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Everything posted by Rissole25

  1. Sorry if I come off rude or anything to you Eye, or anyone else involved. Just thought I'd share my thoughts. What are your plans for the MZG 2.0? I mean, do you plan on copying the MZG over, than just adding in the new information? If so, I just don't see why you couldn't just post or edit in this new information into MZG. If not, just ignore that. When I hear MZG 2.0, it sounds like it's going to be a completely new guide with fresh information that wasn't in the MZG, at about a similar length to the first one. But do you have enough information that it's going to be around the same length as the MZG? (Not saying it has to be, but the MZG should be a very long guide) If you do, than that's great! But if you don't, I would really call it an add-on to the MZG (like DLC to the main game). Forgive me if I seem rude, but I just want whats best for the guide. In simpler form, I don't think it should be called MZG 2.0 if it doesn't deliver the 'bang' of the original. It would seem more like an add-on that definitely requires a new thread, but just doesn't live up to it's name as the second MZG. However if you were to give it another name (I'm sure you could come up with something), than it would seem more...realistic I guess because it lives up to it's name.
  2. I suppose replaced in the sense that they aren't the crew we consider the original crew now (that goes to Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Edward), but definitely not replaced as in they were never there and Black Ops Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt are canon. The gang were just put there for god knows what reason over the marines. Perhaps if they'd been given a full personality back in World at War, we might be closer to them. At least in Black Ops we were given some personality for them through the terminal (if they were given personality, why take them out of those maps!). In that case, they definitely should be counted as they are core part of Zombies still. Lol rant over. Now, we definitely will be getting a new zombie crew/s. The chick in the poster I feel will be a part of the core group we'll be playing in for most of the maps. Not to say the gang is forgotten, but I feel we'll be introduced to a new 'gang' to which we will see the story through, whilst still playing as Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Samantha in every second map maybe.
  3. Yeah it's definitely David. You should also be able to tell by the height. Alex was 5" 11', while David is 6" 1'.
  4. I'm actually loving this. Been wanting to watch certain stuff about Black Ops 2, and you guys just seem to have them all up! Along with the video, you guys write a neat article to go with it! And I know you guys won't put up anything that's not official, so that's just even better. I also see the ads. That is actually probably the greatest idea that none of us thought of. Putting ads on the homepage. Keeps it off the actual forums, but being the home page that everyone will end up going to, it should make a nice revenue for CoDz! I see you can edit profiles also. Would the information we put in affect our CoDz accounts, or would it only affect our WordPress accounts? Lastly, is this how one would obtain W.W.K. now? Or are you only going to allow admins to write the articles? Just a note; It comes up 'Call of Duty ZombiesCall of Duty Zombies' up top in every tab except the Home tab. It also appears up top in each article as well. Not a priority, but it does need to be fixed.
  5. What I find interesting is that you gain 9900 as you teleport back to the Receiving Bay, as if you had been brought back from Last Stand/Second Chance. The zombies start noticing you as well, so that the teleport must of finished the 'reviving phase', but still left you invulnerable and without any direct actions (except for opening doors). You still seemed to have Quick Revive after finishing the 'revive phase', but the Cosmonaut steals that from you. I wonder if you would've had Quick Revive indefinitely had he not stolen it? The MDT teleport must've made you vunerable again, since you're essentially starting a new game mode when you teleport. Must have reset it and removed your invulnerability, but still didn't allow any direct actions. :P
  6. Aw Taccy made he's first gameplay guide! (I have no idea why I called you Taccy haha!) In all serious, this is actually pretty good. I know there are other Pentagon Thief threads, but I don't believe they go into the detail that you do. :)
  7. He's not telling us all the information. Obviously that, or somethings not right. James C. Burns says, and I quote: "Look at the t-shirt. Look at the sweat stain down the middle. Who had that on just a few moments before? Woods. Yeah. So, you have Reznov's imaginary head on Woods' body. Put 2 and 2 together." The thing is, ALL of them were prisoners. Mason, Woods, Bowman and even Reznov. Reznov, Bowman, and all of your other allies are wearing the exact same clothes as Woods, down to the same exact sweat stain! So Reznov is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing before Woods 'died'. So techically, he hasn't change clothes at all. But since James C. Burns confirmed it, we just have to roll with that now, no matter how confusing it is. Hopefully we'll get some explanation. ================================ Okay so my next issue is this, James says that from that point on, Mason sees Woods as Reznov. The only time we see Reznov after that is Rebirth. But the Reznov on Rebirth Island I'm pretty sure is NOT Woods, and was still just a figment of Mason's imagination. Otherwise, Woods killed Steiner, but