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Your Starting Strategy for Grief


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So CoDz, What is your strategy for the first three or so rounds on grief?


I've only ever played Grief on Town once, and it ended at Round 4 (lulz). What i'd normally do is get as much kills at possible stealing everyones kills excluding teammates. 4 shots to the chest and a knife usually gets you the most points if your sure your kill won't get stolen.

Usually my patience runs and i open the door to the bar where the mystery box is. I normally hit the box once and just use it till my ammo is out. I usually just camp it out over at double tap for the next few rounds.


I've played pretty well on farm, again I have only played one game, but we won at about Round 12.I always start by going to the barricade in the farm shed thingy where double tap is at the very back. This is a great place to start because there are another two barricades around the corner that you can easily steal kills from.

From there I use my pistol and knife until Round 4. The door to the small farmhouse is normally opened by then, and if it isn't, I open it and get the first shot at the box. After that I return to the same barricade and just last it out there. Pick up my perks in this order. Jug, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap.

Tell Me Your Strategies Guys!

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I really dont feel like there is much starting strategy on Grief mainly:

Steal as many kills as possible. Don't worry about maximizing points unless you are sure that no one is around you. I've taken many kills from the enemy while they are shooting a zombie in the leg and I swoop in and knife them. Use nades, go for head shots at long range. Basically try to get an early point lead. If your team has mics or are friends get them to spread out, so you cover the maximum area.

Knife any afk players into the lava and get them downed asap.

When enemies are downed early, you shouldn't be too concerned with harassing reviving players. Instead use that time to get your team a kill and point lead as the enemy has at least two players not killing zombies.

That's about it. Try to hold out on buying any doors.

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Buy olympia on round one. Steal all killz.

Buy Mp5 off the wall. Steal all killz.

Save 10k points and keep a minium of 5k points during the whole game.

Get Emps and throw at juggernog 24/7 after round 12.


Buy M14 on round one, steal all killz by standing at bank door.

Get Emp's and throw at juggernog 24/7.

Pretty simple realy, ive havent found anyone to survive past round 18 without juggernog other then myself so far.

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Meh, theres not a lot to it. Would be intrested to see how a game would be with 8 good players.

Yeah that would be a lot of fun. I've also wondered what would happen if 8 good players worked together to see how high they could get. It would be crazy having 8 players camping the bar! :o

Anyone wanna try this, let me know. gt: baldage (xbl). Also who knows something might happen if you hit a certain round the game does hint that you can "work together".

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It good hearing your strategies, most of them involve stealing kills :P

Meh, theres not a lot to it. Would be intrested to see how a game would be with 8 good players.

Yeah that would be a lot of fun. I've also wondered what would happen if 8 good players worked together to see how high they could get. It would be crazy having 8 players camping the bar! :o

Anyone wanna try this, let me know. gt: baldage (xbl). Also who knows something might happen if you hit a certain round the game does hint that you can "work together".

It'd be awesome seeing people like Yoteslaya, TheRelaxingEnd and Syndicate in the same team :o That would be interesting to watch them go against other good zombie players.

Im pretty sure Syndicate has a Grief match on his channel atm.

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I haven't really played greif, but a common thing is to block doorways.

In town, hold house, block jugger and box.

My friends did that in town: one of the enemies came up by juggernogg, my friend let a zombie beat the guy down and then 3 of them blocked the stairs up.

Monkeybombs at revivers, emp at pap or jugger...

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All I do lately is play Farm Grief. If you have XBL, add me: StripleR675

My Strategy:

Wave 1: I run around and try to knife zombies and steal kills from enemies when possible (I try not to steal from teammates). If I don't think I can reach the zombie to knife before an enemy gets to it, I shoot with the 1911 (aiming for headshots). At the end of the round, I try to repair doors for extra points. If I see an enemy has just started repairing a door, I try to knife them once or twice to knock them out of the way and repair the door myself(I do this at the end of every round). NOTE: There is a timer where you get points for repairing doors which increases for each wave. If you see that you're getting no points for repairing a door and nobody else is around you, it might be better to wait until the beginning of the next wave so you get some points.

