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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. There is still a connection between the Aether and our dimension. The MPD is a prime example if such a connection. Even if one dimension's laws of physics are different from another dimension's, you still have to abide by their laws. In the Aether, matter can be generated in any shape and forum, yes. But once this links to our dimension on Earth, the energy form still needs to be transferred. I didn't state that power drops can't be from the Aether; I said that matter cannot be sporadically created on Earth a.l.a. our dimension. You and I agree that there is a link between the two dimensions in order to allow such a transfer of matter. But thank you for supplying additional information to further that point. It explains a lot how the drops could be formed and transport to us. :)
  2. Oh God, not this again. viewtopic.php?f=103&t=29241&p=281569#p281569 Enjoy lots and lots of text.
  3. Already makes me think of Maxis' side. It shouldn't be that difficult. If I could do this on Verruckt back on World at War pretty sufficiently, then it shan't any harder in Tranzit.
  4. I know it's been said to death, but it all reminds me of Skynet. Machines will eventually rule over us if we give them the power to think and act for themselves. Machine-designated zombies...oh God. I could actually see that happening. Though I don't think they'd react like the typical zombie, they would definitely have the behavior like one since they are nothing more than puppets. Now we're giving machines the power of what superheroes could do. Fantasy fiction is turning into a realistic non-fiction - it's only a matter of time before they become self-aware. It's funny, really - us humans are so fixated on creating technology that can do the impossible. What we are essentially doing is giving machines the power that we could not fathom ever having due to our anatomical constraints. Humans are creating their own genocide.
  5. At some given point, you won't be able to camp or train regardless if you play by team or solo in a match. The strategies defined in this topic can tell a lot about a player. For instance, a person who team camps has great coordination skills and can communicate to a certain level, but may not be skilled enough to fend off for themselves if the situation gets sticky. A player who trains by themselves knows what they are going to do for the rest of the match and can survive with ease since no one should get in their paths. In the event of emergency, however, the said player may not be revived if down and risks starting all over if they slip up for even one little instance. None of these strategies are bad whatsoever - the style depends on the kind of slayer you are. While I can camp with a team well enough to hit semi-high rounds, I'm usually forced to solo train when things go down the drain yet I'm skilled enough to handle myself very well. If you study both styles of slaying, then you can get the advantage of being experienced in each strategy so you'll have a good game.
  6. This is a tough one to explain. One could say that it's a mechanic and shouldn't be taken too seriously, another could counter by saying that it is indeed a link between mortal grounds and the power attained as a zombie overlord via energy transfer. Note the word transfer, because matter cannot be created nor destroyed. What this energy is exactly, is unknown. We've learned that the drops can be obtained spontaneously (shed in Nuketown/underneath pylon in Tranzit), or by random choice from a zombie. The drops are not sitting in someone's pocket the whole time, but actually given as a "present". This is amusement for Richtofen (or Samantha prior to the switch) in which power drops are delivered to the survivors to not necessarily help them survive, but to torment them by giving opportune moments of survival longevity. The survivors are being toyed with while they attempt to carry out either Maxis' or Richtofen's plans in the storyline. While it's a neverending curse to them, it also acts as a benefit to both them and us as players.
  7. I agree with Chopper on this one, to a certain extent. I wouldn't say that Tranzit "sucked" but more that it brought new elements to the table which made the game too easy in my eyes. Having a bank and fridge is great if you're a round whore, but it just removes the survival aspect of the game entirely. I haven't played Nuketown Zombies yet, but it looks very nice and keeps its survival method in check. One of my favorite Multiplayer maps in an annihilated appearance, teeming with zombies? Count me in. Die Rise set the record straight for the hope of Black Ops II. A very beautiful and sophisticated mode while retaining the survival aspect of zombies in addition to a new perk and Wonder Weapon/buildable. The vertical layout makes navigating a bit harder until you find alternate routes to getting to your destination. The weapon choices are absolutely beautiful; nothing is overpowered, yet the guns aren't extremely nerfed (disregarding the Sliquifier). How could you not love this? People are getting so antsy with the elevator mechanisms and not having a bank/fridge anymore. Wake up, friendos - we're back to our old school Survival maps. Treyarch delivered a fantastic map and mode. I can't say too much about the Side Quest, but hey - I didn't mind accomplishing it.
