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Chopper's Solo guide to SOE - part 1 how to start and get Jugg (inc Video)


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Chopper's Solo guide to SOE


Rough video covering the first 8 rounds for @MixMasterNut

Mix I'm sorry this is the best I could do!  I've had to do it all over Teamviewer and it's not much fun editing a 30 minute video like that!  Hope you enjoy the music, I was testing most of it for later videos.



Hey guys, long time since I've had a chance to do this.


I've been loving Shadow's of Evil.  It's like a cross between Origins and MOTD, and working out Origins was one of my favourite things in the whole of zombies.  Most of what you see in here might be common knowledge or parts can be found elsewhere, but I have a very particular way of starting this map after working out the best possible way to avoid too much tracking back and to have something repeatably consistent.


Goals - round 20 (maybe 25)


Completed and upgraded sword.

Completed wonderweapon.

Completed shield.

Jugg, Quick Revive, Stamina, Mule Kick.

Wonder Weapon, Ray Gun, Inferno + Blast Furnace.

Setup for round 50 and above attempt.

Repeatable strategy minimising backtracking and aimless wandering around.

Everything you do has a clear goal and order.  This might be anal, but on a map like this getting distracted can cost 15 minutes.  That's all well and good when you are playing casually, but if you want to do a serious run there's a lot to do first and I find frustration leads to mistakes, which leads to game overs.




Civil Protector.

Activating Speed Cola and Double Tap perk.

These things are easy to get later, getting the civil protector messes up a brilliant early round camping spot and the perks are completely useless for my strategy.




Everything on this map is a problem.  No map prior to this has been as easy to go down on. Truly, I have never gone down as much as at the start of this one to single zombies. They are brutally fast once they start hitting you, and the stun affect you get from being hit seems to have been tweaked to really slow you down, and makes escaping sometimes almost impossible.

I've gone down to Witches doing rituals, walking zombies whilst trying to kill Margwa; it's tough.




I don't know the correct names for most things, so I call them what makes sense to me.

  • Witches - the keepers where you perform the rituals, and the guys that spawn after you pick something up.
  • Margwa - pretty sure this is right.
  • Balls - self explanatory.
  • Flies - as above.


Possibilities and limits


You start with 3 beast modes, and get one additional per round.  Unless I have missed something stupid, you can't hold more than 4.  This is somewhat unfortunate as you can't stay in the spawn until round 3, taking advantage of the free double points and the drop that comes at the start of round 3.  A lot of my time was spent messing around with this, and trying to decide what's best overall.

There is a clear best location for Jugg, and for any serious attempt to get to 50 or above, it's incredibly important that it's in that spot.  It makes a down on 50 a simple recover, compared to a shitfuck no jugg hoard up, in a damn tight area.

  • 6 minimum beast modes required to get PAP open and the sword able to be started.  Jugg would be included if it spawns at Waterworks.
  • 7/8 beast modes required to guarantee Jugg in my location.  Depends on skill level in beast, I need 8 but am working on the last one :)
  • 9 beast modes required to access everything on the map.





It's hard to describe some of the areas on the map, and took me a while to get my head around.

I class the map as having 10 distinct areas.  6 of those areas are the 3 districts split into 2.  Each district has 2 loops within it, 1 loop per area.

1 area is spawn, 1 area is the rift and 1 area is PAP.  The last is the junction.

  • Spawn and ritual area 1.
  • Junction - the area outside of spawn which leads to the 3 districts and down to the rift by stamina.
  • Canals - Sewers.  From Junction door, to doors leading to Hotel and train station.
  • Canals - Hotel.  
  • Footlight - Drop off.  Area from Junction to door leading to Parking Lot.  Called Drop off as the perk machine has a brilliant drop off.
  • Footlight - Garage.  Area past the Drop off, cars everywhere.
  • Waterfront - Red Room.  I named this due to the red room which is behind the perk machine.  This room also contains a statue.
  • Waterfront - Gym.  Once past the gate and heading down from the Beast mode on a table, I call it the gym.
  • Rift - the rift.
  • PAP - where PAP is.