Wave 2: Depending on the situation, I try to shoot the zombies about 5-8 times to get some extra points before knifing them. Totally situational because I might be alone with a few zombies and can shoot at will or be crowded with teammates/enemies/zombies where it's a knife-slashing free for all. By the end of Wave 2, I should be out of 1911 ammo (except on the rare occasion we would have picked up MAX AMMO). Fix doors (and/or steal doors from enemies) for extra points and I usually have around 1200-2000 points to spend at this time.

Wave 3: I check if the doors are open to the house. Since it costs 750 to open it, I prefer if someone else (hopefully an enemy) opens it instead. If it's open, I go ahead and run upstairs to purchase the MP5 and start running around getting as many headshots as possible. If the doors are still closed, I hit Select to see the Player stats. If I see that I have a lot more points than most of the other players, I take the sacrifice and open it myself (assuming I have at least 1750 to open the door and purchase MP5). If anyone else has a lot more than I do, I run around trying to knife zombies until I hear the mystery box sound indicating that the doors are open. By the end of Wave 3, I should have my MP5. I try to conserve ammo with it by burst firing while aiming for headshots. NOTE: Anytime I'm upstairs in the house getting MP5 ammo, jugg-nog, or mystery box, I check to see if an enemy is using the mystery box while standing up and not in the corner by the mystery box and the wall. I knife them a couple times and can usually get them to drop off the ledge before they pick up the item. Then I go to the door and lay down and try to block them off until they are unable to get their item.

Wave 4: Either at the beginning or during this wave, I should have at least 3,000 points. I use it to reload my MP5 ammo and get Jugg-nog. Headshots with the MP5 all day unless we get INSTA-KILL and then I try to knife the zombies.

Waves 5-11: I save up and get the rest of the perks in this order: Speed Cola, Double-Tap, and Quick Revive. IMPORTANT: I always keep an eye on my points and MP5 ammo while doing this. Even if I save up the 3K for Speed Cola, if I'm low on MP5 ammo, that takes priority over perks. Once I have all the perks, I make sure I have enough ammo for my MP5 and then it's off to the Mystery box. I try to have at least 1,450 points before hitting the Mystery box after that in case I get something I don't really want or is not a gun. Then I still have the option of buying MP5 ammo for 500 afterwards as a backup.

Waves 12 & 13: I've played a ton of games and most of them end in these two waves. On one occasion, I made it to round 14. If people start Timing out or leaving the game early, it might end sooner, but more often than not, it ends at 12/13. Most of the strategy to winning the game comes into play here. There is a lot of randomness here due to what I can or can't get out of the mystery box, the possibility that I may have gone down already or will go down and lose all my perks, and how many players are remaining and not down. I can't really give my strategy because it changes depending on the aforementioned situations.

In most scenarios I've seen, everyone except for one person is left at the end of one of these rounds. They basically just run a slow circuit by running backwards, stop at a bottleneck, throw a grenade and aim for headshots in the zombie group, when they get too close, run for the next bottleneck and do it again. I usually start by running slow circles around the truck in the middle of the map and round up the zombies. Once it starts getting hairy, I move into the barn area with the two stairs. I run back to the second set of stairs furthest from the entrance. Hopefully there should be no zombies, but there could be a few which spawned at the top that I quickly kill and turn my focus back towards the stairs. I'm at the top and cook a grenade. Throw it at the bottom of the stairs and then go for headshots. I then jump down to the bottom using the area with the broken railing and head slowly towards the house. I headshot until they get too close and move to the top of the stairs in the house. Do the same thing I did in the barn, but get more MP5 ammo. Wait in the corner of the upstairs room facing inward as nothing can get me from behind. Shoot approaching zombies there until they get too close and drop down. This completes my 'circuit' and I do it over and over again until I win or die. IMPORTANT: Throwing grenades at a group of zombies usually results in halfies/crawlies. This makes the game a bit more difficult as they move slower and don't stay in the bigger group that I'm kind of corralling around. I've gotten into hairy situations with a group of halfies blocking the forward movement of my circuit and the walking zombies blocking me from behind. This is why I'm usually hesitant to use the grenades sometimes, but I try to limit it to the stair sections and when I come back to that part of the circuit later on, I try to run ahead of the walking zombies to clear out the halfies first.