Hudson and Weaver still only saw Mason. Woods would not have ditched Mason halfway through it either. Not to mention that you can shoot Reznov like all the times before he has appeared as a figment. Saying that, I think he is referring to Black Ops 2. The evidence doesn't support Woods being at Rebirth Island. But's it likely now, that if (I should say 'when') Reznov appears in BO2, and we just happen to be playing as Mason, it's probably going to be Woods. ================================ Okay last. This isn't an issue, but more an observation. A strange one I might add. 1Ge4xCEP6Yo Now, when Kravchenko says "Not this time American", that indicates that he recognises him, and is probably referring to the end of Crash Site, where Mason grabs his pistol to shoot the Soviets carrying Bowman, but it's empty. Now after he finishes kicking him, he says "You again. I should've killed you in Vorkuta". Now that sounds like he is just recognizing Mason right than and there, as if he didn't recognize him before the kicking. That is not all. The numbers play seconds before Woods stabs Kravchenko. This to me, along with how wavy the screen is, seems like Mason is hallucinating. Like I said before, it is very possible that the events that happen right after the numbers begin might not have actually happened that way. This could include Kravchenko's 'You again' quote (which would explain it's oddness), Woods stabbing Kravchenko, Kravchenko arming the grenades, and Woods diving out the window with Kravchenko. Not to forget obviously Reznov appearing right after. Lastly, right before Kravchenko talks again, and before the numbers, you can hear a scream. It's not Mason, clearly not Kravchenko, and it wouldn't be Woods or else Kravchenko would've heard. I'm going to say that is when Mason started hallucinating, because there is no-one else who it could be. But who would Mason be thinking it is?
  8. This is like so much information to take in now. Gotta go back and replay the game now! I only just noticed this now, but the numbers are playing when Woods and Kravchenko jump out. Perhaps Mason hallucinated that as well? Or it at least didn't go down the way he actually saw it go down.
  9. A Verruckt-esque map I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't want it practically symmetrical, but I've always loved Verruckt for it's two starting areas. I've always liked the idea of everyone being separated into four separate rooms, each having two windows. Once they buy the door, they'll all meet up into the central room connecting the four rooms.
  10. This is what I wrote in another thread. I really don't believe story driven maps will be 8 player, and will stay as 4. Undecided on if there would be a separate campaign/story mode. If it's true, I don't think I'd like it, but whatever. I'd give it a chance.
  11. I don't mind if regular weapons have the regular PaP skin, but I'd like to see the Wonder Weapons have unique individual PaP skins. The Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ got the Gold Camo in Black Ops, and the V-R11 and V-R11 Lazarus had the Siberia skin (although the regular PaP skin is on the Lazarus as well). If you remember in one of the trailers for Moon (or Rezurrection?), the Wave Gun/Zap Guns were going to be an electric green colour when PaP'd. I would far prefer that than the PaP skin. Which reminds me, I wonder if they'll change the PaP skin in Black Ops 2? It had a blue tinge in WaW, and a red tinge in BO. Maybe the tinge will be green, or purple, or orange, etc?
  12. Thanks Misael It does sound daunting yes, but never say never. Anything is truly possible if you put your mind to it. Been practicing a lot lately, perfecting the strategy I'll be using. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this right away as planned. The component cables should be arriving within a couple of days, but the time it will take to do this. I want to have the shortest possible time my PS3 will have to stay on, so I'll attempt this over a 3-4 day weekend, and devote all my time to it.
  13. I love your avatar! It portrays Takeo, but in a unique and different way! Never seen anyone else with a Matroyshka Doll as their avatar. As everyone has said, welcome! You seem like a theorist, plus you seem to have a pretty cool attitude, so we should get along fine. :D
  14. Cutbacks. Though I think I rely on them too much. Alot of the time they've helped me out of tight spots, but because of the reliance, I use them in situations I shouldn't, resulting in downs. :lol:
  15. I was seriously just discussing this on Skype with the IC last night, although I was referring to the story, but I guess it applies to the gameplay as well. Here is what I posted: It's seriously how I feel. GK Nova was probably one of the smartest and most thought out additions to any game. You actually had to delve into it to learn about. Now I feel that this, and any other smart ideas like these would go to waste just because Treyarch want to appeal to the 'new' crowd. This also applies to gameplay. I'll admit, I am a bit hesitant about all these new modes and upgraded mechanics. Though I guess that's human nature. We reject the unfamiliar. And if something aint broke, don't fix it. That being said, I'm always willing to try new things. So I hope on Treyarch's, Nazi Zombies, and the community's behalf, that they have pulled it off.
  16. Ah thank you. I'm going to have to try out several strategies beforehand, just to see which one I prefer. I guess this will involve the Max Ammo trick, recycling and just general circling. Would it be worth it to shoot the zombies while in the water, as they die slowly in it, plus the damage from when a frozen zombie breaks.
