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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I have a feeling this poor nuclear test mannequin is going to end up like all the rest of em... :twisted: - Mix
  2. MUST WATCH FIRST!!!! Black Ops 2 six-part promo series feat. Oliver North P45Yn3mYhec "The technology of today is such that the most sophisticated weapons and equipment ever divined by the hand and mind of man, are used by special operators. Those who commit themselves to the life of Black Operations" - Oliver North "You want to know what the war of the future looks like? Just look around. The Future is with Black Ops" - Oliver North These types of quotes are particularly scary coming out of the mouth of Oliver North. I say this because you would be hard pressed to find some one who knows more about Black Ops than Oliver North. Black Ops are not something that should be glorified with Rambo mentalities. Black Operations often include highly illegal activities, and crimes against humanity, with lack of any accountability of those committing the operations. If Black Ops are the future of warfare, then the rules of warfare have changed. DEFINITION: Black Operations - Covert operations that involve activities that are highly secretive and covered up by the government(s) engaging in them due to their legality and questionable ethics. Black Ops are used when a country is engaging in unconventional warfare, and not willing to take any accountability for their actions. Some methods used in Black Ops include creating "False Red Flags", supporting of resistance groups, kidnapping, assassinations, sabotage, espionage, and selling of banned weapons. ********************************************************************************** Some Historical Videos on the Iran-Contra Scandal and Related Events (Yes, I have personally digested all of the content here.) Coverup: Behind The Iran Contra Affair (1988) Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35KcYgMPiIM Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XITcdoRWPt8 (Barbara Honegger) Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNxbfaoFfys Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLffJKLMYE0 Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrBPCgt0h8s Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtRAaupKY70 (NSC/CIA La Penca bombing) Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJPmFKMhJpI (REX 84) Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haRI3z1dd2E (Secret Gov continues on) The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis (1987) Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do_bIz9efKQ Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxXvPH7I1t0 Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1JuQUOZsdQ Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5S0i3L79rQ Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDTnq1t2sk Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswvbjtDDFY Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIB9I4xi-J8 Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrwk31nluBE Part 9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kni2S3RBJCg Iranian Perspective on the history of US Foreign Policy in Iran (MUST WATCH) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy3KDYE5KQE Iran Hostage Crisis Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo8TFG6H-DA Nicaragua - A Nation's Right to Survive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqvLErbfKY History of U.S. support of Somoza Regime in Nicaragua http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQnLfFxnwcg Nicaragua under end of Somoza's Regime in Jimmy Carter Era http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vi00fhOKLE Reagan openly supports the Shah of Iran http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Ae5FRHH0k Noam Chomsky Speech: Central America and U.S. Foreign Policy (1988) Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwCo-zsJo3Y Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6DVr7kUd5o Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwnIidSerlY How U.S. Media manipulates it's public into supporting World War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4P2O8UjQeU Oliver North's Notebook hints at involvement in Drug Trafficking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHYNz8AZ1jk Documentary involving Oliver North's Drug Smuggling Airfield in Mena, Arkansas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCB7_OAE6TE The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA Drug Smuggling (1995) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTIXRy7ssbI ********************************************************************************** COLONEL LIEUTENANT OLIVER NORTH You may know Colonel Lieutenant Oliver North as a decorated Vietnam war hero, best selling author, FOX News military analytic commentator, and host of War Stories with Oliver North. Yet it seems like most Americans quickly forgot about the treasonous war crimes he was charged with in the 80's. So here's a healthy reminder of who this twisted version of the American Dream really is... "What!? I can't believe you kids don't know about the 'Great Patriot', Ollie North..." QikSorPak6M This humorous politically satire song from American Dad, sums Oliver North up very nicely (I thank Faust for sharing this vid w/ me) Oliver North's mugshot taken on the day of his arrest, following an indictment for 16 separate charges of felony in relation to his involvement in the the Iran-Contra affair The Enterprise A branch of the NSC, put together by Oliver North and run by Richard Secord, in order for the Reagan Administration to perform it's operations in the Iran-Contra affair. The Enterprise handled all financing in secret through Swiss bank accounts. It worked inside