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MegaAfroMan last won the day on March 18 2017

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About MegaAfroMan

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  1. hi, long time no talk

  2. The camo was a gift for any special edition. I got mine from buying the digital deluxe edition. The panzer in the calling card is just a carry over from the original weaponized 115 pack that Treyarch put in BO2. I'm all for recognizing when Treyarch does sneaky things, but it is a massive stretch to say that they chose this calling card in BO2 for release with a Micro pack in order to let it become a fan favorite so they could bring it back in special editions of BO3, just to foreshadow the return of the panzer in DLC 1 of BO3.
  3. it would be interesting to see the drop statistics in a normal game, and to compare it with drops swpaned via teleporters, drops spawned via pods, and drops spawned via this gumball. As far as I know, perk bottles never spawn naturally and I don't believe they spawn from pods, however they do very rarely spawn from teleporters and this gum. It'd be nice to see the odds of getting any particular drop.
  4. What part of Maxis's side in buried wasn't completeable after a certain point? I'm blanking on that. Oh, and OP, that's a lot of resources that'd need to exist in the files, that quite frankly would have been found by our PC brothers by now. From what I've gathered the actual code scripts that execute Easter Egg related effects in game aren't easy to crack, but there would be easily found sound files and quotes related to a Major EE on the Giant that simply aren't there. Plus what intel are you talking about? Dempsey said something in a quote. He also later admitted to having memory problems from 115. Take it with a grain of salt. Richtofen was screaming about a vessel for Maxis before realizing he was just repeating a quote from Origins. Our characterrs are pretty messed up from dimension hopping. Finally I agree with what has been said, it is excessively unlikely that an Easter Egg would ever be made which would only be completeable before a certain round, or would have steps that cannot be repeated if failed. It is also unlikely that gobblegum will ever play a big role, as it is level dependent for the classics, and internet dependent for the megas. Gobblegum required in EEs would mean there would be EEs that some players would automatically fail at before even joining a game, which is just ridiculous. The Giant is unfortunately empty. There may yet be small things, like notes or codes, but nothing big. It was a bonus map and a revisit. It's one step up from a boring remaster.
  5. How do you do this? I've gotten the keepers from the ritual item and the ones from the subway to respawn, but it only happens when they die from the completion of a sacrifice. Otherwise I get 6 zombies on round one 7 if I open an area and enter beast mode with the last zombie left. Haven't gotten more than 15 though from the previously mentioned totaled.
  6. I don't think I got to use the GG machine after a dead draw, but I do think it gave me a refund. I'll have to test again though. Okay, maybe the keepers from picking up the ritual object would change. I thought you meant the ones from the ritual. I'll check that out on PS4, I've never tried that.
  7. I don't know if it works any different when you start the match with charges in the Megas and empty them in game, but I do know if you make a pack with 4 empty mega gums, you can and will spin dead draws. I do believe I got the 500 points back though, so it's still slightly more beneficial if you really only want one usable gum or two usable gums. This is on PS4. @83457, what do you play on? The flying creatures will occassionally respawn into other enemy types on primarily zombie rounds for me, but never, ever have the keeps respawned into zombies. Nor do new zombies load in beyond the round amount just for waiting. Zombies will despawn when you get too far away, it just won't end the round like it did for BO2.
  8. I know I'm probably in the minority that thought that upgrading the staves in Origins was fun and less tedipus than the rituals and swords in Shadows, but I think they had it pretty close to spot on in Origins. Pack-a-punch was fairly simple to unlock with the generators, which I hold to be infinitely better than the rituals because they aren't in hidden areas only opened through a limited use alternate form. I could have a pack-a-punch set up and round 20 game going on Origins with 1 ultimate staff within about 1-2 hours, which isn't ridiculously bad, it's only when you insist on doing all four staves, getting the airstrike beacon and the fists that the set up took ungodly amounts of time. But yes, I do like how quick and easy The Giant is. I think Pack-a-punch, perks (at least the basic 4 and maybe two accessory perks), the base form wondergun, and the the tactical grenade should all be accessible without doing any quests. Tell ya what Treyarch. If you want to hide the new perks or cameos of old perks away (PHD FLOPPER *cough*) through hidden subway stations only found through quest steps, or bury the alternate acid based form of the wonder weapon in an Easter Egg, or give us an additional tactical or special weapon througn a questline, then go for it. But leave Pack-a-punch, the basic perks, and wondergun out of it so people who want a quick and easy game can have a game with no specific objectives other than survive.
