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Marlton builds better stuff?


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A while back I noticed that if I picked up and set down the turbine a certain number of times (6-8) it would fall apart. Well the other night, I wanted to destroy it and I couldn't, and became very confused why it wouldn't fall apart. I picked it up and set it down like 20 times and it was still working great. The only thing I could figure out was that my character was Marlton. soooooo.... maybe buildables work better if you build them with Marlton? just a theory!

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I would also like to note something else that I think I found.

Dropping the turbine by itself in the power station to open the bank's secret door might disappear or break if you leave it, but I did that once in a game, and the Turbine stayed there forever.

Now, I don't know if there's a trick to that, or if I was simply playing Marlton.

I would test that, but I won't be home until Sunday, so could anybody else try to spawn as Marlton, build the Turbine, drop it at the power station's electric spot, and then go to the bank, just to see if the Turbine sustains and leaves the door open without anyone inside? (Probably make sure that there are no zombies trying to destroy the Turbine once you are leaving)

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I propsed something like this in someone's thread a while back, I wonder if misty and russman have any special qualitys? We know Samule can hear richtofen so that's a special abilty. I wonder if misty can knife faster or more acturate, or if rusman can run slightly faster...

Well Misty definitely talks a lot about knives.

Maybe she does more damage than usual with the Bowie Knife.

Russman, I'm starting to think he does ridiculous headshot damage, because sometimes when I'm playing, I notice I'm killing zombies with a LOT of ease, even with normal guns and at high rounds, and I think I was playing Russman all these times.

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This is incorrect.

Turbines break randomly. One time it broke LITERALLY the first time I used it. No Zombies were nearby. Others I have had never break on me.

Not to mention that the Marlton thing is just conjecture, because he is the stereotypical smart guy. He might not be the best engineer, however. In fact, Misty indirectly states that her skills are superior. She says something like "I won't hurt Marlton's feelings by saying I built this. I'll just tell him I found it." This indicates Marlton is very self-conscious, which suggests that he is not the best at his work, if anyone were.

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Pretty sure it all depends on where you put the turbine to get it to break. If youre just putting it out in the open, and its not opening any doors...it will last a long time. Keep using it by opening a door, and it will break. You can see it get worse just before the last chance you get to use it. The top fan will start to wobble and smoke a bit. Test it with each character, i bet they all build the same quality devices.

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Russman, I'm starting to think he does ridiculous headshot damage, because sometimes when I'm playing, I notice I'm killing zombies with a LOT of ease, even with normal guns and at high rounds, and I think I was playing Russman all these times.

I posted something about this in the thread about the (not) "permanent" perks. I used the same two guns for about 30 rounds, and suddenly I got a sound saying I unlocked something and my primary was doing much more headshot damage. I was Samuel in that game. Another user tested and confirmed it. But then TrollDogDan chimed in saying the only unlockable abilities are the three that have been confirmed... and last I checked he had derailed the discussion. I've given up on posting anything I discover for now, because this forum is too obsessed chasing the tales of trolls and trying to decipher meaningless troll poems... while things of actual substance get overlooked.

Hopefully someone will either finally complete the EE soon, or realize there's no more to it, and then things can get back to normal without the "NEW POEM!!" and "I THINK I'VE SOLVED IT!!" threads popping up every 5 minutes. If there is actually no more, though, it's hopeless... because the majority will never realize/admit it's over even if it is.

What this forum really needs is an Easter Egg subforum.

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Im pretty sure that how long the fan last is 1.Random or 2.what you use it for. For instance, it will last a long time when just throwing it down anywhere in an open area with no zombies but when you throw it down to open a door or the pap room it will break more often. I for one dont think that one certian character has special abilitys. But i cant wait for sometime with some time proves this faulse or infact true.

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No, you are incorrect. I tested it over a span of 2 hours in solo playing as each character. Don't babble on about something you have not tested yourself.

i have tested this several times and one of those times i ddnt even get to place the turbine down once it literally broke in my hands before i could place it and yes i was marlton. Sooooo maybe its true and maybe its not but in my instances it didnt seem to matter tht i was marlton

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No, you are incorrect. I tested it over a span of 2 hours in solo playing as each character. Don't babble on about something you have not tested yourself.

i have tested this several times and one of those times i ddnt even get to place the turbine down once it literally broke in my hands before i could place it and yes i was marlton. Sooooo maybe its true and maybe its not but in my instances it didnt seem to matter tht i was marlton

Are you positive that you (marlton) actually built the turbine? Or maybe you put it down in lava since that will immediately destroy it?

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This is incorrect.

No, you are incorrect. I tested it over a span of 2 hours in solo playing as each character. Don't babble on about something you have not tested yourself.

Disrespect is a hobby for you, no?

Your test was flawed. Your claim means nothing. If you want to make such a case, make a thread detailing your test and people will either believe you or they will not. I'm certainly not going to make a test to prove that something does NOT occur every time someone makes fictitious connection.

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This is incorrect.

No, you are incorrect. I tested it over a span of 2 hours in solo playing as each character. Don't babble on about something you have not tested yourself.

Disrespect is a hobby for you, no?

Your test was flawed. Your claim means nothing. If you want to make such a case, make a thread detailing your test and people will either believe you or they will not. I'm certainly not going to make a test to prove that something does NOT occur every time someone makes fictitious connection.

Disrespect? If you are offended that easily, you need to get off the Internet.

I'm sick and tired of Some of the users on this site thinking they can shoot down others because they feel like it.

Drop the stupid elite entitlement garbage and move on.

This site was established for posting theories and useful info, and that's all I'm trying to do.

So get off my ass and worry about your own agenda.

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