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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. The right way is your way. Not specifically a particular strategy, but rather what a person defines as fun and sensible to them. Perhaps my form of playing Zombies has to do with never hitting the Mystery Box, yet some high-round legend utilizes the Box in order to hit the 100's. Does that mean my strategy is in the form of "playing incorrectly"? Absolutely not. It may be insufficient in terms of a speed-run, but in no way can anyone else coin it as a bad way to play Zombies. I bought the damn game(s) with my hard-earned money, let me play it the way I want to. I'm not obstructing anyone else's fun while doing it, so why should it concern them how I tend to slaying freakbags?
  2. You weren't totally incorrect, though. You claimed that the location of Nuketown and any area in Nevada really contained some traces of 115. It isn't to say that any operatives working in Broken Arrow couldn't take part in the 115 excavation from the location of Nuketown. After all, the drilling is what unearthed the element thus brought the fallen Black Ops and Spetnaz soldiers into zombies, killing off the radiation scientists soon after. I would think that Broken Arrow would want to confiscate and erase any data related to it. Aliens may not have "buried" anything in the area, but the concept of them being a part of it is not all excluded.
  3. You wanna talk glitches? Go mosey yourself down over to Buried - glitch heaven. I feel that a glitch done purely out of genuine fun is decently acceptable. For instance, glitching early in the rounds is not going to do any harm so long as it doesn't screw with anyone else beyond horde control. Now if you're aiming for high rounds while using said methods, then it falls into the no-no category. Glitching is just a factor in player morals. Either you have them, or you don't. If you don't like what you see, then leave the game. In Black Ops II, it will surely kill the glitchers' fun.
  4. These connections are extremely solid, I must say. There are confirmed reports of 115 within Area 51 according to the Data Servant file sin the Black Ops Terminal (which is certainly not far off from Nuketown's location). Nuketown held as a testing grounds that were not meant for actual people to be in nor near it. Thus, to say that Broken Arrow is in relation to Nuketown is very plausible. I'd like to see more theories like this. Haven't read something like this in a good while. Cheers friendo.
  5. See, when people act like brats with having a team full of mics, then it becomes a problem. I appreciate the cooperation and don't mind interacting/communicating with you some other way, but maybe I can't be bothered to plug mine in? Maybe my wife is talking to me about something she saw on Pinterest or I have some good buds over and they want to see how I rock my Zombies or how about the obvious? I don't feel like having my mic in. Unless we're doing some Side Quest that really needs someone with the knowledge of the steps, you may never hear my voice outside of regular Multiplayer.
  6. Knew you'd keep coming back, Undad. Wipe those tears away - only blood is allowed here.
  7. Rank images have been uploaded. Note that they are only temporary until we can get the other ranks in. Tallies/perk shields/perk bottles/whatever will be implemented when a consensus about which image to use is made. Until then, enjoy your new ranks. Edit: The only missing rank is Zombie God. For those who have >5,000 posts, I apologize for your image-less rank.
  8. Wonderful conclusion, friendo! It's finally relieving to see the actual location of Der Riese instead of guesstimating its location. A quick question: are the teleporter images similar to Kino der Toten's?
  9. Great guide here! As an avid Moon player, I love discovering new strategies to high rounds after completing the Easter Egg. I often find myself running around the Mule Kick rock with the zero gravity assisting my last-second evades, but that's just me. A question: how do you go about trapping the cosmonaut in the "useless" tunnel (high I'm assuming is Tunnel 6)? I would think that you could do something with the excavators, but I'm not sure if that work.
  10. MMX: Craig told me multi-tiers that allow a choice of rank is not possible. It could be done, but would require a large amount of coding that we are not sure how to accomplish, nor do we know if it affects other system codes/mods. We are settling for simplicity at the moment. If we can learn of doing multi-tiers, then we'll see to it. Glad to see that everyone is liking these! Slade did a terrific job whipping up some of these (and his rendering puts mine to shame haha). Also, the list is starting to fit nicely.
  11. These are how they look side-by-side. Apart from the discussion of bottles vs tallies vs shields, the title bars will look great in that bit font. I understand it's a tad small to read, but worst come to shove, we'll use a different font for it. Rankings can be pre-determined based off power and level of "zombification strength" like MMX said. Also PINNAZ, I would love to be a little German girl. Here is the cosmonaut image.
  12. Definitely looks like the same texture but just a different color. I would still rock something like that in Multiplayer if I had the change (money) to do so.
  13. At Disneyland California Adventure with the Mrs. West coast for life!

