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Why trayarch waiting a year is the greatest decision trayarch ever made

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Many people assume that trayarch waiting a year and letting sledge hammer come in to the roster was a bad move, and in some cases they'd be right: 


-Less sales of new games 

-Less hype durring downtime

-Generally disappointed fan base. 


But today (Whilst waiting for a lecture to end) I got thinking on all the POSITIVES created by the extra year: 



To start off: Three words: Next Generation Consoles  


Whilst Ghosts and Advanced warfare CLAIM to be epic on the new gen. NEITHER game will be as epic as COD 2015. Why you ask? Because no matter what they say, Ghosts and Advanced warfare at the end of the day, still hold the collar of last-gen consoles. BOTH games have to be ported back to the 360 or PS3. (Keep quiet PC, we all know your gaming system set up is superior) That REALLY puts the ball and chain on the abilities of game-makers. Sure a few things can be changed to run better (Just look at arkham origins, yikes….) but it still is dead wait, that won't be cut off until 2015. 


2015 marks the year that the excess fat of the 360 and PS3 gets cut off. Games created after that date will typically be for Next-gen (Or actually then it should be called "current gen") consoles. Everything after that is all PS4 and XBONE. 


2: Previous Games: 


It didn't occur to me this recently but, COD BO2 will likely sell better then any COD before it. 



People WANT zombies, it's pretty apparent. And try as Archer and Samantha Cross may, they just don't compare to our favorite Nazi-schizaphrenic-illuminati-body-swapping- overlord and Psychotic child. People will buy BO2 play the zombies and realize they like it. They'll want more but have to wait. SO instead they buy DLC, and when THAT's not enough they move on to buy BO1 and WAW games, and then from THERE they move into CUSTOM zombies. It's like a world-wide tourist trap for gamers. 


Honestly it's borderline illegal how much of a monopoly it is. They're cutting off the supply to make us BEG for what comes next like cheep coke-whores. 




The biggest disadvantage to waiting a year is also the game's biggest asset: SO many people will build up craving to scour maps and bash in heads it won't even be funny!  (I can see gamestop now on release day… Shudder…) The sheer number of people craving to play repetitive gameplay and discover every map is going to be UNREAL. It's worth pre-ordering the pre-order… Or at least pre-ordering the spot in line you want. 


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Or, more likely, Activision told them "Sledgehammer Games is going to make the next Call of Duty game, so you will make your game release in 2015 instead. Understood? Good." and they had to deal with it. Treyarch never made that decision.


Also, Mocking, I really do enjoy your posts (most of the time anyway), but I feel I speak for everyone when I say this. Trayarch is spelt T r e y a r c h, not T r a y a r c h. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel changing that would really affect the amount of replies your threads have.


I definitely agree with the next-gen stuff. Without having to make a playable and barely changed game on the PS3/360, they will save time with development which will be used to better the current product, and will also allow them to make more innovative leaps with map size and detail. I don't want them to increase the amount of zombies on the map, however, as I feel 24 is an adequate amount for everyone. 

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I think you might be over thinking it, as Mitchy pointed out.

Activision wants to make money, and having a third developer doesn't change theie agreement with the previous two makers, but allow them the extra timeline to follow through, theoretically better product for the same $$$.

But your points are excellent, that having to wait an extra year is great. Hardcore zombie players will continue to play classic zombies, no matter how many new games available until the next zombies.

I haven't played anything other than zombies since BO1, and that is unlikely to change. I know there are many others like me, that are still looking to up their highs.

After all, you can't really defeat zombies, you can't only try to survive longer. That's the ultimate addiction and why we keep going back.

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I don't believe Treyarch's next CoD title will be next-gen only.

Ubisoft for instance said that only after 2015, they'll stop making AC games for 360/PS3 because of the hardware limitations.

I can see Activision doing the same thing. Especially since they have a timed-exclusivity deal with a company who's latest console is not selling very well.

And this CoD will only truly be amazing once it's next-gen only is too optimistic thinking.

Sledgehammer says they're taking full advantage of the next-gen systems, and AW is getting ported back to last gen by another developer.

That dev will just cut or severely limit any features that are too much for the last gen versions.

Like Shadow of Morder had a very intricate and complex ai system -- the Nemesis System -- which they simply scaled back and simplified a lot on the last gen consoles.

And seeing how pretty much every next-gen only game being released can't even hit a 4 year old standard - 1080p and 60fps. I doubt the first next-gen only cod game is going to be that much different from the crossplatform ones.