the US government without any accountability to following US laws. They had their own version of a military, navy, and airforce. This was/is a shadow government which abuses the powers of the CIA and Presidential seat. Conflict in Nicaragua: Sandinistas vs Contras In the 80's, the country of Nicaragua was in political turmoil between the Sandinistas and the Contra factions. The Sandinistas had won their popular political revolution in the previous decade that saw the long overthrow of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the last in line of the Somoza dynasty. As was the trend with most countries in Central America, the US government was in bed with the dictators, the Somoza dynasty, for generations, and had kept the tyrannical political family in power to further the business interests of US based multi-national corporations. The Somoza family were self-serving tyrants, and drove the Nicaraguan people to fight for the overthrow of their own government. One straw that broke the camel's back for the Nicaraguan people was when the country was in dire need of relief aide from an earthquake that leveled 90% of their capital city. Somoza in true colors, spent the entire aide money on luxury homes for tje members in his inner circle, and left the population to fend for themselves. The people had nothing to lose at this point. The Somoza dynasty was not serving the needs of it's country, and therefor this revolutions was justifiably born. The political party that led the revolution against the Oligarchs was the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), or Sandinistas for short. Understand that the Sandinistas were considered leftist as a direct result of the being on the opposite side of what their self-serving government had been offering them, and their cause was mostly popular amongst the Nicaraguan people. They wanted a redistrubution of land and wealth as well as social reform. They wanted schools for children, and other basic social services. They wanted a government that spent it's wealth on the people of the country rather than purely on it's ruling class. The US government labelled the Sandinistas as Communist for this. The Sandinistas weapons were sold to them from Russia. This is a fact that the US government used to strengthen the idea among it's people that the Sandinistas were pro-Communist, and acting as Russia's arm for spreading Communism into the region. Realistically the Sandinistas weren't going to get their guns from anywhere else. The US were supplying the Contra terrorists. And the Sandinistas weren't going to easily pry guns out of the hands of their neighboring countries who were entrenched in their own bloody affairs. The Sandinistas needed guns and the Russians were the only ones they could turn to. From my understanding, it was simply mutual business. The Russians certainly had plenty of AK's at their disposal, and likely didn't mind seeing the guns used to undermine US corporate interests by it's customers. The terms 'Freedom Fighter' and 'Terrorist' are interchangeable, depending on which side you are on Iran-Contra Scandal The Whitehouse would issue "white propaganda" that their involvement in Central America was to help suppress spread of Communism in the region. Oliver North was made to be the main fall-guy for the Iran-Contra Scandal, in order to protect his superiors. Before we start pointing the finger at him, it's important to understand that every single one of Oliver North's criminal actions were not only known by his superiors, but authorized by them as well (ie see Reagan's involvement below). However Oliver North's fingers were entrenched in every aspect of the scandal, and so his involvement could not be ignored by the court. President Reagan either feinted ignorance with his involvement when the media started asking questions (see Reagan speech video below), or he had completely lost control of his own administration through covert foreign affairs. MENA, ARKANSAS Out in the middle of nowhere, in Mena, Arkansas, during the years Clinton was governor of the state, the CIA had an airfield that they would use to smuggle drugs and weapons back and forth from the US to Central America. This is one of the media stories that broke open the public awareness of the Iran-Contra Scandal. Two teenage boys were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The boys saw one of the CIA's planes drop a shipment of drugs. Those involved with the drop brutally murdered the young boys. They the smugglers tried to cover up the murder by covering them with a green tarp and leaving them on the train tracks so their remains would be destroyed by the next moving train. Private investigation by one of the mothers, as well as local news journalist have proven that there is a massive coverup by the government in regards to the death of these two boys. Every attempt at getting deep into investigation has been undermined by high level government officials There was a nationwide government issued media blackout on this story. No major media outlets will discuss what happened at Mena, AK. Oliver North's diary mentions 14 Kilo's being dropped off at this site. The drug money funneled into the Mena, AK airport was then used by the CIA to buy more TOW missiles to sell the Iranians. REX 84 Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a planned which Oliver North helped write, while he was working as a White House National Security Council (NSC) aide and liason to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Rex 84 was a secretive plan which would all for the US Federal Government to suspend the US Constitution and put the country under military martial law during the event of National Emergency. This plan would also allow the military to take control of local and regional