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Everything posted by JakeDuck

  1. It would be so cool if you had a semtex and a L96A1 it would change the model to the Scavenger! ...Do it now Treyarch!
  2. Did you check every hackable terminal? It is random every time. It is indicated by a green light.
  3. Speed Cola also makes the rebuilding animation faster, but it doesn't make the points go faster. It decreaces hacking times too. Great job on this guide! Besides that, nothing was missing. [brains]
  4. Wasn't it confirmed as Quantum Entanglement Device? If they are the same please let me know, I am terrible at science
  5. Was anyone else trying to find what 5 seconds of the song will play when you buy it?
  6. Not true, hacking a door without air, isn't possible. Have you tried it? A lot of people don't know that Speed Cola actually speeds up hacking. Even if you can't, it would probably be very close. Also, welcome to the forum! :)
  7. Actually, Mine shows round 22 even though I got to round 33. I think it shows what round you were at when you teleported to Area 51 last. Kind of a weird system to me.
  8. Problem is... She's only 8 years old.
  9. do you mean something like only use pistols, only use shotguns, etc? There could be do not use Pack-a-Punch, only use one gun every two rounds, no wonder weapons, and only knifing.
  10. The wire is found in a random place in the labs (usually near a hacker spawn location), and richtofen can have the wire at the same time.
  11. Somebody beat you to it. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16631
  12. Cool, I'll have to try this later. Brain for the tip.
  13. When playing on Call of the Dead solo, I gave them the rod. The zombies started coming and I realized I had to stab the panel. Went up to stab it, got cornered, and went down with no revives. :cry:
  14. JakeDuck


    http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16354 Bingo
  15. If you spawn without Juggernog at start, restart as is it a huge help in early rounds. Stab like crazy at the first zombies to start with several points. When they go crazy, run circles and shoot when they are in a line. when out of ammo, throw your two frags carefully. you should have at least 2500 points. Buy Juggernog and run to the teleporter. Grab the P.E.S. and start stabbing the round one zombies. Watch for the astro zombie because he will steal your hard earned Juggernog. Get Quick Revive and keep stabbing until you cannot survive. go down to the Olympia and buy it. Survive until about round 5 then go to the tunnel on the Olympia side. Grab the Stakeout even if the box is there, or skip it if you have enough to go to the other door and get the MP5k. Do not forget to turn on the power. If you have enough, buy the door to get outside to Mule Kick. Run circles until you can buy the box, Pack-A-Punch, or do whatever you want to do. If the Excavator starts, make a crawler and dash to the main room with the hacker. Do not feel intimidated by the large paths without air, as they all can be passed to get to the main room. Hack the Excavator controls to stop it for an easy 1000 points. Do this for any other Excavator. Use good judgement for all of your choices as simple mistakes can be deadly. If you go down jump into the teleporter and hope for Juggernog to spawn. The Prefered Perk set is Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Mule Kick. Repeat until you lose. TL;DR- Run circles at Mule Kick, Stop the Excavators, and don't be too risky.
  16. I always go the MPL way and I get tunnel 6 to go first. Maybe going the way it will dig into affects it.
  17. Earlier today it was not loading or was very slow, but now it is going much faster.
  18. I think the leaderboards only show the score of when you first start, not when you go back. It would be incredably easy to survive with the Wave Gun.
  19. Yeah, M stands for Mature, not Mommy bought it for me.
  20. I have the Hardened edition and I see 100% no problem with everybody else getting the maps. Are you really so selfish that you don't want anybody else to have fun on Black Ops? You said the classic maps aren't fun, so why would you have an issue with other people buying them?
  21. This I used my second account for. I was just messing around on multiplayer with it and of course when I play zombies I break my record. XD Who do I go to for confirmation? Do I send a message to a PS3 mod?
  22. Being a complete Twitter newbie... explain? When somebody tweets something they want their followers to know, they click retweet and it will show that tweet to their followers regardless of who posted it.
  23. Make sure the explosion is above the device. If the explosion hits the glowing red area you're good.
  24. Thanks for the tips! I was gone all weekend for the past two 2x XP weekends! XD
  25. When I was searching through the computer I found these pictures and they weren't in the Der Riese server. [brains] for showing everyone though.
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