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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Nothing. MW2 is the best game ever made.
  2. They have no clue I am even here...

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Ha ha nice one, if I didn't know I might be confused lol

  3. tl;dr: What do you like more BO1 or BO2 zombies? Der Riese is not my favourite map, hellhounds are not my favourite boss and the DG 2 not my favourite WW, but other than that I would still count myself to the first party.
  4. Welcome back, Alpha. There will be zombies in the new CoD AW. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177962-advanced-warfare-zombie-trailer/page-2#entry1714041 It remains unclear if it will evolve into a whole seperate mode or just stay the one round kind of deal in the "exo survival" game mode. Also doesn't look like it is connected to the 3arc storyline or if it is even has one right now.
  5. God damn it... looks like I have to buy AW after all. What a surprise.

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Hold off on it, man. It's not looking like a full mode.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0
    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      Kind of... Why would you get a game to play a bonus mode that lasts 3 minutes?

  6. Wat Goofy's kid is named Max....I guess lol
  7. Team Maxis because I always have to think of Goofy when I hear Maxis.
  8. Hopefully there wont be one. I hate having a ranking system in zombies.
  9. In a perfect world I would be playing AC Unity right now, but instead I have to wait another two weeks. :*(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tasha
    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      And MW3… And 5 nights at freddys… And early versions of minecraft… and borderlands 2…

    4. ZombieOfTheDead


      Pretty sure all of those got decent reviews... though MW3 was shat on by the fan base, and I have no idea about that second one.

  10. Lenne


    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. : )
  11. I hope so. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. : )
  12. Germany is about to loose against Poland. :D

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      That's not historically accurate

  13. Congrats, CoDz. First Gamestop then the world. >:3
  14. The atmosphere and the general look of the map. Dark, creepy and violent. >: )
  15. Lenne


    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. : )
  16. Was looking forward to playing Driveclub this weekend but apperantly sony doesn't keep promisses.

  17. Get jug to spawn =slow zombie spawns. Get speed = fast zombie spawns... NML in a nutshell

    1. Dahniska


      True, though. lol

  18. S&D is the second best game mode in the franchise. I loved playing it on cod4 and mw2. Nothing beats S&D on Crash, Crossfire, District, Strike and Vacant. Am I right, @Slade ? Nice thread, Infest.
  19. Welcome to the site. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. :3
  20. *(NNs are Negative Nancys) What a healthy attitude. <--- Sarcasm ... On topic: The last time I heard the words "huge world" in relation to zombies was when Vonderhaar hyped up Tranzit and we all know how that turned out to be. So I would be a bit more careful about wanting a giant world to play zombies in or else you can only be disappointed. At least that is what history has teached me. Of course now they have the fancy next gen technology so maybe, if excecuted right, we could have some fancy open world which would most likely not be my cup of tea since I don't want to spend 500 hours to get set up. But...oh crap... disagreeing with someone makes me negative nancy.
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