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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Somewhat, yes, and that's another thing that should be addressed one day, but being given a short negative response is infinitely more painful than a short positive remark. neither really NEED to be posted, but I can only fight so much at any one time without looking like an ass who just wants to argue with people ;)
  2. Anything really, just make sure that you have more than "it's bad" as your post. That's all I ask. If that really is the only thing you can say, and you can't think of specific reasons, just don't post.
  3. I actually don't mind them, I think they'd need tweaking, and I don't necessarily think they have to be modeled after the pre-existing drops. Anti-drops also should be made quite rare, because even the weakest ones would be OP. I honestly do hope (and I'm probably one of the few) that we CAN hurt the opposite team in BO2 zombies. Give players ridiculous resistance to gunfire, sure, but if they get shot enough, they should be able to be killed by the opposing team, "Then there'd be so much trolling!" YOU'RE COMPETING AGAINST THEM! IT'S NOT TROLLING, IT'S WINNING! If both teams start in separate sections of the map, and perhaps being gunned down wasn't as "bad" of a death as being killed by zombies (maybe you keep guns + perks, as an example) then I feel like it would be a necessary mechanic to allow teams to hold off areas for their own use. If we can't do anything other than try and run hordes into each other, then it won't be that great of a competitive game, in my opinion. I can play 4v4 on black ops if we're only comparing scores...
  4. [tab][/tab]Welcome to CoDz comrade! I hope you come to like it here! If you look around, you'll be able to find the best strategies, back story theories, and users around. If you ever need help finding something, or figuring something out, feel free to send me a PM. Until then enjoy your first medal, and as always, happy slaying. -MegaAfroMan
  5. [tab][/tab]You shall forever be known to me as Julio the Great. You have put so much time into CoDz it's absolutely inspiring. I can still recall back, before I was staff, when I was planning on making the Users Manual, how responsive and helpful you were. You're the only Admin that ever replied to my PMs. I have lots to thank you for, more than you probably realize. Your responsiveness and helpfulness, probably helped fuel the fire that I have burning for CoDz, even to this day. You gave me this wonderful hobby, with all of these wonderful people, and then even more so, you took a chance on me, and made me staff. That has since been a wonderful journey, and I am proud to be a part of this machine which I admire so much. However, now that you're leaving, I feel like the staff chat won't be the same... You've been a big part of CoDz, and quite the chunk of my life. So here's to you, Julio. One of the greatest people to ever grace this site. I only wish you didn't have to go. Seeing as you have to, I want you to enjoy yourself out there. Go learn new, and exciting things. Go meet new people. Have a great time. Report back here in about two years. I'll be waiting. Your comrade, and your friend, James -MegaAfroMan
  6. [tab][/tab]I personally, never ran trains in WaW, but from what I've heard, people talk of how much easier it is to pass by zombies in close range. I know, you used to be unable to jump over them in Der Riese, at least I think so... so it is very possible the collision physics have changed form WaW to BO.
  7. [tab][/tab]Greetings friend! I am MegaAfroMan, one of many proud Moderators of this fine site! Where else can you get such a welcome? I hope you come to like it here just as much as I do, and if you need any help finding anything, feel free to ask me, or anyone else here. Enjoy the forum, and your first (hopefully not last) medal!
  8. [tab][/tab]It costs 1500, and its a shotgun, not a very good combination for making money. Perhaps with drops affecting the points, or using other weapons, but shotguns don't really bring in much revenue.
  9. Hey, there is an option to bump the topic without actually writing bump. Please try and use that instead? ;)
  10. I am not a dead ops expert, I've only been to 25 co-op and 36 solo, but during solo matches, I've actually found that I prefer the fortune fate. Seeing as you don't have to compete for drops or treasure, you essentially almost always have a weapon or power up, and you get tons of lives. Picking up a helicopter or a tank makes you invincible for about half the round. It is lovely. In co-op I prefer Firepower. I know feet is good, I just need more practice with it...
  11. I've done this on Kino. Me and my pal arranged them radially outward from the teleporter, and when they finally busted through them all, we teleported to finish the show its a lot of fun when tons of claymores explode intentionally.
  12. I already wanted to see the movie, now its even slightly worse! say you LOVE chocolate. This movie was like chocolate cake. And now I'm hearing it even has chocolate frosting! (The trailer) Sadly, I'm not sure if I'll get the opportunity to see it! :?
