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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. I've never heard such moaning like that before. If it is Richtofen, then he's really starting to get the creep factor in very well. These sound like agonizing moans almost; as if someone is being tormented. I can see why it would bother Samuel. Perhaps it's the same forces that Richtofen heard before being in control.
  2. Now, considering we've made pretty much no progress on the EE I think Jimmy MIGHT be helping us out. Either that or the Troll Tweets have arrived to mess with us. So the EE Achievement is called "High Maintenance" So we've gotta repair something. I know Janitors (at least where i'm from) clean an area, not repair things but a certain build-able might help out... Sliquifier anyone?
  3. I assumed it was the elevator closing after the crew (as seen in the Solo intro clip), but it could just as easily be a gate. Perhaps it's the sound of somebody leaving/entering?
  4. Welcome to the community, friendo! It does seem like the TVs may have something to do with the Side Quest. But some of the TVs are beyond the barriers where we can't reach them. They radiate static, as if Maxis should be speaking through them.
  5. That is technically your first step to completing the Side Quest for Maxis.
  6. Underneath the ramp leading up to the front of the dragon...of course. The area is parallel to the rap, against the concrete wall (not the chainlink fence). As far as I'm concerned, you can find all four of the workbench pieces laying around that top area. Be careful if you go up neat the tip of the building; once you jump down to the side, you have to go through the lower level to come back up. It becomes a pain.
  7. The voice turns into Richtofen's once they get on the lower floor.
  8. Let me repeat a quote I had in one of our Skype chats: [10] [RXS] Lithium: Mao had toured China and concluded that the Chinese people were capable of anything and the two primary tasks that he felt they should target was industry and agriculture. Mao announced a second Five Year Plan to last from 1958 to 1963. This plan was called the Great Leap Forward. I look directly at 1988 because this seems like the prime time for the "what has become of China now since then" kind of ordeal. Instead of the prominent economy Zedong had wished to see, it would be so much the opposite, it'd be perfect for a zombie setup.
  9. But why would Richtofen want to re-bring them back? I could understand if they were doomed, and he'd only want to "resurrect" them so they could complete his steps. But what interests me is Samuel's quote about "manning the rift". While this remains true, bear in mind the elevator sound that we hear once the the match is finished. I can't help but recall when they had just gotten out the elevator after leaving the dying Russman behind. The doors never closed after them in the intro. It does seem right that they were teleported by Richtofen somehow to China, because Samuel says something along the lines of "Where else is there left to go?" and BAM - they end up in China. Stuhlinger: "How...how did you do that?" Remember the same quote about deja-vu was said in Green Run?
  10. Are you certain that is the case, or could it be a time-reversal? You see, the way the intro shows it, what's going on immediately is what occurs after the crew has spent time in Die Rise already. Thus, Russman dies and only the three remain. But shortly after they go down the elevator, you see them all reappear. I don't think it's a revival effect going on with Richtofen, but more of playing right before they are swarmed. The intro is actually the epilogue of Die Rise. There is no time-bending; Richtofen spoke directly to Samuel to do something, yet Samuel is afraid of telling the crew about "the flesh". What this means exactly, I am not too sure. But Samuel is the key component; Richtofen does not need to mind the others as long as he has one follow doing his every bidding.
  11. But it's such a ridiculously small map...and it's all nothing more than a very thing circle if you think of the layout. Have one zombie behind the human player while on awaits him on the lower ledge/top ledge. It just screams murder.
  12. I've never heard of a crucial wall weapon that would be essential to completing any Side Quests/Easter Eggs. Then again, this is a new style of zombies, so I can't oppose the idea. "Guard it with your life" is usually something you wouldn't do with a gun, especially when playing zombies. Something will be of great distance that we need to shoot/activate. I don't think it's the first step, but one of the many steps that require you to obtain some kind of weapon/equipment.
  13. This. It could be additionally alluding to High Rise as well just for the outline of the name in general. Note that the name of the mode usually is referencing the way the gameplay is set up. For instance, Tranzit revolves around...well, a transit vehicle and/or mode of transportation (how the crew got there or how they will leave as such). That was one of the biggest factors in making it different from what maps we've encountered before. Die Rise has a more obvious, yet sentimental meaning behind the name.