  17. Thanks for commenting. Your downs in your video would've been incredibly frustrating. Especially the one where George trapped you by the stairs in the lighthouse. But I realized something while watching it. I really have no idea what my strategy is going to be now. I thought I knew it, but I just forgot about some other things. I was originally just going to go with M&S, Scavenger and the V-R11. The V-R11 would be to just deal with George after getting all the perks, but I realized that I wouldn't be able to get the Waffe that way. Plus I completely forgot about the Awful Lawton. I suppose Matroyshka Dolls will make things slightly easier though. With there high damage output, they should be able to take 3 full hordes if aimed correctly. I have never recycled before so I will have to practice that. If you make all the horde crawlers, or atleast damage them so they don't respawn when going into a new area, than it might make it easier maybe? The only safe box zones look like they'd be by the spawn and just outside the lighthouse, but than again I've never done it. Unfortunately I can't live-stream. I wouldn't know what equipment and programs I need, plus I'm sure my internet isn't fast enough to live-stream it properly. Thanks for the commenting Super. I know I won't be getting this in the first attempt, but practice makes perfect. So I just gotta keep going for it if I really want it. With Max Ammo drop every 5 rounds, do the zombies have to be electrified for this to happen? Btw, I did a little practice sesh just before. Made it to 20, and George literally jumped on top of me after going off the ledge into spawn. Caused me to become stuck, and well I couldn't keep the zombies away just staying in one spot in the water.
  18. That actually doesn't sound to bad actually. If I can keep the DG-2 for a long time than it should be easier. But first I'd have to learn how to actually allow drops to appear when using the DG-2. I wonder, how would I go about recording this? What would need to be seen to actually have this appear legit? I know if I just record the last round that won't work unfortunately.
  19. Alright, so I have always wanted to do this, but haven't because I wouldn't be able to record it. Very soon I will be able to, so I can now attempt this. Call of the Dead is my favourite map. I don't know whether it's the characters, the layout of it, the wonder weapons, etc, but I love it! Being my favourite, I see it only fitting that I should break 100 on it first! Before you ask, yes I do know that this would be a world record. But I'm not doing this for that (though it doesn't hurt). I'm doing this because I've told myself time and time again that I would get to Round 115 on every map, or at least Round 100. R115 I think would be a very cool record to have, but R100 would be just as a nice accomplishment. The reason I'm writing this is because I have never really gone for high rounds before in Solo. Yes, it'll make it all the more challenging, especially on THIS map, but I won't give up. My longest, and highest goal in Zombies is to get to Round 100 on Call of the Dead, and I won't give up! No matter how many downs, how many retries, and how long it will take! I will probably attempt it within a couple of weeks. Until than, I'll be spending all my time on CotD, honing my skills on it. Tonight will be my first training sesh (I don't mean training as in 'zombie trains', I actually mean training!). That being said, I'm asking for any tips you guys and gals can give me about Call of the Dead. Any strategies you've written or recorded, post them here (though I've probably most likely seen them ) Triple Crown Champions, it'd be good if you guys could give me some advice as well, as well as anyone else on CoDz.
  20. Could you imagine a Full Speed Pentagon Thief chasing you? Now imagine there were 24 of them and they damage you instead. *shudders* The fast zombies in WaW Verruckt are also in Call of the Dead (when George screams), the Screecher in Shangri-La (though I'd say it's slightly faster), and No Mans Land and Moon (no real cause of it). Though in WaW Verruckt, they're obviously the most dangerous. What we've it being a small space and all. Plus it was a drastic change since WaW Nacht, the zombies being faster and stronger in just the second map made. If you've got an LMG, they'll catch you. If you've got an Assualt Rifle or a Sniper (or I believe a Shotgun as well), than you'll have to keep sprinting to not have them catch you. If you've got an SMG, than you should be able to outrun them even.
  21. Read this thread. A couple of people have given a couple of different answers. Here's my answer. viewtopic.php?f=53&p=209703 Kind of a shocker, but I have to disagree with you Alpha! She may be referring any number of things. She doesn't specifically say it was that situation, but that's not what I'm disagreeing about. My interpretation of that quote was that she was referring to EVERYTHING Edward had done to Maxis. This includes, but is not limited to; backstabbing Maxis and teleporting him, working behind his back on Griffin Station, and deleting him from the Moon computer. Edward has done so many things to Ludvig that it's not funny. Like I said, I think she is referring to everything he has done to him, not just one of them.
  22. This will probably not even link into the storyline at all. It's just a fun game mode by the sounds of it. Like I've said before; The story will be told through classic 4 player zombies, like in Black Ops and World at War. This and all the other game modes will have nothing to do with the storyline. At most, the only story connection it has will be like Multiplayer, where it's self explanatory why these characters/teams are fighting one another in these locations, due to that CoD's storyline. I also believe it'll just be random soldiers we play as, not anyone specific to the story.
