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Everything posted by bagel_

  1. As of now, we have no evidence to support that we would have to travel to all of the continents. In fact, considering that there are seven continents, and 4 or 5 DLC packs, we wouldn't be able to be in all the continents. Also, my understanding of the Die Rise cut scene was simply to show that every time the player dies in Zombies, it's actually part of the storyline, simply because you are "reincarnated." (Get the tie in with Buddhism?) As per the sun in the sky, I'm pretty sure most video games aren't realistic to the extent that the game time changes with real time, especially sense it's not seen in CoD. Next time, please use punctuation. No offense, but I had trouble understanding a lot of your post because of there being no periods. :|
  2. I'm just gonna copy and paste what I put up in zombo's thread over at the Asylum, I don't feel like redoing it all again Zombo pointed out that back at Ascension, after we get Gersch out of the Aether, the dimension where the zombie's are controlled from, we get a quote from Richtofen saying, "Fascinating. A dimensional rift!" So, I got this. .....2)Gersch had no way out of the Aether, for he had no Gersch device nor was his soul in the MPD. So, he contacted the O4 via electrical devices, much like Maxis, then had them activate the nodes by transporting him a generator then allowing him to do what he must to create a device to make a Rift through the dimensions. This would mean he could get out of the Aether and back to the real world, but he would make a patchy sort of thing that allowed things to freely travel back and forth through the dimensions. (follow the second half of the Purple path in the diagram.) If someone took advantage of this Rift, they could get into the Aether, but they would arrive in Gersch's Torment area. (Follow the Green path in the diagram.) From there, with the right equipment, I believe that someone could get into Richtofen's portion of the Aether and attempt to overthrow him. What could become of this: -I think that Maxis knows of this Rift, and plans to use it to overthrow Richtofen from the Aether. Perhaps powering the towers for him opens the path through the Rift, and from there we could take Richtofen down. -I think Richtofen knows what could happen if the Rift remains open, and to seal his power, he wants it closed so the only way to access the Aether is to get through the MPD, which is closed as long as he is in power. .....1)I believe there may be something Richtofen wants to keep in the Aether with him, like some huge Vril-Ya beast. If this beast managed to gain access to our dimension via the Rift, he could destroy the world, thus ending Richtofen's power reign. (He's in that diagram too ) Samantha had warned him of the beast in there way worse than him as well. Perhaps it also may take Richtofen's power, and trap him as Sam had trapped Gersch? EDIT: There's not much cut off on the diagram. It was supposed to say "Something worse?" and have a red line down the side, completing the box. (Added spoilers to save space.)
  3. Maybe it worked because he fell through the small awning... I don't know. That's awesome.
  4. 3arch is still yet to drop a single clue on the drop of the next DLC. Usually, the information manages to get "leaked" about a week before the official announcement. I'd imagine we hear about the next DLC around the end of the month/early April.
  5. From these pictures it looks to me like a glitch with the way the mountain was supposed to be shaded. The video also made it look like a texturing glitch.
  6. The only thing that can make this idea incorrect is that the drops are point-based. I'm not sure, but doesn't the first drop come at around 2000?
  7. One more tweet from him, even more evidence. I see him doing this as a call for someone to say, "We've already been..." Everyone needs to keep in mind that we actually create half the storyline. He could've just said it's only the Himalayas, but then decided to change it based on the community's ideas. Or should I say Tac's ideas.
  8. I still think Richtofen can only talk to the ones who have consumed the Flesh. As it's been stated, the other characters only hear Richtofen during the drops, but disregarding gameplay, there could be some connection to the Aether through them, right? We hear one of his audio quotes say, if we don't pick up a drop, "That gift as just for YOU!" My guess is it was somehow transferred from the Aether to the body of the zombie. Rictofen also says to Samuel, "You appear to be the only one of your friends that can hear me" back at TranZit when the power gets turned on. Now, why would Samuel be special for hearing Richtofen and eating the Flesh not be connected given the possibility? I just don't see why people eating flesh filled with 115 would mean nothing of actual importance in the storyline. I believe there must be a correlation between getting the 115 into your system via the Flesh and hearing Richtofen. Otherwise, everyone would probably just listen to Richtofen instead of thinking it's a hallucination. That's why at Jackass Flats, they all fought each other. They probably were split between listening to Maxis and Richtofen. Before anyone raises a finger to say Maxis wasn't there, we hear him in the same TV transmission as the survivors from Jackass Flats. Pertaining to this: yzlRG3fyG50 (Skip to 1:05.) This is what EJ was talking about in the OP. Though it could be another voice that we haven't seen before giving the literal exact same instructions as Richtofen, I find that unlikely. Plus, we have no proof to show it's a zombie's thoughts, but we do for it being Richtofen. It's more likely to be Richtofen IMO. I don't mean to jump on everybody's backs, but, there is evidence. Why shoot down the idea when we don't have anything to prove it wrong?
  9. I agree with Shooter and MMX, but one extra thing I want to add is that I think is that the reason the others can hear Richtofen as well is related to the drops. That is the only other time they hear him, and possibly because the drops have some link to the Aether.
