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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. this was actually a continuation from a previoust tweet. didnt have anything to do specifically with zombies, it was in response to people who were griping about the alpha multiplayer footage, basically he was saying if you don't like the multi player, you don't have to play there are all sorts of game modes in black ops 2 you should play what makes you happy.
  2. No, this has to do with zombies. Do some more research, look around. Avogadro. It does relate to zombies. That's about all I can say because we here at CoDz have rules. like 6.022*10^23 ?
  3. After a quick Google search, I found that this is the mathematical form of "Avogadro's Law." Avogadro's Law states that: Now I'm not sure how this is going to relate to Zombies; however, I think that this provides a great opportunity for many things Zombies related, including a Wonder Weapon and potentially the storyline. In regards to a Wonder Weapon, I think that this might set up somewhat of a "Pressure Gun" or "Molecule Gun". In regards to the storyline, I think the crew could be searching for some research or something that Amedo Avogadro was working on. Once again, I'm not sure if this is even connected to Zombie's or not, just speculation. that tweet was in reply to a tweet reading "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood" although he probably thinks about zombies a good portion of his awake time, i'm sure this is just a clever/funny response to the old woodchuck tongue twister
  4. i'm assuming that it will still probably be one hit kill in hardcore game modes? otherwise it would be almost completely useless in hardcore modes... :|
  5. That's the best part about the 3arc games is that zombies is kept so secretive it makes it that much more surprising and satisfying when you finally get your hands on the game and play. when blops was released and i saw on you tube that there was a zombies map at the MFing PENTAGON i was so stoked! I hope they don't do any sort of reveal or trailer, it will make the satisfaction much greater when the game is released, as opposed to opening up for endless speculation and criticism from the community
  6. it is evidently human nature to blame failure on something other than yourself. just like how ANY TIME a team loses an MP match, when you get back to the lobby all you here is "fucking campers, you guys are a bunch of little camping bitches" no matter what. obviously 100% of all winning teams can't 100% be camping, but the losing team is going to blame their loss on something. same applies to just a single death. i hope they don't change the knife mechanics, because it's fair the way it is. as long as they don't have a perk debacle like they did in MW2 with commando pro, the knife in its current state is fine. i just wish more people would just accept the fact that they got outplayed as opposed to blaming their loss on x,y, or z like you said ;)
  7. I agree with this, I think were looking too hard into it. I think it's an allusion to the zombies community in general that we continually look for things or try and find things that simply are not there. It seems like grade A trolling to me where they post about the best kept secret in zombies and the mountains in shangri-la, and the song in the map is titled pareidolia for christsake lol. part of me really just thinks its kind of an inside joke for the zombies crew regarding their passionate albeit rather obsessive fan base :)
  8. watched some of that gamescom footage, and i am pretty pumped for this game. it will be really cool to see what the finished product looks and plays like
  9. I love Shangri La and CotD, i don't really think the being outdoor or indoor makes a bit of difference. The one thing I would like to see return is just the general creepyness that the WaW maps had like Verruckt and Der Reise. the newer maps just didnt seem to be as creepy and menacing of an environment. I do love the variety of the maps we got in blops though, i think they did a fantastic job
  10. Oh god please no. instant mute. dubstep isnt even music lol
  11. yeah, obviously the AI is changing gradually as new things are added/taken out from map to map. I think that's a given, seems that the OP was more alluding towards drastic change in the basic zombies AI. it seems almost everybody is in agreement that we dont' want any drastic change lol
  12. liammmm! you've got some 'splainin to dooooo!
  13. Hmmmm lets see....Thompson room, above Thompson room, STG room. I count three but the last 2 are near impossible to maintain for any extended period of time unless your 1/2 man, 1/2 codimal. I agree that later rounds could use a spice up. Pretty much stuck either using traps or a wonder weapon. At the same time though that's when it takes a lot more teamwork in co-op games as now both players can't kill their hoards by themselves. I think that's what made COTD so interesting, the VR-11 gave co-op teams a unique way to go as high as they wanted but at the same time took lots of skill and teamwork to pull it off. Of course at the same time that map screwed over solo players. I was actually just about to write that solo players have no way of killing late hoards. Then realized that in theory they could use the flipper although it doesn't sound easy at all. Have any solo players tried developing a flipper strategy? Anyways, I hope there's more things like the VR-11 included in BO II. sounds like a good idea in theory, however the flipper doesn't kill any zombies, simply respawns them... to address the thread, I do think there should be, and will be some variances in the AI. The important thing for the zombies team is that the basic premise of the gameplay MUST stay the same... thats what made cod zombies the cult hit that it is. I do think they can continue to introduce new "types" of zombies that may have alternate AI that can throw a wrench in the gears of a kite strategy. maybe not as drastic as a george, but stuff like the shrieker zombie etc...