governments, as well as detain any civilians they deem to be "National Security Threats". Some critics have suggested the idea of Rex 84 was to give the federal government the legal authority to counter-act a major civilian uprising that may occur. A civilian revolt against the US government could theoretically happen in the event that the US government openly declare war in Central America, and public opinion on the matter turned for the worst. Another theory is if Communism became widespread within the nation, the government would need to defend itself from the communist. There is no mistake about it, Rex 84 is the American government preparing to go to war with it's own civilian population. It's a huge attack meant to undermine the US constitution, and a pretty good indicator of a fascist shadow government at play. This is when George Bush Sr. was Vice President, and a lead of FEMA. A couple decades later, we had George W. Bush Jr in office, and now we're in a never ending 'War on Terror' which is both foreign and domestic. The Presidents have made a policy of making war, and delivering acts of war to other countries without officially declaring war. The president already has special war time privileges he can use during times of war.... so you can kinda see where all this is going Ug0IL7k3elQ The fate of the United States Constitution should not be discussed and decided behind closed doors! ANYONE ELSE SENSE A SHADOW GOVERNMENT HERE??? Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3010 JfzE_TK-zmQ P2ZhQrWQj7k Documentation for Army enforced Civilian Inmate Labor Program (ie citizen slave labor) http://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/pdf/r210_35.pdf October Surprise - Delaying the Release of US Hostages October Surprise by Barbara Honegger (former White House Policy Analyst during Reagan-Bush era) Evidence suggest that the Reagan administration negotiated with the Iran government, to delay the release of the Tehran US embassy hostages, until after Reagan had been enagurated. ruf5CynbPJo CBS Evening News, 1/20/1981 - Iranian Hostage Release P-3X38hhPEw [Listen in at @5:00 questioning the delay of hostages release] President Ronald Reagan's Involvement the hostages were flown home 40 min after Reagan was inaugurated gGUI7kDLsQo President Reagan (right) in Robert McFarlane's office with Contra leader Adolfo Calero (left), and Oliver North (center). 4/4/85 Adolfo Calero was leader of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force. Calero was responsible for managing the swiss bank accounts into which money gathered from the sale of arms to Iranian terrorists were deposited and then used to buy supplies and arms for the Contras. Reagan vows to give Aid to Contras despite congress bill to cease aid - March 22, 1986 entire speech can be found here: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1986-03-22/news/8601170860_1_million-contra-aid-central-america-three-contra-leaders On April 14, 1986, President Ronald Reagan made a televised address on the Air Strike Against Libya waLJii_RrXs Sounds like the kinda president that wouldn't help and assist in terrorism right?... On Nov 25, 1986, President Ronald Reagan made a televised address about the Iran-Contra affair President Reagan motioning to Attorney General Ed Meese during a White House Press Briefing I6vIyCkEX14 watch this news report where Oliver North is made the scapegoat for everyone involved iwLiRMUmlR8 Nov 14, 1986 News Story on Presidential Approval of Arms for Hostages scandal Ckc1_mETSps March 4, 1987, President Ronald Reagan made a televised address about the Iran-Contra affair. (I've highlighted a few quotes I find particularly interesting) Ew5JxpR7tMg People actually bought this spin. Reagan was so beloved by the American people that they rather listen to their hearts that Reagan had the best intentions, even if the facts and evidence spoke otherwise. w5YOQEZtNE0 They don't keep proper records of these event because they fall under the category of 'black ops'. Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst, found evidence suggesting that Reagan was involved in this scandal since the end of the Carter administration, and approved of additional weapons being handed to the Hezbollah terrorist in exchange to SUSPEND the release of their U.S. hostages until Reagan was sworn into office. This led to the hostages being detained for additional time and subjugated to additional suffering, simply to improve Reagan's public appeal upon their release on his election. Some suggest that the Tehran hostages allowed the opportunity to happen for weapons to be sold to Iran. If anything, they're paying more attention to record keeping now because they've been exposed in this treasonous scandal. Enter George Bush senior to lead the charge that would eventually become "the war on terror". Some tough questions he diverted earlier that day... :? HAmwyRQkeCE President Reagan appeared before the Tower Commission on December 2, 1986 answering a question about whether he recalls discussing aid to the Contras with leaders of other countries -YaWQnXu0Tg For anyone studiously inclined to do so, the entire 1987 Iran-Contra Hearing [5hrs] involving Col. Lieutenant Oliver North can be watched here: International Court Case 1986 - Nicaragua vs. United States of America The Nicaraguan government sued the U.S.A in a World Court for their crimes against humanity. The United States was found guilty of the charges. However the U.S. was able successfully block any attempt from Nicaragua on collecting the compensation owed to them. DAN RATHER QUESTIONS GEORGE BUSH (1988) ON ATTENDING ARMS FOR HOSTAGES MEETINGS FqwQw3THRvU CBS EVENING NEWS THE NIGHT AFTER RATHER / BUSH INTERVIEW LgwxjG7y9eE THOSE CONVICTED IN IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR