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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. Congrats you guys! I (and the rest of us reassuringly) are very proud of you guys! Now we move onto Maxis for the remainder of the Side Quest.
  2. PDW room: Very open area that allows one or two exits (disregarding elevators) in case of emergency and ammo will never be a problem. If you manage to have Who's Who and Quick Revive as your elevator perks, then you'll have unlimited fun. Sweatshop (directly below top of tower): If you have all the doors opened in that level, you can easily make several circles. There's an MP5 along the wall with the chance of obtaining the Pack-a-Punch machine and Juggernog/Double Tap II. There are several exits in this level if you begin to feel uncomfortable. Steam Tramp room: Tight spacing, but very effective training can still take place given that you know the various training techniques (you'll be doing lots of dragging). A B23R can be purchased on the wall, and the ever-so-popular Steam Tramp is a great defense tool for either the opening to the satellite tower, the space going into the adjacent room, or simply for the middle of the room to pop zombies easily. You'll also get the perk benefits of the PDW room, along with an escape path going down a level from the large opening on the side. Hotel Lobby (spawn): Believe it or not, the spawn is great for running quick circles. Timing is crucial if you decide to holdout in this room. There's an Olympia nearby with the PDW and SVU down below, and the entrance to the elevators are relatively close if you are controlling the train well-enough.
  3. Opposite colors - blue stands for Richtofen, whereas red/orange is for Maxis. For better clarification, you can use the pylon in Tranzit mode as an example. When you accomplish Maxis' side, it has reddish-orange sparks going up the tower. For Richtofen, it has a blueish spark charge. The dragon is a bit difficult to differentiate, considering that you have blue sparks all long the body and then the yellow-orange burst to display fire from the dragon. I believe the only thing that divides what side you've done in Die Rise is which dragon the sparks are mainly shown (near ramp/out of bounds).
  4. Just a few things from the update that some people may or may not have known: - power drop icons fade out rather than blinking rapidly - zombies will die out if left behind - power station glitch has been re-added; no more invisible barriers - updated red Insta-Kill skill - updated persistant Juggernog skill Quite a few players have not experiences some of these effects yet, possibly doe to the sudden hotfixes that have been coming in since the arrival of Die Rise. PS3 users shouldn't have any problems that are drastic yet.
  5. Not everyone. Or at least I didn't. I just don't understand how being the architect of their design has to do with the sparks of the dragon. I thought Richtofen wanted the crew to "mend the rift", and Maxis for something else. If the discovery team that completed the side could show us what exactly was constructed or even give a brief description of what's going on, that'd be helpful.
  6. Probably because other people would take the credit away. It happens all the time; someone (or some group) that is popular will be considered the "founder of the Easter Eggs/Side Quests while no one bothers to really think about the original founder. Nevertheless, it's making a hype right now for people to continue working on the Side Quest.
  7. Welcome to the community, friendo! You don't have any of the games with Zombies on them? Well then, you ought to give yourself some time to buy them! I'd suggest starting off at World at War since it's relatively cheap ($5!) and will get you right into the beginning of the zombie trilogy. But I'm glad that you love zombies, and are even paying close attention to it despite you not owning any of the games. I am very impressed! I hope to see you around often, and enjoy your stay. :)
  8. Well my word - looks like the zombie world has witnessed the first half of the Side Quest completed. Three whole days is not a bad timeframe for a given quest. Now all that's left is to solve the Maxis side and we'll bet set to go. Kudos to them. :)
  9. Any possibility that they could've time traveled via teleportation from Richtofen? I understand there is no logical reason behind such a power, but if he has the power to rewind time (like you previously mentioned in your "Richtofen Taking/Giving Life" thread), I'm fairly certain they could have gone into the future. Great Leap Forward has a few technological advances that we have never seen in any of the maps before.
  10. I can fairly believe that having a whole team insert their Tranzit NavCard into Die Rise's reader would possibly trigger something, but I'm certain it has already been done with no spontaneous reaction. Perhaps it unlocks more of the Side Quest. I see the table as some kind of additional energy source or micro chip that will bypass certain functions in an event. For instance, say that the Side Quest contains a step in which we must allow/disallow a receptor or satellite to transmit/recieve energy signals. Hence, the there seems to be a NavCard table near a pylon/energy device.
