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Spider3000 last won the day on July 29 2019

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About Spider3000

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  1. So, Pernell is the Avogadro. Imagine telling someone that in 2012.

  2. Man, it’s weird coming back to forums sometimes. I remember when I first joined this site, and there were frequent posters like Nightmare Voyager, and Stop Mocking Me, Deathbringerzen, and Slade just to name a few. And then they disappear without a trace and it just feels odd, even though I’m guilty of this myself. Sorry for the ramble, just felt like writing this ?

    1. Lenne


      NV and Mocking went away from the forums, DBZ is done with CoD zombies, but where Slade is gone and why he left I do not know. He also hasn't even been online via Steam for almost 2 years now. Which is really, really strange. And truth be told there is not a week that goes by where I don't think of him, cause he is my favorite chocolate dutch/russian hybrid ever. ; ( I just hope he moved on from gaming in general and that nothing bad happend to him.

      Thank you for checking in, Spider. ❤️

    2. Spider3000


      That sucks to hear. When friends disappear it’s always tough, no matter how you know them. If I had to guess I would say you’re probably right that he simply lost interest in gaming. Still if everything is alright, then it’s unfortunate that he doesn’t check in every now and then. ?

    3. Inconcievable


      I still often talk with NV, and... if we're going to play it fair, I think all it really boiled down to was having issues with certain staff. He just kind of fell out of caring for this place the same way. Frankly, I didn't blame him for that. We kind of had our issues around that time too, but I mean, we made amends since then. Glad to say he's still doing great things.


      Mocking had a whole thread that someone tore him down on and went to state being done with CoDz on that as well. I've tried to contact the guy for ages, I really have. (Same with TheNathanNS.)


      It's just really sad, y'know? This forum isn't really what it used to be, and it used to be amazing... well, I mean, it still is, but it's definitely changed. There's no question about that. All the greats have moved ahead to bigger, better things.

  3. I feel like there’s a lot of irony around the fact that it seems not even Treyarch/Activision care about the new map coming tomorrow.

    1. Lenne


      We got some nice artwork though. But I get where you are coming from something small like 2 xp should have been another present to actually go along with the birthday.

  4. So the timeline thing confirmed the BO2 maps are in 2025. Good to finally get an answer to that.

  5. Just saw a mini-discussion on Reddit why Zombies should have an Auschwitz map ,and a Hiroshima map. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spider3000


      Yeah, I wouldn't mind a fictional setting. Zombies was never a serious enough game mode to tackle something like that though. What annoyed me about the discussion was that the people literally asking to see undead Japanese civillians, and undead Jewish concentration camp workers were upvoted, while the people pointing out how tasteless that would be were downvoted.

    3. anonymous


      I have to disagree with you two there. I actually prefer real existed places over fictional locations. Just no concentration camps or other places where mass destruction of humans took place. So also no fictional deathcamp or nuclear bombed city. I like real existed (or existing) places. Oh, and @Spider3000, that latter thing you say makes me really concerned about the majority of CoDZombies Reddit users

    4. Spider3000


      I think you misunderstand me. I too prefer real life locations, but obviously Auschwitz is several steps too far.


      And yeah, Reddit sometimes can be a cause for concern.

  6. Today's banner is amazing.

  7. Hello Good Sir! How are you today?

  8. Trump actually did it, Christ. I was half-expecting it since Brexit, but still the next four years will be very worrying for everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lenne


      I can't believe the glorious USA couldn't pick 2 folks that actually got something going for them.


      Now they were stuck with two pretty bad options.


      It is a shame and I am scared. (Would have been either way though... a bit more with Trump though)


      At least we will get some good memes... right? :tired:

    3. Spider3000


      @Lenne That reminds me. 11k people voted for Harambe in the election.


      @AetherialVoicesSorry to hear that. :( I think there probably would've been riots either way, considering how evenly split the votes were. Anyway, stay safe.

    4. Fire Fox

      Fire Fox

      The first meme to become President.....Donald Trump.

  9. Someone got into my PSN account and changed my Sign-in ID. :/ Sucks because most ways of contacting Sony require you to enter your Sign-in ID.


    1. Rissole25


      Do you have an email connected with it? Have you contacted Sony? They might be able to help you out. Also could try asking /r/PS4 for advice. Hopefully you can get it back. :/

    2. Spider3000


      Thanks, I'll be contacting them soon. I've just arrived home after being away on a holiday for the last week, so the timing is terrible but oh well.

  10. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

  11. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

  12. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

  13. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

  14. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

  15. It's a shame to see that the team to first beat the boss fight were using an exploit.

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