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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. I don't want to run CoDZ as I don't have the money, but I would love to be a moderator! I've spent a lot of time on here, I've made good contributions, I like to think I'm friendly and approachable, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. And I'm assuming that if someone takes over the site, there will be a lack of admins, which means mods will be moved up to admins, which will free up moderator space. And if someone needs hosting money, just put up a damn ad. If anyone needs to see the math again, hit me up. Plus, Doggy said he'd do it. He can handle this kind of stuff. Let him try it out, or at least get partial ownership.
  2. Hey everyone, I've been playing a lot of MW3 lately as I've gotten a bit bored with Zombies. I've really started to get into it. When I got this the first week of December, I was horrible. But now I can get a 1.5 kd every game. I know it's not like some whiteboy7thst stuff or whatever, but I think going from horrible to above average in six weeks is pretty solid. ANYWAYS, now that I've tested out the pointstreak and stuff, I've been wondering: what is the best pointstreak? I don't take in just killing power in my formula of pointstreak awesomeness though, you have to account for how much it actually helps to get a win as well as how hard it is to get. So here's what I've decided. In a non-objective based game, it's hands down the Reaper. At 9 points, it's waaaaay too easy to get, factoring in its destructive power. If it didn't have any flares, I could possibly understand it being at 9, but with an extra life essentially, it's just a monster for a 9 pointstreak. You can get 3-5 kills no problem with this badboy, even on the more covered maps like Lockdown or Carbon because of its insane maneuvering skills. Not only is this a formidable pointstreak in of its own, but it's very, very good as a linking streak if you're looking to get a top tier reward such as Juggernaught or Osprey Gunner. But if you're playing an objective based game, especially ones that often come down to the wire such as Demolition, it has to be the EMP. Yes, you heard that right. The EMP. Why? With it, you're almost guaranteed a win. What I do with it is save it until we're really in trouble, call it in, and then BAM, it's an easy plant or defuse for my team. Plus, with it being in the support strike package, you can get it no problem every single game. Gotta watch out for the Assassin Pro users though, but there's usually only one Assassin player per team, so it's not a big problem if you're looking for a win. Anyways, that's what I've come up with. What do yall think is the best pointstreak? -perfect
  3. Damn dude, if you would've told us that we were gonna be on Youtube I would've gone to gamechat with Pie. Sorry. D:
  4. You know what I want? A 3rd person lobby. Like, the lobby is set to just 3rd person. I'd be playing that shit nonstop. I also want a lot more interaction with the map. Black Ops did a so-so job with it, like the abilities to open and close doors as well as the rocket blasting off. But I want much more than that. And I want something really cool: customizable strike chain. Like, you can set it so that you can get a mix of point streaks: you can have the first being Scavenger pro or something, then the second being a care package, and the third being Counter UAV. Cuz there have been times when I could've gotten osprey gunners, but instead I just got a stealth bomber and a EMP. Sucks. :/
  5. I expect a water map, with a water gun to be added to it as well. Also, I really wish that they would introduce 'perk combos' that give you extra benefits when you have any combination of perk. For example: Stamin Up + Flopper = Can walk through water and mud with 1/2 resistance. Or some crazy combo that would really make you rethink what perks you buy. Like this: Mule Kick + Deadshot = more reserve ammo. That would put Deadshot way up on my list. It probably won't happen, but Jimmy Zielinski and those guys all read the forums, so you never know. Oh, and I want the Strike Chain back as well as pointstreaks. I dunno about you guys, but if I start out 0-4 or something with a gun, I like to whip out my MP7 class with support and go cap some flags. Just my thoughts though! We should start hearing the first news of the new game in a month or two! So excited!
  6. Very descriptive, but I found that there some places where it got a little purple prose-y. If you don't know what that is, click here. Also, I'm not quite sure where this is going. But, alas, take this with a grain of salt. It's your work, do with it as you please. It's a really beautiful piece. You are so fluid with your writing. You should try out poetry! I think you'd enjoy it! :D
  7. Thanks man! No one is gonna get a novel perfect the 1st time or the 50th time. Sinking is far from 'perfect'. Just don't worry about how your stuff is during the first, second, or even third drafts! Everyone's first draft is complete crap, mine included! Ask any writer out there, and they'll say that their final draft doesn't even remotely resemble the first draft. The difference between a so-so writer and a gifted writer is how much they're willing to edit their stuff. You should post some of your work! That being said, I've actually tried rewriting some of this, and I got an additional chapter finished, but a) I just don't feel the inspiration I did before the crash and I feel like the characters have totally changed personalities. So Ima try and edit it some this weekend, then maybe post it here. Keep on writing! -perfect
  8. I don't like working out. Mainly because I don't like the lifestyle I see accompanying it. I tried football this summer. The people there are such dicks to each other! Oh my God, they're so mean in the weight room! I went out for football in the first place to get ripped for all the girls. I realized how insanely dumb that was about ten minutes in. I mean, I stay active. I play lots of sports: tennis, basketball, baseball. Basketball is one of my loves in this world, and I play it about 3 times per week. I'm relatively healthy. I'm a bit on the heavy side, but so is everyone in my family, so I can't exactly be Taylor Lautner here. It's not in my genes. But I'm 6'0 and 215. And if people think that's gross or fat, they're idiots and they're not worth my time. **Sounds like a girl **Doesn't give af. Really, it's that I like being active, but I hate doing things for the sole purpose of working out. I want to have fun doing it. Basketball is fun for me. Staying on my feet doesn't get me ripped, but it keeps my head above the water, and that's really all I'm worried about. I may try that controller thing though. Sounds interesting lol.
