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Time for an upgrade...


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Credits to @The Meh:



Ray gun Mark II but with different ammunition loads? Yellow, pink, orange and blue. What could these colours mean? How do you feel about the reintroduction and possible upgrade of this weapon in Alpha Omega. And could this be Broken Arrow's wonderweapon, by who created?


Also, just see the 11/8/45 right under. Since the distances on the blueprint are inches, instead of metres, I'm gonna guess this date too is Anglo-Saxon/Imperial system. So this would say: 8 November, 1945. This is far before the foundation of Broken Arrow. In fact, it is three days after the dissolvation of Group 935 as well, but before the recovering of 935's items and Operation Stapler. If it would be 11 August, however (11-8), this could be a blueprint taken by Peter McCain who had infiltrated Group 935 around that time.

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I’m hoping that the full image will appear in the map At some point with nothing whited out. I’m thinking aside from what each ammo type does, that area above the date has the creator’s name which could explain the strange point in the timeline. It is a good assumption to make as Treyarch has always focused on the American way of dating, the Imperial measurement systems, and speaking English, not really caring about what 935 would actually use.


Also is it just me or the text above the yellow vial says “chain”? Possibly a chaining effect like the DG-2.

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3 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

that area above the date has the creator’s name which could explain the strange point in the timeline

I used to assume it was Doctor Porter who invented the Mark II, though he already commited suicide in 11/8/45, so it must be someone else (or someone who continued Porter's work).

2 hours ago, Lenne said:

Blue and Orange?! Did Treyarch just confirm Portal 3?!

In all seriousness: Imagine a portal-like gun in CoDZ in which you could switch colour, just like you could switch between the Wave and Zap gun. I'm 100% sure we will never get such thing but man, we'd have alot of fun. Just blowing Rifts everywhere. Ohhhh, the lags it would give, the glitching zombies. So wünderbar!

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Looking at it again, I think the 4 might be a 6, which is much more logical. Around that time Broken Arrow was already founded.


"June 15th, 1963

The Pentagon begins development on their own versions of the Wunderwaffe DG-2."


"August 17th, 1963

The Pentagon begins development on their own version of the Winter’s Howl."


This is not the Winter's Howl nor a DG-2-like weapon. Could there be, next to this Raygun, another wonderweapon in the map?

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5 minutes ago, anonymous said:

Looking at it again, I think the 4 might be a 6, which is much more logical. Around that time Broken Arrow was already founded.


"June 15th, 1963

The Pentagon begins development on their own versions of the Wunderwaffe DG-2."


"August 17th, 1963

The Pentagon begins development on their own version of the Winter’s Howl."


This is not the Winter's Howl nor a DG-2-like weapon. Could there be, next to this Raygun, another wonderweapon in the map?


Yeah I would agree its definitely 65, which would be within the timeline of broken aarow.


From Zombies Timeline: November 19th, 1963 - In an effort to avoid another undead outbreak, the US Government creates the Broken Arrow program, establishing several facilities across the country. The Groom Lake Program is folded into Broken Arrow.


From Classified: Broken Arrow document from the same time period.


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I thought the year said 1945 at first, but zooming in I think there’s just a diagonal slash across the page, and it’s actually 1965. 


That would put it about 2 years after the events of “Five” and the subsequent formation of Broken Arrow. 


Looking reeeeeally closely at the text above the date, I can kinda make out the bottom half of the word “GUN” near the beginning, so I’m reasonably certain it says “Ray Gun Mk2 Prototypes.” 


The most likely culprits for the designer are gonna be Pernell, who got folded into Broken Arrow at Groom Lake, or Schuster, who honestly probably interacted with the original raygun. 


The pentagon kinda went on a wonder-weapon inventing spree in the early 60s. In June and August of 63 (respectively) they began work on an American DG-2 and Winter’s Howl. It makes sense that they would try to recreate the other wonder weapons from 935, except for the Thundergun, which seemingly the Russians won from Operation Stapler. 


Interestingly we haven’t seen an “American DG-2” either, so I would honestly be surprised if it DIDN’T make an appearance soon. 

