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Trapped in Time - Flickering Perks, Mend the rift EXPLAINED

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Trapped In Time

Alcatraz Island seems to be going in a loop. You seem to be trapped in time, going in a infinate loop. (This is ofcourse theory). All the information below is proof of this theory.

Hear me out. In Die Rise, we are told to mend the rift. This is going back to Alcatraz, where here the rift is broken, and has created a damaged space-time continuum. Somehow, samuel is told to mend this, but he is over 60 to 80 years in the future. How does he do it? Is the man in the sky Russ? Is something linking these 2 locations? How bad is the brift damaged?

In Mob Of The Dead, all the Perk bottles are phasing. They phase in and out of reality, they're are broken down, no jingles play. Because of this continues loop, we can see the perk machines react differently to other objects, they phase. It looks like they are phasing becuase maybe they are damaged. Maybe the rift is damaging them. Maybe its not damaged, maybe they are phasing because this is how they react, and how treyarch wanted to show us, they are stook in a loop.

So this loop needs to be broken. We know from completing the easteregg with the outcome of Al killing the rest of the guys brakes the cycle. Will this cause something to happen on Die Rise? The rift is mended when Al manages to do this. Without the support of Samuel. So now the rift is mended, what do we do now?

A Acheivement in Mob Of The Dead is called 'Trapped in Time'. **Drops Mic, Walks away**

So this 'proves' that Mob Of The Dead is set out side of reality. And that the entire island is set a side of the rest of the normal world, and the cycle keeps on going round, and round.

How will this effect the next map? Has anything changed on the previeous maps when the Easter egg is complete and you brake the cycle? And does Samuel play a role in Mob Of The Dead in anyway? Maybe Samual is the demonic voice that can be heared from time to time, and in Grief. Who knows? We'll have to see.

Thankyou for reading.

TBG x Ryan

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There seemed to be a repeating cycling in Die Rise (and Tranzit for that matter).. In the opening cut scene, Russman dies, they players are sent back in time (to Tranzit), experience Deja Vu, etc.. Come back to Die Rise and experience Deja Vu.. They are trapped in a cycle..

According to the MotD egg, the other three characters lured Al to the roof and killed him.. And then cycle KEEPS REPEATING.. Thus you play MotD and Al's notes are everywhere and he's having Deja Vu.. Seems the cycle would be if Al got killed in the end.. To break the cycle Al should need to kill the players..

Yours sounds backwards to me.

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I think this is a great thread and I agree with what OP says. I don't think you mentioned the fact that the Pack-A-Punch machine and Perks didn't exist at this time (1930s), which explains why they flicker. They don't actually exist in Alcatraz; they are just partially warped there through the rift.

Also you shouldn't say "EXPLAINED" or "proof" if it's just speculative. You could say "my explanation" or something like that, and the "proof" is just evidence. Not to sound like a picky jerk but you don't want someone coming here expecting 100% solid confirmed info and finding a theory. (I think it's right BTW, but still.)

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I was thinking about something, not sure if it was mentioned in this thread, but someone was talking about perks being from the future. Perhaps they are phasing in and out becuase they were actually "teleported" or brought here from the future, as if someone is trying to help the M4. This is speculation, of course, but food for thought.

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I was thinking about something, not sure if it was mentioned in this thread, but someone was talking about perks being from the future. Perhaps they are phasing in and out becuase they were actually "teleported" or brought here from the future, as if someone is trying to help the M4. This is speculation, of course, but food for thought.

Ah, that's actually a great idea! It could relate to the thread I made about the O4's involvement in MotD. Maybe they are sending the MotD crew stuff to help them? If this were true, the only reason they would want to do that is if mending the rift somehow benefits the O4. We know richtofen wants to mend the rift, but why would the O4 want this too? Hmm. My brain hurts. Curse you, MotD!

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I don't believe people are sending help to them through these perks. As I stated this week in Podcast der Toten, I really believe that time is just messed up. The perks are flickering in and out because they don't belong here. They shouldn't be here. They were originally made in the 40s. But because the Time Rift is messed up, things are in places that they shouldn't be.

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Someone didn't send them there. They're there because time is messed up. Your assumption that someone sent the perks is about the same as saying someone sent the guns. No they didn't. They're there because of gameplay purposes. If Electric Cherry was the only perk on the map, people would hate it. So the devs put the old perks in. But if this is the case, something is wrong. Timeline wise, the perks weren't created at this point. So they phase in and out of time because they don't belong.

