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Origins Jump Scare = The Frozen One = Emelia ?


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Hey it's my tweet ! :D Currently, I think it's also possible that "the frozen one" is Samantha or the man inside the MPD (or DPM or MDP wathever, I always forget), because in this universe, if the Howenwerfen Castle is the "Griffin Castle", I think that there is the Pyramid inside of it. And the man who use the Pyramid to get the power of the Ether is cryogenized. But my favorite theory it's the screamer of Origins. In his eye I think that we also can see the Tennen Mountain, which are the Austrian Mountain of the Howenwerfen Castle

Don't forget guys that the moutain must be searched for the frozen one !

Edited by Difntel
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3 minutes ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

On that note it's important to point out that the achievement for finding samantha and opening the MPD on moon is called "Cryogenic Slumber Party" meaning frozen....

I was pondering that earlier. My whole theory about Maxis now being in the MPD and Samantha being in Shangri La can still easily work, with or without the MPD being on the Moon. So I think the MPD is in Der Eisendrache this time and we will use the Summoning Key to unlock it, coax the Shadowman in there and have Maxis leave it. That is the only storyline path I can see at the moment, applying what I know about the old timeline and what we are theorising about this new one.

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2 hours ago, Nightmare Voyager said:

I was pondering that earlier. My whole theory about Maxis now being in the MPD and Samantha being in Shangri La can still easily work, with or without the MPD being on the Moon. So I think the MPD is in Der Eisendrache this time and we will use the Summoning Key to unlock it, coax the Shadowman in there and have Maxis leave it. That is the only storyline path I can see at the moment, applying what I know about the old timeline and what we are theorising about this new one.

Wow, nice theory guy ! But why use the Summoning Key on it ?

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5 minutes ago, Difntel said:

Wow, nice theory guy ! But why use the Summoning Key on it ?

It has space for an orb, which used to be the egg but I don't think we will get that so we could easily use the Summoning Key. Also it has the Shadowman in. I believe the MPD was actually meant to be used by using the Summoning Key to acquire souls, it would then be taken to the MPD to feed it those souls. After which it would open the MPD. But the Shadowman is also in there and is alluded to not being dead. So I believe we will use it to fill the MPD in a ritual style, as opposed to killing so many zombies in Moon, and then coax the Shadowman in there.

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1 hour ago, Nightmare Voyager said:

It has space for an orb, which used to be the egg but I don't think we will get that so we could easily use the Summoning Key. Also it has the Shadowman in. I believe the MPD was actually meant to be used by using the Summoning Key to acquire souls, it would then be taken to the MPD to feed it those souls. After which it would open the MPD. But the Shadowman is also in there and is alluded to not being dead. So I believe we will use it to fill the MPD in a ritual style, as opposed to killing so many zombies in Moon, and then coax the Shadowman in there.

Why would we want shadow Man IN the MPD? Wouldn't that be counter productive? Also the so called great evil should already be in there if it the MPD was powerfull enough to corrupt richtofen by that time. 

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6 hours ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

On that note it's important to point out that the achievement for finding samantha and opening the MPD on moon is called "Cryogenic Slumber Party" meaning frozen....


I wonder if "The Frozen One" is "Amelia" (Kino Der Toten Wall writing)


I'm still waiting for her to be included in the story. I think that would be pretty cool. 

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18 hours ago, Black Hand Smith said:

Why would we want shadow Man IN the MPD? Wouldn't that be counter productive? Also the so called great evil should already be in there if it the MPD was powerfull enough to corrupt richtofen by that time. 


The MPD is a prison really, you have less power in it than Richtofen thought. He can't control the zombies, otherwise he would make them not attack the N4. He just needed access to the Aether so he could find Agartha too. The Shadowman being in the MPD would only let him change the zombie eye colours, contact the characters and grant drops. Being in the MPD does not mean control over the undead and ultimate power, Agartha does.


Also I am putting my cards on the table that the Frozen One is either Maxis (if the MPD is not on the Moon), the Mexican or some old character like Peter, Pernell, Porter, Yena or I guess Amelia, since that name always bothered me. Does that mean in one world, Samantha was friends with Misty, but a different Misty to the one in BO2?