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We also got this transcript:


April 17th, 1942

Maxis develops the Ray Gun prototype at the Rising Sun Facility. H. Porter works on developing the 2nd Generation Model.


Does that mean the PaP'ed Raygun or the Mark II?

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35 minutes ago, anonymous said:

We also got this transcript:


April 17th, 1942

Maxis develops the Ray Gun prototype at the Rising Sun Facility. H. Porter works on developing the 2nd Generation Model.


Does that mean the PaP'ed Raygun or the Mark II?

It was always my assumption that Porter was only responsible for the upgraded versions of each ray gun as well as the Zap Guns, since only they had the “Porter’s Mk2” at the beginning. Maxis created the original using Japanese designs, Porter upgrades it. Someone creates the MkII, Porter upgrades it. Someone creates the Zap Guns/Wave Gun, Porter upgrades it. How these upgrades integrate into the Pack-a-Punch, I do not know.


It should be noted that the first three prototyped versions of the Ray Gun may have been completed before Group 935 fell, as in a cipher we know that the Peter McCain that we see in Gorod Krovi stole the Mk3 we see in the map.

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As much as I'd hate to say this, maybe the Ray Gun Mark II on this map is a buildable instead of a box weapon.. 


The different coloured "tubes" might be the parts we need to build it, and we might need to collect them by completing tasks around the map. This would make sense if we assume Broken Arrow is still in the process of building the MK II at the time of Alpha Omega, meaning it could possibly be on a lab table, unfinished, and we can finish building it by collecting those "tubes".


I hope I'm wrong and it's a box weapon after all.

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11 hours ago, PINNAZ said:

DE Cipher solved by @Tac

Could this match up?


Yep, this was what I was referring to.


Also, from Reddit: xwws52qoiz731.png

This is one of the PaP skins from Classified. It mentions the MkII is created by H. Porter (MIA (cuz he dead)). Also in the bottom it says MkV, so these prototypes shown may be the Americans testing with new versions of the ray gun. Maybe we will see more ray gun variants in the future?

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45 minutes ago, Boom115 said:

Was CoD Zombie Labs considered cannon before? I can't remember.

Probably not. But, given the US government is aware of Samantha and zombies in general, it would make sense they would have a program for testing new weaponry on them. The trailers make a lot more sense looking back now, with Broken Arrow trying to get back to the Moon.

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4 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

Yep, this was what I was referring to.


Also, from Reddit: xwws52qoiz731.png

This is one of the PaP skins from Classified. It mentions the MkII is created by H. Porter (MIA (cuz he dead)). Also in the bottom it says MkV, so these prototypes shown may be the Americans testing with new versions of the ray gun. Maybe we will see more ray gun variants in the future?

That blueprint is so cool! This is the first time ever we get a basic insight into the working of wonderweapons! NaBrZHunter has tried to sciencifically explain the weaponization of the Raygun and der Wunderwaffe once, but we had never any real proof into anything, really. From this blueprint, it appears that the Raygun Mark II (as so possibly the Raygun in general) is a nuclear firing weapon, as it has a 'neuron moderator'. A neuron moderator is basically a medium that reduces the speed of fast neutrons, and so turning them into thermal neutrons, which are capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction involving a fissile elemental nuclide, in this case likely 115. Slowing of fast neutrons will increase the cross section for neutron absorption, reducing the critical mass to basically work. A side effect, however is that as the nuclear chain reaction progresses, the moderator will be heated, thus losing its ability to cool the neutrons. But Broken Arrow have solved this issue with a 'heat exchange converter', at the start of the gun's barrel. As an interesting side note, according to Wikipedia neuron moderators are mostly used in nuclear WMD's, and were for the first time used by the Nazi Nuclear Program. So the deeply unstable and radioactive Element 115 decays/loses energy, thus emitting radiation in the form of particles, and by the help of the neuron moderator is starts a nuclear chain reaction, which somehow manifestates itself as the beam, or ray. How they directed this a targetted weapon shot, however, I do not know.

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