    1. Rissole25


      Awesome. Make sure to say hello to Mickey!

    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      sounds awesome!

    3. Boom115
  14. I think what Slade came up with is brilliant. I did the text the same way; it's just how the for is. We can make it a tad bigger but it will come off as awkward. Otherwise, we can try a different font. Also, Slade, let's work something out with this since we both are on the same page yeah? PM me so we can get down an dirty. ;)
  15. I go away for two measly hours, and you friendos blow up the entire thread. Touche. I don't have the Gas Zombie image separated yet because it's actually one image of the title + bottles, but I can get to cutting it tonight. Hopefully people like the idea of boss-related titles. As far as the tallies/bottles/shield thing, I've set up a poll to determine what should be done. We seem to be at an odd standstill of what is wanted. The tallies work well, but so do the shields. And then the bottles can be stacked very efficiently.
  16. Welcome to the fam, friendo! There's so much to do here, that you might find yourself becoming a zombie! (But don't worry - we have a little cure for that. ) Enjoy your stay, and feel free to ask any and all questions.
  17. Welcome to the family, friendo! There isn't much that Shooter or the Tech Bot has already covered, but there are many good reads within the General Zombies forum as well as the Forum Games. You'll find yourself...ahem...staying forever. Enjoy your slaying time!
  18. Well that's assuming we can't change where it says "Donor" (in example of PINNAZ) into an image. If so, then we can separate the two to make the perk bottles represent post count and the rank title represent the name itself.
  19. Thanks, Mr. PINNAZ! Here is something I whipped up quickly. Bear in mind, this is how perk bottles + boss images work together. Note that each are part of one image, even though it looks like several. I can make tier-style images in which the boss title may change but the perk bottles do not. In that case, we can have groups. The titles will always change, but each perk bottle will represent the group. In this case, we have Mr. PINNAZ with the rank of "Gas Zombie" (Rank 7 based on MMX's list) and Tier 4 with the Juggernog perk added.
  20. So after talking a bit with Craig, there are a few limitations (and non-limitations) that were discovered: - Each title/rank is prepped according to post count. That being said, the ranking system can't exactly be switched manually as Rissole mentioned. You can only start from Human and work your way up with no manual control over what title you have. - Tallies can be recounted so they go past, say, 10. It's a matter of repeating single tallies to make it look consecutive. Lovely suggestions from everyone, but it seems we have a mixed opinion on how the images should be setup, haha. Some are calling for single images with a lone picture relating to a particular boss (think of a userbar for instance). Others are saying to stack up the images like they are now. Either or can be done, but I'm afraid that both are not possible. That is, unless we make one larger (vertical) image where you can have the main, exact rank at the top and the current stack level (tallies) on the bottom. Something to that effect at least.
  21. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/156712-all-bo2-story-quotes-scripted/ If you scroll down onto the Mob of the Dead area, you'll find the long paragraphs where each characters gives some backstory about their personal lives when downed.
  22. The mode of transportation was planned correctly but poorly executed. Just as Rissole said, having the lights in a certain pattern instead of order would be extremely beneficial to help out other teammates if downed in a certain area of the map. Nothing ticks me off more than being unable to save someone because I've been portal hopping for more than a minute. The bus route worked well. Cons if you stayed on for too long or screwed around, yet beneficial is used for a strategy with multiple people. Traps are my biggest concern. If you don't have the Zombie Shield, everything is practically useless. The Turbine is essential to get everything working, but that's about it as far as assistance goes. They made it up over time, but the damage was already done.
  23. It looks like a graphics glitch, as if someone hit them with the Staff of Fire+ and the fire texture never went away. Kind of similar to the Staff of Lightning+'s spark ball that often sticks out of the ground for the rest of the match.
  24. Stand at the left corner of the open barricade near Juggernog. Pan up and aim the Tomahawk crosshairs right at the light post directly above you on the hill. Just jump and at your highest point, launch that sucker. I would never recommend the Gondola because of timing issues.
  25. Sounds more suited for, say, a Search & Destroy match. Gives you more time to drink so you savor every drop of bliss. I dare you to try that in Domination, though. I found a new ritual that seems to give me the upperhand before starting a Zombies match: one Caprisun must be sacrificed and two Hot Pockets must reside within my belly immediately before starting.
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