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Everything posted by swappingspit

  1. I think the question is if you would support it if it was released. I don't think anyone is saying, "Yes, I'd like them to take time away from developing a new game to do this, and who cares if the new game will suffer as a result."
  2. Double Tap 2.0 fires two rounds for every one you shoot, so it effectively doubles the amount of ammo you have, and reduces cost. Your argument stands for the original version though. I feel as long as your aim is good, it's not a problem. I usually have one wall weapon, and if it's not pack-a-punched, the cost of buying ammo is more than made up for in the points it's getting you. PAP, then yeah, you're not recouping.
  3. Welcome, bud. Please never use the word "tuppence" again.
  4. The Xbox One has built-in global challenges for games too. I think that would work well for zombies.
  5. There's no way you could say no to this, right? Even if they just ported it over, with no additions and no improvements, I'd still buy it for the integrated Twitch streaming alone. I think the convenience of having every map in one place on the same leaderboards would be great too.
  6. We're playing Call of the Dead, and holding a zombie. I'm sitting in my chair, looking at my phone. They kill the last crawler, so I go to grab my controller from my lap to start playing, except it's not there. I search frantically for it, but no luck, I'm down. Finally, I see it across the room from me. Problem is, I never got out of my chair. It was behind me too, not look I tossed it over there for some reason. I have no explanation for this.
  7. No, it does appear if there's only one robot, but the one time I did it Maxis came over the intercom and said something about being out of range, which I took to mean I needed to wait till all three passed. I've only done that once though, so I could be wrong.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are saying that you should try and time it so that you get the button inside the robot with only one robot passing through, I don't believe it's possible. I did this once, and Maxis says something to the effect of "out of range."
  9. I do enjoy the way you disagreed with him, and then gave the exact same timeline.
  10. I'm not overly concerned with high rounds, but I'm still kind of frustrated. I know I'm never gonna get 70-whatever on Die Rise again. Other than that, all my high scores were pretty achievable. I'm not looking forward to sitting in the Jug hallway on Buried for 20 hours though. EDIT: Also, everything DBZ said. It's baffling how this would even happen in the first place, or why they wouldn't make some effort to respond.
  11. The support account replied to someone else and said they don't think there is anything they can do about the zombie leaderboards.
  12. As of yesterday, they were still there. When I came on this morning, they were all gone. I was hoping it just wasn't displaying mine for some reason, but after one game, it displayed that as my high score for that map. All the recent games on my player channel are gone as well. Has this happened to anyone else?
  13. Before the first siren, I'd estimate I get over 2000 once in 80-100 tries. I get over 1600 probably one in 20-30 tries. This game has been driving me insane the last few days. I need to record and have someone see if they can pick out what I'm doing wrong.
  14. One area I haven't seen mentioned that I like to use is the space between Stamina-Up and Pack-a-Punch in front of the bar. You can run a pretty easy circle around the lava pit.
  15. This is what I think of everytime I hear the name Dan. Welcome.
  16. The music on Buried is especially great. I spent most of the time with the music turned way down in order to hear the voices for easter egg purposes, and in the last few months I've heard a bunch of new music I hadn't before.
  17. Haha yeah, I've been making a run for the top spot.
  18. I've been reading for a long time, but I don't talk much in life and so I don't post much either. I live at the beach though, so there's not much going on in the winter and I've been killing a lot more time here lately, trying to post more. Anyway, hello.
  19. The DSR with iron sights is great. If I have that I'll put it in the fridge to avoid having to Pack-a-Punch multiple times. I once watched my brother PAP the DSR over 20 times in a row before it gave him iron sights. Seems statistically impossible.
  20. I've always noticed a variation in elevator times. I've lost my fair share of guns to the Pack-a-Punch when I should have had enough time.
  21. Very good stuff. In regards to the hanging thing, we found out from a blueprint in Origins that it is actually a 115 extraction drill, as noted here: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/152716-the-ultimate-nuketown-zombies-loading-screen-analysis/?p=1476829
  22. This morning there was actual notes in that post. It seems to be replaced with "Temp" now. Everything Zombie related was on Origins. Just lots of glitches being patched, many with the tank, a few with the staves.
  23. "The process has begun! Now I control the Aether's Energy! I can at last reach Agartha!" "Regretfully I must inform you, that neither the Earth, nor its people will survive" "Once the gateway is open, I will finally be reunited with my dearest Samantha" What I get from that is he's going to Agartha, not bringing Samantha out. It's really just semantics though, it could go either way. One thing that stands out to me is the way almost all the characters, in all the maps, have dialogue referencing deja vu, recognizing a place or action, and a general feeling of repetitiveness. In Mob of the Dead, the characters seem to realize that something is going on: etc. In Origins though, each character seems confused and intrigued about their surroundings: the guns on the wall, the box, the drops, everything is new to them. If they were in the same loop, you'd think they'd recognize their surroundings. I think this is their first time there. I know it's hard to reconcile that with the side quest, but I also think the ending cutscene was meant to be taken literally, and that this map specifically was a story being told by a child based on things she had heard from her father.
  24. I really liked the post-apocalyptic world they set up for us. When you first spawn in on Tranzit, its almost as if the camera followed the rockets leaving Moon, and put you right in the middle of the aftermath. The audio transmissions we got from the TV's in Tranzit and Die Rise were pretty interesting, especially the idea of a zombie-eating cult. Unfortunately, that was about all we got. Just a handful of good ideas that didn't really get fleshed (no pun intended) out.
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