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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Tacitus means secret. I see this as the same thing as the word "Classified" stamped across something. It looks strikingly similar in this image how it is slanted across, just imagine it saying "classified" it fits well in my opinion.
  2. A second image declassified just to show the name of the quadrotor? That seems unlikely. It's name is Charlene :roll:
  3. Tacitus in latin translates roughly to an adjective meaning silent however it could also have these meanings based on the context: TACITURN SILENT TACIT INCOMMUNICATIVE RETICENT RESERVED CLOSE HIDDEN SECRET HIDEAWAY HEDGE STILL IMPLICIT IMPLIED NOISELESS MUTE ASSUMED Sources, various translators online, and (oddly enough) a book of baby names and their meanings. Male, Tacitus, Silent, very uncommon :P
  4. As for the date itself, the reveal is on May 1st correct? Is it coincidence that this happens to a be a Tuesday, which just so happens to be a popular day for CoD releases? Another interesting note is that exactly 6 months from that day, it will be November 6th. Possible release date perhaps? Not sure how valid of an idea this is, I just found it makes more sense to me to work with such nice numbers when you have to plan releases for all of these little snippets of information. However this flies in the face of CoD releasing on the second Tuesday of November and also clashes with Halo 4. Either way, we have a long time to figure that rather trivial bit of information out.
  5. I also am 90% positive it is your third gun. Sometimes it appears to not be, but it is also possible that I could have forgotten which was which myself. Generally I have MS, Lawton, and a point spammer, and usually the point spammer (mule kick weapon) is the one I lose, and it is usually right before MS if I cycle through my three. I believe. Can't say I have ever lost MS when I downed.
  6. If you happen to be looking for zombie teammates I would suggest posting here for quick one time matches or here for a more long term 'team'. If the second section I mentioned, you could check out Team Wunder Waffes, as you are an Xbox player. Or you could of course just find and start your own small group by posting there. Just make sure you post in the right place If you've ever been curious about the whole twisted conspiracy of a story behind the zombies gamemode, I would highly recommend reading so many things in this entire section. For relatively easier reading I would also recommend things in this section, as the Asylum content can get really mind bending sometimes. The research facility is usually easier to follow, and definitely still very brilliant. I suggest looking over some of it. [tab][/tab]Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying.
  7. That's alright Undead xP, It is hidden from most users, otherwise, there really wouldn't be a point to it. Otherwise almost every user would have that section be the place where they have the most posts, and it would be a mess to navigate through. For all intents and purposes, when something is put in there, it is assumed that it is dead and will not resurface. However, if you ever feel that one of your posts that has been moved, should be brought back, you can PM any staff member, and 99/100 times we will happily move it back.
  8. The intro's you've seen thus far are but mere chump change Welcome to CoDz my good sir! If you happen to be looking for zombie teammates I would suggest posting here for quick one time matches or here for a more long term 'team'. If the second section I mentioned, you could check out Team Wunder Waffes, as you are an Xbox player. Or you could of course just find and start your own small group by posting there. Just make sure you post in the right place If you've ever been curious about the whole twisted conspiracy of a story behind the zombies gamemode, I would highly recommend reading so many things in this entire section. For relatively easier reading I would also recommend things in this section, as the Asylum content can get really mind bending sometimes. The research facility is usually easier to follow, and definitely still very brilliant. I suggest looking over some of it. [tab][/tab]Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying.
  9. Not bad for a first commentary. As far as criticism goes, saying like, and yeah should be avoided, but it really is not a massive deal. The most distracting thing is the low framerate on the video. :? but otherwise, nice video. Good job Vodstok!
  10. Greetings, welcome to CoDz. I welcome you here to my humble home. Here at CoDz you will find all the best. The best stories, the best strategies, the best theories, and definitely the best users. If you wish to improve your skills in general, or map specific pay attention! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan P.S. That was five paragraphs ;)
  11. I could have misread, but I am pretty sure damage is 1000+ up to 1200 splash. Not 1200 + 1200. Not that it makes much of a difference in NML. You got what you got, and their is not an alternative.