  13. Spaces come after periods, before the next letter I fixed it because it was bothering my eyes. Anyhow, this is plausible yes, but there really isn't much here detail wise, so there really isn't much for me to say other than thanks for sharing! Update: Again you do not have any specific conclusions here to comment on, the girl could be many people, I do believe Samantha Maxis is a bit of a stretch personally because of the situation her corpse is in. I doubt Sophia if the zombies storyline in BO2 takes place in 2025. She'd be somewhat older by then. Sophia was a full grown adult, maybe a young one, but an adult at the time when Der Riese was running. So it's been about 60 years or so. You may want to post an introduction so we can all get to know you better. Happy slaying, -MegaAfroMan
  14. Welcome to the site! You've picked a great place to be. If you need to find teammates to play a match or two with, go here. If you are looking for a more permanent and stable group to join, look here. If you want to view some strategies to help you with your gameplay look here, or here. I also encourage you to poke around a little in the back story, in which case anything in this whole chunk, would be great. Enjoy your time here, and feel free to ask if you have any questions! P.S. check your PM's, you've got mail Happy slaying, -MegaAfroMan
  15. Welcome to CoDz! Always great to see more Xboxers around here! If you need help finding where anything is, feel free to ask. I encourage it! Now don't be alarmed, but you will be receiving a PM shortly to celebrate this occasion. Good luck, and happy slaying, -MegaAfroMan
  16. [tab][/tab]You definitely came to the right place! Here you'll find everything you need from story, and strategy, to partners and even potential friends. If you need help finding anything just ask. Good to see you making an introduction by the way. You'll be receiving a PM shortly with a little gift from CoDz to you... 8-)
  17. [tab][/tab] Good theory, but horribly off scale. Check out this website a friend had me look at recently - http://www.phrenopolis.com/perspective/solarsystem/ - The distance between the planets is so vast, that the Earth would look like nothing more than a small blue spec in the night sky. That is the same reason we can't see mars floating about as a giant red disc. It is too far away. Also the following image shows the view of mars' moons in the night sky on mars. They are very tiny. Deimos is the bright white dot, and phobos is the bright looking star to the left.
  18. MegaAfroMan


    [tab][/tab]Greetings and welcome to the Forum! Here you will find the best of the best on anything involving storyline. That is what this site was built on! However we also contain some of the best strategies as well to help achieve those high round goals. We also certainly have the best members out of any forum you will find! I'm sure if you stick around, you will make a friend or two. It is always nice to see people interested in theory coming around, it would be even more interesting to see you stick around If you need any help with finding things, feel free to ask! Have fun, and happy slaying! -MegaAfroMan
  19. [tab][/tab]Love these tips. A lot of them are quite helpful! I hope we can expand this topic however, so hopefully someone can contribute their tips to this. Unfortunately I can't think of any right now...
  20. Actually I believe starting with Verruckt they could hit you through windows. Sprinters were also in Verruckt as well. They took it out from Shi no numa and Der Riese. And (as far as I know) only in Ascension the zombies combat roll, so it is really more of a map specific quirk than a subtle change in AI, because it didn't affect the later maps. Since Verruckt and Kino, there really has not been much change in the AI of zombies. Even Kino didn't have much AI change, just more physics changes, like the ability to jump over zombies, or not get "dragged" by their presence.
  21. [tab][/tab]MMX it's not like he is gathering official market research on which mode is the most played. He just wants to know what we prefer. Yes most of us (including myself) will say zombies, but we've had a fair few campaigners as well. Why don't you just have fun, and give him an answer? :lol:
  22. Look at your above post. Your signature takes up quite a lot more space than your actual post. I don't think there should ever be a situation where someone's signature is more than 3 or 4 times larger than a post they make in a thread. It also serves to help eliminate some of the data we need to load every time you look at a thread. When you and someone else with large sigs with several images post back and forth we have to load up those pictures multiple times, and people with poorer internet can get hammered with slow loading times. Or at least that is what I took out of it. I hope this helps explain a little better, but I believe the annoyance of seeing the same large sig multiple times in a thread following posts that are not even half the size of the sig, was the more influential factor in our decision. This is definitely not anything personal against you Undead, and I hope you don't take it that way. Have a good day, and happy slaying, -MegaAfroMan
  23. Plenty of spots to circle in Verruckt if you know where to look I think that the AI should be tweaked a little. Make it harder earlier, but they need to find someway to inject excitement into those later rounds. After 40 there isn't much you can do. The only worthwhile guns are the insta-kill Wonder Weapons.
  24. - I do not appreciate the tone of sarcasm here, personally. However it DOES indeed affect those who don't get it, as recycling these 11 maps will take time away from the new ones which those who don't want to buy the old maps for the second or third time, want. It will also decrease the player count in maps, as some people that would be playing the new maps, may instead play the remade old ones, aand unless it is bundled in the disk for a special edition, it also forces Treyarch/Activision to pay more to microsoft to put it downloadable on LIVE, I don't know if PSN or Steam charges companies for download links, but I would assume they have to get some money from somewhere. Anyhow, this extra expense of putting out these old maps will comeback around to us in someway shape or form. More maps, means less time devoted to each map in bug fixes. The list goes on. We are talking about 11 maps. Just rezurrection was a large piece of DLC, this would almost triple that. As an added note, most, if not all, of the old maps would probably not work very well with the new gametypes as well. Nacht would never be able to handle 8 players or a form of competitive play. It is just too small. Even Verruckt, Kino, FIVE, and maybe Der Riese would be tough. They are introducing more to zombies this time around than they did last time. It just isn't as backwards compatible anymore, in my opinion.
  25. Maybe you can. Seriously though, thank you for the report. Helps a lot. Moved the thread. By the way, isn't the next map seeming to be an urban setting based on the brief footage we saw of it in creation? I hope it is quite sprawling though, with several enterable, even multistory, buildings, and perhaps a park or long street area. Something that seems less conveniently constructed for a zombie apocalypse.
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