I'll cover these in more detail later.  The gist is that the 3 districts are split by doors that can be opened and define the areas.  Junction, spawn, The Rift and PAP are self explanatory.


The guide


This guide assumes some basic knowledge of the map, the beast locations and things to get done.  You really need to maximise beast modes where possible.  The downfall to not doing this is losing rounds and things becoming harder to do.


The first 3 rounds are pretty much stab only.  As they are all walking on these rounds it's not a problem.  You also have perma Jugg.  With the new knifing improvements you can avoid all drops by pulling back as you knife.  You should do this ;)


Round 1


The only way I start is by restarting until Jugg is in the Footlight district.  As soon as the round starts I sprint to see if that location is Red after opening the spawn door.

In an ideal world a max ammo would also be the hidden drop in the spawn room.  For 100 I'd say that's essential too.

  1. Knife 5 zombies, leaving one.
  2. Beast mode 1 - Take the beast mode in the spawn and activate the following.
    1. Drop in spawn.
    2. Quick Revive.
    3. Ball in Spawn.
    4. Electricity meter straight ahead out of spawn for the pen.
    5. Grapple up above spawn, and sprint round to activate the first ritual door
  3. Pick up ball and pen, knife the keepers that appear.  Pay attention to these!
  4. Perform ritual behind/above spawn.  This gets you 500 points, which are important.
  5. You should have 1150 points now, open to first door to Footlight district.
  6. Beast mode 2 - Take the beast mode just as you enter the area and go round the first corner.
    1. Smash the crate holding the statue.
    2. Grapple above just past the crate.
    3. Run to the drop off and jump across to smash the little crate holding the ritual item.
    4. Jump back across and activate the Jugg machine.
    5. Activate the Jugg door.
  7. End the round standing by Jugg machine.
  8. Collect Ritual part.
  9. Collect Shield part.


That's a lot to do in round 1.  In the early rounds the more you can do, the better in beast modes.  It can be very easy to end rounds by accident, and quickly you can waste beast modes and be getting on higher rounds than you are strictly comfortable on with the current setup.  This leads to mistakes, which lead to GAME OVERS!  I find a lot of this map is managing frustration, especially when you are learning it.


Round 2/3 (sometimes round 4)


At the start of round 2, you are going to have around 300 points or so, plus 2 beast modes.  I am lumping these 2/3 rounds together because what you do is dependent on what drops you get, and how you feel.  I lump it potentially to round 4 because you can play 2, 3 and 4 however you like and not waste any beast modes.


Goals by end of round 4

  • Jugg and Vesper.
  • Rift open from Footlight - Drop Off.
  • 2 rituals completed and first Margwa defeated with Margwa Heart.
  • 1 shield part.
  • Stamina available (and possibly purchased)


How I've been kinda doing it :)


Round 2

  1. Stab 7 zombies
  2. Open door to Footlight - Garage
  3. Beast mode 3 - Activate Beast Mode in middle of the cars.
    1. Grabble above Burlesque lounge
    2. Electric box to open lounge
    3. Jump off and sprint towards spawn
    4. Smash open Rift door in Footlight - Dropoff
    5. Shock and activate Stamina




Practise these 2 beast modes.  They aren't too hard and make things much easier.  There are 3 so far, and all can be attempted or trialed on round 2 (first 2) or round 3 (lounge and stamina) if necessary.  To try the 3rd one you need to have completed the first ritual or used a *2 - you need to have gained 2750 points total to access the last one.  If you stab all zombies on 1 and 2, plus board all windows you will have 2540 points.  Some shooting in legs can take care of the extras but the starting pistol is damn powerful and easy to kill them with.

If having trouble with stamina one, don't worry about it, same for the rift.