  12. [tab][/tab]I spent a long time obsessing over possible meanings for that very issue myself because no one had seemed to have noticed it previously. I came to the conclusion that it is a graphics error. It is caused by opening up one of the doors which contains a trap, after the power has already been on. Something must go wrong between the transition from red light to green light. So it shows as yellow. It can be either one (near furnace or near the trench gun) so the reason it only seems to be the furnace for you is assumningly because you take the Trench gun room path to get to the power.
  13. If we were, how could we be typing? Creative though. I will give you that. However keep in mind that what you say may offend others, so please watch yourself a little more. My response to the thread itself: So yes, it is possible that the moon map has an astronomically incorrect backdrop, but not in the way you suggested.
  14. [tab][/tab]I think I understand, however I have not ever seen it myself. It may be something with your browser or device. It is also possible that any of the Mods, or Dwellers could have moved, or deleted the post in question during the time it took you to go look for it. We have a pretty active staff here.
  15. In all seriousness though, this is a great self-analysis tool. I applaud you on the creation of this. I also thank you for taking the time out of your day to make these observations, and to record them for all of us to use!
  16. Nice idea here, good sir Tankeo. I prefer the ammo loss for mule kick out of all the others thus far. Seems less game breaking than any of the other ones.
  17. [tab][/tab]Different skins for zombies is always appreciated, as it adds flavor to the map and gives variety to the game. However I am not sure whether I want more special zombies or not. We have a good variety as is, and some of them are cool, and others are awful. Some are too easy, and others are a complete pain. However I suppose it does make the maps even more different. I welcome it, however I think the frequency with which they spawned in Shangri-la was too much. In the course of 3 rounds you would usually have 2 or 3 napalm zombies, and 1 or 2 shriekers. It was a little too much. The astro was alright, but he was way too glitchy. I actually think the boss round zombies were great. All three varieties, and George was actually not that bad. Shreikers had to be my least favorite. They run too fast, and have too much health. They make running trains in that map even more dangerous if you are as stubborn as I am, and are unwilling to start full map looping So I say, bring us more boss rounds! and less built in bosses!
  18. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  19. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  20. Here's a sneak peek of my upcoming weapons guide referring to Mustang and Sally to answer the Original question of this thread Mustang and Sally [tab][/tab]This is the reason to hang on to that M1911. Mustang and Sally packs a whopping 1000 damage with anywhere from 75 to 1200 splash damage possible within a range of 5 meters. The damage multipliers do increase mostly, at head shots being 4x, and neck shots being 5x, however chest shots are now only 1x, torso shots only .9x, and shoulder shots only .6x. Point estimates are difficult to give as the splash could hit 1 or all 24, and it will likely kill some zombies so I will just leave it with you get 10 points for every zombie that is hurt and doesn't die, and 50 for every one that does die. M&S has an RPM rate of 300, you can fire off both clips (12 shots) in 1.2 seconds or so. Which equates to about 12900 - 26400 points of damage! Keep in mind that is using all 12 shots, the 6 in each gun, all at once. This will get kills up until round 17 using individual shots, and using the entire clip up until about round 43. In all you get 62 shots at full ammo, 6 shots per clip, per gun. It is dual wielded and the rounds are explosive, hence the splash damage. This gun will hurt you without PhD flopper, so use with caution, and keep in mind if you get rid of your M1911 you can not get it back unless you completely respawn. Some players love Mustang and Sally, others hate it. You can decide for your self now that you fully understand what it can do.
  21. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  22. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  23. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  24. Now, you may have came here solely for finding teammates, but let me assure you there is much more to do here! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there. Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always, Happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  25. It could be possible the game glitched and used the NML spawning scripts instead of the Moon scripts maybe. Just infinite zombies. However it is also possible that your numbers may be exaggerated a tad bit. Infinite rounds are not new, but as far as I knew they usually don't spawn more zombies.
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