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Everything posted by Ourobos

  1. Speaking of patched glitches, the one on the roof top where you lay down is now patch also.
  2. Maybe I'm missing something, but how is the elevator moving with the power off?
  3. Banks pay YOU interested to save your money there nomrally. This bank doesn't charge interest to STORE it, or it's not supposed to. It costs to withdraw it, 10%. I've never seen any go missing from mine, unless my son played under my gamer tag and snuck a little out.
  4. ^ actually you just put a trample steam at the back window and funnel them all down the front. I like to put another trample up on the dragon ramp and camp in front of it with a svu, other three players on the roof deck. It's easy to hit 30 like this.
  5. Ourobos

    2 part pap?

    ^ I had this power room texture glitch also, before I turned the power on one game. It was cool, could see HIM just balled up down in the reactor. I was going to pull it up and upload it, but the stupid reel was corrupt.
  6. Ourobos


    Caps make people think you are yelling at them.. And you still haven't figured out what a period or comma is it seems.. On to your topic, I did find it unusual that on Nuketown, you have to set the counter to 115, then open the back perk door to get the secret song. Could be something similar with the bank, but I doubt it.
  7. I've stuck many zombies with stickies.. Never seen it.
  8. Ourobos

    Elevator trick

    I'd rather take my chances stabbing zombies with a butter knife while waiting 20 seconds for the elevator, than trying a trick which has a possibility of me plummeting to my death.. But thanks.
  9. I tend to see most player grab a PDW or AN-94..
  10. If so what is the other one by the trample steam? And what is the one upstairs?
  11. Quick Revive, Who's Who, and Speed will be in random elevators in the spawn building. One will be visible when you open the first spawn door, and it's the same one by the trample steam bench. The second is on the second floor by the PDW. The third is by the trample steam, through the couch debris you must clear.
  12. Ourobos

    Elevator trick

    And what purpose does it serve?
  13. I think you're overthinking it. On black ops 1, every additional map had the previous map load screen BEHIND the current map load screen.. Same is happening here.. Green Run (although upside down - whoopie), is behind the Great Leap Forward load screen. And where is this shadowy man you're talking about?
  14. ^ Exactly what I was going to say Caddy.. I've camped on the roof til low/mid 30s, it gets to much for 3-4 people after that.
  15. I'll guarantee I can survive longer than any of these people who use that exploit / glitch in a 'normal' setting. Look me up if you think using that to get to 100+ makes you better. ourobos420
  16. You got it at :13 and :23.. I think it's headshot damage. You can get a headshot knifing them in the head, which it appears you were doing.
  17. I'd call it a glitch too, and wish they'd fix it.
  18. I think Misty's "Who's for lunch now".. Means "Hey Zombie.. You're not eating ME..".. Samual on the other hand, wouldn't mind a zombie hamstring sandwich.
  19. I felt my stomach drop the first time I flung myself across that chasm.. Landed safely on the pink mattresses though.. Nice find.
  20. I'm yet to break 32 on it.. Been in the 40s on most others.. So it's a challenge.. (with 3 randoms of course, always a good challenge there.)
  21. I usually hold the roof / dragon into the 30s, anyone have a better place to go after than, 30s is about all 1-4 can seem to hold down up there.
  22. Easiest way to not shoot them is to set 3 trample steams up on the roof, by the dragon, right where the jump over the A/C units.. They land right on top of them. You might have 1-2 scragglers land on the back side with your party, just a group gouging does the trick on those.
  23. Denizens always attack me there.. You talking about by the church, near the ledge? Denizens are on me until I get over the ledge.
  24. I glitched out like that on Tranzit once.. One hit, or a denizen just touching me, instant down. Went away next time I played.
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