  11. Good observation! I was under the assumption that projectors typically have a jittery display, especially when doom is imposed on Earth. It won't hurt to try it out - we need all the hidden messages we need. Keep 'em coming, friendo!
  12. I haven't experienced any of the said side-effects from using the Who's Who perk, but I hope I don't come across them. I'll agree - the perk is absolutely wonderful and really gives the player a second chance to fight for their lives or begin anew (hehe, see what I did there?). It's great if you feel uncomfortable relying on other teammates due to the formation of each level and tower, yet it doesn't make it extremely easy to have unlimited lives. There is one minor glitch I came across while using it: the good ol' infinite Who's Who mode. I'm not sure what exactly triggered it, but apparently my original body was on top of an elevator when I was downed by a zombie. I went into WW mode, only to discover that it was too late to save my original self because it was about to be squished against the ceiling. Usually, the game would automatically place you back in regular form, but with whatever you've obtained in the perk mode. This instance, however, kept the same colorful scheme and I was seeing light distortion throughout the whole game as if I were still using Who's Who. It was very exciting, but I went down 10 minutes later due to the Steam Tramp. :?
  13. If you canceled out of the hotfix dialogue, I'm pretty sure the glitch will still remain. I refused to accept the hotfix because the last time I agreed to it, I couldn't connect to Live for the life of me. I'm pretty sure that if you try to join a lobby with a person who has the hotfix, it'll say that the settings are not the same and you need to accept the hotfix. Goodbye four-man Sliquifier lobbies, hello race for the Wonder Weapon.
  14. I'm assuming there is a set number of zombies you must kill in order to activate Maxis' quote. Perhaps you do have to kill around 100 zombies in order for it to be triggered. The same happened with the 115 collection spree on Tranzit; however, the number was about 30-ish.
  15. Film reel/some kind of saucer anyone? Colorado/Ducle Base to China via teleportation. The Earth in its state before arriving in China. Silhouette of Samuel and some zombies alongside the satellite tower. Upside-down post card from Tranzit/Bus Depot (credit to Flammen). Those are each individual areas that you guys will want to identify crucially. Here is the image of the tear-shape you see when looking at the whole image: Similarities?
  16. Supposedly, you get it when you go down while not killing any zombies as you're being revived. The fact that you go this on Solo is quite interesting (unless you didn't have Quick Revive); perhaps you died right as you killed a zombie?
  17. Maxis speaks of searching for decades via television broadcast found in Green Run's Farm. Nobody will argue with you about the fridge and bank; more than likely it's just a game mechanic made to enhance the desirability to play. Their memory may essentially be wiped out. But if it is wiped out and it's not due to time travel, then what cause it?
  18. Great little theory, friendo! I'm glad you find that Richtofen does not have some time travel power. I'm not saying that it's not possible, it's just that...well, the power has never been brought up or displayed before even when Samantha was in power. The events that occurred in Green Run are presumably debatable regarding to the timeline. For what we know, Green Run is just a small town with the basic locations of any typical area. Before arriving in Hanford, they could have visited various other locations similar to the town. China is a bit different story. I personally believed that the ending of the cutscene was actually the beginning of the actual event, and vice versa for the intro. Deja-vu seems to be the controversial concept at hand, and should be considered in every theory like this accordingly. If I recalled correctly, the N4 still has their weapons from the introduction cutscene (Marlton has the SVU, Misty with an SMG[?]). Keep up the ideas/concepts friendo! :)
  19. Thank you for clearing up the confusion, friendo. Much appreciated. I will see if I can translate the billboards/posters. Most of them happen to be calendars and symbols, but I will still see if any have some meaning behind them as well.
