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Ammo refiller machine for mystery box weapons anyone?


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Why not a machine that you put your mystery box guns in. It refills ammo fully. Its perfect for the time when you have all guns out of ammo while max ammo never came. It will be like pay points version of max ammo. Max ammo is a free version. I guess it should be 1500 points to refill regular guns not PaP'd guns. 2500 for PaP'd guns.

It will be very useful for LATER rounds when you run out of ammo on your guns. The game will last longer. Using Mustang & Sally for example that gun has a short reserve ammo.

Yea or Nay?

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This is an idea that has floated about the community a LOT. I'm personally completely against it, it'd take away a lot of strategising around budgetting your ammo.

I think the best possible way to get Max Ammos when you need then has already been done by Treyarch - the hacking device on Moon.

You can get Max Ammos almost on demand with it, but it takes a little care and strategy to do it without putting yourself in danger. Not to mention it costs 5000 points and you'd need to have "earned" a powerup to do it ("earned" being that powerups are based on points made).

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This is an idea that has floated about the community a LOT. I'm personally completely against it, it'd take away a lot of strategising around budgetting your ammo.

I think the best possible way to get Max Ammos when you need then has already been done by Treyarch - the hacking device on Moon.

You can get Max Ammos almost on demand with it, but it takes a little care and strategy to do it without putting yourself in danger. Not to mention it costs 5000 points and you'd need to have "earned" a powerup to do it ("earned" being that powerups are based on points made).

Agreed :)

Regards Yellow-card8

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Saying PaPed ammo off the wall costs 4500, this machine should cost 5000 for PaPed or non-PaPed guns, just as a replacement for the hacker on moon, if they don't bring it back. But the thing is, this would make high rounds much, much easier. I say, if the map doesn't have traps, that this should be on it costing 5000 for 1 gun to have full ammo, just because it is impossible on high rounds without traps or ammo.

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I know exactly what your talking about. What I'm saying is that it creates a challenge when you run out of Thunder Gun ammo on round 85 and you have nothing to kill the zombies with. You have to put it back in the box, and spam the box trying to get it, while running circles trying not to die, having to resort to trapping zombies in order to kill them. With this machine, you would never have to trap and you would have limitless ammo in the later rounds.

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Zombie game is completely endless, I mean there should be a way to refill ammo for mystery box ammo without max ammo. Just the same with on the wall guns like you can buy off more ammo instead max ammo. If you were right across the map, you cant go over there to the spot where you can refill your RPK and Ray Gun. There is Max ammo power up close to you, Same thing with on the wall guns. That you can buy more ammo if there is no max ammo.

I just saying this if another member replys, doesnt understand me and shoots me down again.

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This is an idea that has floated about the community a LOT. I'm personally completely against it, it'd take away a lot of strategising around budgetting your ammo.

I think the best possible way to get Max Ammos when you need then has already been done by Treyarch - the hacking device on Moon.

You can get Max Ammos almost on demand with it, but it takes a little care and strategy to do it without putting yourself in danger. Not to mention it costs 5000 points and you'd need to have "earned" a powerup to do it ("earned" being that powerups are based on points made).

Agreed :)

Regards Yellow-card8

Agreed. :)

Regards mr-mashmello


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It's called the Amm-o-Matic, and Treyarch was originally going to put into Shi No Numa, but it was cut mid-development for unknown reasons. You can hear quotes regarding the machine in Shi No Numa sound files.

It was probably replaced by Double-Tap, as that perk isn't as "thought out" as the others IMO.

After reading some of the above posts, I can see why they cut it. Good move, Treyarch! (but I still hate you for it :evil: )

Hope this helps anything! :mrgreen:

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The only cool solution is a Ammo perk that increases ammo held by factor 1.25 or 1.5.

Anything else like buying ammo is the same as giving everybody infinite ammo. See Moon. When you wanna have this, it should be more expensive. Let's say it costs at least 30k-50k.

Imagine you hold the Wave, RPK + HK. Empty RPK + HK, you'll get about 30k or something, so that's already not expensive enough.

I like ideas like Shangri La though, where you need to take either lots of risk or a very well planned strategy to get your ammos.

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I agree, that if it did exist, perhaps its price should be scaled with the rounds, like somewhere in between 500-2000 points times the round number so if it 1000 and you are on 30 it would cost you 30,000 for it, making it do able, but not in rapid sucession. You would still have to budget your ammo, and it would still give wall weapons a purpose of at least being for point building to purchase the ammo from this expensive machine.

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I believe that instead of a machine that gives you a max ammo, I think there should be something that gives you a Bandolier ability and you can carry more ammunition, like a 50% increase.

Perhaps you could buy it once for 5,000 points and it stays with you throughout the game, and it increases ALL of you're weapons ammo capacities by 50%.

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I believe that instead of a machine that gives you a max ammo, I think there should be something that gives you a Bandolier ability and you can carry more ammunition, like a 50% increase.

Perhaps you could buy it once for 5,000 points and it stays with you throughout the game, and it increases ALL of you're weapons ammo capacities by 50%.

It's a cut perk soda called Candolier.

I think it would have costed less though.

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What about on wall guns, when you buy ammo off it the whole time. That is the SAME thing. how come you dont count that as "infinie ammo"? I am talking about to buy off ammo on mystery box weapons.

The wall weapons cap off in usefulness. Past the 30s they are mostly only good for points BECAUSE of their buyable ammo. If the box guns did that, Especially the Wonder Weapons, then rounds up to 50 or even higher (with infinite damage Wonder Weapons) would be easy. Too easy.

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If there was an M1911 off the wall with upgraded ammo, it really wouldn't be fair, now, would it? And infinite damage box guns is even more outrageous. We aren't trying to hate or troll on you, but we all have bad ideas, just looking back on a lot of old topics I made and things I said, in hindsight, these things I thought of I now think of as stupid ideas. I see where you're going with this, and it's like getting the world record on a map for PC, but pressing f5 every time you run out of ammo to replenish your ammo. It just defeats the purpose of high round runs. Please don't take our opinions and constructive criticism as being mean, we are just trying to critique your ideas. Thanks for understanding.


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I say no, there are many reasons for it that have been discussed by many others before.

This idea has been talked to death, I'm sorry to say that at this point I don't find that an ammo machine is really a good idea to implement into zombies. If running a train with a Wonder weapon like the Thunder Gun, JGB(There is no way I'm googling that monstrosity of a name), Wunderwaffe, and Wave/Zap gun, running a kite would si.ply be way to easy for anyone to do. Especially in high rounds where you can get rid of all of your money.

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