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Everything posted by DeathBringerZen

  1. Wow... such generosity! Still, seeing as the CoD franchise continues to use the same out dated game engine that has been ever present for some 9 years now, I expect the 2014 CoD title (Modern Warfare 4 no doubt!) to look pretty much identical to MW3 & Ghosts, and to also be just as awful to play. I hope I am wrong though, but I doubt it. The IW Engine was only recently upgraded for Ghosts (and not a completely new engine like they claimed), so expect it to look pretty much identical to Ghosts. So sad.
  2. Well... when you put it like that! Still... I am not going to lie when I say I have already started pouring the petrol over myself...
  3. So, Liam and CharlieINTEL just confirmed that Sledgehammer will be behind the 2014 Call of Duty, and that the CoD franchise will be going into a 3 year cycle. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/02/06/activision-confirms-3-dev-cycle-for-the-call-of-duty-franchise-shgames-game-coming-in-2014/ What does this mean for CoDZ? Will we have to wait 2 years now for the next zombies? It seems so. I am happy to get a better zombie game if more time is spent on the development, but this means we are left with BO2 to tide us over till then. How depressing.
  4. If you have a standard, PaP'd Raygun and a non-packed Mark II, when you put it into the PaP machine it will still delete it, and vice versa. The Raygun and Mark II technically count as the same gun in the engines coding, so packing one while carrying another still counts as if you have the same gun. Same scenario if two players have a Mark II and one person goes to PaP theirs it will take it from them and not return it, so no matter what happens, you will never be able to have two of the same guns PaP'd in the same game, even if it is different players carrying them. Same with BO1 when doing the 'Down yourself while another player smashes the box' method.
  5. Added a ton of custom map reviews (with download links) to the WAW Custom Zombie Section. Enjoy. ;)

  6. No, if you currently have a pack a punched Raygun or Mark II, and then try to pack the other Raygun or Mark II it will go into the machine but it will not come back out. It is actually possible to have 2 Rayguns or 2 Mark II's per person on ANY map, but you would need to have no care for your stats (down in particular) for it to work. There is instances of people with 2 Mark II's (one packed one not packed) and a third weapon on maps that have Mule Kick, but it again could cost you a ton of downs trying it. On BO1, it is more user friendly as downs do not count for anything. I am completely against glitching, but have on a rare occasion ran around Ascension with 2 thunderguns, while my team mate had 2 Rayguns. Took us a a while to get them, but we tried it to see if it was possible and it was.
  7. Good to hear. I too have fallen victim to this. lol.
  8. I personally compare it more to the 'No Air' glitch on Moon. The reason for that is because I remember so many people claiming it was a legit feature, yet could not be done on solo (like the elemental knife). It was also pretty obviously a glitch consider the manner in which it was actually obtained in the first place. Also, the duplicate hacker thing was possible on day one of the maps release, yet it did not get patched in the final title update. Either way, it is pretty obviously a glitch. The animation is not a new animation, it is just the standard knife animation with the effect of the punch. It looks messed up and there is no notification sounds when it is achieved/obtained. The knifing mechanics in BO2 is already terrible... if people want to kill themselves to obtain something that will ultimately lead to a down later in-game too, so be it.
  9. Honestly, I was really disappointed with it myself. I thought the campaign was OK. It did feel more like an interactive movie than a game though. You got lead by the hand through it pretty much. I absolutely hate the MP side of it though. It is not that it plays terribly, but it is very rough feeling, and the visuals on the 360 look pretty rough in areas. The resolution looks very low, so seeing enemies in the distance can be near impossible. I also thought the stock MP maps were really ugly looking. They lacked intuitive designs to them also. Same tired layouts for most of them, even if the have increased in size somewhat. Overall, the whole MP experience felt very similar to MW3 and I really did not enjoy that game either. Extinction is the best part of the game, and I even found that to be repetitive and lacking in longevity. There is replay value, but only if you think the ranking system is worthwhile, and personally I do not. None of the leaderboards where anything to care about in my opinion. I know people will tell me it would make it too much like zombies, but I would have loved for them to have added a survival mode to extinction. They definitely made the game mode with us in mind, but I don't like it myself. One of the things that made zombies work well, was that it was nothing like MP. It was a completely different game mode. Extinction feels like MP with aliens. Either way, I would not recommend it myself, but the only way you will know for sure is to try it first. If renting it is an option, you have found your answer.
  10. Same. I voted Glitching. It is the worst taboo in zombies. Never an excuse for glitching... especially in a public match.
  11. Challenges, like getting the Max Ammo, PaP weapon and free perk were all great ideas and forced each player into doing the challenges on their own if they wanted them... ie: no one could carry the player or get the challenges for them. All other inclusions like buildables and persistent perks were completely garbage and should only come back if they are worthwhile. Take the awful Tranzit buildables. Aside from being forced into building the Turbine, none of them were actually worthwhile. They did not even work well!? No one even builds them anymore they are so awful. Testers did NOT do their job that day! Buried was just as bad. They put the trample steam in that map and it was only useful for glitchers. Rest of the buildables were aimed at noob campers. Where is the buildables for solo players? or for that matter, ones that do not require a bloody turbine to power them?? Can't tell you the amount of times I picked up a brand new turbine only to place it at an awful buildable to kill just a handful of zombies only to see it break apart instantly!?! Head Chopper is the only decent buildable outside of the shield they came up with, and these are things they should work upon if they do intend on bringing such things back. Either way, they need to scrap the vast majority of what they added into BO2 and go back to the drawing board. Most people hated BO2 for a reason, and the game mode needs drastic changes if it is to continue. Challenges are the way forward... that and decent EE's that don't glitch out, and actually have decent rewards that are not overshadowed by in-game rewards that are much easier to obtain than doing a broken and boring EE. ie : A power up drop on Tranzit (Really!?!), all the perks on Die Rise (obtained via the novas much easier), nothing on MotD, Perma perks on Buried (Persistent Tombstone anyone?), and nothing on Origins (Crazy place opened if that counts, but not worthwhile or even remotely good enough). Face it... BO3 or whatever it will be called needs DRASTIC changes. I know this is an opinion by many too, so not just me venting steam.