  20. Glith or not, the Sliquifier is a death trap. It's nice for everyone to have and is all fun and games until you begin to experience some serious side effects. Let me put up a little scenario for you all: You and your team get your hands on the Sliquifier. Laughing can be heard through the headsets/TV, shouts of joy shortly after followed by a "Oh dude/dudette, we should all go into one room and spray all across the floor!" Your team heads into, say, the Steam Tramp/PDW room to begin your experiments. The first few rounds of having the weapon, everyone is having a blast, shooting some purple goo here and some more goo there, as if Barney the Dinosaur himself came in and rolled around the room leaving his magic purple color to infest the flooring as Mr. Clean adds some bubbles for effects. Suddenly, hordes of zombies come rolling in faster than a freight train. You grab your Sliquifier adamantly, thinking that this will be cake walk. Upon shooting the floor, you and your team realize that there are more zombies than 12 year-old squeakers on Multiplayer. There's a shooting frenzy with goo covering every inch of the area, and everyone (including your team) begins to slide back and forth with only the walls halting your movement. One teammate slides into a horde who was sliding at the same moment, and they go down. Another teammate tries to save the day and revive them, but they can't stand still because the goo keeps them sliding like a penguin, thus preventing no revival. The other is acting defensively and shoots even more goo at the zombies and floor, almost creating a second layer of goo so the sliding fun doesn't stop. In all the excitement, you try to make an escape, only to slide right down the elevator shaft. While falling to your eminent demise, you begin to wonder if having the whole team equipped with the Sliquifier was such a great idea. Friendos, think wisely before you make a bad decision. Even if this scenario has never happened to you, it's only one of the many freak scenarios that can occur. Also, say no to drugs.
  21. Traveling BACK to Green Run, hence it being where we first begin our adventure and then return to China to redo everything? I actually think that's a unique and rather plausible concept. I know I was one of the few that did not believe Richtofen has the supernatural power to suddenly reverse the flow of time just so the crew could successfully accomplish his set of tasks, but it makes the best sense at the moment. Although, isn't it Samuel that only speaks of déjà-vu? As for the broadcasts, the CDC member accurately describes the symptoms of those who survived the outbreak, to which Samuel (if you play as him) counters rather weakly to defend himself. Something along the lines of the symptoms possibly happening to anyone really rather than a prime suspect like him. Al the characteristics listed perfectly describe Samuel J. Stuhlinger. Remember: they should not be trusted. ;)
  22. It seems rather interesting, though it's a bit confusing. I'm not talking about your description of it, but the fact that there's so many tiles to consider in Die Rise. I've seen the tiles myself, and it's pretty odd why they'd be there. Even so, I'm fairly certain the lion tiles are for Maxis and the zombie ones for Richtofen. Because they haven't been brought up in the light of most recent steps, it could be one of the finalizing steps to the Side Quests. I am, unfortunately, siding with Richtofen since I chose his side in Tranzit, so I need to conure that pattern. I'll let you know as well if Inget any reaction to the the lion/zombie tiles. Thank you for posting to find, friendo. :)
  23. I think it'll be one of those "come and go" modes, where people will love it, become bored, then love it again. The mode itself is very unique and differs greatly from the average zombie-slaying style we've become attached to. I agree that there ought to be a bit more options to customize the match from. Essentially, you are repeating the same procedure of th and seek every time with no differences every match you play. Nevertheless, it's still a great mode to pass the time. Everyone's strategy is slightly varied, so it keeps you on your toes the whole time - especially if you become the human. ;)
  24. @PINNAZ: And that is where we are located, correct? This should mean that we ought to see the tower some distance away. I never noticed it when on top of the sweatshop, unless it was destroyed in the process. I apologize if this is the wrong area to discuss it, but I'm only saying this because some fragment of me wants to believe that the image was actually what was to become of the area in the future, yet it hasn't been built yet. I could just be losing my marbles, though.
  25. It's relatively easy if you have three players with the Steam Tramp and somebody with the Sliquifier covering the off-ramp next to the dragon. It'll be smooth sailing from there, considering that you are doing all this before Round 17 (otherwise, normal guns will not be very effective unless everyone had an AN-91 or some kind of heave assault rifle/LMG).
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