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Fine, then re-name the title: Why Treyarch getting pushed a year back is the greatest thing Activision has ever done for them.





Please, I really don't think TREYARCH (See i'm learning, also I have to fix my computer's auto-correct…) is dumb enough to make a 360 or Ps3 variant for the next game. 


Look at BO2, that game PUSHES what each map can do to the LIMIT with previous-gen. tech.  It's full of glitches, it worked treyarch to the bone, SO MANY REPEATED CHARACTER QUOTES. 


I REALLY wouldn't expect a 360 version of zombies again, unless it gets ported from the WII U version and not the XBONE. >:)   Zombies has evolved to the point where 10 year old, sorry, next year it will be 11, year old technology is NOT going to be able to compete with other games.  Don't see the difference? PLAY Arkham origins for the 360, it's DISGUSTING how glitchy and poorly apt it is. 




Also, at this point just get the console this christmas, it's already dumbed down to what… 300$ That's a 200$ish XBONE during 30% off sale, could you imagine Black friday? GEEZ…. That's less then a week's salary for me! You don't even have to sell your 360! 








But my main point is that it would be UNBELIEVABLY stupid to even BOTHER with old gen after 2014: 


- Better development allowances

- Don't have to pay an extra group to port it back

- LEAST amount of limits. 

- By the time it comes out (presumed to be November) the XBONE would be out for everyone for 3 years, PLENTY of time to switch over. Moreso, it's obvious that COD and Xbox are good buddies, and let's face it: Typically people play the latest COD (or COD zombies) force them to play the XBONE version=Force them to purchase an XBONE. 

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It would hold back PS4/Xbox One, but it's not up to Treyarch to not make a PS360 version. That's all Activision. We know they love money, and a lot of people still have 360's and PS3's. If there's money to be made there, they will make it.

It's possible they won't, but for me that is a low chance. Now if we're talking about Ghosts 2/CoD 2016, that has a much higher chance of no PS360.

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Why? How can you predict how many players will own a XBONE next year? Like I said, XBONES are DIRT cheep now, not like last christmas where they were 500$. They are 200$ cheeper now, almost HALF of what they were worth. Anyone who's anyone will defiantly buy one NOW.  Remember there's a christmas and at least one birthday for everyone between now and then, giving them ample opportunity. Not to mention, during the last console change, games like Halo stopped creating old-gen games 2 years after it was released. COD 2015 will be 3 YEARS after release of the console, as it it's self is released in NOVEMBER (practically 2016).



And like I said, there's NO way zombies would run smoothly on a 360 again. Not if more content is added. 

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But that's the price in USA, remebet that there are players in Europe, South America... where the prices can be different.

Maybe you are tired to hear, but here in Brazil an PS4 still sits around R$2400 (around 1000$, and correct me if I'm wrong about its price), which will keep most players around here with the previous gen consoles. And I believe we're not few, and they will still look out a bit more for the previous gen, otherwise they'll lose a good amount of players. And it's not just about players in here. About half of the COD community are casual players (like, play for ~4 hours per week), and they most likely won't buy the new consoles.

Edited by Zetha
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Why? How can you predict how many players will own a XBONE next year? Like I said, XBONES are DIRT cheep now, not like last christmas where they were 500$. They are 200$ cheeper now, almost HALF of what they were worth. Anyone who's anyone will defiantly buy one NOW.  Remember there's a christmas and at least one birthday for everyone between now and then, giving them ample opportunity. Not to mention, during the last console change, games like Halo stopped creating old-gen games 2 years after it was released. COD 2015 will be 3 YEARS after release of the console, as it it's self is released in NOVEMBER (practically 2016).



And like I said, there's NO way zombies would run smoothly on a 360 again. Not if more content is added. 



Link me to one of these "dirt cheap" xb one's  they are still $500 everywhere

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The One and PS4 lack killer apps. 

I don't care how much one or the other costs, as long as both don't have triple A exclusives yet, like Gears of War 4 or Uncharted 4, I'll hold off on getting one.


Blops 2 Zombies pushed the decades-old cod game engine to its limits. Not the actual console hardware.

It's all about how powerful your engine is. If they had gotten let's say, Unreal Engine 3, for zombies in BO 2. It would've looked, performed and played 20 times better.

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Do you expect them to get a better engine for the last game to walk out on 360? I sure don't. 



Also, I just saw an add the other day for a Xbox ONE: 299$ (Walmart I think) NOW, I've heard rumors and I'm not sure if there's anything inferior about the 300$ one, but, when you get down to it, it's a 299 dollar XBONE. And it's not even black friday yet. 