  12. I am just pointing out that the topic HAS been covered, as Blazey seemed to think it had passed over out heads without notice. As for the Treyarch Dev's seeing it... they have not only seen it... they play it. Personally, I don't see any point in trying to tie it into the storyline as there is no signs of it being a part of the same universe. Of course, there is several users on here who could fill you in on it more. Like the user who translated most of the menus and character profiles, or even Flammenwerfer who has an account and plays it daily. Rather than trying to disect it myself, I will just wait and see if it makes it to the western world first, and if it does, I will then have a better understanding of it.
  13. You are a bit late regarding this new CoD:Online. People did makes threads on it back in Nov/Dec. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/158255-a-qa-for-codol-zombies-character-diarys-120/ http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/158231-call-of-duty-online-zombies/ http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/158233-new-zombies-cod-online-zombies/ I am sure there was a couple more, but can't see them.
  14. I know you said it was somewhat of a hassle, but I would love to see a video if you do end up making one. I knew about how to not spawn Nova's in, but was not 100% on what strategies people used with it. Great post man!
  15. Good stuff guys. I have enjoyed Way and Flammen's streams of late and have also tuned into a few of Jolteon's streams too (albeit Poekmon streams lol). Look forward to seeing more from them and the other members. Particularly yourself too Chopper. I would like to see some of the strats you do.
  16. Yeah, Mega and Boom are right. This is what they implemented in a patch during the Die Rise days to prevent glitching. It unfortunately is another one of those patches that only really seems to affect legit players though... like the death barrier they added to the tank that means if you are not on 4 bars, do not ride the tank or you WILL die! Why can't they just incorporate a feature into the engine that detects if a player is standing still for too long a duration. Say 5 mins. If a player does not move from a single spot for 5 whole mins, the game stops recording their stats or something... I don't know.
  17. I'll shoot you a friend request Craig. I am in the same time zone (and country lol) and always have a group ready and willing to help do Easter Eggs. Be more than happy to get them BO2 ones done for you.
  18. Based on their popularity amongst the community, or unpopularity in this case, I would be very surprised to see them return. I still personally feel the Origins ending was designed to put an end to the characters we played as (O4 & N4), and the storyline also, but only time will tell for sure. I hope that it is not the case, but I would also understand seeing as the current storyline did run away with itself a little. I actually did not mind the N4, but by the time Buried came along, I found their quotes a little cringe worthy. They were very repetitive in what they said. Most buried quotes were just reworded versions of those found in Tranzit and Die Rise.
  19. I had this same issue happen to me in a game of Call of the Dead one time. We restarted the match and it was still happening so I rebooted the console and it went away. Did not try it on any other maps, but it made CotD looks really messed up. Same effect too. Everything was silver coated. It usually could be a sign your console is close to going kapoot, but it was about a year ago it happened to me, and I am still using the same 360 to this day!?
  20. I gave up on Ghosts after the first week and have not put it back into my console since. I too have experienced the same issues you are getting Beast on my 360 version, yet my son seems to be having no real issues with his version for the One!? Either way, I think the game is awful anyway, so even if it worked better for me I still would not play it. Extinction was the only decent feature, and even that is not so great. Nightfall DLC also looked very meh.
  21. I also feel they intended on doing more with Tranzit, the Navcards and BO2 zombies in general, and also feel time constraints put an end to all that. If that is the case, then I am extremely pissed with both Treyarch and Activision. Treyarch for making the map without delivering what they intended on giving us, and Activision for caring none about the community and pressuring Treyarch into release a half finished, broken and garbage map that is empty of anything to do in it. Tranzit should have definitely been given something at the end of the season, be it a better WW, more perks or an extended EE. All things the community asked for, and all things that got completely ignored. Why not give us something at least!? They both should hang their heads in shame for Tranzit, but neither will.
  22. Not really mate, from what I have seen at least. I will just wait till you play it yourself and then get the low down from you afterwards.
  23. Nice to finally get to see the man behind the name. I may not have conversed with you much in the past, but I am an avid follower of the strategies you put out. You are a beast at zombies mate!
  24. Damn Chopper! My own personal failing came on a 4 player game of Ascension on round 39. All my team mates had went down, and having initially been training in the scrapyard, I decided to move to the safe haven that is the spawn. With a near full thundergun in hand, I dropped down and leaned against the wall with the M14. Seeing the 'Hold X to' message pop up, I panicked and thought I was needing to reload and held down X only to swap out for an M14. Lasted 3-4 seconds after that and game ended. Can't even reload the stupid Thundergun anyway... idiot!
  25. People who think that it is k/d are only tallying the co-op k/d and not the versus k/d, so if your friends k/d is as low as 140 from playing Grief, he is tallying the two stats together. If you tally only his co-op stats, he will not be as low as 140. Still... if what Jimmy says is true, then k/d is nothing to do with it. It is all down to high rounds with no lower round downs. That being said, I have seen too many people rank up at the 170 k/d mark to just dispell it. Jimmy has been wrong about his own game in the past after all.
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