Round 3/4


There are a few ways to chill in the Footlight district - I like by the perk machine and by the statue.  Round 3 are all walkers, so stab away like crazy.

Round 4 you will want either Jugg or the Vesper first.  Are you more confident in your shooting or movement and 'zombie awareness'?  I personally take Jugg first, as I'm comfortable shooting a few bullets in the head, and stabbing the runners on round 4.  I prefer getting the Vesper 2nd too as the more ammo you have in it, the better.


Before ending round 4 you need to have gained 3750 points over rounds 3 and 4 to have both of these.  It shouldn't be too much of a problem, just make sure when you stab zombies to pull away from the drop.


End round 4


Keep a zombie or 2, preferably undamaged entirely.  It makes the next part easier.

Go to the lounge and perform the ritual.  Be prepared as a Margwa is going to rock up now.

The reason I like buying the Vesper after Jugg, is then I will likely have more ammo in it which is nice for the next part.

When you finish the ritual the zombies will respawn - it's great to get a crawler before Margwa arrives.  Sometimes the zombies are slow enough that you can take out an eye before they appear.  The idea is to have him sprinting around so you can gain distance from him, and he can get distance from zombies.  With a crawler, this isn't such a problem but with a runner it's more difficult.  What I tend to do is run around the lounge, using the stairs to create a basic loop.  Eventually you will have a clear shot at him with the zombie behind you, get that first eye done when you can and then he is sprinting.


Once he gets his jog on, basically run away from him towards spawn.  Keep turning around with some distance to him and using patience he really is no problem.  I like to take out the flies immediately on destroying an eye, as they are a nuisance.


You will be on 3 beasts at the end of round 4 doing it this way.


Extra for round 4


If after doing this you have 1000 points to spare, open the Waterfront.

All the next steps are planned to be in the PAP area at the end of round 7.  Depending on games they maybe done at slightly different times or rounds, but with careful consideration they can all be done by then.


Round 5/6/7


One of these rounds will be a flying boss round.  I don't like doing things with the flies, as they tend to die when you perform rituals.  I also find them incredibly irritating, without being dangerous.  If I do things on these rounds, it's generally going to be at the start of the round.


Goals by end of round 7

  • PAP open
  • Sword rituals made ready - Egg collected
  • Entire map open excluding train station areas from perk locations


I'll list an example of what I do on what rounds, but it maybe different depending on points, your preference and when the fly rounds is.


Round 5


You need to use a beast mode to not waste one.

  1. Have opened Waterfront - red room - 1000.
  2. Beast mode 4 - Enter beast mode at entrance.
    1. Grapple above perk machine area.
    2. Zap perk machine.
    3. Sprint past perk machine and smash open crate in red room containing statue.
    4. 180 turn, sprint back past the perk machine and go straight ahead and zap gate opening the perk machine.
  3. End the round if it's flies, try to perform some of the round 6 stuff if it's not.
  4. Pick up shield part.


Round 6


  1. Open Waterfront - Gym - 1250.
  2. Beast mode 5 - use beast mode on table above that gate you just opened.
    1. Grapple straight opposite Beast mode.
    2. Grapple again opposite where you land.
    3. Knock the crate off containing the belt.
    4. Jump from this location back to the table where you got beast mode.
    5. Sprint past this table, and down towards the gym
    6. Turn left at the bottom and smash the door to the gym open.
  3. Perform gym ritual.


You now need to consider where you are at.  If round 6 was the flies, consider leaving the Gym ritual until round 7.  Doing the ritual with flies can end rounds, which is really bad :)