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All I do lately is play Farm Grief. If you have XBL, add me: StripleR675

My Strategy:

Wave 1: I run around and try to knife zombies and steal kills from enemies when possible (I try not to steal from teammates). If I don't think I can reach the zombie to knife before an enemy gets to it, I shoot with the 1911 (aiming for headshots). At the end of the round, I try to repair doors for extra points. If I see an enemy has just started repairing a door, I try to knife them once or twice to knock them out of the way and repair the door myself(I do this at the end of every round). NOTE: There is a timer where you get points for repairing doors which increases for each wave. If you see that you're getting no points for repairing a door and nobody else is around you, it might be better to wait until the beginning of the next wave so you get some points.

Wave 2: Depending on the situation, I try to shoot the zombies about 5-8 times to get some extra points before knifing them. Totally situational because I might be alone with a few zombies and can shoot at will or be crowded with teammates/enemies/zombies where it's a knife-slashing free for all. By the end of Wave 2, I should be out of 1911 ammo (except on the rare occasion we would have picked up MAX AMMO). Fix doors (and/or steal doors from enemies) for extra points and I usually have around 1200-2000 points to spend at this time.

Wave 3: I check if the doors are open to the house. Since it costs 750 to open it, I prefer if someone else (hopefully an enemy) opens it instead. If it's open, I go ahead and run upstairs to purchase the MP5 and start running around getting as many headshots as possible. If the doors are still closed, I hit Select to see the Player stats. If I see that I have a lot more points than most of the other players, I take the sacrifice and open it myself (assuming I have at least 1750 to open the door and purchase MP5). If anyone else has a lot more than I do, I run around trying to knife zombies until I hear the mystery box sound indicating that the doors are open. By the end of Wave 3, I should have my MP5. I try to conserve ammo with it by burst firing while aiming for headshots. NOTE: Anytime I'm upstairs in the house getting MP5 ammo, jugg-nog, or mystery box, I check to see if an enemy is using the mystery box while standing up and not in the corner by the mystery box and the wall. I knife them a couple times and can usually get them to drop off the ledge before they pick up the item. Then I go to the door and lay down and try to block them off until they are unable to get their item.

Wave 4: Either at the beginning or during this wave, I should have at least 3,000 points. I use it to reload my MP5 ammo and get Jugg-nog. Headshots with the MP5 all day unless we get INSTA-KILL and then I try to knife the zombies.

Waves 5-11: I save up and get the rest of the perks in this order: Speed Cola, Double-Tap, and Quick Revive. IMPORTANT: I always keep an eye on my points and MP5 ammo while doing this. Even if I save up the 3K for Speed Cola, if I'm low on MP5 ammo, that takes priority over perks. Once I have all the perks, I make sure I have enough ammo for my MP5 and then it's off to the Mystery box. I try to have at least 1,450 points before hitting the Mystery box after that in case I get something I don't really want or is not a gun. Then I still have the option of buying MP5 ammo for 500 afterwards as a backup.

Waves 12 & 13: I've played a ton of games and most of them end in these two waves. On one occasion, I made it to round 14. If people start Timing out or leaving the game early, it might end sooner, but more often than not, it ends at 12/13. Most of the strategy to winning the game comes into play here. There is a lot of randomness here due to what I can or can't get out of the mystery box, the possibility that I may have gone down already or will go down and lose all my perks, and how many players are remaining and not down. I can't really give my strategy because it changes depending on the aforementioned situations.