  14. Elena has already stated that she will not be recording songs for Zombies. I understand it would be the best and most plausible idea for her to make a track once we are reunited with our original crew, but I'm afraid we won't be hearing her anytime soon. We'll have Nova as our primary singer and maybe a little track here and there from Avenged Sevenfold (or at least I hope so). But I do like you connection between the singers and the different crews. :)
  15. Welcome to the community, friendo! Yes yes, the official board is rather...not horrible, just very hectic and scattered. But I am glad that you could join our community! We have great members, helpful staff, and lots of information coming with with the addition of the new DLC. I hope to see you around often! :)
  16. Great analysis Rissole! I have yet to purchase the DLC yet (oh, I hate Microsoft for recalling the cards in my area), but I do really like the song! I guess now, Maxis is doubting whether creating the first zombie was such a great discovery as he though it might be. It wasn't exactly the cause of his eminent demise, but it sure made this worse alongside the betrayal. This information is very helpful to seeing Maxis' perspective of the situation at hand. Thanks again, and keep up the great work. :)
  17. You are correct, death; you can create your own Crief Custom match with up to 8 players in the lobby. Fancy that, never knew you could do it. I guess I just don't have many friends. :geek: But I have to agree with Treyarch's "customization" style. They really don't let you customize a whole lot, but I honestly don't expect them to. A gun game-styled mode like Turned (human perspective) doesn't seem like it makes that much of a challenge. Sure, there are longer transition time gaps where you are most vulnerable, but it's easy to maneuver yourself to make time. If I have enough time to reload an RPD without Speed Cola while navigating my way through Round 30 zombies in Diner, then I'm pretty confident I can handle a similar setting in Turned. Of course, I won't be having AI zombies anymore. Having a reversed gun game setting makes it interesting, to say the least. Once the human players reaches a gun that they're confident they can use proficiently, wouldn't it essentially make the zombie players a bit weaker? Maybe I'm just over-thinking the system. I'm just glad they finally implemented a zombie v. human mode.
  18. EMPing the Mystery Box while the Teddy Bear shows, nor will it work if you do it on the three bears that activate the song. At this very moment, we are doubting if the NavCard even truly belongs to Green Run; it may be activated via reader on a different map.
  19. Hm, peculiar glitch indeed. Was this in the very same spot near the bank? Perhaps the animation of backing up alongside another event could have caused your character to clip into the wall. This usually occurs when there is massive lag, but since you're playing on Solo, connection is not the case.
  20. Hey PINNAZ, suppose if Treyarch does incorporate the Death Ray, theoretically Maxis could use it to obliterate the Moon...?
  21. These are typical rants that the common zombie slayer has had since the days of World at War. History does repeat itself, and the common newbie never fails to do at least 50-60% of these tasks. But it's our jobs as professional slayers to teach them how to become better at killing freakbags. Of course, most may not listen to what you have to say but there is always one player who dreams of becoming the best of the best. Who knows - I know that when I started out, I was in their shoes. It wasn't until I learned from experienced players how to be an official slayer.
  22. Moon was also the first to have Juggernog/Speed Cola at the spawning point without ever having to turn on power. The devs knew it would later become a challenge, because the Leaderboards reflected the NML challenege. And Town has two perk machines plus that said Pack-a-Punch right then and there. This idea is very plausible. It could be closed off/inaccessible like Der Riese, or even at the bottom of the tower (given that we start from the top). Each descending floor holds a new perk machine, and the best ones can be found at the lower levels if you choose to break through some doors rather than wait for the elevator.
  23. I haven't gotten the fix yet. I left a zombie chasing after me while going to Pack-a-Punch my M1911, and the zombie finally died after 4 minutes of hitting portal after portal. Not once did I damage him. Maybe the bus eventually caught up to him, who knows.
  24. Ah, so now my insomnia finally comes in handy. Thank you, Jeebus, for this plentiful gift. But in all seriousness, thank you for posting this up. It is very helpful. :)
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