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Shangri-La Achievements list!

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    Small Consolation- In Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie.
    Monkey see, Monkey don't - In Shangri-La get something from the monkeys.
    Zomb Disposal - In Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players.
    Blinded by the fright - In Shangri-La kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it.
    Time Travel will tell - In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone.

If you don't believe me and want to see yourself, go onto your Xbox and compare games with someone!

Discuss guys! I'm guessing "Time travel will tell" is the Easter Egg Achievement.

Image: (Thanks to infamousKONVICT)

Video proof:


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    Small Consolation- In Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie.
    Monkey see, Monkey don't - In Shangri-La get something from the monkeys.
    Zomb Disposal - In Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players.
    Blinded by the light - In Shangri-La kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it.
    Time Travel will tell - In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone.

If you don't believe me and want to see yourself, go onto your Xbox and compare games with someone!

Discuss guys! I'm guessing "Time travel will tell" is the Easter Egg Achievement.

I'm guessing the 31-79 JGb215 is that new gun we saw in the multiplayer trailer.

Zomb Disposal - That kamikaze zombie that's on fire hurts not just you, but your team mates as well!

Blinded by the light - I'm guessing the "Shrieker" zombie is that blue zombie at the end of the multiplayer trailer?

Time Travel will tell - Now this is interesting. I believe this will be a big step for the storyline.

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Ahhhhh thanks LaimFTWinter, this list of achievements you've posted is awesome and explains a lot.

Small Consolation- In Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie.

This explains that there will be more than one type of zombie. This pleases me immensely, as from day one I've wanted a map pack with more varieties of zombies(not like George, though, things like gas crawlers- they add a variety to the gameplay). I'm guessing that smashed-keyboard sounding name of a gun is the new wonder weapon. Treyarch always seems to give guns the most complex names...

Monkey see, Monkey don't - In Shangri-La get something from the monkeys.

From this achievement I think killing a monkey in this level might be slightly challenging? Maybe...

Zomb Disposal - In Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players.

Oh my God Napalm zombies this is so freaking awesome. And I love that they can harm other players- this'll be a new way to exact my revenge on kill stealers! :D

Blinded by the light - In Shangri-La kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it.

Obvious reference to an amazing song(of course, that's a cover of the original, but I like the cover a little better). Anyways, these Shrieker zombies sound pretty cool.

Time Travel will tell - In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone.

Sounds like this might be related to the easter egg.

Anyways, this list of achievements really makes the map sound epic!

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The focusing stone has to do with the easter egg, no doubt about it. Probably another one of Richtofen's items and/or has to do with the process of time travel.

"31-79 JGb215" hmmm... seems like a code we have to decipher... (I could be horrilbly wrong)

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Yes a new Easter egg! (I guess)...

Even though they can be annoying i still like them and i think this one might advance the plot!

Napalm zombies...

Hmm maybe they shoot fire or something? Or they lock onto you and only you and if you get near someone you can harm them accidently (Or on purpose).

Well i guess the Shrieker zombies blind you by screaming or by releasing Nova 6

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Hey all,

I'm new here @ CODZ but have been spying on you all for a while :)

Had to sign up to put my 2 cents in....

The focusing stone,

Since Kino, Richtofen was unaware of the teleporters capability to time travel,

In COTD he mentions how 'they must have gone too far into the future'

Based on the fact that the new achivement is called Time travel will tell and that the crew are trying to get hold of a 'focusing stone'

Could it be that Richtofen is trying to master time travel!?

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Hey all,

I'm new here @ CODZ but have been spying on you all for a while :)

Had to sign up to put my 2 cents in....

The focusing stone,

Since Kino, Richtofen was unaware of the teleporters capability to time travel,

In COTD he mentions how 'they must have gone too far into the future'

Based on the fact that the new achivement is called Time travel will tell and that the crew are trying to get hold of a 'focusing stone'

Could it be that Richtofen is trying to master time travel!?

And it is worth 75G to it has to be hard and it is probably going to take a very good Zombie team to pull it off.

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Hey all,

I'm new here @ CODZ but have been spying on you all for a while :)

Had to sign up to put my 2 cents in....

The focusing stone,

Since Kino, Richtofen was unaware of the teleporters capability to time travel,

In COTD he mentions how 'they must have gone too far into the future'

Based on the fact that the new achivement is called Time travel will tell and that the crew are trying to get hold of a 'focusing stone'

Could it be that Richtofen is trying to master time travel!?

And it is worth 75G to it has to be hard and it is probably going to take a very good Zombie team to pull it off.

dang i didnt notice it was worth that many points. it must be a pretty brutal task

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[brains] to you sir for posting this thread....this....is.....AWESOME!!!! I'm guessing that monkeys (like Mr. Waffle above me said) are gonna be a pain in the ass to kill and there are negative and positive drops. So it will be just like a dog round but you got a bunch of monkeys with drops on their backs and the ones you kill are the ones you get to keep the drops from. If this is how it works then KUDOS to you Treyarch...I think it's a wonderful idea. The different kinds of zombies I can tell will be challenging as hell. Think about it...you doing the circle strategy and WHAM...a napalm zombie explodes on you and your screen goes red, then one more shot and your down. Or, if theres a George Romaro type thing going on again and if you upset him he starts to spaz out. So a napalm zombie might explode next to him and make him start to chase you. I hope they don't do the George thing again though...that was annoying. But I can't wait to see this map thats for sure.

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its actually Blinded by the fright

Sorry about that, I was reading them from a small screen in standard definition xD. Edited the main post.

no worries mate i feel your pain, until recently was playing BO on SD and crt tv, could imagine how hard it was trying to do anything on the terminal lol

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Also Spud, did you write Laimftwinter on purpose? As in lame? xD Lol'd when I read it XD

Hahahahaha I guess it was a Freudian slip. No, just kidding LiamFTWinter, from the one post of yours I've read(the original post of this thread), you seem like a pretty cool dude.

Also, the 31-79 Jgb215 is definitely the wonder weapon from the video, since that's the icon for that achievement. But now that we get a side view of the new wonder weapon, you gotta agree that it looks somewhat like the Wunderwaffe. It has the rifle hilt in the back and a long barrel or whatever it's called. I know that the picture definitely is NOT the Wunderwaffe, and definitely the new weapon, because you can see the ring on the end of the gun in the icon, the same ring on that gun in the video. But it for sure looks like it could be the Wunderwaffe's "brother", right?

Also, since the achievement with the Shrieker zombie shows a zombie with a turban(?), I assume the blue zombie at the end of the trailer was in fact a Shrieker zombie.

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Am i the only one that thinks this sounds crappy? lol, napalm zombies, ones that make you blind. even a gun that sounds like a math problem for f*cks sake. i am going to wait a while before getting this, this time around, its a good thing xbox gets it first. they can be the testers, i can be the observer.

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