  9. Thanks so much for posting this! Lots of lingering questions I've had have been answered with this. :)
  10. 115,000 characters would be pretty great. It would be good for Zombie Stories as well!
  11. Good to see you posting, Carbon. Though I came a bit too late to truly see what you've done, I know that you've left a lasting impression on this community. Oh, and great vid!
  12. Umm.... no. The Wave Gun blanks once every 30 or so shots for me, just about as often as the Thundergun does. I got two blanks in a row one time. It most certainly fails. Never seen a babymaker fail though. :D
  13. Ughhhhhh that's so far away. Not sure if I can take 4 more months of MW3.
  14. This. I mean, if you're gonna replace the best ballistic gun in Zombies of all time (MG42), at least replace it with something decent like the M60.
  15. Can't stand the iron sights on the RPK. HK ftw.
  16. I'm willing to bet that May 21 and September 24 are the dates of CotD and Shangri La!
  17. Can they even do that though? The name and everything to do with Zombies would all belong to Activision I'm guessing? activision own it all... it is inevitiable that activision will kill it if they keep up the yearly updates. its just a matter of time before something better comes along that offers more or atleast a new experince and cod will be doomed to the bargin bins (probably not for a few years). alot of people are already leaving the franchise because it rarely changes while other games wait until there is a decent upgrade before making a new game. I, myself will probably not buy the next cod game unless it has zombies (if it does have zombies i will buy it) im just kind of over the whole just getting new perks and guns thingo. i was not a huge treyarch fan at first (cod 3 was my first one) i have come to love them because they actually try to change it up abit... and given the small amount of time they are allowed to make the game they do a decent job. PLZZZ ACTIVISION DONT KILL OFF COD BECAUSE OF GREED it has made you a lot of money. /end rant... arrow to the knee Ehh... CoD has almost reached a religious level of popularity. Millions of people buy it simply because it says 'Call of Duty' on the cover. Take Black Ops multiplayer. Personally, I felt it sucked, and so did a lot of other people. We knew it wasn't going to be at the level MW2 was. But you know what happened? It became the best selling game of all time. It's like the Bible. Sometimes, certain editions are really, really awful, like those cheesy teenage Bibles that your grandparents get you for your birthday. But people still buy it. Why? Because it's the Bible, and you just can't not have the Bible. Perhaps that's a stretch, but I hope I'm getting my point across. Activision will learn. When MW4 or whatever it will be in a couple years sucks and doesn't do as well as others, they will understand that, in order to keep alive, they must change. Zombies is that change. It may be 10 years from now, when I'm playing on the Xbox 720, but I find it inevitable that Zombies will have its own game. Just my opinion. :)
  18. I'm pretty sure the water severely weakens the zombies. On round 38 I shot 1 scavenger shot into a horde in the water and killed them all. Can someone confirm this? If this is true, it could be a huge breakthrough. And one more thing, does anyone know how the rounds affect the time it takes for unshocked zombies to freeze in the water? You don't really need to kill them at round 100, all you need to do is weaken them to the point that within a few minutes they'll freeze in the water. It would be slow going, but much faster than the ak74u method. Sorry, I've just been thinking about how there has to be a better method than people are using. I've developed lots of possible strategies, just haven't gotten the chance to test it in the field yet. :D
  19. I don't really snipe much, but I would say that if I had to choose, it would be the MSR. The L118A distracts me. It's so ugly. They basically reused the model from CoD4. Plus, I'm pretty sure the MSR is more powerful. But I'd take the Barrett 50 Cal. over both of them. The rate of fire is outstanding, so if you get a hitmarker, you can recover with little to no effort. Throw an acog on and you basically have a really powerful MK14. Great for taking out dark corner campers as well as long range engagements. Just my thoughts though.
  20. Very good! I love the title! :)
  21. Edward, Kino I think? Guessing it's when he kills zombies. It's not Kino, but it is Richtofen that says that. At least, I've never heard him say this on Kino.
  22. Please don't use the CoD wiki on this, it's just not fair and ruins the fun for everyone. Okay, here's mine. Ima start out with an easy one this time, but I'll be back with harder ones later: "So much lead for the dead! Hahaha! I'm a poet, and I didn't know it!"
  23. If you're going tryhard, can't go wrong with Type 95 heartbeat sensor with dual FMG9's. However, I also really like the PP90M1 and the Striker. Nothing clears out a room better than the Striker. 8-)
  24. I'm not way2goo, but I just got finished with a high round Ascension run! 50 hours took me about 4 1/2 hours. 70 took about 7/12 hours. 80 took 10 hours. This is went I suggest going to sleep. 85 took 14-15 hours. 90 took 20 hours. 95 took at least 26 hours. Idk about 100, I got to 97 and died. D: Hope this helped! There's really a lot of factors that go into it, though. I made the mistake of not taking full advantage of the traps. Past, oh, 75 or so, I would suggest using those almost exclusively for killing. It's gonna take some more time, but I think it would be worth it in the end.
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