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James Dean

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Everything posted by James Dean

  1. Haha, That's cool. I do admit, The multiplayer maps look decent, But that's not enough to win me over. :facepalm:
  2. I really like Scrapyard, Terminal, And Estate. I despise Favela. Too much stuff going on with the enemy team.
  3. I'm adaptable to a new concept of zombies. It's the new characters that I'm not in favor of. There is a difference. I think that the original storyline needs to finish it's plot before switching into a jacked up pot of crap. If they want to branch out into different ventures in regards to zombies, Do it another time.
  4. If you are so upset over this DeckChairs, Why even buy it? Don't even waste your money if you feel that way.
  5. I voted, Screw this, Bring back the drunken soviet and crazy doctor. But, Since that's not happening, I'm inclined to say Sarah Michelle Gellar. Every little immature scuz is going to be jizzing their pants in the corner. :roll:
  6. I think that she should make some of Richtofen; By himself, With the other characters, And/Or with his Wundderwaffe. :)
  7. THis crap has got me scared to even play this game. I guess that I will have to wait until 10 years, Like with COD 1, When no one plays it anymore. The same goes with MW and MW2. :(
  8. How do you report someone without having to add them as a friend?
  9. This really sucks. It's hard to detect if you will be thrown into a modded match. There should be bans against this. No one cares, But if the shoe were on the other foot, The companies would be pissed. I know a person who had this happen to her on modern warfare 2. She got promoted to level 65 and it screwed up her stats. I hear that you have to change your username. There's nothing that you can do. I hope that you can, But I'm not sure as to what could be done. :?
  10. I had voted no. It's a Treyarch thing, Let's leave it at that. Treyarch does zombies well.
  11. It depends on who killed me. If it was a camper, Then I get number 3. I don't slam controllers or anything like that. Why do such a thing? I say that someone has a problem then. LoL.
  12. Campers and hackers/glitchers. That is the only problem with all online game play.
  13. Good theory and all, But where does the woman character fit into all of this if it were from the campaign? Unless she is the alter ego for the lady counting down the numbers.(Sarcasm) LoL.
  14. ? It has been confirmed that there will be 4 new characters. So, I'm not sure as to what you mean in your comment.
  15. Christ, The hit detection in multiplayer is a crock. You know that you shoot the player and they should go down, But they are still standing. That really ticks my clock.
  16. It's pretty much for the reasons listed by the OP of this thread. They will die if they don't use it. I haven't used second chance once. If I die, I die.
  17. I've gotten all of the zombie achievements except one zombie with 3 different traps, 75,000 points, And boarding up the windows; All in Shi No Numa.
  18. Yes, World At War is good. I like it much better than Black Ops.
  19. Shi No is great. I really enjoy all of the maps, But Der Riese is my special one Haha. It's where it all began, So it holds a special place in terms of zombie maps. The Verruckt sprint zombies creep me out. LoL. All of the maps have good points. Nahct is just so basic and that's why I enjoy it.
  20. I know what gameshare is, But don't know how to do it. I already have World At War, So I don't care about the maps for Black Ops really.
  21. More times than I can begin to count. Stupid, Stupid people. :roll:
  22. I don't have the hardened edition of Black Ops, But I'm almost pretty sure that WAW is so much more worse. The little 10 year olds are on WAW like white on rice. If at all possible, Do not play WAW with randoms. Once in awhile, You can find some people who aren't half bad, But that's usually at late night.
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