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Is Extinction the future of codz forum?
Kurasaki replied to Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115's topic in Extinction Mode
Just curious, but it seems as though the only real premise for this debate is not so much for the title of the game mode "extinction" which was featured during the squads mode gameplay, but rather for the leaked achievements list...which was then followed by "supposed" or "rumored" secret achievements. Now i understand that rumors are okay to speculate on, but doesn't this site have a strict non-exception policy on discussing leaked information. in other words why are people talking about a supposed alien mode when its sole existence as an idea is because leaked information. Also in relation to the actual concept itself, nothing has lead to the idea or notion that aliens will be in the game aside from the secret achievements that have supposedly been uncovered. Just me but I feel as though the secret achievments could be anything, and someone thought it would be good fun to make detailed acievements/pictures just to troll...just saying there is honestly no reason to believe aliens will be in the cod title... -
Not the person you want, but they are annoying as hell. And no, they are NOT a guaranteed max ammo. That's only guaranteed if you stop them at the first generator they attack. I do not have time to break off my train at Juggernog to rub all the way to Generator 1 in the middle of round 23. Definitely not the case...as long as you don't kill any of them from the first generator(assuming you cant make it in time), they'll waltz along without attacking anyone to the next generator...and as long as you kill them in the act it "is" a guaranteed max ammo... Maybe its just me but I've never been bothered by them and they've yet to keep me from high rounds...
Honestly if i could take anything from this...and this is more so my wishes than anything...I would think that maybe considering its asking for recruitments other than the hero's we know to be on the map, I feel as though maybe it's saying that "we" specifically must help fight the zombie hoard, i.e. not a character they make... In other words perhaps in the future of zombie games we will be able to create our own character using a more fleshed out version of the character creation mode that cod ghosts is implementing...Which to me would be sincerely EPIC...
Wait Ljx19 have you played the map yet considering your on ps3...?... Cause if you haven't i can honestly tell you the templars arent that much of an issue/concern or as big of a pain as most would identify them as...
I respected your humanity up until this paragraph. We should play co-op all you would have to do is watch my generators. Waste of God damn time when I'm trying to get everything together for my high round games. Haha...I figured I would lose some people when i spoke of my fondness for them attacking the generators...but nonetheless its the truth...i like that it makes me re-evaluate my plans on the fly at unexpected times...plus worse case scenario they take one...just take it back, then when theyre in the act at the next one kill them...Always get a max ammo if you catch them "with their hand in the cookie jar", even if they get a few generators along the way And I actually dont run trains at any of the generators... at least not for a fair amount of time into the game...I just love stamin-up and dont mind traversing across the map if the need arises... I Am always down for coop though... :D
Honestly i sincerely love everything about this map and all that encompasses, from the staggering difficulty to the simple awesome ambience of the enviornment its siimply an amazing map. I regards to you "hate" section though i disagree with most... the generators give you extra cash back after turning them on so u actually get payed to turn on the power, and there are decent guns to where turning on the generator next to the box (which u can get to by round 2-4) and survivng till you can hit the box is pretty easy...plus it stops the box whores, if even for a second... I actually love the panzer soldat...while i obviously hate when he downs me... i love the challenge he brings, its rare and has been a while since i actually got excited everytime i heard the boss round music/indicator as opposed to simply sighing at another tedious excapade of a more annoying than anything boss...they pose a good threat, yet are still pretty easy to kill if your packing the right punch per say(BOOMHILDA ) I like the giants as they add an extra level of awareness that one must carry on the map...As shikamaru once said "a true ninja/warrior is as attentive to his opponent as he is his enviornment"(poor paraphrasing i apologize) Seriously, no wonder weapon, THERES FOUR GODLY WONDERWEAPONS, allowing EVERYONE to hold one which has been sought out for ages... The staffs are fairly weak but only in comparison to their respective "ultimate forms" as compared to normal guns their pretty amazing I dont mind the mud...once i realized there was stamin-up the mud quickly became a faint problem... And Honestly i LOVE when the templars attack the generators...ive been waiting for some form of tower defense in zombies for the longest time so this is awesome to me...plus it simply switches things up so your always on your feet... also ITS A FREE MAX AMMO how is that not awesome... Finally in regards to the the lack of double tap i admit its an inconvenience but with wonder-fizz and the ability to have it as an easy "fifth" perk...im more than cool with it not being on the map... For the characters there that way because it correlates to the story so im cool with the more level-headed soldiers... Nonetheless this map is amazing and i can only hope in the future that all maps are this engaging. entertaining, and challenging...