I think the more interesting thing to look at would be the pictures of the perk machines when they're phased. That could be interesting.

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I haven't done the eater egg yet, but from what I understand... The characters travel to the GG bridge, then they kill themselves, ending up back at the prison not remembering that they have already escaped, so they do it again. Is this correct?

If so, couldn't this be part of the reason of being stuck in time? They keep doing the same thing over and over.. never stopping, but only The Weasel remembers and he has to kill them to end the cycle to "mend the rift", or the hole in time they are stuck in.

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The perks are on Alcatraz because of the rift. We know that this map links in with another, and I think that map is Call Of The Dead. It was the first map to aquire Dead Shot, and both maps have reletively the same experience. 1 Annoying sun of a b*tch, first appearance of deadshot, the name sound very similar and the O4 was there (As we keep hearing the quotes about the O4 on MOTD)

Just throwing this at the wind. The perks have been brought from the future, if someone sent them is unknown, and I wouldn't beleive it. I would go on the lines that they fell through time, through the broken rift.

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The rift is a lapse in control. Richtofen has control of the zombies but the path that lead him there altered too much in the fabric of space and time, creating a rift. This rift causes Richtofen to lose control of the zombies.

MotD is just an example of what happens when the Zombies are left to their own devices. They feel the dark energy surrounding our Mobsters, after all...they're criminals trying to escape and the one "friend" that helps them escape ends up being killed by them. That's pretty cold-hearted and sadistic. Combine the mythology of supernatural phenomena that Alcatraz is known for and you have a mecca for demonic zombies, a funhouse for the twisted.

So, the zombies decide to play a game with our mobsters. They bring with them the perk machines, powerups, and Fluffy because if the mobsters didn't have that it wouldn't be much of a challenge for our zombies now would it? Imagine if you played this map without perks or powerups...How far would you get?

I can further illustrate that this rift is a lapse in control by our first two maps. Clearly Richtofen needs our N4 to do things for him and he's in control of the zombies. So, why do the zombies still try to kill our N4? Because Richtofen doesn't have complete control, because of the Rift. The best that Richtofen can do is give powerups and perks, then direct our N4 to accomplish his goals. Of course, all that effort has stretched Richtofen's control thin. MotD is the result of the Zombies breaking free and choosing their own victims to torment.

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So, the zombies decide to play a game with our mobsters. They bring with them the perk machines, powerups, and Fluffy because if the mobsters didn't have that it wouldn't be much of a challenge for our zombies now would it? Imagine if you played this map without perks or powerups...How far would you get?

I can further illustrate that this rift is a lapse in control by our first two maps. Clearly Richtofen needs our N4 to do things for him and he's in control of the zombies. So, why do the zombies still try to kill our N4? Because Richtofen doesn't have complete control, because of the Rift. The best that Richtofen can do is give powerups and perks, then direct our N4 to accomplish his goals. Of course, all that effort has stretched Richtofen's control thin. MotD is the result of the Zombies breaking free and choosing their own victims to torment.

I totally agree with you, but I don't like the way you personify the zombies. I don't think the zombies "decided" to break free and then consciously choose to target the Mobsters. I think it's more likely that the rift simply caused richtofen to lose control over a bunch of zombies (the zombies present in MotD.) these zombies went out of control after being dragged through the rift. I doubt the zombies "decided" to bring perks with them. They just got pulled in along with them.

Also someone mentioned that the other end of the wormhole / rift is on call of the dead because of deadshot and the O4 quotes. However one of the quotes allegedly heard on MotD is a richtofen quote which is heard upon getting kills with a grenade. This would mean that it would likely be converging with a map that featured richtofen as playable as well as deadshot. So that would mean shangri-la or Moon.

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That makes sense. I just resist trying to account for these intricately intertwined storylines between maps. The plot needs to be airtight for such a massive story to work and be nice and neat. It's the same trepidation I feel when I watch a movie that has time travel. I enjoy it, but I constantly worry that the writers will have their characters wind up in a paradox and then I can't appreciate the story, only the failed attempt. I'm worried for Zombies in this same way.

I would feel much more secure if I could just call seemingly vast differences in the stories isolated events that happen independent of one another. Unfortunately, this is not the case and I must accept that one day Failarch may let me down and plunge our beloved story headlong into a paradox. Of course my fears could all be in vain. I may have underestimated this small game developer. Time will tell, no pun intended.