  9. Greetings CoDz! A little over one week ago we got our first plays in of Black Ops 3, and boy were we excited. It had been an extra year longer in waiting than normal and the map director was confirmed to be the same as the mind behind Origins and Mob of the Dead, which in my opinion are the best playing map and the best feeling map respectively. Now with Shadows probably finished and The Giant seeming empty I feel like it would be a good time to discuss views on the base mechanics across both maps and the new features like Gobblegum, weapon kits, ranking and more. So I'll start with the little things, like the ranking system and leaderboards. I like the leaderboards, I like the rank, but I miss lobby leaderboards still. You can tell more about someone based on highest round than you can by level. Prestige especially doesn't add much, as I'm not sure if I'll ever prestige. In MP prestiging is helpful because you cannot unlock everything in one go, but in zombies you can, so the perma unlock seems honestly extremely stupid. They should have given us a token to change a common mega gum into an infinite use classic gum or something, or a token to guarantee a certain Pack a Punch effect is more likely, or even just a ridiculous amount of Divinium would work. So the weapon kits I actually really like, although I wish the attachments were a little more impactful and I wish there were fewer slots. I can attach almost all available attachments to most guns all at once and it is a bit weird. I'd prefer having to choose with benefits and consequences rather than just being able to attach everything and say eff it. Gobblegum is really neat actually, I am very pleased with how it turned out, although I think a few gums are rather worthless, like the classic gum which speeds up recharge for special weapons, I really don't use the swords or the anihilator, so it seems pointless to me. But oh well, it's still an interesting mechanic and I approve very much. The new AI definitely adds a bit more challengeto the game as you have to give the zombies a bit more attention and space than was necessary in BO and BO2. It almost harkens back to World at War and I like the added danger. The new pack a punch effects are really cool, although they are sort of unbalanced. Dead wire seems really weak. I only seem to see 3 zombies die from it when it triggers. Turned is weird. I've seen it lead to the deaths of entire hordes (although you don't get credit for it) or I've seen the turned zombie freak out and hunt on straggler before exploding himself. Fireworks is cute and depending on your gun and your aim it can be absolutely lethal, although I don't seem to have as much luck with it. Thunder Wall is cool, and if fired at 3-6 zombies is acts as a baby Thunder Gun and works as a semi-panic weapon. Blast furnace is by far the best in my opinion, as it can kill an entire horde of 24 all at once, and gives you points for the burning and for their deaths and give you credit for the deaths. I personally would like to see Dead Wire and the other effects receive a bit of a power boost rather than a nerf to Blast Furnace. I also would have liked to see them be a little harder than paying 2500 to get but that's just me. I'm pretty happy with it though as is. All in all I really like all the new base features to the game, and I think they did really well with all of them, except may the prestige awards, although I do not yet know what prestige master gets as a reward. If you have thoughts I'd like to read em, so leave em below!
  10. Greetings CoDz! A little over one week ago we got our first plays in of Black Ops 3, and boy were we excited. It had been an extra year longer in waiting than normal and the map director was confirmed to be the same as the mind behind Origins and Mob of the Dead, which in my opinion are the best playing map and the best feeling map respectively. Now that Shadows has finally been solved (probably) and The Giant is still looking pretty quiet I'd like to share my views on the map and read about your own. So first off the Easter Egg or lack thereof is extremely disappointing. I was really expecting an actual easter egg quest. Not just an updated Fly Trap with a mostly terrible reward. As far as I know the only other easter egg besides radios is the perk machine, which is cool enough sure, but I wish it wasn't randomized, and I wish it didn't require monkey bombs as the box never seems to want to give me them. By the time I usually do thaw the machine I already have my perks anyways, so there isn't really a point. It's just something to do. The map is Der Riese for the third time. I'm not terribly upset but I was honestly expecting a more intact Der Riese really. I mean is this implying that Maxis Samantha and Richtofen were really hanging around an already burning ruined and abandoned facility? I think the new zombie AI (I swear they are more vicious) is balanced bythe new Pack a Punch effects and the Gobblegum. Although I really feel like the Wunderwaffe is kind of sad now compared to any gun with Blast Furnace. I think the map is fun but that's not exactly a huge credit to Treyarch for repacking a map they already sold twice. I really was disappointed there wasn't more new features. But oh well, it is still fun and I'll still play the hell out of it. If you have thoughts to share, I'd love to read em, so leave em below!
  11. Greetings CoDz! A little over one week ago we got our first plays in of Black Ops 3, and boy were we excited. It had been an extra year longer in waiting than normal and the map director was confirmed to be the same as the mind behind Origins and Mob of the Dead, which in my opinion are the best playing map and the best feeling map respectively. Now one week later, with the Easter Egg believed to have been completed (finally) and most of the little things now surfacing I'd like to share how I feel about the map, and I'd love to hear how you guys feel yourselves. I'll break this down into a few sections starting with the Easter Egg itself. I very much enjoy the feel to it, and the implied connections to our main storyline, and I think it starts off really well. But then suddenly it gets pretty quiet after you unlock pack a punch, which is rather disappointing. If you never notice the swords, you might not even proceed from this point, and if you do, well the final step is purely trial and error. It seems like there is really is no