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7 hours ago, Nightmare Voyager said:


The MPD is a prison really, you have less power in it than Richtofen thought. He can't control the zombies, otherwise he would make them not attack the N4. He just needed access to the Aether so he could find Agartha too. The Shadowman being in the MPD would only let him change the zombie eye colours, contact the characters and grant drops. Being in the MPD does not mean control over the undead and ultimate power, Agartha does.


Also I am putting my cards on the table that the Frozen One is either Maxis (if the MPD is not on the Moon), the Mexican or some old character like Peter, Pernell, Porter, Yena or I guess Amelia, since that name always bothered me. Does that mean in one world, Samantha was friends with Misty, but a different Misty to the one in BO2?

If the MPD truly were a prison why would the creators allow for the being inside the MPD to communicate with the outside world? A true prison would have made sure the prisoner would not be capable of forming an escape plan with outsiders

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14 hours ago, Nightmare Voyager said:


The MPD is a prison really, you have less power in it than Richtofen thought. He can't control the zombies, otherwise he would make them not attack the N4. He just needed access to the Aether so he could find Agartha too. The Shadowman being in the MPD would only let him change the zombie eye colours, contact the characters and grant drops. Being in the MPD does not mean control over the undead and ultimate power, Agartha does.

To the contrary it does, based on Richtofen and Samantha calling them their minions, Sam saying killing them gives him more power, saying it was more fun when she was in control, telling the zombies to say hello to Richtofen when she kills them, scorning them after blowing their legs off, saying Richtofen should have given them stronger legs, as well as begging Maxis to make him stop. 


I cannot see the sense in TSM being in the MPD. They have 'dark dreams' about a shadow-I don't think they'll be giving him the "ULTIMATE POWER BASTARD." lol

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The ultimate power is Agartha. There is no thing good about being in the Aether. Why would Richtofen control the zombies and make them attack the very players he wants to help him? I can't see the logic in it. The only time I think they are in full control is when they are in Agartha, hence why they even bother going there. I can't even be bothered to explain it anymore.

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1 minute ago, Nightmare Voyager said:

The ultimate power is Agartha. There is no thing good about being in the Aether. Why would Richtofen control the zombies and make them attack the very players he wants to help him? I can't see the logic in it. The only time I think they are in full control is when they are in Agartha, hence why they even bother going there. I can't even be bothered to explain it anymore.

Your explanation is clear, man, but it contradicts known canon, i.e., all the examples I gave. The comments from

Richtofen and Sam are blatant evidence of the power the MPD holds. The best explanation I have for the fact that he was unable to control the zombies in BO2 very well was because Maxis was also fighting for control, so his signal was probably experiencing a lot of interference from Maxis, and the rivalry caused a tug-of-war for power that diminished the occupant of the MPD's control, a situation which Samantha did not experience, as she was not her dad's rival. 

Also, when Maxis triumphs he says 'now I control the Aether's energy,' indicating that there has indeed been a bit of shared power there, as with Richtofen, who is only capable of completely destroying Maxis when he recieves full control of the Aether's energy and gets transferred into Samuel, meaning he no longer is in the MPD, and therefore, no longer has that control. 

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No the real power is in the Aether guy, but the DPM (is it the good name ? I never know), is only a way to go in the Aether with his soul.

When you go in the Aether, you don't have the full power of the Aether like what expected Richtofen, that's why Richtofen and Maxis in BO II want to activate the polarization device with the towers on all the map (reference to HAARP project also).

If you activate that tower you got all the power of the Aether yep, that's what happen in the Buried's ending.

How do you know that Agartha is the true power ? It's never mentionned... But it's only the Vril-Ya kingdom. You can go in Agartha only if you prove worthy to resolve all the proof sheets of the Crazy Place.

Primis are the first to prove their worthy currently, that's why they called "Primis" also

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And we don't know if Abigail is Misty (if it's Misty, that's will be really weird...).

I don't really know why you say that Amelia could be the Frozen One... There is no proofs about that, maybe that's an abandonned idea of Treyarch ? Maybe "Amelia" or "Abigail" was the name of Sophia at the begining of the Story ?

Also, for me the Faust's poster is a reference to Richtofen or Nero

And Pygmalion remind me Jessica who is a "Don Juan-like"

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