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Here's another perspective:

What if instead of thinking the perk machines have been sent back from the future in which is causing them to flux but instead been sent to another Plain/Dimension. Now this is gonna sound like a stretch but hear me out.

Take the guns for example, the LSat hasn't even been invented yet... yes I know many people here believe Guns don't hold any significance... but don't you feel it's rather coincidental when you have an Lsat/Deathmachine in contrast with an UZI and a Tommy gun? And yet the LSat doesn't flicker or behave irrationally...

Not to mention the description of the map itself even says "the metaphorical". So a metaphorical prison...could be interpreted as Hell. But not to everyone you might say, yes, but take into consideration the characters we play as; Criminals. It would only seem logical for these mobsters to find prison as their personal hell where they plot and face trials (puzzles)in an attempt to escape, then slowly realising there is no escaping the inevitable...Death. (Also it even shows each of the crew dieing in the beginning cutscene)

It's been an ongoing pattern of religion it seems ever since Shangri-la (paradise) and with the tower of babel in Tranzit (in which there is a portrait of in the wardens office) and now Hell + purgatory.

Oh and another thing to add is the song: "Where are we going". It could be interpreted as someone who is confused about what happens when you die... and when you do die... how would you know? pretty interesting.

So with it being "Hell" That would explain the Gothic style, the hanging bodies, the candles and skulls and even the shrines.

The reason why the perks have been sent there, however, I do not know. But what I do now is that when Samantha was in control she used perks to play a game... Richtofen, on the other hand is using them to help you do his bidding...

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Off Topic:

This is one of the best discussions I've seen on the forum for a while! Keep It Up.

On Topic:

If we are going by the impresion that the zombies are been controlled by no one, which would make a ton of sence in the storyline. But if we are under this impression, going away from the rift, maybe we can put a voice to our "Devil" character.

Maybe the voice is the zombies talking. This is the zombies communicating with us, and they can only do that by the Aither. We know at this point, there is either no one or something zombie/satanic like in the Aither and that it has existing through time, it was Group 935 that was able to minipulate it. But who was in there before this? Maybe no one. And this is how the zombies are communicating with us. Who ever is in the Aither can talk to anyone via communications, speakers and if anyone has consumed 115. So this would make us beleive that the zombies are talking through the Aither.

Hopefully this made sence. It hionestly didnt when I was writing it, but I think I got my point across.

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If it really is hell (which is just as possible as any theory) the rift could have been opened by Lucifer to drag perks and zombies through to him. This gave him the zombies (his instrument if torture) and the perks. The perks give the mobsters just enough to get trapped in the cycle successfully. Similarly to richtofen sending power-ups they are just to give them a fighting chance. false sense of hope.

But that doesn't account for the possible O4 presence in MotD. Maybe Lucifer accidentally dragged a bit more through the rift than he intended?

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It could be.

We see this pack a punch as a well built one. Not like the ones we've seen on Die Rise and TranZit. And we also see it as not been minipulated by group 935. If it was, we would have a different camo. (The red and black one)

But instead, we have a well build machine, and the camo is Lava and rock. This could represent hell.

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If it really is hell (which is just as possible as any theory) the rift could have been opened by Lucifer to drag perks and zombies through to him. This gave him the zombies (his instrument if torture) and the perks. The perks give the mobsters just enough to get trapped in the cycle successfully. Similarly to richtofen sending power-ups they are just to give them a fighting chance.

But that doesn't account for the possible O4 presence in MotD. Maybe Lucifer accidentally dragged a bit more through the rift than he intended?

Or what if everything is happening at once due to this. All of time is ripping appart which would explain why the Jin mao tower is in province 22 and why ancient biblical references are prominent in modern days. As for the original 4's information think of it as the Fibonacci sequence, everything connects and is effected by it's predecessors, the group of 4 individuals where 1 is a traitor and on some level they are all the same. I can't remember the film but it's where there are 3 stories: one in the future, one in the modern day and one in the ancient times in which all of the characters go through the same story in different ways but share the same fate... it's gonna annoy me what film it was... it was pretty new :/.

Just a theory as always :P

Pack-a-Punch never flicks its devils work! Alpha was right! :lol:

Pack A Punch actually does phase too :lol:

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. I can't remember the film but it's where there are 3 stories: one in the future, one in the modern day and one in the ancient times in which all of the characters go through the same story in different ways but share the same fate... it's gonna annoy me what film it was... it was pretty new :/.

Cloud Atlas, maybe?

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