  8. Welcome to the community, friendo! It's great that you decided to join us - we were all lurkers at one point or another. There are tons and tons of threads/posts you'll find very intriguing. In fact, how about you come participate in our discussions with us? I'm sure we'd love to hear your own input as well. I hope to see you around often; have a great time here and keep on slayin' zombies!
  9. Yes. When you stand near the satellite tower on the rooftops, take a look between the hotel and the upside-down building. It may look indifferent internally and the buildings seem to lean on one another. If you stand near the Semtex, however, you can see that a few pieces of the inner beams that once held the tower upright are bent and holding the rest of the top together. Hanging on the hinges has caused the building to be upside-down. Yet, it's still the same building believe it or not.
  10. What may even further bolster this theory is that you only hear the voices when zombies are around. If you are playing with other players in you're in a separate building (as Stuhlinger) from the last zombie, you will not hear any of these noises. But the fact that killing zombies triggers the voices is very, very intriguing. Is it to say that Samuel has some connection with the zombies? Like you said, their souls are released upon killing them (since they are nothing but a ghost in a shell). The 115 may have to do more with this since none of the other three survivors are experiencing the same conditions, yet we have come to the conclusion that Stuhlinger was an integral part of The Flesh cult. Could he be slowly becoming a zombie? Possibly. Could he control the zombies in the future with this newfound connection? Possibly. All we know now is that he is experiencing a connection unlike Richtofen, who actually heard strange voices telling him what to do in order to come into the Aether and control the zombies. Good research and experiment here, friendo! You may have just set the puzzle pieces on the table.
  11. That's how it usually works, at least for some people such as myself. I'll go down as early as Round 1, and won't go down again until the high 20's or 30's. It's always the beginning luck. Sometimes you can obtain the persistent Juggernog skill in two downs via Solo. For the most part, it takes around three downs. It can't be done in online matches from what I've encountered, but I'm quite certain that you can lose it even before hitting the Round 15 mark.
  12. Very, very nice research into this, PINNAZ! This is what a future zombies thread should really model after. I had assumed the map diagrams in FIVE were to connect the storyline in the Campaign missions. But what the crates in the Nacht loading screen are related to (now that you supplied some information) seem very...intriguing. Keep up the great work friendo! :)
  13. Welcome to the forums, friendo! I'm sure that you'll do great contributing to the community in some way. Enjoy your stay, participate in our discussions, and keep slayin' some freakbags! :)
  14. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 60#p283675 Blue eyes mean a player is winning, and orange eyes pertain to losing players.
  15. The Sliquifier can be built in the lower two floors of the sweatshop building (one across from Buddha Room). There are four parts located on both floors and they change location every game. What you need is the detergent/frame, handle, fire extinguisher, and socket [looks like a foot]. You...open the spawn room and have either four people pick up each part to the Trample Steam or have two people "carrying" two items. By carrying, I mean changing parts every small step towards the workbench so you are actually moving the aprts closer as you already have one. The easiest way to get the Sliquifier via lobby (spawn room) is through the service elevator. The SVU-AS is located in the jewelry store right next door to the PDW room. It's located on the wall next to the teddy bear. It can be purchased for 1,000 points. You may want to start the Easter Egg on a low round while everyone has Trample Steams. If you do it successfully, you can get most of the steps done by Round 4 (given you obtained enough kills and points needed for certain steps). Otherwise, use the boss rounds to your advantage since they are less of a burden than zombies and are less likely to randomly die out.
  16. That, and there is no power remaining in the upside-down building (which is technically the top of the hotel ripped off and hanging on whatever hinge it has left). Even if you go into the service elevator via Theater, you cannot access the hallway containing PhD Flopper.
  17. Double Tap II is essential no matter what style you are into, unless you have Wonder Weapons has previously stated. If you're focusing on headshots, I can guarantee you that you won't have to really worry about ammo consumption. I even use it with the MP5 will training in the sweatshop. It's a lifesaver when you need that extra damage counter to get out of sticky horde situations.
  18. Even if it is said prior to the actual timing of the trigger, the step cannot advance until it is actually done. I've just done the Side Quest for Maxis three nights ago, and we got the reincarnation quote prematurely. We were stuck inside the Buddha Room until Maxis repeated himself before we could advance to the orbs.