  14. I definitely see Africa and India/Southeast Asia, and obviously the clouds would be covering europe and western asia
  15. in the original earth image, you can pretty clearly see that it's Africa and India/Southeast Asia that is pictured, with Europe and western asia covered by clouds.
  16. being a premium member IS a subscription though, so to continue being a premium member, yes you would have to purchase another year's elite premium subscription which would be the $50.
  17. well elite membership includes all DLC for the game (probably a savings of around $10) plus you can participate in all of the elite multiplayer competitions. Other benefits as well, I just can't remember off the top of my head. Bottom line if you normally purchase all the DLC for the call of duty games throughout the year, then elite is definitely worth the money, just based on that. also in MW3 elite premium members basically get dlc content drops every month instead of having to wait for an entire map pack release
  18. sounds like he was talking about yearly ELITE membership which is $50, and would include the "maps" a.k.a. elite sub includes all DLC the "code" would be for the elite subscription, not for maps specifically. thats what it sounds like he was referencing anyway
  19. The "active" gongs change each time. no way to know before hand you just have to test them yourself. Also, there is no specific order they have to be hit in, just have all 4 gongs ringing at the same time, and you're good to go! :D
  20. Oh come on, you know Jimmy LOVES to troll! Lol. I'm placing my bets on that, but hey if there really is a secret that's cool too. I mean remember codxp when we thought something would happen at round 100 cuz of something jimmy or Colin said?
  21. this is why I suggested that pausing is a great option to have available, but NOT for leaderboard ranked games. that way those who want the option to pause mid game can do so, they just can't do it to contribute towards high leaderboard rankings also, the option should only be available in private matches, can you imagine what a clusterfuck it would be in public matches with randoms? lol pandemonium
  22. I understand where you are coming from... How about a Round 60 cap instead? I mean once you get to that point nothing really changes (not even spawn speeds) except the fact that you will have more and more waves. Unless they have new boss zombies every 10 rounds, that would be sweet. Birdman, KAZ, by phasers I mean George, Astro and other ones including nova gas.. But since Carbonfibah hates George Romero, I doubt if we will see those in future zombies @way2goo thats what I thought you meant by that... and @LJ I understand what you meant as far as not being challenged, but that's part of the intrigue of the zombies is that for the most part, they are rather predictable. But the challenge is the execution. how pissed would everyone be if they were training, and all of a sudden the zombies made a plan to cut off your path and box you in and kill you? that doesnt sound like much fun. zombies for great players is always going to be easy to a degree, but it still requires execution of your strategy to succeed. they could perhaps make the strategies a little more complex, such as making it more difficult to obtain perks/wonderweapons/etc.. but changing the zombie AI i dont think is the answer to making zombies more fun AND more challenging
  23. by "phaser zombies" do you just mean any zombie other than the normal ones? or do you specifically mean the nova crawlers. because the nova crawler zombies were the worst aspect hands down in black ops zombies. but i agree that the basic gameplay has to remain the same. many great suggestions, i don't agree with 100% of them, but most of them are pretty darn cool
  24. I'm definitely not opposed to a pause feature, but i think it should be a selectable option, which by selecting, you're rounds would not count toward the leaderboards. I think it would actually be kind of fun to have some custom game modes or modifiers (i.e. unlimited ammo, paintball mode, all guns mode, etc) to play with, but no games played with modifiers would count towards leaderboard rankings
  25. many of the gaps are purposefully included in the story line for multiple reasons i think. reason 1, gives us as players freedom to create our own theories and kind of imagine things the way we want to connect the dots and 2) allows freedom for them to create new maps to further put the pieces of the story together
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