Next steps - some during 6 if possible, otherwise during 7


  1. Take train from Waterfront to Footlight (have left 1 zombie!)
  2. Look out of the right hand window, you will collect the first 2 red symbols.  I've been pausing and writing them down.
  3. Arrive at Footlight, the majority of the time there will be a zombie spawning behind a window.  Keep him there to wait for the train to recharge.
  4. Take the train towards canal when ready.
  5. Look out of the right hand window and towards the end of the journey you will get a 3rd symbol.
  6. Arrive at canals, in an enclosed area.
  7. If you have the money, open the 1250 door too.
  8. Beast mode 6 - go into beast mode by the big crate containing the statue.
    1. Smash the crate
    2. Run around to the front of the Hotel (the pink room area, think it's a hotel?)
    3. Grabble above the hotel, drop down, turn left, down the stairs, zap the gate open.
    4. If you are a hero, and have opened the 1250 gate it's possible to open the next perk location and activate the machine.  I always get the machine, almost never get the door open.  You only need it for the shield playing my way, and you can buy your way to it from the train station anyway.
  9. Open the 1250 door from Canals - Hotel to Canals - Sewer.
  10. Beast mode 7 - Take beast mode right next to the entrance to the Sewers from Spawn.
    1. Run towards the hotel and when you go through the arch drop down to the left.
    2. Smash open grate/crate for the ritual key.
    3. Smash open rift area
    4. Continue forward and head to the right on the fork.
    5. Past the stairs, there is the electric box to open the grate to access the ritual key.
  11. Collect key from sewer and go to the hotel to perform ritual.
  12. Defeat Margwa in the same way you did earlier.
  13. Enter the rift from the sewers.
  14. Beast mode 8 - take beast mode in the rift right next to the wall with the sword symbols.
    1. Smash crate.
    2. Enter symbols.
    3. Zap Widow's Wine.
    4. Zap Mule Kick.
    5. Zap open door above Mule Kick leading to Stamina.
  15. Open PAP door.
  16. Place all 4 worms.
  17. Start PAP ritual.
  18. Kill Margwa.
  19. Good to disco!


So we could in theory have a very good game from here.  PAP is available as is the rift for training.  What I now tend to do is just chill in the rift for 4 or 5 rounds, building some points, waiting for the pods to bloom and preparing for what's next.


To complete the swords it's ideal to have the wonder weapon with you.


Training the rift


It's tough to describe what to do in here tbh.  When you have lots of zombie experience, it's a fairly straightforward area with 2 ways to run.

My preferred method is to just circle infront of the eggs.  I'm comfortable doing this but there is definitely some more advanced hoarding required.  There are some blindish turns required, and a lot of direction changes.  The idea is to get an entire hoard and then take them out with the trusty Vesper.  Once this gun is PAPed, it becomes ridiculous.

The alternate method which is used when the Margwa is around is to run a clockwise circle around the entire rift area, excluding PAP.  Again, this does require a bit of dodging and has some tight spots through some of the tubes but with a little practise it's manageable.


For right now I'm going to leave this guide as it is.  I have been working on later gameplay and am still tweaking parts of it.


I will include a video of me playing to round 12 or so for anyone interested in wasting 25 minutes or so of your life.


I wish I was better at formatting so this looked a little nicer.  I believe all the information is pretty concise, and lays out a map and path to be able to get to PAP without too much hassle.  I'm 99% certain that that is the majority of people's issues, how to actually get going on the map!


When it takes a good 20 minutes to get going, it's incredibly frustrating to either waste time or keep going down trying to do things at the wrong time.


I hope this helps.


Cheers, Chopper






















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Great thread! I've only played solo once so far, and had been planning out my own high round strat in my head, but I had no idea you got extra beast modes at the start, so that kind of throws everything out the window xD


My strat was effectively the same as yours, however for Footlight's beast mode I would wait to open the next area and start there, grapple to the burlesque, open it, grapple to (hopefully jug) and turn on everything there. This is super difficult to get all of it done, and there's a chance you'll miss the egg statue, but it's worth being able to do it all in one


Apart from that, great guide! Will be following this tomorrow when I aim for round ~40

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@ultimategamings I was pretty certain that could be done!  I want to do them all once for the satisfaction value, I'm nearly certain that each area can be completed in one loop.  After many fails though I tried to get things that could definitely be done!  Like the rift for instance, I can pretty much always do...rift, statue, crate, perk, gate.....but if I mess up the first couple I miss the perk.  So I removed the rift as it's so easy to do with Burlesque.


