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About Superhands

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  1. In general, you could maybe say that it's actually easier to go far with 4 players, everone gets a smaller amount of zombies in their area and there are more players to revive each other and the more players there are, the larger margin for error you have. With that said though, it's gonna take you a hell of a lot longer, and good luck finding a good merge-and-kill strategy for 4 players in a 50+ game.
  2. In general, you could maybe say that it's actually easier to go far with 4 players, everone gets a smaller amount of zombies in their area and there are more players to revive each other and the more players there are, the larger margin for error you have. With that said though, it's gonna take you a hell of a lot longer, and good luck finding a good merge-and-kill strategy for 4 players in a 50+ game.
  3. Hi there, I see you're new. Few questions for you... you say you've been to round 250, meaning you're the first ever player to get 200+ on Black Ops zombies, right? How long did it take you to get there using just the MP40 to get your kills?
  4. Well then like I said, let's not discuss this here anymore and let this get it back on topic. I have nothing else to say anyways.
  5. You obviously haven't quite grasped the concept of taking advantage of splash damage. The difference in damage between a well placed shot and a not-so-well placed shot is pretty huge. Why do you think some players are capable of regular 340+ games, while others who can PaP in 90 seconds are struggling to hit the 300 mark? Shot placement is one of the biggest seperators. It's your opinion against opinions of those who know No Man's Land inside out. You can't argue with stats either. So like I said, if you choose not to believe that's absolutely fine by me. If I had experienced No Man's Land players calling illegitimacy then it'd be a problem, but they all know what's possible and see nothing wrong with the gameplay. So any opposing opinion is basically irrelevant. If you feel as though you need to respond to me, please do it via PM or I'll have to lock the topic to prevent any breaches of the Code of Conduct. Hope you understand.
  6. Well, I've talked to a lot of the best No Man's Land players and they all seem to think 380 is the max because of what Steve and myself have shown is possible. That coming from players that have studied No Man's Land for immense amounts of time, not players who don't even have a 300 kill game to their name, no disrespect intended. If you chose not to believe that particular game then fine, but in the message you sent me you explicitly said you disbelieve all of my other scores and have also made this clear to a whole bunch of people. I've said it once, twice, maybe a hundred times - I have no interest in raising my profile in this community, I've never once asked anyone to rate, comment, subscribe blah blah blah. I'm hear to study the game, find out things about it, help others and test myself to see what I can do. I just don't see how fabricating a game would even make sense for someone in my position... With that said, let's not let this thread get off-topic. I think we've both said all we have to say to each other, if your opinion still stands then I think that shows a lack of understanding on your part, but that's fine, I'm not here to get everyone on-side... either way, let's be adult and stop all of this backstabbing, spreading crap on livestreams etc. As I said, good job and let's switch the topic of conversation to this achievement.
  7. We’ve obviously had our differences selectyeti, and I’ve had a whole bunch of No Man’s Land experts step forward and say your and others accusations of illegitimacy were completely ill-conceived which they backed up with health stats etc. It’s obviously a great shame that you chose to talk behind my back before you know the facts. Nevertheless, I’m a better person than to let such petty matters stop me from giving props where it’s due. Great job.
  8. Figured I'd post some updates that need to be made:
  9. I love the sterile, grimy industrial type maps (Ascension, Der Riese etc.) FIVE as has been mentioned is hated by many because it's seen as difficult and too different. It's of course no secret that FIVE is my all time fave map in terms of playing it, but the look and feel was a factor for me too, just looks great to me. I hate the maps like Shang, Shi No Numa and COTD where the scenery is just not suited to a zombies game at all. I've got good scores on all of these maps so it's nothing to do with difficulty. Just hate the look and feel of them. Also as a side note, I too see Der Riese as one of the easier maps. It's easy once you learn to deal with dogs, any No Man's Land player would mostly have no problems dealing with Der Riese dogs, since they're very predictable unlike NML dogs.
  10. I had this exact thought during my 374. I went to the back pool for the last 2 clips of ammo, since I knew it'd just be trying to pick off crawlers with my last shots it was convenient to just run a set circle and have all of the crawlers right in the middle of that circle. Even after some horribly slow spawns at about the same time I shifted areas, I managed to use my last shots really effectively. It's also becoming clear that choosing not to wait around for a few stragglers can actually be a huge benefit, and the back pool is definitely an easier place to shoot while you've still got some spawners coming in.
  11. This is a very good thread mate, could be great with some more text formatting. Was thinking of creating one like this to capture both ends of the spectrum after my easiest strategies thread but looks like you beat me to it May I make some suggestions for some videos to add also? FIVE rounds 1-30 in about 1 hour strategy Improved Nacht 30+ strategy Verruckt 2-trap strategy Shangri La Early AK Room strategy
  12. Really depends to be honest, if the spawns for those first 2 groups were fast then 380+ would definitely have been on the cards there. But those last few spawns were just so slow, and as we know all too well when time ticks by, the health rises. So I guess I did pretty good to get 30+ kills off of 11+ minute zombies.
  13. That, then at about 5000 points as well. Drops are definitely points-based, that's been proven.
  14. Yeah once you have 2500 points for the first time you'll be due a drop. Doesn't have to be a headshot either ;)
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