  23. You've got some good ears Murder. I and I'm sure many others have listened to them before, but I would've never picked that up! I guess I just didn't pay attention closely and assumed it was 'Kravcheski'. This is probably the largest mistake the community as a whole has made, being that we didn't listen closely enough. Funny how it took us 15 months to realize we were wrong.
  24. Hey all! One of cjdog23's sound videos was posted in another thread which I decided to play the whole thing through. The title of it 'Etc. CotD Sounds' is as it suggests, other sounds in Call of the Dead. What I found is...well check it out! 8-) 0hUm-p-DXSQ Go to 15:42 to hear the sounds. Here is what it says. vox_pa_switcher_activate_0 = "Activated" vox_pa_switcher_deactivate_0 = "Deactivated" vox_pa_switcher_locked_0 = "Weapon Unavailable. Awaiting Authorization" vox_pa_switcher_max_0 = "Error. Max ??? Up To Weapons Reach. Sounds like 'Alarmin' but can't be sure. vox_pa_switcher_weapon_0 = "V-R11" He says 'Vee Are One One' instead of 'Vee Are Eleven' vox_pa_switcher_weapon_1 = "Scavenger" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_2 = "Wunderwaffe DG-2" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_3 = "Gersch Device" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_4 = "Winters Howl" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_5 = "Thundergun" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_6 = "Matroyshka Doll" vox_pa_switcher_weapon_7 = "Monkey Bomb" The guys voice is rustic, metallic and robotic. Seems definitely like a pre-made recording, supported by the fact it has 'PA' in the code, meaning it comes out over a speaker. It seems we were going to get a 'Switcher' machine, judging from the code. This Switcher must have contained all the Wonder Weapons up to that point. You would turn it on and off I assume, judging by the 'Activate' and 'Deactivate' quotes. The name suggests it wasn't going to be a normal machine were you could buy it though, so I'm unsure whether the weapon you grab would act like a normal weapon, or the Death Machine/CotD DG-2 where you can't switch it, etc. Though I don't see how this would work with the grenades. Perhaps this was going to replace the EE? The "Weapon Unavailable. Awaiting Authorization" seems to mean they remain locked at first, than become unlocked (maybe altogether, maybe one by one) as something is accomplished. Seems like this was the 'Wonder Weapon Mystery Box' everyone had been asking for, but one you could actually control! But it looks like it was scrapped early on, as I don't see it fitting at all into the current CotD we have now. Probably before the current Easter Egg was created, maybe even before George was made too.
  25. Mate, I have been waiting for this! Okay first off, you've put “What is it with Groph’s obsession with American women, all they do is play games." twice in the list. This actually makes total sense! The zombies die to power the controller! It fits very well into my DA thread as well, so I'm going to add this into it if you don't mind? I'll credit ya ofcourse. Regarding the last line, I'm unsure on that. You've provided a quote from Samantha, “No,NO! I hear the voices in YOUR head!”. But this plays during a Fire Sale, so I'm not sure if she is referring to the voices Richtofen heard because she is in him now, or the fact the Fire Sale music is Richtofen's thought's, etc. However, I'm inclined to believe the former one because 'YOUR' is emphasized, meaning Richtofen's head which Samantha is in. This means Richtofen doesn't have the voices anymore, and Samantha has them now. (Really Richtofen still has them, but he is not in his body anymore so he can't hear them) I'm so confused now. She says she had mercy on him, but the whole time during Ascension, she seems pissed off and chased after him the whole time. The only conclusion I can think of is perhaps she didn't hurt him right away? But why bring him into the Aether and do nothing to him? Perhaps torture and questioning him was the goal in the first place to get answers from him. He could've escaped her clutches , and that's why she was after him? But this may depend on how long it was between the Ascension radios, and Ascension itself. I agree with this so much. I think it's Satan to be honest, but Satan was supposedly a Vril-Ya himself! So there ya go aha! Whether it's one or the other, they both fit the role perfectly, with enough evidence to support both of them being the voices. Hell, maybe they both are? Maybe the Vril-Ya are the voices and Lucifer is the ultimate controller? Whatever it is, Richtofen was a pawn indeed. Though I think it was destiny, even his fate. I don't think he was teleported to the cave with the MPD by chance. No, I think outside intervention was involved. But why him? Perhaps he's lust for power, control? I don't think they literally have green balls . I remember Richtofen saying "Do you like my glowing green balls" in Kino I think it was. But I'm pretty sure it is just a play on the term 'blue balls'. :roll: Great thread man! I really hope we learn more about Sophia in the next game.
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