Every single one of you act like you WANT the game to be for 360/PS3… Why? Why would anyone want that? 

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We have said multiple times that it is Activision who would decide these things. Do you seriously think the 360 is not a viable market anymore? That is still the home of CoD.

Not everyone can afford to upgrade, not everyone wants to upgrade. Don't assume what we're thinking. For me, I am thinking realistically.

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Realistic is far from it. 


Also, It doesn't matter if treyarch or activision or even sledgehammer made the decision. It would be stupid for whomever to NOT use the one/4…. 


The market is going to push the XBONE in every way it can. This makes it so people buy their one's, increase profits, and can buy more games which will grow to become more and more focused on upgraded tech. It's all a game of persuasion. Eventually every market game will jump on. The bigger games will likely be pushed even more: 



Let's say X% of Xbox COD players play COD for zombies. Which is going to entice MORE people to spend more money? 


-Purchase a new console, and a game. 

-Spending MORE cash to port a game to the 360 and less people upgrade. 


On one hand, players could refuse to buy the new console, which would have made sense, IF a large number of players haven't had already upgraded and XBONEs were still their original price of… What 600$? IDK… 

But this isn't the world of a year ago, this is the world of a year FROM now. 

Meaning, the other hand is more reasonable, by pushing the remaining resistant players to buy the next console with what will likely be the biggest COD until 2018 it's more likely Microsoft, Activision, AND Treyarch will make the MOST profit. (Because Activison and Treyarch don't have to port back.) 





As further proof: "Xbox 360 sold 5,930,609 units in it's first year" XBONE sold 2 million in the first 24 hours." 


And if that's still not convincing enough: 


"Comparatively, Xbox One consoles have sold at a rate of 2.29 times faster than Xbox 360 in the U.S. in the same time frame for the first three months on the market."

Edited by Stop mocking me0
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ill say this to mocking me's point, the fastest way to get me to buy an xbox one would be to make cod 2015 xb one ps4 exclusive with no previous gen release


but about the "dirt cheap" xbox one's i think you're crazy mate, i just looked at walmart and just like before the xbox one sans kinect is $399 with kinect its $499 just like it has been

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I don't plan on upgrading to an xbox one until the release of CoD 2015, and even then it will be dependant on my friends upgrading also.


I was completely convinced that CoD 2015 would be next gen only but the current gen of consoles market is still far too large and strong, so alas I expect Treyarch's title to definitely be on the PS3/360 now.


If that is the case, then expect zombies and the maps to not be too dissimilar to the ones features in BO2 in terms of size and of course, limitations. :(

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uggg….. Ironic paradoxes:


No good games for the next gen---> Nobody wants to upgrade----> Nobody buys next gen---> Next gen market is smaller then old gen---> No good games are made without old gen limits-----> No good games for the next gen. 



The paradox ends as soon as games that ARE good come out for the XBONE and PS4 only, like for example: Arkham Knight, Sunset overdrive, Quantom Break, and with hope: COD 2015. 




Nobody wants a console because there are no games, no game-makers want to make games because there are no people with upgraded consoles. 


But at the end of the day: 


+90% of CODZ players do NOT want something as bad as BO2.

+90% of CODZ players do NOT want to wait and EXTRA 2-3 years for a fully functional game with no limitations. 

100% chance of increase in XBONE profits should a COD game be made EXCLUSIVELY for the XBONE. 





I am NOT waiting an EXTRA 3 years after 2015 for a game that runs smooth. We're already waiting an extra year! HELL! I'll be out of college by the time a good zombies game comes out. By then I hope they end the series! That's ridiculous and unfair to the AT LEAST 70% of CODZ players whom adore zombies. 

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They will continue making new games for both old-gen and new-gen regardless the numbers. Even more so, because statistics will tell you that more people own a 360/PS3 than their newest additions, and thus, more players are on said older consoles. Bear in mind that the 360 and PS3 are the first generation of consoles with high-Internet and global control in terms of playing. Sure, the Playstation 2 was capable of hooking up to the Internet and the original Xbox was also too, but never on such a grand scale like nowadays. Forcing people to upgrade their consoles for newly released games is a bad marketing choice; the only alternative are exclusive deals with the game itself (i.e. cheaper season passes, access to certain maps before anyone else, not pulling a Rezurrection/Hardened Edition for Black Ops scheme).

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In some cases, like FORZA HORIZON 2 and (another title I'm forgetting right now), last gen aren't getting any DLC.