In most scenarios I've seen, everyone except for one person is left at the end of one of these rounds. They basically just run a slow circuit by running backwards, stop at a bottleneck, throw a grenade and aim for headshots in the zombie group, when they get too close, run for the next bottleneck and do it again. I usually start by running slow circles around the truck in the middle of the map and round up the zombies. Once it starts getting hairy, I move into the barn area with the two stairs. I run back to the second set of stairs furthest from the entrance. Hopefully there should be no zombies, but there could be a few which spawned at the top that I quickly kill and turn my focus back towards the stairs. I'm at the top and cook a grenade. Throw it at the bottom of the stairs and then go for headshots. I then jump down to the bottom using the area with the broken railing and head slowly towards the house. I headshot until they get too close and move to the top of the stairs in the house. Do the same thing I did in the barn, but get more MP5 ammo. Wait in the corner of the upstairs room facing inward as nothing can get me from behind. Shoot approaching zombies there until they get too close and drop down. This completes my 'circuit' and I do it over and over again until I win or die. IMPORTANT: Throwing grenades at a group of zombies usually results in halfies/crawlies. This makes the game a bit more difficult as they move slower and don't stay in the bigger group that I'm kind of corralling around. I've gotten into hairy situations with a group of halfies blocking the forward movement of my circuit and the walking zombies blocking me from behind. This is why I'm usually hesitant to use the grenades sometimes, but I try to limit it to the stair sections and when I come back to that part of the circuit later on, I try to run ahead of the walking zombies to clear out the halfies first.

Good strategy! I must ask why you buy the MP5 instead of hitting the box straight away on Round 3.

Also, if you get a Max Ammo on Round 2, Do you wait it out another two or so rounds with your Pistol?

I suggest getting Quick Revive and Double Tap over Speed Cola. For 500 extra points you can get both of the perks over Speed Cola, and Double Tap shoots two bullets at once. The extra fire rate is also beastly on an MP5 if thats the strategy you are rolling with.

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Good strategy! I must ask why you buy the MP5 instead of hitting the box straight away on Round 3.

Also, if you get a Max Ammo on Round 2, Do you wait it out another two or so rounds with your Pistol?

I suggest getting Quick Revive and Double Tap over Speed Cola. For 500 extra points you can get both of the perks over Speed Cola, and Double Tap shoots two bullets at once. The extra fire rate is also beastly on an MP5 if thats the strategy you are rolling with.

Mp5 is the best gun to use on any map or game mode for the whole game.

Reason's: only costs 1000 points and usualy cost effevictive to reach. has a fast reload time, so it is usable without speed cola. With double tap equipped the damage rate is beast. Ammo is only 500 points, and with the 120 bullets you can at least make 1 or 2k points in profit even in the early rounds. Always in a decient spot to resupply ammo (pretty much you can never run out of ammo with this weapon) very good for when you have a shitty team that dont pick up max ammos. Mobility is very high on this weapon also. Pretty much its a great way to rack up points to use on the box to keep trading out your 2ed gun. Like if you get an rpg or if your not a fan of the sniper rifles. Even in survival i keep this gun into the 30's and 40's. Like one game this dude only hade 1000 points and it was round 35. told him to get the mp5. by the end of the round he got all 4 of his perks and a hamr as a secondary with points to spar if he went down again.

I would have to say the mp5 and the DSR50 are the best guns in the game so far.

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Good strategy! I must ask why you buy the MP5 instead of hitting the box straight away on Round 3.

Also, if you get a Max Ammo on Round 2, Do you wait it out another two or so rounds with your Pistol?

I suggest getting Quick Revive and Double Tap over Speed Cola. For 500 extra points you can get both of the perks over Speed Cola, and Double Tap shoots two bullets at once. The extra fire rate is also beastly on an MP5 if thats the strategy you are rolling with.

Mp5 is the best gun to use on any map or game mode for the whole game.