rhyme or reason for what they make us do nor is any good explanation given for all the weird quirks around the map present at and after that point. The final reward is a short cutscene, which although the "I don't have time to explain" line is one of the most annoying things to be on the receiving end of, I actually think it is okay here, because the reason why Ricky needs the key is implied with the whole damage to dimensions and having a universe to set right and whatnot. It is stupid that there is no ingame reward of value, it is stupid that the last step and only the last step requires 4 players. All in all I was rather underwhelmed too when it was finally discovere dthat the only step people were stuck on was the last one. I'd also like to second that killing zombies for EE steps is a little dry and it only really worked on Origins because that map was full of wide open spaces. With staminup you could survive almost anywhere as long as you didn't have the full brunt of the zombies on you. All in all that EE was underwhelming. The little features as far as I know are: cosmetic masks, swords and upgrading them (which is forced for the EE), and the currently unknown upgrade method for the buildable wondergun. Oh and donut mines. Unlocking Packapunch is a bitch. It's not hard persay, but it is honestly very annoying. It is better than Mob, in my opinion which had you rebuild the plan all the damn time, but the only still takes too much effort early game which slows down the action. I think they really tried to make it like the Origins Generators, but forcing players to have to unlock ANYTHING in an 'alternate form' which is only available a limited number of uses per round is stupid in my opinion. It slows down the game play. The generators in origins were not a problem because you didn't have to enter 'power the generator forme' which you can only do once per round... Okay. Now to talk about the little things briefly. The swords, are cool enough but they aren't as amazing as the hells retriever/redeemer. The upgraded sword is okay and when you let it do its own thing it can be used without dooming yourself but the process to get that upgraded or even just to get the swords is so tough if you don't plan your game around it from the beginning that it isn't really worth it. The masks, what is the point? The donut mine is cute, I have no complaints. The buildable wondergun, I think they should hotfix the packapunch glitch and just let it be packapunched normally. I don't really want to have to deal with some short trail probably involving killing zombies just to upgrade it. In other news, what is up with the eye color change in the Margwa? Why does the train have a hitbox? What are those blinking eyes stuck to billboards that you can shoot? Why are there grapple points in pack a punch? Why is there that completely unnecessary grapple in the junction? Maybe there is more to see, but they really haven't given us any logical paths to follow. Alright so the map. I love the atmosphere. I think it feels great. The music is downright sexy. The visuals are a great mix of colors. However looking good doesn't always equal playing good. I loved the vibe of Mob, but it was a tough map to survive on and I'm getting a similar feel here. This is a fair bit mor spacious but not by much. I've been spoiled by origins, which besides the drab color scheme was a rich map with content and space to survive in without it being too spacious like TranZit or any of the Exo maps. This map is tough, and in my opinion it is just a little tough for the tasks they want you to complete. Because of the limited uses per round of beast mode, and the tight spaces where most of the challenges (swords mostly) need to be completed in you have to rush and budget extremely carefully. I've yet to play with randoms, but something make me feel like opening Packapunch is going to be a bit of a nightmare. However I like the flow of the map. It isn't impossible like Mob is when you have 3 or 4 casual players, and it has very nice weapon and perk placement. It is challenging, but still acheivable. It could be better as I feel like getting the ideal first 5 rounds is too heavily emphasized, but it isn't bad. All in all, I'd put this map on par with maps like Shangri-La and Mob of the Dead in terms of my personal rating. I spend much more time playing the Giant because it is quicker, more forgiving if your first 5 rounds don't happen perfectly, and honestly the only features that Shadows has over The Giant is Widows Wine, the sheild, and the Wonder Gun. I hope they do better and go more Origins-esque myself, but that's just me. I'd be okay with seeing things around the Ascension to Moon level of complicated and map size popping up again honestly. Feel free to share your thoughts, I'd like to read em.
  12. Does anyone else purposefully empty gobblegums to use in packs to guarantee one or two gobblegums are the only available ones in your machine?

    A pack with 4 empty megas and Danger Closest acts like a PHD flopper that needs to be renewed every 3 rounds.

    1. Boom115


      Yep, I never use all five so I leave the ones I want in there.

  13. So far the map and practically every 'new' feature they've included all seem like slam dunks compared to barely passable addition of buildables in Transit. However, we'll see how everything feels a few months in. We're all sort of in the honeymoon phase right now.
  14. It'll be upsetting to see the current WIP maps die out if their creators abandon World at War for Black Ops 3, but it will definitely be for the best in the long run. New modding tools for the first time in 8 years, I can only imagine that maps made in the first year of having the kit will already be approaching as fantastic as World at War maps were several years after the tools were available just because of all the features that will already be easily included through the base game.
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