  10. Was there a carpenter around the time you killed the zombie behind the barrier?
  11. QFT. Hopefully, we haven't already seen it between GLF, The campaign mission in LA when the tower collapses, and Aftermath. Otherwise my money's on Carrier/USS Obama.
  12. It did at the patch before the recent one on Xbox, but with this new patch, to me it has seemed un-nerfed. Am I the only on...?
  13. Well, Maxis is actually in the form of an AI right now, so he really can't do much of whatever he is trying to accomplish on his own. That is why we can only hear him via electrical device, so I wouldn't necessarily call him a demi-god. There has always been conflict between Maxis and Richtofen, considering Richtofen attempted to kill Maxis and Samantha by locking them in a room with Fluffy, the first hellhound, at Der Riese, then stole the omnipotent power Samantha had in the Aether. My guess is Maxis is trying to accomplish something more than kill the zombies and take the power away from Richtofen right now, taking into consideration that he hasn't asked us to launch more missiles. Perhaps he plans on stealing the power, or maybe getting Samantha's soul back into the Aether? We have no way of actually knowing yet. One thing we can infer is that we are being asked to power the towers from the two simply because they cannot accomplish the task on their own. Maxis can only do stuff at Moon and communicate on the Earth through electrical devices, and Richtofen can only control the zombies, presumably with one command; Consume all that opposes. So, they call on our N4 to do the tasks for them. Why not the O4? Who knows. Maybe they're dead, maybe they are already helping Maxis, maybe neither. Also, as per why it happens later after the missiles hit, we actually have no way of knowing how long it's been. Perhaps they were in the shelter we see around Green Run when the missiles hit, and came out directly after. One thing we can know is that our N4 are not the first to be contacted by Richtofen/Maxis. The Green Run TV audio sounds like the people at Jackass Flats were contacted, too. We can actually see the tower that was supposed to be powered in the distance at Nuketown. Maybe it was just the location of the N4, maybe there are other groups like them. Again, we have no way of knowing yet. All of these questions are only answered by theory and ideas. Good questions though, friend! :)
  14. You're actually right about there not being a direct thread on here about the Sliquifier and its chain kills. But, this has been somewhat discussed. One place this was mainly discussed is found here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=148&t=29630 It's over in the Great Leap Forward Strategy section. Though it's not a direct thread about the chain kills, it's been more of an unsaid thing that you can take down trains with it. But, this is nonetheless a helpful tip! I actually see the gun as the best too. The only thing I found as fun to use was the Wunderwaffe, simply because of the ZAP and the actual chain reaction kill. Zeus Cannon = meh. not as fun IMO. (from a non-strategy point of view.)
  15. If you watched the video/payed attention to it, you would have noticed he said in the TranZit code they had they keyword "high_rise", and now in Die Rise's code they have a key word "buried". The former came out to be true, why wouldn't the latter? Also, thanks for the comment & feedback! Sorry friend, my bad. I'm actually subbed to Chucky and have seen the video. I just assumed that the caption you put for it was only a summary. At about 0:35 on the video I thought he was saying that the "high_rise" code was on Die Rise, not TranZit. I'll have to try and find the other vid. :)
  16. Wow. That's crazy. I don't even know what to think of that. Really amazing find.
  17. Actually, in Turned, the zombies eye color is based off of the font color of the scores on the side. I could swear I've seen green eyes, too, as well as white.
  18. You're better off posting this here: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=13
  19. I disagree with this for a simple reason. The towers appear to be a major part of the new zombies storyline. They must do something huge, perhaps "mend the rift" for Richtofen, or open the entrance for Maxis. The rift was actually created back at Ascension by the Cassimeir (I think that's how you spell it) Mechanism. Richtofen says when you free Gersch from the Aether, "Fascinating. A Dimensional Rift!" It appears as though us freeing him created an opening between our dimension to the Aether. Considering Richtofen's main goal appears to be to mend this rift and secure his power, I just assume that's what the towers' purpose would be. Perhaps when we do our last tower, we can access something more on the final map, and see a cutscene or some epic ending. I'd love to see the fog disappear, but I'm positive it's there for rendering reasons. It's the same when you look up one of the elevator shafts in GLF. You can see a white fog that moves upwards as the elevator does. However, opening the map some more would be awesome!
  20. It does make a lot of sense. The only thing I disagree with on it is "Buried" being in the files. Couldn't that be Turned? I know if you look on ELITE they call Turned "Cleansed" for some reason. Plus, I don't know about them already having the gamemode on there again. Couldn't we have seen highrise before because there was an update that installed the Die Rise leaderboards? Besides that, very great job for one of your initial posts! :D
  21. Yep. My money's on glitch.
  22. I'm almost positive it's actually the name of the "playlist" that connects you to other players. It's like in multiplayer, where you can choose Core-Team Deathmatch or Core-Search and Destroy. It shows the amount of players next to it, like in multiplayer, and if you open it on Solo, it's not there.
  23. It's a rare thing to see. Like and Easter Egg. 8-)
  24. Hmm, I don't know for sure, but perhaps the zombies had taken a bit of damage from the turbine coming apart? I do know if you shoot a zombie's limb off, they continue to walk for a while and then collapse, and sense you were on such a low round, it gave enough damage to have the same effect? Either that or some type of glitch.
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