For high rounds, the rift takes some beating.  You can run some of the ritual rooms in a super fast way.....but then you have to leave every other round when Margwa appears.  There are some great camping areas....that red room is epic with the door to the train shut, but you need the PAPed wonder for sure.


@MixMasterNut I'll upload some stuff for sure mate, just gotta get vegas reinstalled.  I did a run earlier where at the end of round 8 I had 4 perks and 3 guns including PAPed Vesper!  If I could straight upload that file I would but it's in a stupid high file size and needs reducing.  I'll work on it this weekend for sure.

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EDIT: Just read through the entire guide and it was flawless. I have my own way of opening doors.

I am yet to figure out why you prefer footlight district for jugg spot..is it because how easy accessible location compared to Canals. I hate that spot. But why not waterfront. I like that you suggested to get wonder weapon before getting sword. Agreed. Getting zombies souls is pain in the ass with some of those locations especially on solo.


Overall neat guide. A+ on formatting.

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@way2g00d It's because if you go down in the rift you can just walk straight out of the rift into Footlight and Jugg is accesible within 5 seconds of coming out.  Then, once you buy it you can wait at the top of the stairs, watch the majority of the pack jump up next to the drop off and walk past them and drop off yourself.


I thought about creating an audioguide for this, but the only content I create is for CODZ nowadays, nothing on my channel at all.

If more than a couple wanted it, I would do it.


I'm rendering a video right now, should be up tonight.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice guide! Another thing you should do, is to not kill the keepers that spawn when you grab a ritual item or when entering the rift. You are better off keeping them alive in the early rounds and leading them to the ritual sites. If you start the ritual when they are in the room, when the ritual is complete they explode and come back as normal zombies so they can count as up to 12 (8 from rituals, 4 from rift) extra kills by round 3 

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On 11/17/2015 at 4:12 AM, Chopper said:

@way2g00d It's because if you go down in the rift you can just walk straight out of the rift into Footlight and Jugg is accesible within 5 seconds of coming out.  Then, once you buy it you can wait at the top of the stairs, watch the majority of the pack jump up next to the drop off and walk past them and drop off yourself.


I thought about creating an audioguide for this, but the only content I create is for CODZ nowadays, nothing on my channel at all.

If more than a couple wanted it, I would do it.


I'm rendering a video right now, should be up tonight.

Thanks! That would be cool as well. 

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Chopper the "balls" are RAPSE's from the campaign is all. It is bugging me that your calling them balls could you please fix that? If you want the proper spelling (because I don't know if I am spelling it right other than it is RAP and its all in caps) then look at the scorestreaks in multiplayer as that's what it is.

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7 hours ago, Zelkova said:

Chopper the "balls" are RAPSE's from the campaign is all. It is bugging me that your calling them balls could you please fix that? If you want the proper spelling (because I don't know if I am spelling it right other than it is RAP and its all in caps) then look at the scorestreaks in multiplayer as that's what it is.

I'm sorry mate I'm not going to do that :(

I call things pretty much what I first think of when I see them, ie Rats from Die Rise, Meatballs and Maggie from SOE, crawlers (novas) on Kino.  If I just saw RAPSE written down I honestly would not know what it is, and I'm sure there are plenty of others who would agree.

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7 hours ago, Chopper said:

I'm sorry mate I'm not going to do that :(

I call things pretty much what I first think of when I see them, ie Rats from Die Rise, Meatballs and Maggie from SOE, crawlers (novas) on Kino.  If I just saw RAPSE written down I honestly would not know what it is, and I'm sure there are plenty of others who would agree.