This will ramp up until it simply won't be possible to get everything out of a title unless it's on next gen, COD ZOMBZZ included.


So just get a ONE/4 already!

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They will continue making new games for both old-gen and new-gen regardless the numbers. Even more so, because statistics will tell you that more people own a 360/PS3 than their newest additions, and thus, more players are on said older consoles. Bear in mind that the 360 and PS3 are the first generation of consoles with high-Internet and global control in terms of playing. Sure, the Playstation 2 was capable of hooking up to the Internet and the original Xbox was also too, but never on such a grand scale like nowadays. Forcing people to upgrade their consoles for newly released games is a bad marketing choice; the only alternative are exclusive deals with the game itself (i.e. cheaper season passes, access to certain maps before anyone else, not pulling a Rezurrection/Hardened Edition for Black Ops scheme).

The ability to connect to the internet is not an issue with either device. I'm a bit lost to why you would even bring that up. 


Also forcing new consoles is NOT a bad marketing choice, especially with something as big as a COD game: The most played FPS in the world. And even more-so a COD game with ZOMBIES one of the most enjoyed things by COD players. Anyone who's anyone will buy this game, and after 3 years, if microsoft (In league with activision, we know this, this is why xbox gets DLC early) doesn't provide some kind go push to get the next gen. console moving, nothing will. This is the BIGGEST push ANY game release can muster up. Period. No if-ands-or-buts about it. If anyone choses to let this slide, make an inferior game WHICH COSTS MORE TO PRODUCE, provide just about the clearest middle finger to the zombies lovers ever, and miss out on a perfect opportunity to provoke XBONE an PS4 sales, I will lose all faith in modern industry. 

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They will continue making new games for both old-gen and new-gen regardless the numbers. Even more so, because statistics will tell you that more people own a 360/PS3 than their newest additions, and thus, more players are on said older consoles. Bear in mind that the 360 and PS3 are the first generation of consoles with high-Internet and global control in terms of playing. Sure, the Playstation 2 was capable of hooking up to the Internet and the original Xbox was also too, but never on such a grand scale like nowadays. Forcing people to upgrade their consoles for newly released games is a bad marketing choice; the only alternative are exclusive deals with the game itself (i.e. cheaper season passes, access to certain maps before anyone else, not pulling a Rezurrection/Hardened Edition for Black Ops scheme).

The ability to connect to the internet is not an issue with either device. I'm a bit lost to why you would even bring that up. 


Also forcing new consoles is NOT a bad marketing choice, especially with something as big as a COD game: The most played FPS in the world. And even more-so a COD game with ZOMBIES one of the most enjoyed things by COD players. Anyone who's anyone will buy this game, and after 3 years, if microsoft (In league with activision, we know this, this is why xbox gets DLC early) doesn't provide some kind go push to get the next gen. console moving, nothing will. This is the BIGGEST push ANY game release can muster up. Period. No if-ands-or-buts about it. If anyone choses to let this slide, make an inferior game WHICH COSTS MORE TO PRODUCE, provide just about the clearest middle finger to the zombies lovers ever, and miss out on a perfect opportunity to provoke XBONE an PS4 sales, I will lose all faith in modern industry. 



The point I was making about the Intert-inclusive consoles is that more people will continue playing the 360 and PS3 for several years before they become an indefinite thing of the past. That being said, there will continue to be different console versions of games (Xbox 360/Xbox One) per game until the former become obsolete or until a vast majority of gamers have the next-gen consoles. 


And it is a bad marketing move because you need to look at how many people own the newest consoles versus their predecessors. Just because you thinking a popular game marketing exclusive on a new console is more appealing doesn't make it the correct move. I can promise you that the only reason Treyarch could make is because everyone is anticipating how the final of Call of Duty's developers will make a stand unlike what Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer produced. The smartest move will be to release the 2015 game on both consoles because there is a very large percentage of 360 players compared to One players. Cost is of no importance in terms of a game; either you have it, or you don't. Forcing an entire population onto a newer console - especially for one game - is petty. You might get a few lucky saplings willing to fork over that money, but ideally you want to broadcast your game to as much of the community as possible, not just one (One's audience).

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First off, I will reply to the fact that you said that BO2 was a bad game. It wasn't. The story, and lack of hidden things such as radios and general tiny EE's wasn't too great, but actual gameplay was fantastic. I really enjoyed it, and the gameplay is all a new console will really change.

