch and Youtube channels will be next to get some proper utilization.

    3. way2g00d


      I like it too. We need more support from all the forum members.

  12. Welcome back. Hope you're having fun. :-)
  13. Nice topic. Makes me sad that the remakes don't have trophy/achievement support.
  14. My bet is we will be on the new site as soon as the new game has been announced. That would be sick. :3 Seriously can't wait. ^.^
  15. Always giggle when I see your avatar. Welcome to the site.
  16. I should stop with the female character avatars. Don't want people to think I am a girl, right, @Electric Jesus ? :P

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Think? You mean know?

    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      So who is it? Namine, or someone else?

    3. Lenne


      @ZombieOfTheDead It is Namine, yes.

  17. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :3
  18. Eat, sleep, CoDz. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chopper


      Eat, work, CoDz, play, work, CoDz, eat, play, CoDz, play, sleep

    3. Lenne


      You have to work during the weekend, @Chopper ? D:

    4. Chopper


      Maybe an hour, that was Mon - Fri for me. Weekend is kids, eat, kids, kids, kids, eat, kids, kids, kids, eat, kids, kids, kids bed, partner, maybe play with codz in between :)

  19. Lenne

    New Guy

    Welcome to le site. :3
  20. Having a tough time with getting online. Internet is really not working properly. D: (Hopefully this status update at least works.)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      @Lenne, stop being a big girls blouse.

      Read a book :P

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      Don't listen to him. Books are dangerous. All dem paper cuts. Play more vidya games

    4. Lenne


      @Hells Warrrior but all my books are in Verrückt. ;_;

  21. I just love the "pew pew" from pack a punched guns. Makes me giggle all the time.
  22. If I knew you would be coming back I would have stayed awake for a bit longer yesterday. hehe Hey, MMX. Welcome back to the site and I am glad everything worked out good for you. It is pretty calm right now around these parts, but that will change in a bit I think. Can't wait for your Bioshock video. BTW.
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