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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Updates posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Excellent, I am now cerberus (and have been for a while) SOON I will ascend to Takeo-ism.... And I think be the only person on the site to do that yet...

  2. In the land of the blind, he who wields the only flashlight is king...

    1. MegaAfroMan


      Not if he is also blind...

      a flashlight doesn't do them shit then.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      They could all just be in a very dark place and think they're blind

  3. Quick! Everyone post your favorite quote from any cartoon network show! Mine: ""The school will tell sara, and sara will tell MOM, AND MOM WILL TELL DAD! AND DAD WILL JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH T.V.!"-Ed

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      "Return the slab, or suffer my curse"

    2. GRILL


      Do the monkey with me.

  4. I don't like that my new interactive map got moved to the game lounge. I can live with the fact I won't receive any posts from it, but the fact it's going to be constantly buried, where it doesn't belong, under zombie hangman.

  5. I actually got AW for XBONE! FINALLY! Now just to wait til 6:AM tomorrow!

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Depends, just tell me when!

      I'm going to be part of the search crew finding the cool bits!

    2. BennetsGreen


      I'm on now, add me GT: BennetsGreen

      il be on all night

  6. Things accomplished today: -I got advanced warfare. -I downloaded AW and the update. -I now am the only codz member to have legitimately acquired takeo rank! ^_^

    1. Chopper


      Congrats on Takeo mate! However, as the other 2 members of that group are 2 of the greatest members we have had, and are only short on brains due to the majority of their work being done prior to us getting brains back, I wouldn't be saying things like legitimately.

    2. way2g00d
    3. way2g00d


      Oh Congrats Mocking.

  7. So... Apparently Handsome Jack was a good guy.

  8. Just.... 950 more posts to go.... *Cries......

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      *Taps box

      *Gets SMR

      *Cries again.

  9. Can't seem to access ANY forum posts today... Not complaining, just pointing out a bug I have. 

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Opp.... And now the index page is gone too.... 

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      All resolved now bud.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0
  10. This is a good line up: 

    -DLC 3 for Exo-zombies. 

    -Arkham knight half a month later. 

    -Presumably the BO3 Beta in july. 

    -Zombie hype til nov. 

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      What if the pushback was a lie? Because it was our fear like scarecrow wants us to think?

    2. Boom115


      Oh this reminds me I need to pre order

  11. Isn't it about time we hear some info about AW's last DLC? 

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      So..... August 2016? 

    2. Spider3000


      Yeah, I've been thinking the same. Maybe they'll wait till early August to  announce it.

  12. Hey can someone with the giant Message me, I think I've found something that may be interesting...


    1. RZArazorSHARP20
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      NM Thought it was PHD, turns out it was a floodlight


    3. RZArazorSHARP20
  13. 92 more posts until I've achieved Nikolai Status! 

    1. Boom115


      Quit spamming :miao48:

    2. Tac


      On a real note though you've been double posting quite a bit :p

    3. Stop Mocking Me0
  14. Wait... What if that zombie-eating plant arm that only eats crawlers isn't a soul chest... It's just meant to kill crawlers so you can't save them...

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      It'd make the map harder though if you had to pick between running a full zombie, and access to parts of the map for long periods. It's a dick move none the less, but it'd be interesting....

  15. How do you guys like this picture of the silence I drew:

    1. Hells Warrrior
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      No… No that's the joke… The silence cause you to imediantly forget them the second you look away. So you've seen the picture but when you go to look at it you forget…

  16. Now that I have funding for COD WAW, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right: Just get it from steam, that's it? And from there how do I move on to modded maps and such?

    1. DeathBringerZen


      Downloading it from steam is recommended. After that, you just need to visit one of the 3 main custom forums, or download one of the maps I have posted in the custom section here. 99% of custom maps are a self-installing EXE file, so you just run it and it will automatically go to the mod folder. Now boot the game up and go to the mod option and your map will be there. :D

    2. Stop Mocking Me0
  17. Just now realizing why the site pic was changed, lol

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      I like it I say we keep it. Should have changed the default font for the forum to Comic Sans too, now that would have had me roflmao

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Or weddings II 0_0

  18. Alright, big Idea everyone! This will improve map ideas 10 fold! Think of it as the "I-dea mapOS", it will make map ideas faster, easier, and simpler for everyone who just wants to make a better map idea! But I need your help. Copy/paste the URL in the comments.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0


    2. Boom115


      My eyes thank you for changing your avatar.

  19. Totally forgot I created a campaign storyline way back in like, four months ago, finishing THAT over the course of the next 4 weeks...

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      get it updated bud, I need to have a wee read of it again.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I may have written it either slightly drunk, or somewhat tired the original time… It was full of grammatical and factual paradoxes… Should be bit better now...

  20. One hour… One final hour until the beginning of the last episode of warehouse 13, possibly the greatest show ever….

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Never seen an episode, just like 24, and several other shows that everyone raves about. I'm still on season 3 of Dexter.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Good show, Lots a murder…


    1. Flammenwerfer


      Nice. Add me! FlammenwerferIV

    2. Naitrax



      - Abel

  22. Them feels after playing an RPG…

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Indeed (what did you play?)

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Super paper mario… <_<

  23. WOOOOO Plants vs zombies update!

    1. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      I wonder what the high for the smartphone versions are.

      I have seen many 1000+ on PC, but nothing over 50 on iOS or Android

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      It's all about strategy, I have gotten to round 122 before in ancient egypt.

  24. Oh hey… Exactly 50 brains… Cool!

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Well... I've got 12! How about that!

      I know, I'll go sit in the corner...

    2. creepertrent


      Oh hey... Exactly 0 brains... Sigh

  25. It's been a whole 24 hours and only 41% of assassins creed unity has finished downloading… -_-" My internets sucks

    1. Slade


      Holy glitches dude, and here's me getting mad when it takes longer than 30 minutes, incl install.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Well it is 50GB of data.

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