I find the Acog kind of novel honestly...makes the gun look like the pistol from perfect dark if youve ever played that haha... nonetheless i understand what your saying on the ammo capacity...but the same could be said about the Mustang and Sally as well...its just a matter of preference and utilization...
Have you even used it... With the above statistics the BOOMHILDA uses approximatley 6% of its ammo capacity while Mustang & Sally use 13% ammo consumption for the same # of zombies... How is the BOOMHILDA in any way weak...
Overtly agree with this...I feel the Boomhilda is all the mark 2 is and then some...most people say "oh there merely the same thing, but the mark 2 has more ammo" Sure in a clip but if you think about it with the 240 (i think its 240) you get your also shooting 3 per fire even if simply one shot would have done the trick...there fore the mark 2 only has roughly 80 shots compared to the 150 of the BOOMHILDA...much better in my opinion...the BOOMHILDA that is...
Also in regards to the napalm strike, unlike the fists of fury(personal name for upgraded melee move) which you can still get from the chest even if you completely bleed out, the napalm strike cannot be re-earned nor achieved after bleeding out if the player had them when they went down.
Could this be stickied as a primary topic... Amazing work for finding the steps...
So essentially what the title states, what are your thoughts, which do you prefer...honestly I am in love with the boomhilda, its power, accuracy, no warning label necessary as to whether u may kill yourself with it...its everything I wanted the ray gun mark II to be and then some... What are your thoughts...should it return or some gun resembling it in the future for our starter pistol...or should the mustang & sally(which I still adore) make a comeback... OR should we potentially within the future of zombie be able to select our starting pistol that way people can have the best of whatever they prefer... Thoughts Mustang & Sally: Clip: 12/50 (62 overall) Damage on round 35: Single Zombie: 5-6 shots Hoard of Zombies: 6-8 shots BOOMHILDA: Clip: 50/100 (150 overall) Damage on round 35: Single Zombie: 1 shot (headshot) Hoard of Zombies: approx. 7-10 shots
Where have people found these staffs and confirmed that they are the staffs for the map origins...
Honestly it seems as though the only reason they changed the voice is because of the zombie community saying how they didnt like how it sounded like a man(it kinda did)... but now it honestly sounds terrible, i liked the initial video despite it sounding slightly amiss as it fit the dark, sinister, and decrepid mood of the map creating this dark mysteriousness about it... But now it just sounds like some random girl, who sounds nothing like the voice from moon, "attempting" to adequately narrate the lines but does a horrible job, and it completely strips the video of its initial feel Plus the additional line right before they cameo Dempsey is completely unecessary and sounds terrible when it transitions the sound to the avenged 7x song... Dont understand why they did this...
I feel as though the appearance of the Remington is no more than treyarch simply using guns that are already in existence, i.e. guns they've already programmed into the game, and no more... I don't believe there is really any significance to it in regards to the story or it having any deeper meaning, saying so and attributing any odd observation in cod zombies as having some symbolic or strong reasoning is def occurring too much and by this point I think its safe to say that somethings are done simply because a matter or time (or lack there of) for development, and unwillingness to create brand new guns for the sake of dlc... Which is even more unfortunate considering they highlighted era specific guns specifically within the dlc description, though of course one could argue they simply used word play to create false ideas on the dlc... -this next chapter in the Zombies legacy will explore the saga’s origins as players reunite with an unlikely band of soldiers that come together to defeat the greatest evil the world has ever seen, using a period-specific arsenal
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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