Reason's: only costs 1000 points and usualy cost effevictive to reach. has a fast reload time, so it is usable without speed cola. With double tap equipped the damage rate is beast. Ammo is only 500 points, and with the 120 bullets you can at least make 1 or 2k points in profit even in the early rounds. Always in a decient spot to resupply ammo (pretty much you can never run out of ammo with this weapon) very good for when you have a shitty team that dont pick up max ammos. Mobility is very high on this weapon also. Pretty much its a great way to rack up points to use on the box to keep trading out your 2ed gun. Like if you get an rpg or if your not a fan of the sniper rifles. Even in survival i keep this gun into the 30's and 40's. Like one game this dude only hade 1000 points and it was round 35. told him to get the mp5. by the end of the round he got all 4 of his perks and a hamr as a secondary with points to spar if he went down again.

I would have to say the mp5 and the DSR50 are the best guns in the game so far.

I agree that its a good weapon, and great for point whoring. I might start using that instead of hitting the box and getting stupid Snipers...

Thanks for the Clarification!

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I haven't played a single game on Town yet. So my farm strategy is as follows:

Round 1: Run around as fast as I can knifing z's I find on their own, shooting zombies other people are trying to kill, even when they're my teammates. Knife enemies fixing windows and then steal those extra points or prevent them from getting more

Round 2-4. Rack up enough money getting knife kills for either the MP5 or jug+Olympia or jug+mp5 if I can. use MP5 until I can afford a few boxes. Use box guns to save up dough for quick revive and emergency points.

Rounds 5+ basically I'll try to rack up points and kills but I do more running around, that way I can run my chains into guys trying to revive teammates (people caught on too quick to the crouch to safely revive trick), or if a powerup is dropped I can quickly run for it. But my main strategy at this point is forcing chains in the other's team's face. You can do it to guys even if they have the LMGs, just wait till you see them running into the barn, take your chain in through the other entrance and leave the chain in his face, shoot him a couple times, run, and watch hilarity ensue.

Also if I get the EMPs I make good use of them. Too many idiots think its a brilliant idea to EMP the juggernog machine but they don't realize that they lose it too. Me I wait until someone is trying to box or if there's one last hero left on their team and I know he has quick revive, I'll EMP the quick revive machine so he can't pick his mates up. Then I just try my hardest to run chains in his face

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Yeah the mp5 is great in Grief. Double Tap is mandatory, and go easy on that trigger!!

You'll lose a lot of profit if you waste bullets with it, especially once you get Dtap.

I almost never use double tap and I still do just fine.

I haven't bothered to figure out the exact numbers, but the profit margin goes way up by using dtap with the mp5. Since it now splits the bullets giving you effectively x2 damage, the number of rounds needed per kill is approx 1/2 of what it is without.

Meaning you can effectively get twice the kills from one ammo buy using dtap as long as you don't waste a lot of ammo and the round is sufficiently high enough so that it is not a ohk to the head.

I always hated dtap in black ops, now it is effectivelly a stopping power perk, I've found it is my number 2 perk after jugg.

I would seriously recommend this perk to any grief players using the mp5 as a base weapon.

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Good strategy! I must ask why you buy the MP5 instead of hitting the box straight away on Round 3.

Also, if you get a Max Ammo on Round 2, Do you wait it out another two or so rounds with your Pistol?

I suggest getting Quick Revive and Double Tap over Speed Cola. For 500 extra points you can get both of the perks over Speed Cola, and Double Tap shoots two bullets at once. The extra fire rate is also beastly on an MP5 if thats the strategy you are rolling with.

The mystery box is always a gamble for me and I'd rather settle for the sure thing in the earlier rounds. I'd hate to get a sniper rifle, rocket launcher, EMP grenades, Monkey Bomb, etc. in Round 3 which doesn't really help me maximize points for the next round or so.

If I get Max Ammo and I still have the pistol in round 2, I try to drain it ASAP. Still go for headshots when possible.

