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Shangri-La is Area 51.


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I'm sorry if there's threads discussing this, but I figured we needed a thread discussing why Shangri-La is Area 51.

Firing Range: There is a teddy bear hidden in this multiplayer map + if you get a sniper and zoom outside the map you will notice a sign that says "welcome to hell". This is the only map that has a bear in it, and it's similar to a desert setting, much like Area 51 Nevada.

Ascension Documents: Take a sniper and zoom in on the papers on the cork board in Ascension, especially in the juggernog room. You will notice on the wall there are papers that are just blurred squiggly lines, however, there are also papers that are written out. Someone must have taken the time to write out these papers, and save them as textures. On these written out papers it explains how the people who were at Ascension are going to be transferred to "white sands" to work with the Americans. White Sands is a synonym for Area 51.

Element 115: I forget where, but isn't it mentioned that the Americans have a large depot of element 115? I'm pretty sure this relates to Area 51.

New Multiplayer Map: Hanger 18 is set at area 51, and it has a lot of Easter Eggs in relation to the Zombies Map. This is revealed in the mp3 trailer: http://www.callofduty.com/blackops/dlc3 ... enes-video

I'm sure there's more, but I thought we could use just one thread where we can discuss why the next zombies map is going to be in Area 51. I think it's pretty obvious, and these are just some of the clues. Those of us who have been guessing that it would be area 51 have been right.

I'm actually really excited to see what's going to come shortly. This is the only map pack that has me really excited. They are hiding Easter Eggs in the multiplayer maps, but they have already hidden them in multiplayer, if you know where to look :) This is even more evidence (firing range) that it's going to be an area 51 map.

The last evidence is the name: Shangri-la

Shangri-La means paradise. Paradise Sands is another name for......Area 51.

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Yaaaa......I got confused about this....I don't know where you found all that at, but um, Shangri-La is not Area 51 buddy....

I mean, unless Area 51 is really a jungly tropical paradise with old rickety wooden bridges and temples and all the people there wear clothes that make them look like they're from 3rd world countries..

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I mean, unless Area 51 is really a jungly tropical paradise with old rickety wooden bridges and temples and all the people there wear clothes that make them look like they're from 3rd world countries..

you never know, it was probably casual friday.... :)


Well, that's certainly putting a new touch on casual, ain't it?

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as to the original post, yeah, i dont think it would be Paradise Sands.... I mean, hell i have never even heard of area 51 be called paradise sands.

Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake,and most recently Homey Airport sure.... but never sands....

that would be weird.... a jungle under the sand of the nevada desert. crazy i tell you.... CRAZY

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How did you come to the conclusion that Shangri-La is Area 51? The only way that could be true is if theres a GIANT hangar in Area 51 that they built a bio-dome in...with trees and rivers, and baboons...oh and the sun.

Area 51 would look more like a futuristic metalic (like Ascension) with laboratories and test tubes and aliens in giant water tanks with wires attached to them. And maybe some test beds with dead aliens and hybrid humans mixed with turtles, and all kinds of technology.

Actually, Shangri-La is EXACT OPPOSITE of Area 51 lol.

But Alpha Snake has an interesting theory about where Shangri-La may be located. Check out his thread about the hollow earth. Very interesting stuff.

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I think it's possible that the next map pack (if there is one) could be set in Area 51. But it's definitely not this one, mainly because of the fact that there is grass.

Alright this guys copped it enough, I think we should stop posting that he is wrong, we have all established the fact that it isn't the secret military base.

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