  19. I really want to say it's because of the nostalgia factor. You had conditioning weapons such as the Galil, MP5, and Ak74-u that are very effective if you know how to use them adequately. Then you have beginner weapons like the Olympia and M14 that make good starting guns. To say why didn't they apply this with World at War guns with Black Ops, it may or may not have to do with us getting the revamped classic maps as a part of the Hardened Edition/Rezzurection DLC.
  20. Hm, some new ideas on how to accomplish the step that I've never heard of. Very nice. I found that you'll need to make sure that you hear Maxis correctly when his quotes are triggered. I've heard him say "Reincarnation is key" prior to even mentioning "the enlightened one". When you kill a zombie or two in the Buddha Room, he will tell you to kill even more. Eventually (which is several rounds of killing), he will tell you to stop and repeat his reincarnation quote. This part gets tricky, but is fairly reasonable. You can accomplish it with any character, so long as the player who goes downed does so by a zombie and they are revived via Krauss Refibrillator. Do this a few times until you hear the next quote.
  21. I actually got into zombies around the time of Black Ops' arrival with Kino der Toten. my cousin and I played it, and I loved the concept of shooting Nazi zombies with a comedic group of characters. One day, I decided to play a Solo game for myself and noticed all the papers and diagrams in Maxis' research room (balcony). I thought "wow, Treyarch really pulled all the stops to make this game realistic". I searched up Black Ops zombies on Google and found CoDz. When I read through perhaps two or three topics explaining what was going on, the feels crept into my heart.
  22. Those who were part of The Flesh grew closer to Richtofen. They developed symptoms of paranoia, disillusion, schizophrenia, and so on. It just so happened that Samuel fell directly into that category and became a prime suspect of an ex-Flesh cultist. He eventually left them, but the side-effects stayed with him. Maxis wants power, definitely. Without electrical power, he cannot something as simple as communicate with the crew. Eventually, he will be able to move physical objects and stop Richtofen in some form. What else he is using the towers for, is unknown at the time. And no problem, friendo. Keep 'em coming.
  23. Sensible in the sense that it limits Richtofen's sphere of influence? Yes, because while the size and calculations of the rockets' blast radius nearly wiped-out the whole globe, Maxis succeeded in restricting Richtofen to a devastated planet. You could go into morals and ethics of whether this was the right choice to make, but it won't make a large difference considering that Maxis needed to stop him quickly. Samuel is only the prime candidate for Richtofen. The audio transmission and Tranzit explains how Richtofen managed to speak to several people and Maxis the same. Richtofen can communicate with anyone, but what happened at Jackass Flats proved that he needed someone who would be more prone to doing his bidding without hesitation. Thus, Samuel became his spokesperson. So yes, Richtofen would not be able to restore the towers without Samuel as his tool.
  24. I'm not sure what happened to your previous topic...but in the future, please avoid reposting the same topic all across the forum. So you are saying that his power is actually not to part with what Samantha's was, and he is trying to solidify such power to control them? That's not a bad perspective to look from, friendo! I think he does have large control over the zombies. He doesn't want to kill the N4 because he needs them to do complete his tasks. Rather, the zombies are motivation for them to do what he says; otherwise, death. If they fail, he simply resurrects them. This answers the age-old question "Couldn't Richtofen be successful in achieving his goal if he had such powers?". The answer is no - if the crew manages to survive, he cannot control what they do. He only has the tangible power of bringing them back to life. But you are correct; the towers will increase the magnitude of his power tenfold. With the constant transmitting of energy, he could harness enough to rewrite time as he pleases, "mending the rift". But it's not to say that all his power was obtained purely through him. Another dark entity lies alongside him in the MPD, which might actually be using him as a puppet.
  25. @Chopper: You said that the Sliquifier actually chains as it used to before after a particular round...? If that's the case, then it's either a minor bug or some reimbursement from Treyarch for nerfing it to an extent. I haven't gotten as far as 33 on Die Rise, but I'll have to see about this. I haven't noticed the different slime puddles yet. Maybe that's because I tend to hold out near the NavCard table area and shoot maybe once per round (until past 20) while my other teammates unload on the zombies. Is it supposed to increase the duration of which they slip, or just expand the puddle size-wise?
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