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Everything posted by MrKechi115

  1. Here is a Pack a Punched one: It seems to me that it will fire two shots with the aiming trigger and two with the shooting trigger like the ranger in MW2, we dont see it aiming down sight on the trailer, but when PaPd it can be aimed down sight and it looks like it becomes like TITUS-6 (A weapon from campaign) that fires 4 crossbow bolts wich in this case are like goo that explode zombies.
  2. If i remember correctly on August of 2012 for like a week BO1 maps had 50% discount ($7.50) on PSN, also W@W maps have that price of $7.50 since i have a ps3.
  3. The first time i thought it was a hellhound, upon closer inspection i think it is... A GENGAR! :lol:
  4. In a recent JuggerWicho video he said that probably there are no perks in this map, and that we may have more health. I think its a good theory because if group 935 created the perk machines (if they didnt do it, sorry for my ignorance) and mob of the dead its on the 1930s there will be no perks
  5. I played MW2 a lot and i was a fan of sniping and trickshotting, thanks to that now i play on tactical with the highest sensitivity possible (14 on black ops 2)
  6. This is a VERY short post xD. Have you ever noticed that when you turn on the power on Die Rise you hear the same sound as on CoTD? Can this be relevant? Or im just hearing things?
  7. Until die rise hits ps3 the thursday i wont play it like really in depth, but from the couple hours i had playing it in a friend´s house i can say that the papd AN-94 is really good and i have no problem killing zombies even at later 20s
  8. See that in the bottom right corner? Looks a bit like a super 8 reel to me, more specifically, this; Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm quite certain that the bottom image is in fact Earth. It has the shattered image to display a "Broken World" kind of idea. He meant the bottom right corner of the loading screen, where tha page its ripped out
  9. I can confirm you that in nuketown if you throw a monkey on a crack it may enter it and get "out of the map" so it wont work.
  10. The only thing i personally hate in Der Riese is the mid round dogs, i have died a lot of times trapped or killed by them D:
  11. I like this idea, but the flooding streets could screw you up. Anyways very creativa and sounds fun, maybe a good perk idea would be something that lets you survive underwater :D
  12. I can confirm you can get headshots with explosives, maybe that was the green mist?
  13. As far from gameplay point of view, you cant live without perks (mostly jugg) and Treyarch will receive a LOT of hate if they remove perks, but from a story point of view... how the french toast perk machines ended up on elevators? xD
  14. Ok, im starting to think here, people on this forums have pointed out that the next page on the die rise looks like an image from kino, and you say the "giant zombie" its presumably on kino der toten. Also i read a thread a while ago stating that in the surprise trailer there appears a giant zombie in the tunnel in the middle of the horde... GIANT F*CKIN ZOMBIE ON KINO 2.0?!?!?! xD
  15. Oh sorry! i was playing with the forum options xD. Removing them now :D
  16. Ok so i saw a thread for achievement help on xbox, well, that inspired me to help people on PS3! I can help you get any achievement, but for easter egg purposes i will do it in other account because ive already done richtofen. If you want help add Kechi_55, if you want help with the easter egg add monocongranadas. Also, im spanish but i can understand english perfectly, i have headset but chances are you wont understand me with my horrible spelling xD. (If this is in the wrong section please let me know)
  17. I call them spiderman ^^ Here is a story (maybe a little off-topic): I was in my friends house playing die rise where the PDW is, when these creatures came 5 or 6 of them trapped me by doing a circle around me and killed me xD
  18. This was known a while ago, also richtofen can be done with 2 players ;)
  19. Sorry if theres already a thread on this because i just want to post this, mods feel free to lock, move or delete this thread. Back on topic, spanish youtubers have finished the richtofen part of the easter egg. Here is video proof: 7_sOkbsd_Rg
  20. I was going to try that because the patch its available on PS3 know, but on round 12 i was training on the tunnel, i went down with quick revive but didnt lose my permanent juggernog but i needed ammo, so i left a zombie and tried to go to the box that was still on diner. Sadly i was playing without volume and listening to music and forgot that the zombie could die so the round started and i wasnt paying attention so they trapped me on diner xD
  21. Quote from maxis when buying SVU AS sniper, maybe stare at the moon with a sniper :p
  22. i read the comments on this NGTZombies video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uywdLsWags and they say that you have to restart the elevator and it goes slower to the top and you can get PHD
  23. I only have ps3 so i cant play die rise but, can someone try staying as close as the wall on the elevator as possible and keep sprinting so when you get there you maybe could enter and buy flopper , make sure you have points though, because it seems the only exit its jumping down the elevator. Hope this works!
  24. Do you guys think the intro of the song will be the same as the death song in green run? (without the laugh)
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