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Everything posted by deathb4di2h0nor

  1. Ya if you look again at the trailer and the early concept art first released. It seems like the right dual wield weapon's front would connect to the left quite easily.
  2. guys can we all please start using the search button. Your opinion was that it was samantha holding a teddy bear. I promise if you just scroll down in the moon section, there is one titled "is that a little girl" or something like that. Great ideas however. Didnt think about it being anything else but samantha, i guess only time will tell tho huh?
  3. anyone up 4 some zombies call of duty...lol
  4. I hope when you switch it to dual wield, it doubles the ammo. I mean you would think the two guns combined would just be one shot from each of the guns to make one shot of the wave gun. Something like this: wave gun ammo ex.: 10/40 dual wielded ammo ex.:5/40 5/40 idk if that is very clear but i hope you see what i mean
  5. I believe that there will be a movie soon, but as for syndicate....idk about that kid. Youtubers seem like they want to make videos as fast as possible just to get views or thumbs up. Its not about real research for them its about subscriptions. For instance, (a bit off subject.forgive me) type in rezurrection map pack or whatever, I bet you half of them are that Mr dalekjd guy. If you watch all of his videos you will notice they are all the same just tweaked a bit. They cram hundreds of the same video out to where everyone is forced to watch theirs. Thus making them more popular. I am sorry for this little rant. I promise to minimize them or dispose of all off subject matter, but to put my two cents in: I think you are absolutely right. Treyarch doesnt do stuff for no reason. This could be looked at as a "trailer easter egg". :D
  6. Not gonna leak...Not gonna leak...Keep it together death . keep it together. All very good points. I wouldn't be surprised if it had an even better use though
  7. ya facebook will be no more as of nov. 5th...mark my words. But even though weve seen the dual weild "waffe pistols", it could be plausible that the dg-2 will return. Hell the thundergun is on the loading screen so u never know
  8. I really hope they allow you to buy all of them. I dont feel it would make it too easy at all. They said themselves they thought anti-gravity would be easier but in fact quite the opposite has happened. With the already big odds of getting jammed up added to the anti-gravity, I feel like they would need to balance it out somehow. I think thats why we get gun type perks and thats why I hope we can buy as many different perks as we wish.
  9. Yeah its kinda like a scout pro perk, I know deadshot has the scout side of it but I use the pro side of it on regular machine guns and pistols. I find it works quite well.
  10. HEY CHEEEEEZZYYYYY! Its all good that you feel the need to waste bandwidth downing everyone elses posts and all, but can you at least change the name of the topic to CODZL. I mean come on man its a codz forum. Treyarch makes Call Of Duty Zombies. Take a good hard look at yourself next time, thats all im saying.
  11. the teleporter on der reise was upside down in the pap also. I wonder if there is a link.
  12. In the trailer I noticed when they introduce Der Riese it is still spelled Der Reise. This could indicate the poster was not typo, but a hint. I also noticed at around :36 when they introduce Der Reise, the lightning bolt from the fly trap/monkey easter egg could be in black ops with more now. For the record I do not own the waw maps for black ops so if the fly trap is in it already then im sorry, Im not perfect.
  14. I honestly believe there will be a movie coming out. If you look behind the guy working at the desk you will see another zombie lookin guy as well as one of the guys hands is all zombified. I really, really hope THEY make one, no one else.
  15. what if they finally made a map that allowed you to buy all the perks, i think that would be sweet.
  16. Wouldnt it be crazy if after figuring out the beginning steps to the moon easter egg, and using the golden rod and focusing stone, Richtofen says something to the notion of "I seem to be missing something", implying there was an item we missed somewhere in the maps.(more than likely der riese)
  17. do you think the pap wave gun could be the death ray, being that it is in the same category as ray gun. The more I think about it the more it makes since to me.
  18. very well put. Im not discounting the "triple" thing, I just think there is two ways to look at it. It seems like since they used the word thrice, everyone immediately jumped to the conclusion that the new perk was beyond the shadow of a doubt, no matter what the perk does, it will triple something. I personally would love a triple ammo or triple damage perk, I just think its a little too early to make every post be about a different way it can triple something...Who knows it might a gravity perk. Also I didnt notice the qed being listed as a weapon and not equip. or tac. so thx. (noob alert) how do i pass out brains again?
  19. You are absolutely right I dont know, and im sorry if I came off rude. I do not wish to tell anyone what to believe or to burst any ones bubble. I simply wanted to get my point across that... ok look at all of the posts on the new perk. The word triple is everywhere. Im all for candolier or any of the removed perks. I just think ppl are getting way too worked up about "thrice". I could see if they put out more info that said the perk was called Triplebrew or something. Again im sorry but I am entitled to my opinions also.
  20. ya i dont think its fake cause the description floating around says something like " our heroes go to area 51 but its desroyed so they go to the moon... I somehow doubt a stage set up in area 51 would be anywhere worth going to... "hey its area 51" "ya but its destroyed" "lets go 50 feet to the left" "oh look were on the moon" "oh wait its destroyed too."lol
  21. zurruck in german=back, backward, der reise in german= the journey or travel sooo (prolly not proper german) der reise zurruck would mean the travel back. "some typos are just typos but you never know where the next easter egg clue will present itself" yup, this is gonna be epic.
  22. i completely agree that Treyarch will do what they want, but i also fully believe they want to make more. To be honest every1 is always saying how we are idiots for paying for the upcoming map pack, but i would have payed 15 for just the zombie map in all the other map packs. I like zombies, activision likes money, Id say its a match made in heaven. As for proof, Id say jimmy z gave us our proof in the interview. "but dont be suprised to find clues to the future as well"...
  23. ok well the qed has its own thread. As for the boss, I have a feeling it will be similar to shangri la by having mostly normal zombies and the occasional crazy fast, high damage, "super zombie".(shreiker napalm) Saying that I also believe to increase the challenge for the map they might incorporate a "boss round" so to speak. Maybe even allow the "super zombies" to spawn any round including the "boss round". Through research on quantum mechanics I found out that photons,(quantum level light particles) can simply pop in and out of exsistence,Maybe thats how the phasing zombie works.
  24. now im no astonomer or astronaut, and i know its only a picture but isnt it weird that the shadow is on the bottom of the earth. I mean look at the ggogle earth pic, though it is light the shadow is moving right to left, not south to north. Maybe things are a lot more messed up than we thought. Maybe its just that you are standing on the side of the moon...idk what do u think
  25. first of all i dont think it is necessary to post the same thing three times but anywho. If you look even closer at the "moon page" it does have the letters MO on the top left as if to spell moon
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