You called them balls another of you called them Meatballs. They are actual enemies in the games campaign and they are a scorestreak in multiplayer. They are named in multiple places. If you don't know the name of them then you haven't played the campaign which means you really can't do much theorizing as campaign has zombie related things within it too. Also you can't tell me that you wouldn't know what RAPSE would mean those as its a name that can't mean anything else while balls could mean anything. How do I know we aren't talking about gumballs or anything then. RAPSE is the official name given to us within the game as such it is their true names. They are robot explosives.

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3 minutes ago, Zelkova said:

You called them balls another of you called them Meatballs. They are actual enemies in the games campaign and they are a scorestreak in multiplayer. They are named in multiple places. If you don't know the name of them then you haven't played the campaign which means you really can't do much theorizing as campaign has zombie related things within it too. Also you can't tell me that you wouldn't know what RAPSE would mean those as its a name that can't mean anything else while balls could mean anything. How do I know we aren't talking about gumballs or anything then. RAPSE is the official name given to us within the game as such it is their true names. They are robot explosives.

At least 2 of the maps characters refer to them as 'meatballs' so that is why pretty much the entire community refer to them as such. You are welcome to call them RAPSE yourself though but don't expect it to catch on anytime soon.

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Just now, DeathBringerZen said:

At least 2 of the maps characters refer to them as 'meatballs' so that is why pretty much the entire community refer to them as such. You are welcome to call them RAPSE yourself though but don't expect it to catch on anytime soon.

That's just their name in the game I know you've played the campaign DBZ and I know you tried the multiplayer.

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@Zelkova They are not referred to as R.A.P.S.E in the zombies game mode. In Dead Ops Arcade, the R.A.P.S.E exist as a power up, and the meatballs exist as an enemy so it would not work to call them that within zombies. Meatballs seems to be the term that most people call them

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1 minute ago, Zelkova said:

That's just their name in the game I know you've played the campaign DBZ and I know you tried the multiplayer.

Yes but at the end of the day you are fighting a losing battle trying to convince anyone to adopt the real name for them, especially 2 months after the map dropped. It's like the bugs. I hear people calling them bugs, parasites and even flying monkeys!?! but I am sure they have a legitimate name.


The community doesn't care though, they will call them what they want and if you come in and demand someone edits their post to suit you over everyone else then it comes off a little condescending. I don't mean that disrespectful though, just saying it's a bit late to be trying to force the name onto people is all.

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I understand why they are called Meatballs its just such a crude name we've given them. I mean Nikolai refers to the nova crawlers as bouncers and crap and yet we don't call them that. We here on CoDZ tend to set what certain things will be called by the vast majority of the community and so calling a robotic ball a meatball is just so stupid. It's not a food and it doesn't even look like one. It's so annoying. I'm not asking for it to be called by its true name just something better than balls (which alot of my friends take sexually obviously) or meatballs (cus you can't eat them and a meatball is not flaming and doesn't have spikes and won't explode on impact).

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Just now, Chopper said:

@Zelkova I'm only interested in zombies, I haven't touched the campaign and I thought pretty much everyone knew that I have never made a theory in my life.  It just doesn't interest me.  I only talk about strategy on here pretty much, with some other random thoughts thrown around.

Zombies and the campaign coincide sometimes as you should know as it did during BO1 and BO2 also Nova 6 is in this campaign too and there is a zombies campaign only unlocked by beating the regular campaign....

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I feel like Alice about to go down a rabbit hole.  I don't know what you want from me mate.

I am literally only interested in playing zombies and talking about strategies, I know nothing about the storyline in anyway.  I'm not sure if that makes me less able to talk about strategies or play zombies which I almost feel you are saying.

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Just now, Chopper said:

I feel like Alice about to go down a rabbit hole.  I don't know what you want from me mate.

I am literally only interested in playing zombies and talking about strategies, I know nothing about the storyline in anyway.  I'm not sure if that makes me less able to talk about strategies or play zombies which I almost feel you are saying.

I am not saying that. Sorry I am just very tired right now and I am just arguing a stupid topic. Nice guide btw.

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