WERE PARDONED BY BUSH On Christmas 1992, at the very end of his presidential term, George H. W Bush gave presidential pardons to six convicted felons involved in the CIA Iran-Contra Affair. Anyone who had not already been previously pardoned, or otherwise gotten off scott-free from the whole affair. George Bush had already lost re-election to Bill Clinton, so he had nothing to lose by flexing his presidential powers in making this knowingly unpopular decision. This was him paying back the ones who had taken the fall for him when he was Vice President for Reagan. George H.W. Bush previously denied any knowledge of the Iran-Contra affair, saying he was "out of the loop". However his diaries indicated that he was "one of the few people that know fully the details", and he's been said by several investigators to have been at at least one of the Paris meetings where the initial arms for hostages negotiations were discussed. 1992 X-Mas Day Pardons Caspar W. Weinberger (1988 Several counts of perjury) Elliott Abrams (1988 Two counts of unlawfully withholding information) Duane R. Clarridge (1991 Seven counts of perjury and false statements) Alan D. Fiers (1991 Two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from the Congress) Clair George (1991 Ten counts of perjury, false statements and obstruction & 1992 two felony charges of false statements and perjury before Congress) Robert C. McFarlane (1988) I WOULD LIKE TO END THIS POST WITH THIS SPEECH ThEMsxcAqu8 Senator George Mitchell's closing remarks to Oliver North at the Iran-Contra hearing. Special Thanks to AlphaSnake for his input and discussion over at CoDZL (R.I.P. CODZL) Here are some of the resources I used: http://kotaku.com/5908216/the-trouble-w ... the-future http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/public ... cread.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_North http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran-Contra_affair http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua_v._United_States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Penca_bombing http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? ... a&aid=3010 https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/gen ... north.html * I'll try to update more on this thread later, as I'm sure there are typos, dead links, and areas that need further explanation. If I didn't post it now, it forever be a roughdraft
  3. :o I think I'm in love - Mix
  4. There were videos too. Did you watch those? If you didn't watch the segment from the Moon Rising vid, then you likely missed the point of the theory. Would you prefer walls of text?
  5. I feel like a lot of my best research and discoveries are over looked and discarded. Hence why I don't post as much as I used to. - Mix
  6. I wrote a theory thread many many months ago about the Shangri-la monkeys using space elevators to shoot into space. link here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&p=169851#p169851 My theory seems more relevant now, than ever. - Mix
  7. I think we are looking at Treyarch continue to re-use assets from their previous games. I believe the broken down cars are re-used models as well.
  8. The same texture on the sign was used in Shangri-La - Mix
  9. ROFL!!!! at the vid you posted I'd give you BRAINS if I could - Mix
  10. IMO, this is great news! This means AlphaSnake can focus more on what he does best. We have a handful of capable moderators. But let's face it, we have only one AlphaSnake... Excited for things to come, - Mix
  11. Yup, you read me. I skimmed through the thread so fast, I missed your post. Sorry about that
  12. I believe this new piece of equipment is going to be a portable Active Denial System. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System dmuyLIrSjxI It's basically a giant microwave gun used for crowd control. - MixMasterNut
  13. Oh yeah, I've gotten those before. I just tell they gotta man-up and stop being a pussy about it. This is how the pros do it. :lol:
  14. I'm not a game developer, but I am a 3D artist. Here's my own 2 cents... I think you have the vista part right. I think the card part is referring to the texture being projected on a flat 2D plane or wall of polygons, in 3D space. I've seen the map no-clipped before. The map developers didn't actually model the mountains in the background. It's simply the texture map displayed on flat walls of polygons facing in your direction. The wall of polygons is a card. So vista_card is a short way of saying "the flat texture of the mountain you see out in the distance". - Mix
  15. Who would have thought that Mars would have shrubs and telephone poles on it
  16. Everyone, Subscribe to the Cordis Die youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/cordisdie -Mix
  17. Interesting observation. I'll keep this in mind and try to experiment with it if I ever get back to playing this map
  18. I love knifing and get sad when it's no longer a good option for killing zombies. Neat idea Tankeo. They'd need to add knife lunging to the PC version before implementing this perk though.
  19. That's the same date as the upload date on this video ;)
  20. I first heard about this from DigitalBounceHD's channel XDpjp9CEzAQ
  21. Reminds me of this concept art for the "Shrink Ray" with 4 different colored stone artifacts acting as power sources the concept art was originally posted on codz here, courtesy of Onesiphorus935 viewtopic.php?f=69&t=20737 - Mix
  22. OMG!!!! I'm saying the parts that you have clearly outlined as "Definite Land", I see as dense cloud coverage. I'm looking at what you want me to see. It's cloud mass, not land. That's my opinion on it. I'm out... - Mix
  23. nah, you're fine right where you're at :lol:
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