I agree with the others, I think they'll probably still make 360/PS3 versions, because the market is too big. I know TONS of people not interested in getting a ONE/PS4 when they just got a 360 last year or the year before, plus many people just can't afford it. As one member said, it's also like 1K in some countries. I think those players will play the 360 version instead of forking over 1,060$ just to play a game. Activision LOVES $$$, and there's a LOT of that to be made in the 360 market, which let me remind you includes a large percentage of low-income players who can't afford a new console.

HOWEVER, I don't think this will hold the game back. As Advanced Warfare is said to be using an almost-completely new engine, I think the gameplay will be amazing. Plus, there is also the fact that another studio will most likely be porting it over, so 360/PS3 players can expect less features and overall not as good of an experience. Not saying a bad experience, but it'll be like the difference between PC and console Minecraft. Making it an incentive for fans to upgrade, but not ruining it for last-gen players either.

Maybe they'll be like GTA 5's upgraded version. Not all the DLC, less features, not as good graphics, you get the point.

I get the thing you mentioned about making players want to upgrade, I am upgrading this Christmas to finally play Dead Rising 3, but not everyone makes as much money as my family, or even wants to for one game.

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I Completely understand the viewpoint and reasoning behind where you're coming from. I just think that more people owning a device is irrelevant.


Take Super mario 3d World, big game of the mario series, released ONLY for Wii-U. Could TOTALLY work for the Wii, but doesn't. It's used as a ploy to drag mario fans to the next console. 


What it boils down to is: Will COD 2015 be used as a GIANT push to the next gen systems. OR will it be an average COD? This chance to pull this is NOT going to happen again, it's just not, no game will sell as much over the next 3 years. 


The money treyrach will make from the game is set, it's not changing. It WILL sell hundreds of hundreds of copys worldwide as well as DLC, be it for the XBONE only or 360.  No tactical plot to sell to the majorities is needed. THE MAJORITIES WILL FALLOW IT, AND if they don't then over the 3 years PRECEDING launch, players whom STAYED on the XBONE WILL STILL be buying the zombies. What ISN'T going to work is if the zombies is a ineptly, limited game which limits it to not be any better then BO2. 


So many people are forgetting that it's the QUALITY of the woman that sells it, not the availability of it...



Sorry I meant game  ;)




And speedo, people have bigger things to worry about then the next game if they can't afford a 500$ device and 60$ game… 


That may sound mean, but if they honestly can't get by after 3 years with no way to afford it, they don't NEED to be waisting money one a game…. Bit cruel but that's the way of capitalism: Get what you need, so you can then get what you want. 

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They will continue making new games for both old-gen and new-gen regardless the numbers. Even more so, because statistics will tell you that more people own a 360/PS3 than their newest additions, and thus, more players are on said older consoles. Bear in mind that the 360 and PS3 are the first generation of consoles with high-Internet and global control in terms of playing. Sure, the Playstation 2 was capable of hooking up to the Internet and the original Xbox was also too, but never on such a grand scale like nowadays. Forcing people to upgrade their consoles for newly released games is a bad marketing choice; the only alternative are exclusive deals with the game itself (i.e. cheaper season passes, access to certain maps before anyone else, not pulling a Rezurrection/Hardened Edition for Black Ops scheme).

The ability to connect to the internet is not an issue with either device. I'm a bit lost to why you would even bring that up. 


Also forcing new consoles is NOT a bad marketing choice, especially with something as big as a COD game: The most played FPS in the world. And even more-so a COD game with ZOMBIES one of the most enjoyed things by COD players. Anyone who's anyone will buy this game, and after 3 years, if microsoft (In league with activision, we know this, this is why xbox gets DLC early) doesn't provide some kind go push to get the next gen. console moving, nothing will. This is the BIGGEST push ANY game release can muster up. Period. No if-ands-or-buts about it. If anyone choses to let this slide, make an inferior game WHICH COSTS MORE TO PRODUCE, provide just about the clearest middle finger to the zombies lovers ever, and miss out on a perfect opportunity to provoke XBONE an PS4 sales, I will lose all faith in modern industry. 




he brought it up referencing that the sense of urgency to upgrade from PS2 --> PS3   and Xbox --> Xbox 360  was higher because the ps3/360 made internet connectivity and online multiplayer gaming much more prominent .  gone were the days to play 8v8 on halo you needed 4 xbox's and 15 friends.  the point was that since both the ps3/360 and ps4/xb1  are that way, and there isnt necessarily a feature on either next gen console that gives people an immediate urge to shell out $400-$500 to upgrade.

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