I get Speed Cola second because I have this weird OCD thing where I'm constantly reloading when I'm not shooting. It helps reduce the occasions where I'm surprised by a zombie in the middle of reloading. Also, in the earlier rounds, I can usually revive a fallen teammate without the help of Quick Revive and the reduced time really only comes into play after round 10 (and I usually already have it by then).

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On Grief, I always try to get EMP Grenades before Juggernog. Basically my strategy is go for offense rather than defense.

Thats interesting, I'll usually grab, mp5, jugg, and dtap before I even hit the box.

Generally, I'm not too worried about the enemy team getting emps as I feel they can rarely be used against me effectively. I don't hit the box much, and I'm usually on top of my perks getting grayed out.

Last time someone tried to use emps against me, he emp'd jugg and then everyone went down while I solo'd the round and won. I got him trapped on a staircase to get him downed as well.

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Round 1-3:

1st round i just knife zombies and try and get as much kills as possible. 2nd round ill unload 8 bullets then knife. My goal is to get 1750 points.

Round 3-9:

Buy the juggernog door and get the mp5. spend the next 2-3 rounds camping by ledge in mp5 room to make 2500 for jugg. After ive got jugg I move to the bottom floor of the bar and camp there as i feel thats the best place you can camp at the get the most zombies. My goal is to make 6000 for the knuckles. Usually at round 9-10 i get the knuckles and just run around the map melee'in every zombie i can get. At the middle of round 13 i usually have about 17000 points, so i pap the mp5 and mustang and sally. I then buy double tap, speed cola and quick revive. Seeing that this mode is about ending it as quick as possible and not about kills, I just stay at double tap and just kill any zombie that decides to go for me which lessens my risk of going down. Depending on how my opponents are performing I do 2 different things. If I see that all my opponents have gone down a good few times before round 10 then i just continue to stay at double tap and just wait for the inevitable "Survive to win". However if my opponents are skilled and have barely any downs then I try and get emp's from the box and take out quick revive and jugg. while these perks are out I try and get all of my team to stay at double tap so we wont go down. also if the mystery box is in the bar and 2 or more of your opponents are hitting it, you and 1 of your friend crouch at the ledge against the wall so they cant knife you off. This usually results in them getting trapped while you and your team-mate make a getaway by jumping off the ledge.

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On Grief, I always try to get EMP Grenades before Juggernog. Basically my strategy is go for offense rather than defense.

Thats interesting, I'll usually grab, mp5, jugg, and dtap before I even hit the box.

Generally, I'm not too worried about the enemy team getting emps as I feel they can rarely be used against me effectively. I don't hit the box much, and I'm usually on top of my perks getting grayed out.

Last time someone tried to use emps against me, he emp'd jugg and then everyone went down while I solo'd the round and won. I got him trapped on a staircase to get him downed as well.

To be fair, EMPs have a great window of opportunity. You don't want to use them too early. But you don't want to use them when people are otherwise perfectly set up. However, using it on the enemy's first Pack-A-Punch of the map I think is the best opportunity.

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Round 1: Run around as fast as I can knifing z's I find on their own, shooting zombies other people are trying to kill, even when they're my teammates.

So you are telling us that you're a douchebag ?! Interesting.

Well they often aren't very good, and me having more points means us having a better shot at winning. And if I'm able to hit every spot and steal kills before my teammates can get to them, then that alone says how talented they are. If not for keeping me from getting points then at least keeping the other team from getting them.

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Here is mine.


Round 1 Knife, and steal kills.

Round 2 and above : Get enough for Mp5, save your starting pistol.

Round 6 Get knuckles

Roun 7 Get Jugg.

Round 9 Pack a punch pistol if you make enough points which you would because you have nuckles.

Round 10 or above - pap Mp5

Get Quick revive only if your team members suck.

Farm : Get Jugg as soon as possible, Mp5 is must for first 5 rounds. Box is possible. Stick with Barn and wait until people are down. If you are playing with friends try and block other team by stairs near MP5. Not a big fan of that blocking myself.

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